Tang Yinken and others rushed into battle together, no doubt saying that this war can only win, not lose, but also showed his confidence in winning. When the soldiers on the raft heard the speech, their morale immediately improved. Even the commander-in-chief was willing to fight side by side with himself. What else to be afraid of? Everyone shouted, "Sir, we are not afraid!"

"Good!" Tang Yin was elated and shouted: "today, everyone killed Panshui with me, wiped out the enemy on the other side, and avenged the brothers who died three days ago!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill --"

The morale of the soldiers has been raised by Tang Yin. Whether on the raft or the wind army on the shore, they all shouted like thunder and rushed into the sky.

Seeing this, Xiao MuQing, Ziying and others will secretly grin. Water war is not a land war. Tang Yin goes to war himself. In case of danger, there is no place to hide on the river. The shadow drift he is most proud of can't play its role at all. Ziying said anxiously, "my Lord, there are many water war crises. It's better not to take risks with yourself!"

"Crisis ridden?" Tang Yin smiled and asked, "what is crisis? Crisis is the coexistence of danger and opportunity! What's more, I've said it. Do you want me to break my promise in public?" As he spoke, he looked around at the generals gathered around him and said, "no one should persuade me again, otherwise he will be punished for disturbing the morale of the army!"

Hearing this, Xiao MuQing, who wanted to persuade, immediately closed his mouth, and the other generals dared not say another word. Ziying sighed and asked Xiao MuQing in a low voice, "General Xiao, can there be large siege equipment in the plain army?"

Xiao MuQing nodded and asked suspiciously, "general Ziying asked what to do?"

"Alas! General Xiao, hurry up and have the broken city crossbow and catapult transported to the shore!" Zi Ying sighed.

"But..." Xiao MuQing understood what he meant, but looked at the opposite side, looked at the distance, took a breath, shook his head and said, "I think the pan water is less than a hundred feet wide. Even if the broken city crossbow and stone throwing machine can hit the opposite bank, the power will be greatly reduced, and the enemy are hidden in the forest. I'm afraid it's difficult to work!"

"I can't manage so much now. It's good if I can only disturb the enemy."

Xiao MuQing smiled bitterly and muttered in his heart: it seems that it can only be so! He called the herald to return to the camp immediately and carry all the broken city crossbows and stone throwing machines in the camp.

Tang Yin boarded the raft, but he didn't immediately order the attack. Instead, he was waiting for Guan yuan to let him cross the river secretly with Zhan Hu.

In addition, Shangguan yuanrang and Zhan Hu led two thousand wind troops, led by Lotte and Aijia, to the shoal at the foot of Lishan Mountain in the east of the city.

The two thousand soldiers had no armor on their bodies and no helmet on their heads. They went to the battle with light clothes, only wearing knives and holding long wooden boards distributed by Tang Yin under their ribs. After arriving at the shoal, the soldiers took off their military uniforms, shirtless and shorts, squatted on the bank and quietly watched the movement on the other side.

AI Jia squatted beside Shangguan yuanrang, pointed to the other side and whispered, "through the observation over the past few days, the patrol soldiers on the other side will pass by a team every other hour." As she spoke, she looked up at the sun and said, "count the time, the enemy patrol should be coming soon. Yuan asked the general to order the soldiers to hide and hide their signs."

"Yes!" Shangguanyuan asked him to nod, point his fingers at the entrance, blow a sharp whistle, attract the attention of the corporal, and then swing his hand back to make a hidden gesture. With his order, two thousand wind troops began to retreat together and hide all in the dense forest on the shore.

Shangguan yuanrang, Zhan Hu, Lotte and Aijia also hid behind a boulder, only sticking out their heads to observe the movement on the other side.

At this time, shangguanyuanrang was excited and anxious. He looked at the direction of the sun from time to time while waiting. He felt that half an hour later, the opposite bank was still calm, and he didn't even see the shadow of Peng army. Shangguanyuanrang asked impatiently, "Aijia, didn't you say that the enemy patrol is coming? Why hasn't he appeared yet?"

Aijia frowned. She also felt strange. According to the calculation of time, the patrol of Peng army should have arrived long ago. Why didn't she see the figure for a long time? Unable to answer Shangguan yuanrang, she turned to Lotte with doubts. Lotte blinked, turned his mind, smiled at shangguanyuan and said, "now the adult has concentrated all his troops and put forward the posture of the whole army to make a frontal attack. It must have successfully attracted the attention of the enemy, so the patrol didn't come over."

Shangguanyuan patted his thigh and said, "what are we waiting for here?! now hurry to cross the river!" As he spoke, he was about to bypass the boulder and go out.

At this time, Zhan Hu and Lotte stretched out their hands at the same time, held shangguanyuan and said in one voice: "no!"

Shangguan yuan asked to look at them in confusion.

Zhan Hu said, "the commander of the enemy on the other side is probably Zhan Wushuang. Your Excellency has said more than once that Zhan Wushuang is very good at using troops. Even if he is attracted by the attack array put forward by your excellency, he may also be wary of our army's illegal immigration. Let's wait!"

Lotte nodded while listening. He couldn't help looking at Zhan Hu more. This is the first time he has cooperated with Zhan Hu, and his understanding of him has been further deepened. Although Zhan Hu looks like a savage with developed limbs and simple mind, his mind is extremely delicate, meticulous and cautious. It's really rare!

Shangguan yuanrang didn't think so. He sneered and said, "wait? When shall we wait here? What is Zhan Wushuang? You're afraid of him, I'm not afraid. Wait. Wait here yourself. I'll lead my brothers across the river first!" As he spoke, he was going to go out again. Just then, Aijia hissed and whispered, "the enemy patrol is coming!"

Smelling the speech, shangguanyuan let the feet that had stepped out immediately shrink back, put out half of his head, narrowed his eyes, exercised his eyesight and looked at the other side.

Sure enough, I saw a line of Peng soldiers in red armor slowly walking out of the woods on the other side. There were not many people. Everyone carried a spear and walked slowly forward on the shore. They looked around from time to time. After finding nothing, they slowly returned to the forest.

There's a patrol coming! Shangguan yuanrang's eyes stared at the patrol on the other side until his figure completely disappeared in the forest sea. The other side shrugged back, shrugged, hissed and said, "Zhan Wushuang's courage is really small. Even facing the full attack of our army, we still have to send someone to patrol the shore..."

That's not cowardice! That's called caution and thoughtful! Zhan Hu, Lotte and Aijia replied in their hearts, but they also had a tacit understanding. They didn't argue with Shangguan yuanrang. They waited another quarter of an hour to confirm that the patrol soldiers of Peng army had gone far. Lotte said to Shangguan yuanrang positively: "general yuanrang, you can cross the river now. You should be fast. No matter what happens, you can't stay in the river!"

"I see!" Shangguan yuan answered, turned back and waved his hand to the dense forest behind him, then walked to the shore with big steps, put down the board and covered himself with a spirit armor.

Two thousand wind troops came out of the woods one after another and made their own preparations.

Lotte and Aijia are familiar with the road. They pull out the rope buried under the chaotic grass and gravel and submit it to Shangguan yuanrang and Zhan Hu. At the same time, they told them: "the two generals should be more careful. The key to the victory or defeat of our army in this war depends on them!"

"Ha ha!" Shangguanyuan made him laugh, swung his three pointed two edged sword and said, "it's just that Zhan Wushuang is not on the other side. If he is, you two will wait for me to take off his dog's head!" With that, he was the first to go into the water, lying on the board, grasping the rope in one hand and rowing with a spirit knife in the other.

Shangguan yuan asked him to take the lead in crossing the river. Zhan Hu didn't immediately follow him into the water, but helped his soldiers on the shore. He first let Sergeant Feng lie on the board, and then pushed hard to give the board a boost to make it easier to slide forward. Two thousand soldiers were basically pushed into deep water by Zhan Hu alone from the shallow water on the shore. Only he could have such strength and endurance. After all the soldiers were in the water, Zhan Hu said hello to Lotte and Aijia and followed them into the water at last.

Two thousand people, shangguanyuanrang and zhanhu, all lay on the special wooden board and slowly swam to the other side with the rope. Two thousand people were arranged on both sides of the rope and looked from a distance, forming a long string of dense pressure, which was also very spectacular.

There are wooden boards that can resist their own sinking force and ropes that can prevent them from being washed away by the river, but even so, it should be extremely difficult to grasp the rope to cross the river, especially in the middle of the river, where the water flow is the most urgent. As long as you are not careful, you will be swept away by the river if you slip your hand holding the rope a little.

These two thousand soldiers all know some water surnames and are strong and elite. However, when they swim to the middle of the river, people are still washed away from the rope by the river from time to time. In the blink of an eye, they can't see people on the river. If the people on both sides don't rescue, it's better. Once they want to reach out for rescue, they will be washed away immediately.

Listen to the screams behind him from time to time. Shangguanyuan didn't look back. He just clenched his teeth and rowed the river desperately to maximize the speed of forward swimming. As the leader in the front, all he can do now is to cross the river at his fastest speed. With less delay, the soldiers in the rear will be less dangerous.

Finally, the War Tiger crossing the river was much more painful than shangguanyuan. He watched his soldiers get involved in the bottom of the river one by one, and he didn't even have the power to rescue. He just stared at the soldiers struggling and calling for help in the river, and finally disappeared.

This short distance of more than 100 feet can be said to be the most difficult road for Shangguan yuanrang and zhanhu in their lives.

Shangguanyuan asked the first one to reach the other side of the river. When he got to the river bank, he didn't even have a rest. He turned back and grabbed the soldier's arm behind him, pulled it back, threw it directly to the shore, and then grabbed the second and third

As he pulled the soldiers ashore one by one, he silently counted them in his heart. When the last war tiger landed, Shangguan yuanrang just counted to 1780. Two thousand brothers crossed Panshui and lost 220 people.

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