It can be seen that Wuyu is very enthusiastic about the interrogation of Zhong Tian. Zhong Tiangang has just been escorted to Yancheng. That night, he went to the dungeon. Tang Yin sat with Wu Mei in the garden until almost midnight, but Wuyu still hasn't returned to his house. Seeing that it was getting late, Tang Yin said, "Xiaomei, tomorrow I will practice in seclusion. I may not be able to accompany you during this time." "Ah?" Wu Mei was surprised and asked, "shut up? Why shut up? " Tang Yin said half jokingly, "if you don't practice Lingwu well, how can I protect you in case of danger?" How can you be in charge of so many sweet dances now? Moreover, even if you want to shut up, you won't even be able to see each other! " Tang Yin shook her head and said, "things are unpredictable! The higher the position, the greater the power, the more it will attract hatred from others. Although I hold the army, I can't guarantee that there will be no accidents. During the closing period, I need to calm down completely. No matter who it is, I won't see it. Xiaomei, I hope you can understand. " When he said this, Wu Mei was not good enough to say anything more. She asked suspiciously, "how long does it... Need to be closed?" "More than two months, less than one month." Tang Yin calculated the time in her heart. Then she stood up with a smile and said, "it's not early. I should go back. Xiaomei, you should have a rest early." Seeing that Tang Yin is leaving and will see him for another month or two, Wu Mei is reluctant to give up. She takes Tang Yin's arm, hesitates for a moment, and whispers, "tonight... Will you stay with me..." when she speaks, her jade face is crimson and her head is half hung. Under the moonlight, she is particularly charming and moving, which makes it impossible to take her eyes away from her.

Tang Yin is a normal man. How can he stand such a naked invitation from Wu Mei? His heart surged and his desire rose. He asked uncertainly, "really... Is it OK?" "Yes!" Wu Mei dared not face Tang Yin's bright eyes, lowered her head and answered gently.

Tang Yin Mei raised her eyes slightly and held her up. Looking at Tang Yin's handsome, young and resolute cheeks and bright and amazing eyes, Wu Mei's blood flow accelerated and her breath hurried involuntarily.

Taking a deep breath, Tang Yin slowly lowered his head and waved his arm slightly outward. With his hidden little action, the originally empty garden suddenly burst into more than a dozen dark shadows in the dark corners around. These dark shadows were like ghosts and ghosts. They moved quickly and silently over the courtyard wall and jumped out of the courtyard.

Those shadows are all dark arrows. They are specially responsible for protecting Tang Yin's safety. Tang Yin didn't ask them to do so, but it was Cheng Jin's intention. He didn't even agree with Tang Yin, but that doesn't mean Tang Yin didn't know. When he and Wu Mei just sat in the pavilion and talked, he turned a blind eye to these light bulbs and ignored them. But now there are further intimate actions, and Tang Yin certainly won't tolerate their existence, Act as spectators and signal them to leave immediately.

The secret arrows were also very clever. After seeing Tang Yin's gesture, they appeared and left one after another, but they didn't go far. They just changed their hiding place from inside the hospital to outside the hospital.

From beginning to end, Wu Mei was unaware. Tang Yin glimpsed from the corner of his eye that all the hidden arrows had retreated. Only then did he completely lower his head and kiss Wu Mei's bright, soft and sweet red lips. They stood hugging each other in the pavilion and kissed each other. At this moment, it seemed that time had stopped, everything in the world had disappeared, and there were only two of them between heaven and earth.

Tang Yin's lust has burned all over her body, and her hands are unconsciously raised, covering the plump place in front of Wu Mei's chest and kneading gently. Soon, just kissing and touching can't satisfy Tang Yin. He lifts up Wu Mei's white skirt and slides his hand into her skirt. Tang Yin's palm felt like a flame, and the places he touched would burn with it. Wu Mei made a noise unconsciously.

Her voice was like a magic spell, which turned Tang Yin's last sense into nothing. His fingers swam between Wu Mei's legs and gently stroked the softest and most attractive place on her body. " No... don't... "Wu Mei felt that her lower body seemed to be on fire. A feeling she had never felt hit her whole body. Her body couldn't make a trace of strength. Her bones were soft, and she stuck to Tang Yin.

"Don't what?" Tang Yin asked softly in her ear as she nibbled on her round earlobe.

"Don't... don't be here..." without saying anything, Tang Yin bent down slightly, picked up Wu Mei, and then walked to Wu Mei's boudoir with big steps. As soon as she arrived, she didn't wait to step in. Suddenly, someone behind her said loudly, "I heard that Lord Tang is coming..." hearing the voice, Tang Yin's body stiffened and nearly let Wu Mei fall to the ground.

Wu Ying?! Tang Yin's heart at this time is full of five flavors. Isn't Wu Ying who, Wu Yu, went to interrogate Zhong Tian? Why don't you come back early or late? Just come back at this juncture.

Yes, it was Wu Ying who came from outside the hospital. She approached excitedly. Seeing Tang Yin walking towards the room with Wu Mei in her arms, she was stunned. However, in the blink of an eye, she reacted. Her white face turned into a big red face and stammered, "ah... Ah! It turns out that Lord Tang and Tang haven't gone yet... "Wu Ying is embarrassed, and Wu Mei is ashamed to open her eyes. If there is a gap on the ground at this time, she can certainly get in without hesitation. Tang Yin was also very embarrassed, but fortunately, he reacted quickly and had a thick face. He immediately returned to normal. He quickly and gently put down Wu Mei, turned back and said with a smile: "it was Xiao Ying. I heard you and Wu Xiang went to interrogate Zhong Tian. What was the result? " As a party concerned, he can act as if nothing had happened. On the contrary, Wu Ying felt very embarrassed and at a loss. She replied vaguely: "it's still... OK! Since Lord Tang is here, then... I'll go back first... "Ah! No, I'm going back to the house, so I won't disturb your sisters." Tang Yin showed a seemingly calm smile at Wu Ying, then turned her head and whispered to Wu Mei, "next time, go to my house." After leaving this sentence, Tang Yin took another deep look at Wu Mei, took a breath on her back and strode out.

Tang Yin walked freely and quickly, leaving the two sisters with big eyes and small eyes. After Tang Yin's figure had disappeared for a while, Wu Yingcai turned back and looked up at Wu Mei and asked, "elder sister, i... I seem to have come at a bad time..." "just know!" Wu Mei angrily glanced at her sister and replied angrily. Then she quickly walked into the room and threw the door behind her.

After leaving the prime minister's residence, Tang Yin breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, she was just hit by Wu Ying. If it was Wu Yu, the old fox wouldn't be sure to make an article about it! On second thought, Tang Yin smiled again and couldn't help adding the fragrant lips. Recalling the incomparable kiss just now, Wu Mei was sweeter and more pleasant than he expected

Tang Yin walked to his mansion and asked, "why didn't you inform me when someone came?" The bodyguards behind him were stunned by his sudden sentence and looked at each other. They didn't know who Tang Yin was asking or how to answer. When the guards were at a loss, a man in black suddenly appeared beside Tang Yin's horse. No one could see how he came, as if he had been there all the time.

The man in black bowed respectfully to Tang Yin and said, "answer, Miss Wu Ying has no malice to adults, so it's inconvenient for her subordinates to come out and stop!" It can't be said that the secret arrow did it wrong. Tang Yin didn't say anything more, but just put his hand at will. The man in black threw up a black fog around him and disappeared without a trace.

Although the bodyguards have seen the shadow drift of dark spiritual practitioners, they will still be stunned by the strangeness. After staying for a while, the guard leader hurried forward and asked in a low voice, "Sir, do you want to go to the palace now?" "To the palace?" Tang Yin looked at him puzzled.

The guard leader whispered, "Mrs. Hua Rong also sent someone to invite adults into the palace." "Oh!" If he didn't remind, Tang Yin would soon forget the matter. He answered, looked down, shook his head and said, "in troubled times, it's better to go less to the palace now, especially late at night." While talking, Tang Yin smiled bitterly and shook her head.

Now Mrs. Hua Rong has no use for Tang Yin, so Tang Yin is also indifferent to her. It can be seen that it is not seen. At this time, it is the most critical time for him to compete for the throne. In order to avoid suspicion, of course, the less he goes to the palace, the better. Besides, entering the palace late at night, once it is spread, it will damage his reputation.

Tang Yin did not accept Mrs. Hua Rong's invitation, left the prime minister's residence and went directly back to his residence.

The next day, just after dawn, Lotte and Jiang Fan arrived one after another before Tang Yin got up. Both of them were very excited that they could follow Tang Yin to visit Beijing. They didn't sleep well at night and came to Tang Yin's house early.

After Tang Yin got up, he had a simple breakfast with Lotte and Jiang Fan, packed his bags, put on ordinary civilian clothes, quietly walked out of the back door of the mansion and rode straight out of the city. Tang Yin left Yancheng to go to Beijing. Only Qiu Zhen, Zhang Zhe and Zongyuan, the close advisers, knew that most people in the Tianyuan army didn't know about it, even including general Shangguan yuanrang.

From Tang Yin's point of view, he, Lotte and Jiang fan are outstanding spiritual practitioners. They ride a fast horse all night, go to Beijing and return quickly. At best, it's only a month. In such a short time, there can be no big trouble in Yancheng, but this time he was wrong. His departure almost plunged the Tianyuan army into an irreparable situation, Yancheng is about to launch a chaos is also brewing.

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