When Tang Yin returned to his residence, Qiu Zhen and Zhang Zhe came to him before he could sit down firmly. They continued to persuade him not to go to Beijing in person, but Tang Yin had made up his mind. He couldn't listen to what Qiu and Zhang said. Finally, he saw that they were still chattering. Tang Yin simply twisted his head and stopped looking at him.

Seeing this, Qiu Zhen and Zhang Zhe both understand that Tang Yin is the son of a bitch who is determined to go to Beijing, so it's no use persuading him with his surname. They looked at each other and both shook their heads and sighed. After hearing that they stopped nagging, Tang Yin turned back, smiled at them and said, "I have an idea. This time I still use the closed door practice as an excuse to go to Beijing secretly. As long as the news is tightly closed, outsiders will never know where I went. When someone detects something wrong, I may already be on my way back to Yancheng, Qiu Zhen and Zhang Zhe, What do you two think? " Before they could answer, Zong Yuan came close from the outside and praised, "Your Excellency, it's wonderful!" Now seeing Zongyuan, Qiu Zhen and Zhang Zhe are angry and don't fight together. They both look at him, and they don't answer.

Tang Yin didn't mind either. He continued to take care of himself and said, "in addition, I can't take too many people on this trip. I think... Only Lotte and Jiang Fan." Ah! Hearing this, Lian Zongyuan was also surprised. He took only two people to Beijing. Adults are too brave. In case of any accident on the road, there is no one to take care of. Swallowing and spitting, Zong Yuan said, "Sir, at least let the general take yuan this time!" Tang Yin waved his hand and youyou said, "I'm really worried about staying in the capital during my absence. Let yuan rang stay in the capital. If anything goes wrong, Yuan rang can hold down the overall situation and stabilize my army!" That's true! Because Shangguan yuanrang is brave and invincible, he has a high prestige in all armies and regiments of the Tianyuan army, and its role is unmatched by others. At this time, Qiu really frowned. "Even if adults want to go to Beijing in person, there are only two people around." Tang Yinyi laughed. "I went to see the royal highness of the princess, and I didn't go to Beijing to fight. The number of people was too small, and the number of people was of no great importance. And the goal was small, which was more conducive to blocking news." Feeling that Tang Yin had anticipated all aspects, Qiu Zhen sighed secretly, pondered for a moment, and said, "my subordinates are willing to go with adults!" Tang Yin asked, "if you go with me, who will command our hundreds of thousands of troops?" Qiu Zhen was speechless when he heard the speech. Yes, there are nearly 800000 Tianyuan troops stationed in Yancheng. So many generals and soldiers are in charge of others. Even if Tang Yin can rest assured, he doesn't rest assured! However, he was really worried about Tang Yin's safety. For a time, he was in a dilemma and didn't know what to do.

Zong Yuan blinked and said, "last time I paid a secret visit to Mo country with my adults, this time I'll go to Beijing with my subordinates!" Zong Yuan is good at insight into people's hearts. If he is around, he can really help Tang Yin a lot. However, Yancheng is too far from Shangjing. Zong Yuan is also a civil servant. Tang Yin plans to go and return quickly. If he takes Zong Yuan, he will definitely drag down his speed. After thinking about it, he shook his head and said, "Zongyuan, this time you also stay in Yancheng and try your best to help Lord Qiu. I only take Lotte and Jiang Fan." "Yes, my Lord!" Zong Yuan was very disappointed that he couldn't go to Beijing with Tang Yin, but he didn't insist and simply agreed.

After the matter was completely settled, Tang Yin immediately sent someone to find Lotte and Jiang Fan to explain the matter.

After listening to Tang Yin's words, Lotte and Jiang Fan were surprised, but they were also excited. It was really rare to go to Beijing with Tang Yin. Especially Jiang Fan felt that this was a good opportunity to get closer to Tang Yin.

They didn't think much about it and immediately bowed their hands to receive the order.

Then Lotte asked carefully, "when does your adult decide to start?" "The sooner the better." Tang Yin thought carefully and said, "we'll start early tomorrow morning." I didn't expect Tang Yin to leave. In such a hurry, Qiu Zhen whispered, "Sir, is it too hasty?" Tang Yin said, "I must try to get back before Zhong Tian subdues the law. If I'm not present when Zhong Tian subdues the law, I don't think you can explain to the outside world." "Yes!" Qiu Zhen nodded, pondered for a moment, and said, "I will make more contact with Wu Xiang according to the adult's schedule, so as to control the process of interrogating Zhong Tian." "So best!" Tang Yin praised with a smile. He has 120 confidence in Qiu Zhen's ability to handle affairs.

Qiu Zhen couldn't stop Tang Yin from making a decision. He had to follow his will and try to do things well. Otherwise, there would be trouble and the consequences would be unimaginable.

Sometimes there are big differences between Tang Yin and Qiu Zhen, but Qiu Zhen is the person Tang Yin trusts most and relies on most. He said to Qiu zhengse, "Qiu Zhen, if I'm not here, you'll be in full charge of the whole army. You don't have to worry about the tossing of the ministers in the court, as long as you ensure the stability of the overall situation." "Don't worry, my Lord. My subordinates understand." Qiu Zhen quickly bows his hands and salutes. At the same time, he is also very pleased. Tang Yin has many shortcomings, such as stubbornness, remoteness, arrogance and so on. However, he also has outstanding advantages. Not remembering revenge is one of them. Like Qiu Zhen himself, he doesn't know how many times he has quarreled with Tang Yin, but Tang Yin still trusts him, which has to be admired.

That night, the bodyguards guarding the palace and the servants of the dance minister's house came to Tang Yin's residence almost at the same time. The palace guards were entrusted by Yuan Qianyi to help convey their intention to meet Tang Yin. The bodyguard of the palace was Tang Yin's direct subordinate. He also knew that the relationship between Tang Yin and Mrs. Hua Rong was unusual and did not dare to neglect it. He immediately rushed to Tang Yin's residence and reported to him. As for the servants of the dance mansion, they were sent by Wu Mei. They also asked Tang Yin to meet them in the dance mansion. After receiving the report from the following soldiers, Tang Yin didn't think much and went directly to the dance minister's house.

In Tang Yin's heart, Wu Mei's weight is of course far better than Hua Rong's wife yuan Qianyi, at least for now.

After arriving at the dance house, a servant had been waiting at the door. When he saw Tang Yin, the servant stepped forward quickly, bowed and saluted, and then led Tang Yin directly to the inner house. Tang Yin has made an engagement with Wu Mei. He is half of the dancer's uncle. Naturally, he can't dare to stop him when he enters the house.

The dancing boudoir is a large reading courtyard with attic and garden, which is very spacious.

As soon as Tang Yin entered the courtyard, he saw Wu Mei sitting in the pavilion. Looking at Tang Yinmei's gorgeous skirt, she has long been dancing in the courtyard. She doesn't feel like a fairy in the distance. She doesn't take off her gorgeous skirt. Now she doesn't change her clothes. She doesn't know it.

Sitting on the stone stool of the pavilion, Wu Mei seems a little restless. Her delicate and curved eyebrows are sometimes wrinkled and sometimes stretched, and her bright eyes are beating constantly.

"Why haven't you come yet? If you have the ability, you'll never come to me!" Wumei murmured her red lips, muttered to herself and muttered angrily.

Hearing the speech, Tang Yin suddenly recovered and couldn't help laughing.

His laughter immediately startled the lovely people in the pavilion. Wu Mei quickly turned around and looked at Tang Yin's smiling eyes. Teng! Her jade face was red and stammered, "you... When did you come?" "For a while!" While talking, Tang Yin walked into the pavilion with a smile and looked down. There were several dishes on the stone table, which were full of fruits and snacks.

From a close look, Wumei is even more charming, especially the eyes that will automatically discharge. Anyone who sees it will be confused and attracted by it. Tang Yin spent a lot of effort to let her eyes leave Wumei's face, move down, and look at the dress she was wearing. The dress was made of yarn. Although it could set off Wumei's convex and concave figure, it also seemed slightly thin.

Tang Yin didn't think about it. She took off the cloak behind her back and put it on Wu Mei. She said softly, "Yancheng is not as cold as Gaochuan County, especially at night." He didn't say sweet words, but it still made Wu Mei very useful. She subconsciously pulled the cloak on her body, and she could feel the residual temperature of Tang Yin and the unique smell of hay on him. Wu Mei took Tang Yin to her seat, picked up the teapot, poured Tang Yin a cup of tea, and then handed it to Tang Yin with a smile.

I don't know why the little girl came to her so late. It can't be for tea tasting? Tang Yin took the tea cup and asked curiously, "Xiaomei, what are you doing sitting in the pavilion without going to bed so late?" "Dad and Xiaoying have gone to the dungeon to interrogate Zhong Tian. I'm bored at home alone!" Wu Mei said pitifully.

Tang Yin sighed and said, "you can also go with them." "The dungeon is dirty and smelly. I won't go. Besides, I'm annoyed when I see Zhong Tian. Why should I take the initiative to see him?" Wu Mei shrugged her thin fragrant shoulders and saw Tang Yin drink the tea without elegance. She couldn't help laughing. She handed her handkerchief and said, "husband, drink slowly!" Go! Almost all the tea Tang Yin had just drunk came out of his mouth and choked into his throat. He coughed several times to ease his breath. He looked at Wu Mei and asked uncertainly, "what did you call me just now?" "Husband!" Wu Mei smiled sweetly and leaned into Tang Yin's arms. If the green jade finger drew a circle in front of Tang Yin's chest, youyou said, "when we officially get married, I have to call you that. I'll practice first!" "Ah... Ha ha..." Tang Yin didn't know how to answer. He could only burst into dry laughter. If he had a mirror in front of him, he would find how stupid he was laughing.

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