Shangguan yuanrang and zhanhu led two thousand wind troops across the river. Although they still lost more than 200 soldiers, it is fortunate that the main personnel are still there.

After resting in the woods on the Bank of the river for a moment, shangguanyuan let waved to the people, then pointed to the East with the tip of the knife and silently gave the order of attack. Seeing this, the soldiers stood up one after another, untied the belt tied to their hair, and wrapped the knife handle tightly around their hands. People have made a posture of fighting to the death. As long as people do not fall, they will fight with the enemy to the bottom.

Now Zhan Hu doesn't use his big hammer. After all, the hammer is heavy, which is not conducive to crossing the river. He changed a large machete. Although it's not as handy as the hammer, his strength and cultivation can't be underestimated in the chaos.

Shangguan yuanrang and zhanhu led more than 1000 wind troops to sneak in the dense forest. They walked very fast, but they made little noise. No one spoke, but they made a rustling sound from time to time.

The closer they got to the forest on the other side of Lishan City, the tighter their hearts became. They all knew that they could come into contact with the enemy and have a fierce battle at any time. If you are not nervous but excited, there is only one person with bright eyes, that is Shangguan yuanrang.

He was wearing a white spirit armor and carrying a three pointed and two edged sword. He walked at the front of the team without deliberately hiding his signs. He strode forward as if there were no one else.

As he was walking, suddenly there was a continuous cry in front of him: "stop! Who? " Shit, there's an enemy outpost! Zhan Hu's heart tightened, subconsciously stopped his body, and more than 1000 wind troops behind also stopped one after another and looked forward. But where you can see, there are dense woods with luxuriant branches and leaves. Where can you see half a person's shadow.

Shangguanyuan let the pace not stop, and even the speed did not slow down. As he continued to move forward, his face was not red and breathless, and he replied in a deep voice: "my people!" What he said was reasonable and strong. He was stunned by the secret whistle in front of him. Shangguanyuan asked him to go out for a few meters. Suddenly, there was a crash above his head. Then, five Peng soldiers in red armor jumped down from the tree. First, he looked at shangguanyuan, and then quietly. Zhan Hu and others behind him really didn't recognize that they were enemies.

Shangguanyuan asked a group of people to appear on the north bank without flags and wearing the uniform and armor of the wind army. They were naked and wearing only shorts. The spies of Peng army couldn't tell whether they were enemies or friends for a moment.

"Excuse me, the general is..." seeing Guan yuanrang covered with a spirit armor, it must be the leader of these people. Several Peng soldiers were polite and bowed their hands.

Taking advantage of the other party's questions, Shangguan yuanrang came close to the five people and said with a smile, "I'm Shangguan yuanrang!" "Ah! It's Shangguan..." several spies wanted to say a few words, but halfway through the words, they suddenly realized that something was wrong. Isn't Shangguan yuanrang the first general of Tianyuan army? So these people are the wind army? Just when several secret sentinels realized that it was bad, shangguanyuan let the spirit knife in his hand have swept out.


The five secret sentries didn't even see clearly, let alone evade. With three continuous muffled sounds, shangguanyuan asked the three secret sentries standing in front of him to be cut off by the waist. Without saying a word, they were killed on the spot. The other two secret sentries suddenly changed their faces and were about to scream. Shangguanyuan asked both arms to come out together and stabbed a knife through the chest of a secret sentry, The fist of the other hand also hit the front door of a secret sentry. Shangguan yuanrang's accomplishments are profound, his armor is hard, and his fist is no less than any sharp weapon. With a slap, the head of the secret sentry was smashed by his fist, and blood and brain burst all over the ground.

Shangguanyuan asked to kill five people in a row. It was just a matter of blinking an eye. Then he swung his knife upward without delay and shouted, "get down, too!" The spirit knife was waved, and the spirit wave was blasted. With the crisp click, a tree branch above his head broke, and a Peng army secret whistle hidden above screamed and fell down. Before he fell to the ground, shangguanyuan asked the spirit knife to jump from bottom to top. Before the body of the fallen secret whistle fell to the ground, half of his head was cut off by the blade. Plop. After the body fell to the ground, people looked closely and saw that there was a wooden whistle in the mouth of Pengjun's Secret whistle with only half of his head. It could be seen that he wanted to whistle for warning, But shangguanyuan made his knife so fast that he didn't even give him time to breathe.

Shangguan yuanrang is really amazing! Zhan Hu nodded secretly and admired shangguanyuan's Lingwu. The soldiers below were more energetic and the master general was powerful. Naturally, the morale of the whole army would rise. At this time, people felt that even if the number of the enemy was large, there was nothing to fear as long as they followed shangguanyuan's instructions.

Shangguanyuan asked him to scan the corpses on the ground, hum and smile, and only spit out two words: "rats!" With that, he waved the knife in his hand to the people behind him and continued to walk forward.

The Peng army is so heavily guarded that it can't even get close to the spies of the sky eye and the underground network. Of course, there are more than one open sentry and secret sentry installed. Shangguanyuan asked them to go forward not far, and met the patrol soldiers of the Peng army. Shangguanyuan asked them not to even install this time, so they stepped forward quickly and split with a knife.

Of course, the ten soldiers of Peng army were not his opponents and fell under his knife one after another. However, the battle on their side aroused the vigilance of the secret whistle not far away. First, a sharp whistle sounded, followed by the second and third... After a short time, the whistle of the alarm in the forest had sounded all over the forest.

Shangguanyuan let him laugh without surprise. Since his appearance had been exposed, he was even more unscrupulous and had no worries. He rushed straight to the forest on the other side of Lishan City, where Peng Jun's main camp was also located.

As soon as he approached the edge of the main camp, he heard shouts of killing in the woods in front of him. Then, at least a thousand Peng soldiers rushed out of the dense forest. These people either held spears or raised bows. After seeing Shangguan yuanrang, the archers in the crowd twisted their bows and arrows one after another. Without saying a word, they raised their hands and shot.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!

The arrows broke the wind and went up together to let Guan Yuan fly away.

At such a close distance, no matter how powerful shangguanyuan rang's Lingwu was, it was impossible for him to dodge so many arrows. He relied on his deep cultivation and tenacious spirit armor, and was not so afraid of the enemy's arrows. With a tinkling and crisp sound, shangguanyuan let the concentrated arrows retreat by five strides, but before the other party fired the second round, he roared, Wield a knife to kill the past. Before people arrive, the knife comes first. Before the knife arrives, the spirit wave has roared out. Shangguanyuan let go and release Lingluan? Pole. There is no wind in the forest, but with the spirit chaos? With the release of the pole, there was a hurricane in the forest, flying sand and stones, and how high the weeds and leaves on the ground were rolled up.

Because the distance between the two sides is not in spiritual chaos? Most people are shocked by seven scratches on the ground. Why is shangguanyuan so far away? Extremely, hurting the enemy is not the purpose. It is to disturb the enemy's line of sight so that the archers in the enemy can't shoot the second round of arrow array immediately.

Sure enough, in Lingluan? Under the hurricane caused by the pole, more than a thousand Pengjun in front of them covered their faces with their hands and retreated involuntarily, waiting for spiritual chaos? After sweeping the pole, people opened their eyes and looked at Shangguan yuanrang opposite. The latter had rushed close to them. The front Peng Jun screamed out in fear and instinctively stabbed the spear out of his hand.

There was no threat from the arrow array in the melee battle. Shangguan yuan asked where to pay attention to these ordinary Peng soldiers. With a horizontal sweep of the three pointed and two edged knife from left to right, you could hear the crisp sound of clicking and clicking. Then you could see more than a dozen spears stabbing him. All of them were broken in the middle and the spear head fell to the ground.

"Kill..." Shangguanyuan asked Duan to drink, waved the spirit knife, and the spirit was disorderly? The wind is released. This time? The wind did too much damage to the Peng army. In such a dense station, and at such a close distance, a large group of Peng Army soldiers fell down in an instant. The spirit blades rotating in the air and flying around were like a sickle of the God of death, which twisted and tore up all the creatures in the place.

In the scuffle, especially in the scuffle when the enemy is numerous and we are few, shangguanyuanrang will not save aura, and the advanced skills of large-scale attack are continuously released. Under his almost crazy attack, hundreds of people were killed and injured in an instant, and the rest were scared and defeated one after another.

The war tiger who followed him saw clearly and praised him. He waved his machete and shouted to the soldiers around him, "brothers, follow yuan and let the general kill!" "Kill?" WOW??

More than a thousand soldiers of the Feng army were inspired by the brave and invincible shangguanyuan, and their morale rose to the top. At this time, people had completely abandoned their concerns about life and death, and only the idea of killing the enemy was left in their mind. More than a thousand people, like more than a thousand tigers descending the mountain, shouted to rush forward.

Shangguanyuan asked a crowd to chase and kill the defeated Peng army into the enemy's main camp. At this time, the whole forest was like frying a pot. People shouted and horses screamed continuously. The Peng army in front was running, but countless Peng troops rushed out from all directions and fought with shangguanyuan to make a crowd to one place.

The huge woodland was filled with the sound of life and death between the two sides.

The other side.

Tang Yin and more than ten thousand wind troops on the raft were already ready to charge. At this time, when he heard the sudden chaos on the other side and the cries of killing one after another, Tang Yin immediately had a premonition that it was yuan rang and Zhan Hu who led two thousand brothers to kill. Sure enough, after a short time, the pigeon message from Lotte and Aijia arrived, indicating that Shangguan yuanrang and zhanhu have led their people to cross the river successfully and are now fighting with the main force of the enemy.

After watching, Tang Yin looked happy, took a deep breath, waved his arm forward, and shouted, "beat the drum, March!"

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