Tang Yin obeyed Xiao MuQing's strategy, stood still and waited for the arrival of reinforcements. As long as the Sanshui army and Chifeng army arrived, their total strength could be close to 500000. It would be easy to win when they attacked Zhangyu city.

Xiao MuQing calculated very well, but things were changeable. An unexpected thing completely disrupted Tang Yin's deployment.

According to the reports of Tianyan and geonet, Mozambique's 200000 troops have begun to gather at the border between the two countries, and may send troops to attack the hegemonic pass at any time.

BAGUAN is the South Gate of the wind kingdom. Its important surname is the same as that of Tongmen. In any case, BAGUAN can't lose anything. Now the defenders of BAGUAN only have more than 30000 people. How can they resist the 200000 Mozambican army? When Tang Yin was forced to be helpless, he had to ask Lotte to send an order to the Sanshui army to stop all the Sanshui army under the command of Liang Qi, And immediately withdraw from Gaochuan county and go south to quickly reinforce BAGUAN. In addition, send an order to Peng haochu, the commander of Chifeng army, to temporarily stationed near Lishan city. If BAGUAN really goes to war, you can turn around for assistance at the first time.

He passed on two military orders in a row. Although he could temporarily alleviate the crisis of Ba Guan, the reinforcements he hoped for also disappeared. At this time, he could only attack Zhangyu alone with more than 100000 troops at present.

Tang Yin is of course very depressed about such a situation. At the beginning, he sneaked into Mozambique at such a great risk to prevent Mozambique's parliament from moving troops against Fengguo at a critical moment. As a result, Mozambique seems to have a real intention to send troops to war. Didn't all his efforts and heavy money invested at the beginning be wasted?

After thinking about it, Tang Yin asked Lotte to send a letter to Tianyan spy lurking in Zhenjiang, the capital of Mozambique, in the form of flying pigeons. He asked him to visit Shaofang and ask him why he didn't stop the court of Mozambique from using troops against the wind.

Now, the court of Mozambique is also debating whether to use troops in response to the wind.

The rescue letter sent by Zhan Wushuang has been sent to Yan Chu, the monarch of the state of Ning. Zhan Wushuang and Zhan Wudi are both the generals of the state of Ning and the right-hand man of Yan Chu. Of course, the latter will not die without saving. Yan Chu, according to Zhan Wushuang's meaning, ordered the officials of the state of Ning stationed in the state of Mo to visit the monarch of the state of Mo immediately and asked shaoting to send troops to attack the overlord pass and assist Zhan Wushuang Zhan Wudi's two brothers got out of trouble, and Yan Chu made a heavy promise. As long as Mo is willing to rescue Zhan's brothers, Ning is willing to donate 10000 liang of money and let five cities. This condition is generous enough. From this, we can see that Yan Chu has paid a lot of money to protect the incomparable war and the invincible war.

After Shao Ting read Yan Chu's handwritten letter forwarded by the historian of the state of Ning, he was also very moved. He didn't care about ten thousand liang of gold. It was nothing in terms of the national strength of the state of Mo, but the condition that the state of Ning would give up five cities was too tempting. The border between the two countries was a plain area, with wide land, dense people, rich grain production and developed commerce. The state of Ning ceded five cities, It is tantamount to expanding the territory of Mozambique for tens of miles, adding tens of miles of fertile land out of thin air, and Mozambique's national strength will also be greatly improved.

Shao Ting was moved by Yan Chu's proposal and almost didn't think about it. He agreed to it and patted his chest to ensure that Mo would send troops to dominate the pass. He could even invade the territory of Feng state and help Zhan brothers break out of the siege of Feng army.

Seeing Shao Ting's promise, the historian of Ningguo repeatedly thanked him and left with satisfaction. The next day in the early Dynasty, Shao Ting explained the matter in the king's court, and the ministers in the court were surprised when they heard the speech.

After people came back to their senses, they all shook their heads secretly. No matter whether shaoting's decision was right or wrong, they directly accepted Ningguo's request without even discussing with the ministers on such a big matter. It was really rash.

However, Zhang Rong, the Taifu, was very happy. He had always been close to the state of Ning. When shaoting finished, Zhang Rong was the first to stand up, bow to shaoting and fall to the ground. He repeatedly said: "King Yingming, accept the request of the state of Ning, not only let me not add five cities, but also send troops to the wind country. He can also seize the opportunity to seize the tyrant pass. If there is a tyrant pass in hand, I will not face the wind country again in the future, You can be invincible, and the king can rest assured! " "Your Majesty is wise!" Seeing that Zhang Rong had stood up and expressed his position, ministers close to Zhang Rong also stepped out one after another, bowed their hands and even called Shao tingyingming.

Seeing this, shaoting couldn't help laughing on his back.

He had just laughed twice when he heard someone among the ministers sobbing. Shao ting and all his ministers were stunned. I don't know who had such short eyes and cried at this time. People were looking for prestige one after another. They saw that it was none other than right Prime Minister Dong Sheng who was crying.

If it were someone else, Shao Ting would have been angry at this time. Even if he didn't punish him, he had to be expelled from the hall. The person who could cry was Dong Sheng. The anger in shaoting's heart disappeared and was replaced by incomprehension. He poked his head and asked, "Dong Aiqing, what are you... What are you crying for?" It's better for him not to speak. Dong Sheng took the first two steps and sat down on the platform in front of the throne. He cried louder, and what he cried was beating his feet and hammering his chest, so he was not sad. Zhang Rong watched, his teeth itching. What's Dong Sheng pretending to be crazy and selling?

He took a deep breath and said to shaoting, "Your Majesty, Dong Sheng is rude. He openly makes trouble in the court discussion. He should be punished!" Shaoting trusted and relied on Dong Sheng very much. He sighed, stood up, walked to Dong Sheng, pulled him up and asked, "what's the matter with Dong Aiqing crying about?" At this time, Dong Sheng wiped his eyes and said, "I'm crying for the king and for my country!" "How do you say that?" "Your Majesty, the ambition of the wolves in Ningguo is well known all over the world. Today it gives us five cities, and tomorrow it will take 50 cities from us. If your majesty accepts the request of Ningguo and helps Ningguo today, it will be us who will suffer tomorrow. Your majesty is holy and clear. You must check, prevent and worry!" "This..." after hearing Dong Sheng's words, Shao Ting's originally excited mood immediately fell to the bottom of the valley, and his face also showed a dignified color.

"Hum!" At this time, Zhang Rong snorted coldly and said, "don't listen to Dong Sheng's nonsense and alarmist talk, king. Ningguo and I are separated by a strip of water. We have always been good brothers. How can we be enemies with me..." before his voice fell, Dong Sheng interrupted loudly: "my businessmen have traveled all over the world, and only in Ningguo have been expelled; Go down to the mall. I'm the place where kings of several generations peep. Every time I want to send troops to annex it, I end up because of the obstruction of the state of Ning. What kind of brotherly state is the state of Ning? Lord Zhang won't be blinded by the money of the state of Ning? " Xiashang city is not within the nine princes. It is a city-state of reading power. Its owner is the count personally granted by the emperor of Haotian empire. In terms of identity, it is one level lower than the kings of the nine princes. Its territory is also very small. It only owns one city. The location of Xiashang mall is very interesting. It is located between the three countries of Feng, Ning and Mo. it is reasonable that this small city-state will not survive long under the encirclement of the three powerful countries. However, Xiashang mall has existed for hundreds of years. It is not that Xiashang mall has many soldiers and no one dares to invade, but because the bad environment has created Xiashang's tradition of being good at diplomacy.

The place where Xiashang city borders Fengguo is the barren land of Fengguo, which has little to do with Fengguo. It mainly revolves between Ningguo and Mozambique. When Ningguo wants to send troops to it, it draws close to Mozambique, and when Mozambique wants to send troops to it, it takes the initiative to take refuge in Ningguo, wavering and uncertain. Its historian is also able to talk and resolve the crisis again and again for Xiashang city, As a result, Xiashang mall has miraculously survived for hundreds of years when it is weak and surrounded by powerful countries.

At this time, Dong Sheng proposed to go to the mall, which made shaoting secretly breathe in, his eyebrows gradually wrinkled, and his eyes floated to Zhang Rong from time to time.

Shao Ting, who has worked for many years, is also the elder Minister of Shao ting. His heart was shocked and he quickly arched his hands and said, "the king clearly sees that the old minister has never received a gold and a silver from the state of Ning. The king clearly checks!" "Ha ha!" Dong Sheng smiled and said, "if you have a clear conscience, you don't have to be so nervous!" After a pause, he turned his eyes and looked at Shaofang, indicating that he should stand up and say a word at this time.

Shao Fang understood. He stepped out and said, "my father, my son and Minister agree with Dong Xiang. It's not wise to use troops for the wind now." "Oh?" Unexpectedly, Shao Fang also said so. Shaoting was interested and wanted to know his opinion. "Why don't you laugh at the wind?" Fang said Shao Fang took a deep breath, looked around at the ministers present and said, "in the view of his children and ministers, Ningguo asked his father to send troops to save zhanwushuang and zhanwudi from difficulties is only a small reason. In addition, there is another more important reason that has not been explained." "What is it?" "Drag our country into the water." Ah? As soon as this statement came out, everyone present was surprised and looked at Shaofang with incredible eyes, including shaoting.

Shao Fang continued: "father, the current situation in Fengguo seems chaotic, but in fact, the strength of Fengguo is still strong, especially the combat power of Fengjun, which is even stronger than that in Zhanhua period. The 400000 Ning army led by zhanunparalleled and invincible was wiped out by the Fengjun when entering Fengdi. If China sends troops to the wind, how many troops is appropriate? Do we really want to raise the troops of the whole country to fight against the wind country for the five cities promised by Ning? Even if we can win in the end, China's national strength will be greatly damaged, and its loss can not be replaced by just five cities. Moreover, in the view of my ministers, the state of Feng is used to contain the state of Ning. The fiercer the fight between the two countries, the greater the mutual consumption, the more beneficial it will be to our country. Our country should sit on the shore and watch the fire, rather than actively intervene and fall into it. I hope my father will think twice! " His words basically analyzed all aspects, and made all the ministers present applaud secretly. Even Zhang Rong, who was so inclined to Ningguo, didn't have a word. I don't know how to refute.

Dong Sheng's eyes lit up and nodded again and again. His highness two was really smart, far from his highness three Shao Bo Neng. He didn't see him wrong at the beginning.

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