"Yin..." seeing the familiar and unfamiliar heat in Tang Yin's eyes, Wu Mei was a little nervous.

Feeling that her body was obviously stiff for a while, Tang Yin sighed secretly and didn't make any further actions. He gently let go of Wu Mei, with a slightly hoarse voice and said calmly: "there is still war tomorrow, Xiao Mei, go back and have a rest early!" When Tang Yin has intimate actions with her, Wu Mei is both afraid and looking forward to it. When Tang Yin suddenly stops, she is quite disappointed. Sometimes she really hates her cowardice.

Seeing her chagrin, Tang Yin couldn't help laughing. The blush of Wu Mei's face spread to her neck. When she was about to speak, she suddenly remembered something. She took out a small cloth bag from her arms and stuffed it into Tang Yin's hand. The silk bag is sewn by Tang Yin, but the thread is very rough, but the cloth is also sewed by Tang Yin. Tang Yin wondered, "what is this?" "This is the amulet I made myself. Here you are!" Wu Mei has a proud look of being kind to others.

"It can be seen that this talisman is really in the hands of Miss Wu." Tang Yin said half jokingly. It's OK to let Wumei dance with a knife and a gun, but being a female worker can only be miserable, just like the amulet in front of her.

Wu Mei's face sank immediately and said, "don't you like it? Then give it back to me. " Then she reached out and grabbed it. Tang Yin was quick in hand and eyes. He grabbed the amulet and pulled it back. Then he put it back into his arms, smiled and said, "as long as you do it, I like whatever it is." "Really?" Wu Mei looked at him suspiciously.

"Yes." Tang Yin bowed heavily.

Seeing this, Wu Mei broke her anger into laughter. Her charming face is like a ripe apple, which makes people have the impulse to jump up and bite hard. Then the mature and calm Tang Yin couldn't help looking stunned.

Wu Mei stood up and said, "I'll go back first." "Wait a minute!" Tang Yin stopped her, then stood up and slowly rolled up Wu Mei's embroidered hair, and then pinned a jade hairpin. His movements are very strange, but they make Wumei's heart warm and full of sweet feeling.

After Wu Mei left first, Tang Yin couldn't sit still in the tent, and then walked out of the tent. Seeing Tang Yin coming out, the captain of the bodyguard outside hurried forward and asked carefully, "where are you going?" Tang Yin narrowed her eyes and said leisurely, "it's too hot. I'll take a shower..." the head guard blinked. Gaochuan county is in the mountains. It's wet and hot during the day. Yes, but now it's night. There are mountain winds. Where is it still hot?

The next day.

The four armies arranged by Tang Yin began to gather in front of Zhangyu city. Looking to the south, the flags are fluttering and the warriors are like a forest. There are not only the flag with the word "wind", but also the flag with the words "abyss" and "plain". The most striking thing is that the flag with the word "Shangguan" embroidered on one side is dancing and crackling in the wind.

Don't look at people. Just putting out this flag is enough to shock people's souls and frighten the hearts of their opponents. Now everyone knows the name of Shangguan yuanrang. His flag is a talisman.

Looking to the south, 40000 plain troops lined up in battle formation. The red tassels on the top of the soldiers seemed to be covered with maple leaves outside the city of Zhangyu. The red tassel represents blood, and the black armour represents rigidity. The red tassel and black armour can best interpret the style of the plain army. They are iron and blood, rigid and fierce, and urge without firmness.

Before the battle, the soldiers of the plain army were overwhelmed by the killing spirit, and the defenders on the head of the city couldn't breathe.

Looking to the East, there are more than 50000 soldiers of Tianying army led by Ziying. Although they are not as strong as the plain army, the soldiers are full of fighting spirit, energetic and energetic. People opened their eyes and beat the shield with their spears. The roaring noise was heard all the time, and the sound of "wind" shouting and drinking rushed into the sky.

Looking to the west, it is Tang Yin, the most powerful and murderous army. This time, the 40000 plain army is under the personal command of Tang Yin. All the officers and soldiers are in the spirit of 12 points. People stand there with their waist straight and stand like nails. However, as soon as a military order comes out, the whole army moves together. It can be said that it is as quiet as Mount Tai and as moving as a rabbit.

Tang Yin rode on the horse and stood in the front of the whole army. Around him, there were two protective generals, Shangguan Yuanwu and Shangguan yuanbiao. Behind him, there were generals such as Lotte, Aijia and Cheng Jin. The army and horses searched the news and shuttled constantly.

Seeing the formation of the Tianyuan army, there is no need to fight. The Peng army guarding the city is half cold. Hearing the news, Zhong Tian lay on the head of the city and looked out. After seeing it, he was frightened. His first reaction was to find Zhan Wushuang first, but when he saw Zhan Wushuang, Zhong Tian's heart immediately sank to the bottom of the valley.

Zhan Wushuang is now both spiritless and lifeless. His face is haggard and sad, almost like a walking corpse. Such a person is even difficult to take care of himself, let alone command a war. Zhong Tian can only place his last hope on the wind chasing sword. He whispered to the wind chasing sword around him, "if the wind army breaks the city, you have to fight to protect the king!" Zhong Tian only thought about himself, but he didn't think about the wind chasing sword. Now it's also hurt. Self-protection has become a problem. How to protect him? The wind chasing sword didn't answer, and the expression on his face was still cold, but he had made up his mind. If the wind army really attacked the city, he would take the lead to break out as long as he had the opportunity to keep his surname and life. As for Zhong Tian, he must not care.

Outside the west city.

Feeling that the time was almost over, Tang Yin waved and called a bodyguard to come forward and make the final persuasion to the Peng army in the city.

The bodyguard promised to urge his horse to the place in front of Zhangyu City, then reined in the war horse and shouted at the head of the city: "listen, brother Pengjun in the city, my adult has the virtue of living well. As long as you are willing to take the initiative to go out of the City and surrender, our army will never hurt your last name, but if you fight to the end, you will be in a dead end. Brother Peng Jun, get out of the city and surrender! " With the bodyguard's persuasion to surrender, the Peng army on the head of the city whispered and wavered, but no one took the lead. Even if people wanted to surrender, they didn't have the courage.

At this time, the Pengjun general in charge of the West City shouted: "don't listen to the rhetoric of the rebels. No matter who dares to surrender, I will be killed!" Hearing this, the restless Peng army immediately settled down, people looked at each other, and finally all hung their heads.

They are not regular troops, let alone veterans. They are very afraid of the generals above and dare not disobey military orders.

Seeing that there was no reply in Zhangyu city for a long time, the bodyguard shouted again. Then he pulled his horse back to his own camp. When Tang Yin approached, he bowed his hand and said, "Sir, the enemy is stubborn and refuses to surrender!" "Hum!" Tang Yin provoked him at the corners of his mouth and said with a sneer, "If heaven does evil, it can still be violated. If he does evil himself, he can't live. Since the enemy is going to die, no wonder our men are ruthless! " As he spoke, he turned his head and shouted, "beat the drum!" "Beating drums" "Beat the drum..." the herald conveyed Tang Yin's military order one by one. For a time, the drums in Tianyuan army thundered and roared. First, the drums in the west, then the drums in the north and south, and finally the war drums in the East.

Drum marching is a general military order in the world.

In the sound of war drums, the square array of Tianyuan army on all sides began to press down on Zhangyu city.

"Wind, wind, wind" During the march of the army, the officers and men shouted the name of Fengguo rhythmically, which is not only to cheer for themselves, but also to deter the enemy psychologically.

When the army approached the enemy's range, the shouting stopped, followed by a whole army charge.

The Tianyuan army on all sides, with a total force of more than 150000, surged towards the city of Zhangyu from four directions like a tide. The soldiers ran very fast, the soil on the ground was rolled up high, and the dust was flying. The momentum was frightening.

oh dear! Zhong Tian on the top of the city was so silly that he couldn't help crying. In the face of so many wolf like wind troops, how can his own side resist it?

When the Tianyuan army had entered the city of Zhangyu and the normal range was more than half, the Peng army's arrow shooting began. However, even at such a close distance, the Peng army's arrow shooting still seemed weak and inaccurate. At first, the Tianyuan Sergeant also supported a shield, and then saw that the enemy's arrow array was not threatening. Many Tianyuan troops threw away their shields and spears and took off their bows and arrows, Run forward and shoot back.

The wind army's arrow power from bottom to top was much greater than that of the other party. The Peng army on the head of the city was obviously unprepared and was unprepared by the sudden arrow rain. In an instant, there was a scream on the head of the city, and a large number of Peng soldiers fell under the wind army's arrow. Even Zhong Tian was nearly injured by arrows and retreated under the protection of several bodyguards.

The Tianyuan army rushed to the city of Zhangyu without much effort, but when they set up the ladder and climbed up, they were fiercely attacked by the Peng soldiers. The rolling wood, stone and oil on the head of the city were as dense as rain and endless, as if they were inexhaustible, which caused great threat and killing to the wind army.

At this time, the war between the two sides has officially entered a white hot level, and the soldiers on both sides are fighting to the death.

From time to time, Sergeant Tianyuan's soldiers were killed and injured by rolling wood and stone, and from time to time, some people were burned by hot oil, and the Peng army at the head of the city was also killed and injured countless under the arrow rain, with corpses all over the ground.

Forty thousand Peng troops are divided into four cities. No matter how strong the city defense is, it is impossible to prevent the wind troops on the four routes. The first emergency is Xicheng.

When the 40000 soldiers of the plain army led by Tang Yin held their strength and climbed the ladder, most of the soldiers threw off their armor and went into battle shirtless. The speed of climbing was so fast that the ten meter long ladder rushed up a few times.

Although the defense of thousands of Peng army is tenacious and the urban defense is sufficient, it is completely unable to withstand the crazy attack of the plain army.

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