After leaving the prime minister's residence, Tang Yin returned to his residence. Not far from home, Qiu Zhen, Zhang Zhe and others smiled at each other and said, "Congratulations, sir!" Tang Yin was stunned and asked, "congratulations on what?" "Congratulations on your engagement with Miss Wumei." Qiu Zhen and others laughed.

Tang Yin blinked and asked, "don't you think this is Wuyu? Did the old fox have a plan?" Qiu Zhen shrugged and looked indifferent. He asked, "don't adults like Miss Wumei?" "Of course not." "Since adults like it and make a smooth engagement with Miss Wumei, they don't have to worry about whose premeditation it is. In addition, it's also very beneficial for adults to marry dancers." Qiu Zhen said, "if adults want to seek the throne, they can't do without the support of Wu Yu." "Yes!" Tang Yin nodded and felt that Qiu Zhen was right.

Without getting on the horse, he took the reins and chatted with Qiu Zhen, Zhang Zhe and Zongyuan. Qiu Zhen frowned and said, "the only trouble is Miss Fan min. now, although Miss Fan min is not in the capital, she will know about it sooner or later. Adults should think of countermeasures!" At the mention of this, Tang Yin felt a headache. Although fan min and Wu Mei have known each other for a long time, they have different surnames and are very different. They quarrel when they meet. If fan min knows that he and Wu Mei have made an engagement, he doesn't know what it will be like! In addition, Tang Yin is not a person of this era after all. He doesn't have a deep concept of three wives and four concubines. From the heart, he has a deep feeling of guilt for fan minhuai and doesn't know how to face her in the future. Alas! Tang Yin sighed in her heart and said nothing. Qiu Zhen can't interfere too much in Tang Yin's personal affairs, and it's really a troublesome thing. If outsiders interfere, it will get more and more chaotic. Tang Yin can only solve it by himself.

At this time, Zongyuan asked again, "I don't know... Who does your adult want to be the main wife?" Hearing this, everyone immediately looked at Tang Yin. It seems that it is Tang Yin's private affair to decide who should be the main room. In fact, it is not. After all, he has the intention to strive for the throne, and he is also the most promising person to become the king of the wind. His main room wife is likely to be the Queen of the wind kingdom in the future, which is of great significance.

"This..." Tang Yin hesitated for a moment, shook her head and said, "at present, I haven't thought about it." Seeing Zongyuan's intention to answer again, Tang Yin waved his hand and said, "it's too early to talk about these now!" Zong Yuan was so clever and good at observing his words and expressions. As soon as he heard this, he immediately swallowed the question at his mouth, nodded and replied, "what your adult said is very true." Tang Yin narrowed her eyes and asked, "can you tell me how far I am from the king's chair in the palace? It takes anyone to sit on it smoothly. " The spirits of all the people were in the same mood. In their impression, Tang Yin seemed to take the initiative to talk about the fight for the throne for the first time. From this, it can be seen that he has changed from passive to active towards Feng Wang, which of course greatly inspired the emotions of Tang Yin's confidants. Zong Yuan looked around, smiled leisurely and whispered, "Your Excellency is only one step away from the throne." "Oh?" Tang Yin was stunned and asked curiously, "which step?" "The imperial edict of the Shangjing emperor." Zongyuan zhengse said, "as long as you nod your head in Beijing and admit that you are the king of the wind, you will certainly be able to sit on that King's chair." This is nonsense. Tang Yin rolled his eyes. If emperor Lian Yanjing issued an imperial edict to grant himself the title of king of the wind, who else in the wind kingdom would dare to object? The key question is how to make the emperor issue this imperial edict. He frowned and youyou said, "Jiang Lu's progress in going to Beijing is very slow. When he gets through with him, I don't know when to wait." Zong Yuan's eyes rolled around, and the conversation turned around, and asked, "I heard that when the princess visited my country in the wind, he was escorted by the adults himself, and the relationship with his royal highness was very good." Tang Yin doesn't know where he heard about these things. Although it's exaggerated, he can't say it's wrong. His relationship with Yan Rou was not close, but it was not bad, but his feelings for Yan Rou were extraordinary. Yan Rou was the embodiment of crystal, which made Tang Yin deeply trapped in it and couldn't extricate himself. He loved and hated it.

He did not admit or deny it, but said, "go on!" Zong Yuan said, "the royal highness and the royal highness of the princess are brothers and sisters of one of their brethren. Your majesty usually loves and loves this little sister. As long as... The Royal Highness can speak a few good words for her in front of her majesty, so your Majesty's seal edict also means that you can wait." Let Yin Rou say good words to the emperor for herself? Tang Yin smiled bitterly and didn't have much hope for it. He has complex feelings for Yan Rou, but what about Yan Rou? At the beginning, when I escorted her, I was just an ordinary military commander. For so long, it's a question whether I can remember myself as a little man in Yan Rou's noble identity!

Seeing Tang Yin frowning and speechless, Zongyuan saw his concerns, pondered for a moment, and said, "my Lord, my subordinates feel that it is necessary for adults to go to Beijing in person!" "Oh?" Tang Yin's eyes lit up, but without waiting for him to speak, Qiu Zhen on the other side shook his head like a rattle and said, "I'm far from going to Beijing in the gale. I have to go to Beijing for at least a month. How long will it take this time? In addition, there is no monarch and no head of the dynasty. I don't know how many people are peeping at the throne of the king of the wind. Once the adults leave for a long time, they will let those who plot against the law seize the opportunity. What if something goes wrong? " Zhang Zhe also agreed with Qiu Zhen's statement. He nodded repeatedly and said, "if the adults and the Royal Highness really have a friendship, they only need to send a letter to Beijing, so they do not have to go there in person." Zongyuan looked at Qiu Zhen and Zhang Zhe, shook his head and said, "now the military power is firmly in our hands. Even if someone wants to plot the throne, we have to nod and agree. As for the letter to Beijing, even if the letter was not lost on the way, it could really reach the princess's highness. Is it too disrespectful of her royal highness? The power of the imperial court is getting weaker and weaker. Princes and princes everywhere have not listened to the command of the imperial court. What do the royal family value most now? Face and loyalty! If the adults can go to Beijing in person, and go to see the princess, I think that even if the friendship between the adults and the Royal Highness is in general, the princess's heart will be won. If your highness nods to agree with this, your majesty will nothing to be feared. Oh! Tang Yin nodded secretly and thought Zongyuan's words were not unreasonable! At the beginning of the war between Fengning and Nanjing, the princess personally intervened and failed to resolve the battlefield. It can be seen that the contempt of the imperial court by the vassal states everywhere has reached what degree. If you go there yourself, the possibility of success will indeed increase greatly.

Of course, from Tang Yin's heart, he also wanted to go to Beijing in person to win the emperor's award. On the one hand, more importantly, he also wanted to see Yin Rou again, the woman who made him think about the curtain.

Seeing that Tang Yin had been moved by Zongyuan's words, Qiu Zhen and Zhang Zhe were very anxious and said repeatedly, "adults go to Beijing for fear that the capital will change. On the one hand, they also have to cross the country of Mo and the country of an. What if there is danger on the road?" Speaking of this, Qiu Zhen looked straight at Zongyuan and said coldly, "Zongyuan, you've been encouraging adults to go to Beijing. What's your heart?" When it comes to loyalty, Zongyuan trembles. Even if Qiu Zhen is Tang Yin's closest confidant, he won't give up at this time. He said, "Lord Qiu, I have no second thoughts about adults. Heaven can learn from them. All my ideas are for adults and their great cause!" "Hum!" Qiu Zhen snorted coldly and said, "if you really think of adults, you shouldn't persuade adults to go to Beijing in person." "There may be risks for adults to go to Beijing, but if adults do not go to Beijing, the imperial edict granted by the emperor will be difficult to pass down. Even if adults claim to be king, it is also a bad name and words, which not only makes China's position lower than that of other countries, but also ridiculed by people all over the world!" Qiu Zhen naturally knew the important surname of the imperial edict granted by the emperor, and he was the first to put forward the matter. However, even so, he still felt that it was too risky for Tang Yin to go to Beijing, and there were too many variables. He shook his head and said, "even if adults want to be a king with a bad name and bad words, they must not leave the capital at this time." "If you want to achieve great things, how can you not take risks?" "It also depends on how big the risk is and whether it is worth it!" Qiu Zhen and Zongyuan couldn't argue with each other. Tang Yin was caught in the middle and quarreled between them. He suddenly raised his arm, increased his voice and shouted, "stop arguing, I've made up my mind!" His sudden voice immediately attracted the eyes of the generals behind him. Although Shangguan yuanrang and other generals walked with Tang Yin, they all followed far behind and did not dare to disturb the discussion between Tang Yin and three counselors Qiu Zhen, Zhang Zhe and Zongyuan, so Shangguan yuanrang and others didn't hear clearly.

Now they heard Tang Yin yell. They didn't understand what was going on. They looked at each other and finally focused on Tang Yin.

Qiu Zhen and Zongyuan were also startled. They hurriedly stopped and bowed to Tang Yin.

Tang Yintian added his lips and glanced at Qiu Zhen, Zhang Zhe and Zongyuan. He was silent for more than half a minute. The other side said, "this matter... Depends on Zongyuan's opinion!" After saying that, without waiting for the three to respond, Tang Yin pulled the reins, turned over and mounted the horse, and said to the people behind him, "go back to the house!" Shangguan yuanrang and others are zhanger monks. They don't know what Tang Yin's sentence "just follow Zongyuan's view" means. However, judging from the ugly faces of Qiu Zhen and Zhang Zhe, it is estimated that their discussion must not be a small matter.

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