Tang Yin said this and immediately blocked Wu Mei's mouth. She turned her words and said, "well... Xiaoying and I should stay in the camp." ha-ha! Tang Yin smiled in her heart, but nodded solemnly on her face and said, "it's hard for you two. Although you stay in the camp, you should be more careful!" "Don't worry, with me and Xiaoying here, you can guarantee everything!" Wumei patted her chest without any intention.

All the people around will look at each other and laugh silently. Tang Yin can also deceive Wu Mei. Peng Jun is trapped and dead in the city now. Where can he spare the strength to arrange an ambush? Moreover, in terms of the terrain of Zhangyu City, there is no place for ambush.

After all the plans for the siege were deployed, Tang Yin returned the account and ordered everyone to go back and prepare.

That night, before Tang Yin had a rest, he was looking at the map of Zhangyu city in the account. At this time, a guard outside the account said, "Sir, general AI, please see me!" I don't know when Aijia came to find herself so late. Tang Yin said, "let her come!" "Yes, my Lord!" It wasn't long before Edgar came up from outside the tent. Tang Yin couldn't help laughing. He collapsed on his side and asked with a smile, "Aijia, what's up?" "My Lord!" Aijia walked up to Tang Yin, handed him a note in her hand and said, "this is just received." Tang Yin took it curiously, opened the note and looked at it. Her eyes brightened. She was surprised and said, "is it Jiang Lu?" "Exactly!" Edgar replied positively.

Tang Yin sat up from the collapse and looked carefully. The letter was indeed sent back by Jiang Lu from Shangjing. As it was sent by flying pigeons, it was first sent back to Yancheng and then transferred from Yancheng to Gaochuan county. Therefore, the letter is not big. It is just a small note with few handwriting on it. Jiang Lu just said that she has arrived in Shangjing and is preparing to pay a visit to the important officials of the imperial court one by one. Please don't worry about Tang Yin, etc.

After watching, Tang Yin shook her head. She and the enemy fought from Wancheng to Gaochuan county. For such a long time, Jiang Lu has just arrived in Shangjing. The distance is on the one hand, but Jiang Lu's progress is really slow enough. He pondered for a moment and said to Aijia, "write a reply to Jiang Lu and say... The traitor Zhong Tian can be destroyed in the near future. Make him speed up. Don't hold me back." "Oh..." Aijia asked uncertainly, "I'll write this book?" Such an important missionary should be written by Tang Yin himself.

Tang Yin smiled and asked, "didn't you hear me clearly?" "No, no!" Edgar shook her head hastily.

"Just write as I want, that is, after writing, affix my seal." As he spoke, he pointed to the official seal of the head of the county on the desk. Tang Yin's handwriting is not good-looking or neat, so he seldom writes automatically. Usually, Qiu Zhen writes on behalf of him. Now that Qiu Zhen is absent, he has to get materials nearby and entrust Aijia.

Aijia dared not neglect, and hurried to the handsome case, grinding and preparing paper and pen. When it was done, Aijia bent down, picked up her pen and looked at Tang Yin questioningly. She didn't dare to write privately. Tang Yin waved to her, motioned her to sit next to him, and then said, "the national thief can be destroyed. Deal with the matter of going to Beijing as soon as possible. In case of difficulties, send a letter to repay." Tang Yin spoke slowly. He said one paragraph and AI Jia wrote one. When Tang Yin finished, AI Jia basically finished writing. She blew the ink on the paper, and then handed it to Tang Yin for him to have a look. Tang Yin looked at it and confirmed that it was correct. He smiled at Aijia and said, "I can't see it. Your handwriting is still very beautiful!" It's rare to hear Tang Yin's praise. AI Jiayu's face turned red and explained in a low voice, "I began to learn calligraphy when I was five years old." "Good." Tang Yin praised her casually, picked up the seal, stamped it on it and handed it back to Aijia.

Aijia carefully rolled up the note and twisted it into a thin one. Then she took another note and wrapped it. Then she took out the paraffin, burned it with an oil lamp and sealed the letter wax.

At this time, Tang Yin's eyes fell back on the map and asked casually, "Aijia, tell me, which of our four-way men and horses is likely to be blocked during the attack?" I didn't expect Tang Yin to suddenly ask for his opinions. While waxing a letter, Edgar said, "your adult's strategy is much better than your subordinates. Since your adults have arranged it, it must be no problem." Tang Yin said with a smile, "Aijia, when did you learn Xiao MuQing's way?" AI Jia was Tang Yin's old face and red, for a moment, she whispered: "subordinates think that it is not safe to be the most reassuring adults..." Tang Yinyi looked suspiciously at AI.

Aijia explained: "although general yuanrang is brave and invincible, his main attack is Nancheng, which should be the strongest side of Zhangyu defense. I think that clock Tianhe and zhanmatchless will go to the city to command in person, and the wind chasing sword will certainly be present. When fighting, general yuanrang will not necessarily have the upper hand." "Oh!" Tang Yin nodded thoughtfully. He gave yuan rang 20000 troops, and Yuan rang led 20000 soldiers. It was absolutely no problem to attack the strongest side of the other party's urban defense, but if the wind chasing sword was also present, the situation would be hard to say. But on second thought, Tang Yin felt that there was no problem. After all, the wind chasing sword had been stabbed twice by himself. Even if his cultivation was unpredictable, he could not recover in such a short time. He wanted to block yuan rang with an injured enemy, which was basically impossible.

After thinking about it, Tang Yin smiled happily and said, "I know." Although Aijia's concerns are superfluous, it's better to have ideas than not. If you want to be an excellent general, you also need a smart and flexible mind.

"Yes, sir." Aijia handed the wax sealed letter to Tang Yin. The latter took it and nodded again and again. Although Aijia's style is that women don't let men, she is still very clever. The sealed letter is small, exquisite and dense. It is tied to the legs of carrier pigeons. Even if there is wind and rain along the way, it won't wet the contents.

"Well done," he said. Send this book back to Beijing as soon as possible. " "Yes, my Lord!" Edgar answered respectfully.

Until then, Tang Yin looked at Aijia carefully. Although she was still as heroic as before, she always felt much thinner. Tang Yin sighed secretly. It seems that Lotte and Aijia are really tired these days.

Seeing that Aijia was leaving, he suddenly remembered something, reached out and stopped her, pointed to a small exquisite box under the table, frowned and said, "this is a tonic just sent from Yancheng. It also takes up space here. Take it!" Tang Yin's heart is very concerned about Aijia. After all, she is a woman and can't be compared with a strong man, but he can't say what he cares about. Even if he gives something, she also shows a look of dislike and disdain.

In fact, these supplements were brought from Yancheng by a sergeant specially entrusted by Su Yelei. A while ago, Tang Yin was seriously injured and very weak when fighting with the wind chasing sword. Only when the supplements were sent to the army, Tang Yin's injury was almost healed, and the supplements had not been moved.

Aijia was surprised and asked, "don't adults eat this?" "Me? Hehe!" Tang Yin looked up and said with a smile, "I'm full and have a good night's sleep. Where can I use tonics? Well, don't talk so much nonsense. Just take it away. " Looking at Tang Yin's careless appearance, Edgar's heart warmed and tears almost fell. Who doesn't know that supplements are good? Tang Yin himself didn't eat, but he was willing to give it to his soldiers. Let's ask which coach in the world can do this.

With tears in her eyes, Aijia carefully lifted the box and said in a trembling voice, "thank you, sir." "Oh, there's nothing else." "Then... My subordinates leave." When Aijia came out of the door, Tang Yin looked at her back and told her, "you don't have to do everything yourself. You can give it to the brothers below. Let the brothers do it." Aijia's surname is too strong, because Tianyan and geonet have the same responsibilities. She has to compare everything with Lotte.

"Yes! My subordinates know. Adults also have an early rest!" Aijia answered softly and looked back at Tang Yin deeply. Then she got out of the big account.

Hoo! After Aijia left, Tang Yin hissed. If he really didn't look down on Aijia before, now he admires it from the bottom of his heart.

As soon as Aijia's front foot left, footsteps came from outside the tent. Then the curtain was raised and came closer from outside.

There is only one person who can go directly into his camp without the bodyguard's report, Wu Mei. Tang Yin looked at Wu Mei and saw that her small face was tight without a smile, her face was also gloomy, and her eyes were beating with fire from time to time. Seeing her look, Tang Yin frowned. She didn't know where she had provoked the eldest lady.

"Xiaomei, why are you here?" Tang Yin looked at her with a smile as if nothing had happened.

Wu Mei walked up to him, frowned and said, "I can't sleep, so I'll come and see you!" After a pause, she asked tentatively, "general AI seems to have just left?" Tang Yin nodded and said, "yes, Aijia asked me to discuss military affairs." "We can discuss military affairs and cry!" Wu Mei looked at Tang Yin with deep meaning.

When Tang Yin heard the speech, he suddenly felt that his head was big. Yes, if he could discuss military affairs and cry, he would slip the great truth of the world. Looking at Wu Mei's cold little face, Tang Yin was not in a hurry. Instead, he felt a sweet feeling in his heart. He reached out and grabbed Wu Mei's wrist. At the same time, Wu Mei subconsciously screamed back. When he opened his eyes again, he found that he also fell in Tang Yin's arms.

Tang Yin waved his palm on her head, and the hairpin that tied her hair fell into Tang Yin's fingers as if it had been released by magic. His embroidered hair also fell down like a waterfall. Tang Yin gently rubbed her black and smooth hair and whispered in his ear, "don't get me wrong. I always regard my soldiers as brothers." Wu Mei is lying in Tang Yin's arms, her jade face is crimson, "Jiao Chuan said," but... But general AI is a woman! " "Women are like my sisters!" Tang Yin picked up a wisp of her embroidered hair, handed it to her nose, took a deep breath and greedily smelled the intoxicating fragrance.

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