After hearing Shao Fang's analysis, Shao Ting's expression didn't change much, but his heart was also churning up and down. At this time, he also realized that he was too rash to accept Ningguo's request easily. At the beginning, he didn't think too much. He just felt that it was very beneficial for Mo country to agree to send troops to Ningguo, but after hearing Shaofang's words, He suddenly realized that things were far from as simple as he thought.

Now, the wind and Ning are fighting fiercely, and Mo country is watching the fire from the shore, which is relaxed and comfortable. Once he falls into it, the situation will not be as optimistic as it is now. I'm really looking for trouble! Shao Tingben was a man of no opinion. He was soft and capricious. At this time, he regretted that he had rashly agreed to Yan Chu's request.

There is no medicine for regret in the world. His words have been spoken, and it's too late to repent now.

What should I do? Shao Ting went back to the king's chair, sat down and murmured, "the king has promised the historian of Ningguo. Do you want the king to go back on his word? What's the prestige of our country in the future?" "The king of history would rather lose his reputation if he promised to lose his reputation." Zhang Rong can only grasp this last straw now and hopes that sending troops to the wind will be a foregone conclusion.

"At the critical moment of my life and death, my prestige and reputation are all insignificant." Dong Sheng raised his voice and shouted out tit for tat, "do you have to know what you can't do just for these false names? Is Lord Zhang going to push me to the brink of eternal doom? " Zhang Rong's face turned red and white when he was scolded by Dong Sheng. His angry body trembled. Just about to refute, shaoting waved impatiently and said in a deep voice, "stop arguing!" With that, he turned to look at the left phase Guo Hui and General Li Jin at his right hand and asked, "Guo Aiqing, General Li, what do you think of them?" If Zuo Xiang and senior general are put into modern times, their positions will be equivalent to that of the chief of general staff of military and political affairs and the Minister of national defense, one in charge of military affairs and the other in charge of military power. The two of them belong to the middle school in the court of the state of Mo, and did not participate in the dispute over the crown prince, that is, they did not support Shaofang or Shaobo.

At this time, hearing shaoting's question, Li Jin did not immediately say his position, but looked up at the left Xiang Guo Hui around him.

The latter pondered for a moment, and youyou said, "Your Majesty, the old minister also feels that it is too risky to use troops for the wind." After a pause, he looked at other ministers and continued: "at present, although there are only more than 30000 defenders in BAGUAN of Fengguo, the defender is yingbu. This person has served in BAGUAN for seven or eight years. For such a long time, he has almost never made mistakes in BAGUAN. It can be seen that this person has extraordinary ability and cautious behavior. In addition, the defenders of BAGUAN are veterans with rich experience, The combat effectiveness is also strong, and the whole people are united. If we rely on the urban defense of BAGUAN, it will be difficult for our army to break through. In addition, according to our investigation report, the Sanshui army and Chifeng army in Fengguo are not far from BAGUAN. Liang Qisu, the commander of Sanshui army, is known as a ghost talent and is very good at using troops. There are 150000 soldiers under his command, and the strength of Chifeng army is also more than 100000. If our army attacks BAGUAN, These two armies will surely come to reinforce at the first time. At that time, the number of defenders of BAGUAN will reach 300000. With the precipitous and urban defense of BAGUAN, if our army wants to conquer BAGUAN, it needs more than 800000 troops. " Guo Hui's analysis is a professional analysis. Dong Sheng and Shao Fang are opposed to sending troops. What they say is some big truth. To put it bluntly, it's all empty talk and empty talk. What Guo Hui says is a real problem. It's not easy to raise 800000 troops. Just preparing the food and grass needed by 800000 troops is not something that can be completed in a short time.

Gollum! Shao Ting spits in his throat, and his spine is completely soft. He thinks that only 200000 or 300000 troops are enough for his own side to attack BAGUAN. Who ever wanted at least 800000 troops? Which is attacking a city? It's a national war at all.

Shao Ting was foolish and speechless for a long time. The ministers also looked at each other and couldn't speak. At this time, if you can stop the king from entering the country, you can't stop him from entering the country "Oh? General, what's the idea? Tell me quickly!" Shao Ting was shocked and hurriedly said.

"The king can send 200000 troops to gather at the mofeng border, show the posture of attacking the hegemonic pass, and then make our army garrison without attacking. In this way, we can deal with Ningguo without making enemies with Fengguo." "En... En, en, en!" Shao Ting first gave a faint answer, thought carefully, nodded repeatedly and said, "what the senior general said is reasonable, but what if Ning Jun came to urge our army to attack?" "Ha ha!" Li Jin chuckled and said, "there are many excuses for procrastination, such as lack of food and grass, extreme shortage of armaments, difficulty in transporting siege sharp weapons, etc. any excuse can be delayed for ten days and a half months. As long as it is delayed for two or three times, I think there is no need to save zhanmatchless and zhaninvincible..." "Oh? Ha ha?" Shao Ting was stunned at first. Then he couldn't help but slap his hands and laugh on his back. He praised: "good plan, really good plan! I think we should act according to the plan of the general! " With that, he suddenly realized that he had not discussed with other ministers. He quickly looked around the people and asked, "do you Aiqing think this plan is feasible?" Dong Sheng, Shao Fang and others naturally have no opinion. Even if Zhang Rong has an opinion, he doesn't dare to say it at this time. Now even Zuo Xiang and the general are on Dong Sheng's side. If he speaks more, he will not only offend these two people, but also cause the wariness of shaoting and other ministers.

Anyway, I've tried my best, but I can't stand alone and change the overall situation. There's no way. Zhang Rong sighed in his heart.

Under the advice of Dong Sheng, Shaofang, Guo Hui, Li Jin and other ministers of culture and military affairs, shaoting changed his plan to send troops to attack BAGUAN. They still sent troops, but they did not attack. 200000 Ning troops gathered in front of BAGUAN city and stood in place, neither swearing nor attacking the city. The two sides were at peace. They ate, practiced and slept at the same time almost every day, The only difference is that one side is inside the city and the other side is outside the city.

Soon, the eye of heaven in Zhenjiang's eye liner sent back the situation of the court of the Mogao to Tang Yin. After Tang Yin's reading the news from a to Z, he saw a sigh. The chief of the party gathered a large force and just showed a bluff and played it to Ningguo.

Of course, it's best, but Tang Yin doesn't dare to be careless. This rumor is Shaofang's words. Who knows whether what he said is true or false. What if he just said it on purpose and actually wanted to attack Ba Guan? Tang Yin didn't transfer the Sanshui army sent to BAGUAN back because of this report, but let Chifeng army continue to advance to Zhangyu.

More than 100000 Fengjun led by Tang Yin did not attack on the periphery of Zhangyu city. It was obvious that they were waiting for the arrival of reinforcements. As Xiao MuQing had expected, the first thing that could not calm down was Zhangyu.

Fengjun has reinforcements, but Zhangyu is alone and invincible. Now they can't receive information from the outside world. They're not sure whether the carrier pigeons asking for help have flown back to ningduliang state. They don't dare to do so with Tang Yin.

On the fifth day of Tang Yin's siege of Zhangyu, general Hao Zhao and general Jiang Fan both came to Xiao Shang for an order. In the evening, they asked him to lead the army to sneak into the enemy camp at night and defeat the wind army outside the city.

Of course, Xiao Shang still disagrees, but Hao Zhao and Jiang Fan have a firm attitude and argue with Xiao Shang.

Soon, Zhong Tian, Zhan Wushuang and Zhan Wudi also came one after another. When they heard that Hao Zhao and Jiang Fan were going to take the initiative to fight, Zhan Wudi stepped forward and said positively, "defend the city. Once we wait for the reinforcements of the wind army to arrive, we will only have a dead end. Instead of waiting to die, we'd better let go. I'd like to go with the two generals!" Hearing that Zhan invincible was going to fight, Xiao Shang was stunned. He didn't know whether to continue to stop or agree.

Zhan Wushuang nodded and said, "it's really very unfavorable for us to delay. We still have a chance before the reinforcements of the wind army arrive. If we can succeed in the sneak attack, * retreat the enemy troops, we can take advantage of the victory and pursue the attack, and even drive the wind Army out of Gaochuan county at one fell swoop." "This..." Xiao Shang didn't hold much hope for this. He said with a look of embarrassment: "there are more than 100000 enemy troops outside the city, and Tang Yin is personally in charge. How can it be so easy to be defeated by our army?" Hao Zhao smiled and said confidently, "maybe Feng Jun has the same idea as adults. It is expected that our army does not dare to sneak out of the city, so we are negligent in prevention, which is very beneficial to us. The middle army in the enemy camp is very weak. If we attack the enemy's middle army directly, we have a great chance of success. Once we succeed, the enemy will be in chaos. When we attack the whole army, we will defeat the enemy! " Listening to Hao Zhao's boasting, Xiao Shang was still a little confused, hesitant and afraid to make a decision easily.

At this time, Zhan Wushuang said, "through observation in recent days, I also found that the enemy's Chinese army is insufficient." "Oh?" Xiao Shangyi was stunned. He also observed the enemy camp. How do you think there are many Chinese troops in the enemy camp? He asked, "I don't know where the unparalleled general came from?" Zhan Wushuang shrugged and said, "in fact, it's very simple. You can judge the approximate force by observing the stove set up by the enemy camp. The Chinese army in the enemy camp seems to have a large number of tents and stoves in rows, but in fact, there are only dozens of smoke in the military stoves every meal time. From this, it can be judged that there will not be tens of thousands of troops in the enemy camp. " oh dear! Xiao Shang inhaled. He didn't expect to observe the enemy camp. He also said that the actual military strength can be judged by the smoke rising stove, which he had never known before. When the enemy had just set up the camp, Hao Zhao saw that the enemy's middle army was weak. Now the war is unparalleled. I think there should be no mistake. Should our own side really attack the enemy's middle army?

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