Under the election of Zhan Wushuang, Zhan invincible, Hao Zhao, Jiang Fan and others, Xiao Shang finally agreed to the strategy of sending troops to sneak attack the Fengjun camp.

Zhan Wushuang and Hao Zhao have analyzed how to fight this war. According to Hao Zhao, the sneak attack should be carried out as soon as possible and can't be delayed any longer. However, Zhan Wushuang thinks it's inappropriate and thinks that corresponding deployment should be made before the sneak attack to confuse the enemy. Only in this way can we win the battle steadily.

Hao Zhao frowned and asked, "what is the deployment general Zhan said? The reinforcements of the enemy can arrive at any time. We don't have too much time delay. " Zhan Wushuang said, "I understand this, but general Hao should not underestimate the Tianyuan army. I have fought big and small battles with the Tianyuan army for several times. I know that the Tianyuan army is full of tricks. If I make a hasty sneak attack, what if I get ambushed by the other party?" What bullshit ambush?! Hao Zhao disagreed with his words and just wanted to satirize. At this time, Xiao Shang interrupted: "Hao Zhao, let general unparalleled finish his words first and listen to general unparalleled's opinions." "Yes!" Hao Zhaoxin answered reluctantly and reluctantly, and waited for Zhan Wushuang to continue. Others may be afraid of Zhan Wushuang's name, but he doesn't pay attention to it. He thinks Zhan Wushuang is just in vain. If it's really powerful, how can he be beaten so miserably by the abyss army?

Zhan Wushuang didn't take Hao Zhao's contempt for himself to heart. He turned his eyes, looked around the crowd, finally smiled at Xiao Shang and said, "Lord Xiao, I have a plan. "I don't know how the enemy will win the battle again in the morning." then I asked him, "I don't know how to win the battle by taking the initiative to attack the enemy, but I don't know how to win the battle in the morning?" After hearing this, they looked at each other and were all lost in thought. After a while, Xiao Shang took the lead in clapping his hands and said, "good plan! I think this plan is feasible! " Although Hao Zhao didn't respect Zhan Wushuang very much, he had to admit that his mind was very thoughtful. He pondered for a moment, and Fang youyou said, "I don't know who general Wushuang thinks Ming Yue should send to fight?" Zhan Wushuang said, "I'm not familiar with the generals of your army. Of course, it's up to Lord Xiao, general Hao and general Jiang to decide who will go to war. However, I must remind you that even if his force is not the strongest, it must not be too weak. Otherwise, instead of reaching the effect, it will arouse the suspicion of the enemy and backfire. " Xiao Shang nodded repeatedly and said, "yes, yes, yes! What unparalleled general said is very true! " With that, his eyes rolled and he thought about who to send. Hao Zhao and Jiang fan are definitely inappropriate. They are the backbone of their own side and must not be lost. Moreover, they have been in the war, and it is difficult to achieve the effect if they fight again. After thinking for a long time, he asked tentatively, "Hao Zhao and Jiang Fan, what do you think of sending Gu Feng to fight?" He said Gu Feng is a veteran of Gaochuan County, only in his early 40s, but he has joined the army for more than 20 years. In terms of military age, he is definitely the oldest qualified in Gaochuan county. His spiritual and martial cultivation is not weak. He can be regarded as a veteran and brave general.

Jiang fan is a man of few words and doesn't know how to express his opinions. After hearing Xiao Shang's questions, he didn't answer. Hao Zhao didn't think about it. He nodded and replied, "my lord clearly sees that my subordinates also have this intention." Hearing what he said, Jiang Fan turned his head and looked at him strangely, and sighed in his heart. Hao Zhao is regarded as an emerging general in Gaochuan army. He is both literate and martial and pretentious. Gu Feng is a veteran in the army. He has high moral integrity and great prestige. One is at a high level, and the other is in a high position. There are many contradictions between them. Now Xiao Shang proposed to let Gu Feng go to war. Hao Zhao nodded and agreed without even thinking about it. From this, we can see the depth of the gap between the two. From the heart, Jiang Fan felt that paigufeng was not suitable, but his words came to his mouth. Finally, he didn't say it and swallowed it back.

Seeing that Hao Zhao agreed with the candidate he proposed, Xiao Shang asked Jiang Fan, "Jiang Fan, what do you think?" Jiang Fan arched his hand and said, "the end general is willing to listen to your views!" Hearing that Jiang Fan had no objection, Xiao Shang focused on the point and said, "OK! Early in the morning, general Gufeng will go out of the city to scold the enemy and lead the enemy to war! " "Yes!" Hao Zhao and Jiang Fanqi responded, especially the former, with a smile on their faces.

The next day, in the early morning, the gate of Zhangyu city was wide open, and a troop of about 10000 people poured out of the city. The head was a middle-aged general, who rode on a jujube red horse, wore gold lock armor, and then wore a red robe. In his palm, he had a crescent halberd, which was cold and murderous. Looking at his face, he was handsome, with thick eyebrows and tiger eyes, and a black beard under his cheeks, swinging with the wind.

Pengjun is in the front of the city. The middle-aged general urges his horse to come to the front of the battle array, points to the Fengjun camp with a long halberd, and asks Tang Yin to leave the camp to meet him.

Soon, Sergeant Feng ran back to the account of the central army and reported to Tang Yin.

Now Tang Yin is still waiting for his own reinforcements. Suddenly, he heard that Peng army came out of the city and took the initiative to challenge. He was stunned and asked, "who will be the enemy to fight?" "The other party claims to be Gu Feng!" The soldier answered truthfully.

"Gu Feng?" Tang Yin had no impression of the name. He turned to Lotte and Aijia and asked, "who is Gufeng?" Lotte hurriedly replied, "Sir, Gu Feng is a veteran of the Gaochuan County army. He is not only highly prestigious in the army, but also a highly prestigious figure even in the whole Gaochuan County!" "Oh!" Hearing the introduction of Lotte, Tang Yin nodded. The other party sent such a veteran to discuss the war. It seems that it is not a bluff, but a real fight with his own side.

Before he spoke, Shangguan yuanrang stepped forward and arched his hand and said, "Sir, the last general is willing to fight against the enemy!" "En..." Tang Yin pondered and didn't immediately agree. A good knife should be used on the blade. Shangguan yuanrang was powerful, but Tang Yin was reluctant to let him fight again and again.

At this time, Shangguan yuanbiao stepped out and said, "my Lord, the last general is willing to fight and meet Gufeng!" If someone else fights with him, Shangguan yuanrang can still satirize the other party. At this time, when his brother came out to volunteer, he frowned and didn't say much.

Tang Yin nodded and smiled and said to Shangguan yuanbiao, "OK! Yuanbiao, you will fight this time. I'll fight for you. However, since Gu Feng is a veteran of the enemy and has extraordinary skills, you should be more cautious and not take it lightly. " "Don't worry, sir, you will understand!" Shangguan yuanbiao stepped in to get the order, turned and walked out.

Tang Yin didn't delay much in the big tent, so he immediately led the generals out of his own camp to watch and hold down the enemy for Shangguan yuanbiao who went to meet the enemy.

After leaving the camp, Shangguan yuanbiao drove his horse straight to the front of the two armies. When he came close to the middle-aged general, he stopped his horse, looked up and down at each other for a few eyes, turned his mouth, raised his hand and was shot, and asked, "are you Gu Feng?" "That's right! Who are you?" The middle-aged general asked coldly.

"Shangguan yuanbiao!" "Oh! It's Shangguan yuanrang's brother!" Gufeng sneered and said, "your brother has two abilities, but I don't know if you can equal one or two tenths of his brother." Gu Feng understands that Shangguan yuanrang is so powerful, and Shangguan yuanbiao is certainly not weak. If he wants to win, he must first provoke the other party. Only when the other party loses his mind and takes the initiative to make mistakes can he have a chance.

Sure enough. What Shangguan yuanbiao hates most is that others use the aura of his second brother to measure himself. At this time, after listening to Gu Feng's words, his angry eyes widened, his face turned red, screamed, and shouted, "damn the old thief, look at the gun!" As he spoke, the long gun in his hand also stabbed out. When the spear is stabbed out, it remains the same. When it is stabbed close to Gufeng, it becomes a white spirit spear.

Seeing that the other party's gun was fast and fierce, Gu Feng didn't dare to be careless. He played with 12 points of caution and fought with all his strength.

Just ejected the gun of Shangguan yuanbiao, the latter immediately received the gun and released the soul chasing sting.

A loud cry. Gu Feng fought against the wind with spirit and chaos. Their skills collided on the battlefield, and there were endless dull noises. The field was also full of spirit waves, the wind roared, and how high the dust on the ground was rolled up.

They have equal strength. They fight in one place, but they are also half weight, and the fight is particularly fierce. Shangguan yuanbiao has resentment in his heart, and his Lingwu skills come out one after another. Gu Feng hides when he can hide, and avoids when he can avoid. Only when he can't let go, can he resist with Lingwu skills. On the surface, Shangguan yuanbiao has the advantage and often embarrasses the other party, but experts can see at a glance that Gu Feng intends to accumulate Reiki and is ready to attack later.

Alas! Tang Yin, who was watching the war, shook his head secretly. At the time of the war, he was most afraid of being convinced and angry. But now Shangguan yuanbiao is just like this. It is estimated that he will be weak in the future. At that time, he will be hurt by the other party's halberd. Thinking, he turned his head to Shangguan Yuanwu and said, "Yuanwu, you can replace yuanbiao." Although Shangguan Yuanwu and Shangguan yuanbiao are twin brothers, his surname Ge Ke is much more calm than yuanbiao. Worried about the safety of his brother, Yuanwu didn't dare to hesitate and hurriedly promised to urge his horse to rush out of the array and join the two in the fierce battle.

Seeing that the third brother suddenly went to the battlefield, Shangguan yuanbiao, who was playing in his interest, was anxious and stuffy, and shouted, "third brother, why are you here?" "My Lord told you to go back and I'll fight!" Shangguan Yuanwu said.

At this time, let Shangguan yuanbiao quit. How could he agree? Yuan Biao didn't return his head or answer. He pretended not to hear, but the spirit gun in his hand was as fast as lightning. One shot after another, he stabbed Gu Feng at the key of his body. If he doesn't retreat, Shangguan Yuanwu won't retreat. At this time, the two brothers of Shangguan fight Gufeng together on the battlefield.

No matter how powerful and experienced Gu Feng is, he can't stand the joint efforts of Yuan Wu and Yuan Biao. The two brothers and two spirit guns have kept Gu Feng in a hurry. He doesn't even have a chance to say anything sarcastic about the other party.

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