The empty path was so quiet that I couldn't even see a ghost or even make a sound. If someone else did, there would be no doubt about it at this time, and Tang Yin's natural keen intuition made him aware of the danger.

He has just arrived in Beijing and has not contacted several people, let alone an enemy. He is not sure whether the murderous spirit hidden in front of him is aimed at himself. He stopped for a short time and knocked his feet lightly in the stirrup to make him step off his horse and move forward slowly. While walking, Tang Yin also wondered in his heart, was it Li Dan who realized that his relationship with Yan Rou was not simple and sent a shot to kill himself?

But it shouldn't be. When eating with himself, he didn't show it at all. If he did it deliberately, Li Dan's acting skills would be too clever and his person would be too terrible. When Tang Yin was thinking about it secretly, suddenly, five dark shadows appeared around his war horse, and five long black guns stabbed Tang Yin from five different directions.

It was too fast for even a person with strong eyesight to see where these five people came from. Five muskets pierced Tang Yin's body in an instant, two of which were pierced from under the horse's belly, and pierced the horse's body.

"Thin?" The horse gave a cry of pain, flopped and fell to the ground. Looking at Tang Yin on the horse, he mysteriously disappeared.

"Dark spiritual cultivator!" Just when the five people were stunned, suddenly someone behind them said, "it's not so easy to kill me with shadow drift!" Hearing the speech, the five people turned around together and looked up. Tang Yin was squatting in the shadow at the foot of a wall on the side of the road. His body was intact and there were no wounds at all. It turned out that at the moment when the five people flashed in front of Tang Yin with shadow drift, Tang Yin had also used shadow drift to hide out, but the speed of shadow drift was too fast. Others went out, but they still left a residual shadow, and the five people's soul gun just stabbed the residual shadow.

"Why are you plotting against me?" Tang Yin stood up slowly in the corner. Due to the dark light, the green light in his eyes also seemed particularly eye-catching and strange.

The five people in black are all dressed in black spirit armor and holding black spirit guns. They look like five demons drilled out of hell. Tang Yin on the opposite side was similar to them. When the spirit armor was covered, the double swords also appeared in his hands. They were combined into one and turned into a long black sickle.

The five dark practitioners did not answer his question and looked at each other. One of them issued a short low cry: "kill!" With his words, the five people set off at the same time and rushed at Tang Yin together. The five spirits robbed Tang Yin and stabbed Tang Yin's vital points.

Their speed was fast, and Tang Yin was not slow. He slipped sideways, moved two meters away, and avoided all five long guns. Then he returned and stabbed the man closest to him in the neck. The dark spiritual cultivator reacted quickly and lowered his head to let Tang Yin's edge pass. At the same time, he stabbed the long gun against his back and stabbed Tang Yin in the neck and throat.

Yo? Tang Yin was also a little surprised at the other party's moves. As soon as the other party wanted to take back the spirit gun, Tang Yin fell down with the sickle in his hand and hung it on the body of the spirit gun. Then he waved forward again. The edge of the sickle was close to the body of the gun and rowed to the other party's fingers.


The sickle touched the body of the gun and a long spark sprang up. The other party was surprised and didn't dare to hold on to the spirit gun. He opened his fingers, abandoned the spirit gun, and then withdrew. Tang Yin was trying to pursue him, and the other four people rushed close to him. The four spirit guns stabbed him from the top, middle and bottom.

Tang Yin gave a big drink. He took two steps back, then held the knife in both hands and suddenly waved it out. Buzz! A spiritual wave shot out with the fall of the sickle and swept obliquely towards the four people in front. The four spiritual practitioners did not dodge. The four people waved spiritual guns at the same time and released spiritual waves to compete with Tang Yin.


Tang Yin and Lingbo collided with each other's four people's Lingbo, and immediately made a dull sound like a ball explosion. The five Lingbo broke at the same time, and the scattered Lingbo splashed everywhere. Tang Yin and the other party cast shadow drift almost at the same time, flashing out of the range of Lingbo sputtering. As soon as the six men appeared in the distance, they immediately fought to another place.

The duel between dark practitioners is far less intense than the duel between light practitioners. At most, it is the spirit wave released by each other, but most of the time, they use spirit soldiers to directly confront each other. In addition, they also use shadow drift from time to time to avoid each other's killing moves. The scene looks dull, but in fact it is extremely dangerous. It can't tolerate any distraction, because the shadow drift is too strange. I don't know when the other party will show up around me. As long as one is not careful, he may die.

Tang Yin's profound accomplishments did not dare to be careless when fighting against the spiritual practitioners of the dark system. He took up the spirit of twelve points and dealt with it carefully.

The cultivation of the other five people is good, and all of them have received special fighting training. They are agile, fast and ruthless, and their cooperation is very tacit. The two sides came and went. They fought for 20 rounds. Tang Yin didn't take any advantage, but was attacked by the other side.

Tang Yin frowned and suddenly waved three knives to retreat the dark spiritual cultivators around him. Then, he cast shadow drift and flashed out of the attack range of the other party, but he didn't retreat too far, just about five meters away from the other party.

One of the practitioners was closest to Tang Yin. Without even thinking about it, he turned and rushed at Tang Yin.

Just as he ran out of the room for two steps, Tang Yin's body suddenly lifted up a thick black fog. The black fog condensed in front of him and quickly condensed into a strange human shape. The human shape was naked, with short lower limbs and long upper limbs. He squatted on the ground with his arms on the ground. Looking at his face, his thin eyes almost closed together, and two black holes appeared on the broken bridge of his nose, Below is a big mouth.

This is... Shadow separation? The dark spiritual practitioner who rushed to Tang Yin couldn't believe his eyes. Shadow separation is that the dark spiritual cultivator releases all his aura outside the body and condenses into the real body. That is to say, when releasing the shadow separation, the releaser has no aura. How can any dark spiritual cultivator use shadow separation on the battlefield? Unless he doesn't want to live!

The man in black didn't understand Tang Yin's intention. Suddenly, he squatted in front of Tang Yin. The humanoid monster condensed by aura screamed and rushed towards the man in black. The man in black instinctively stabbed the gun in his hand and picked it at Tang Yin's split body, but the split body was extremely flexible. Even in mid air, he twisted his waist and eyes and simply avoided the killing move of the man in black. When the latter realized that it was bad and wanted to use shadow drift to dodge, it was too late. I saw the split body passing by the man in black like a flash of lightning. Just at the moment of passing through, the blood disk of the split body opened wide and bit the man in black's neck. There was a click in the ear wheel. The spirit armor at the neck of the man in black, together with the skin, blood vessels and throat under it, was bitten off by the split body and pounced. Blood gushed out of the man in black's throat for a long time, He threw away the spirit gun, held his neck in both hands, staggered aside, leaned against the wall on the side of the road, slipped slowly, sat on the ground, his head tilted and died.

oh dear! The other four men in black watched as their companions were bitten alive by Tang Yin's shadow. They didn't even have time to rescue them. They were surprised and angry. They roared together and rushed to Tang Yin's real body.

At this time, the humanoid monster turned from entity to aura and quickly returned to Tang Yin. The latter dragged a sickle and fought with four dark spiritual practitioners.

Tang Yin made every effort to fight again this time. The sabre moves were sometimes fierce, sometimes feminine, sometimes hard against each other, and sometimes hard. The four dark spiritual practitioners fought with Tang Yin for another 20 rounds. On the scene, they no longer had any advantage. Instead, they were repeatedly used by Tang Yin *, the shadow drifted, the aura consumed seriously, and the four people also saw sweat on their faces.

At the moment of fierce battle, I heard a long and low whistle not far away. Hearing the whistle, the four dark spiritual practitioners shook their bodies at the same time and jumped out of the circle at the same time. Then, they cast shadow drift one after another and fled quickly in all directions.

Tang Yin frowned. How could he let the other party go when he didn't know his identity and intention? He didn't think about it. There was a black fog around his body, and his body disappeared. When he reappeared, he appeared five meters behind a man in black.

"You can escape, but you have to stay alive!" Tang Yin sneered, and the two arrows ran out, leaving only two meters away from each other, which was within the scope of his attack. Tang Yin raised the sickle in his hand. With a cry, the sickle was covered by the burning dark fire, and then swung it down fiercely.

While killing the enemy, he had to find out what was going on. He was lazy to catch the living mouth * and asked the other party that Tang Yin planned to burn and suck the other party's soul directly.

Dark fire is no less terrible than any kind of poison in the world. As long as it sticks to the body, it will be difficult for immortals to live. Hearing the bad wind behind his back, the dark spiritual cultivator was frightened and fell on the spot. He rolled forward continuously with his customary surname. At last, he avoided Tang Yin's knife, and his body didn't stop completely. He used his shadow drift to rush up to the roof and ran out with his sucking strength.

His body method is fast, but it is not as fast as Tang Yin. The latter shows a shadow drift and flashes behind the man in black again. This time, he lifts it with one leg and kicks the man in black in the back. The talent in black has just finished the shadow drift. I didn't expect Tang Yin's speed to be so fast. Now he can't dodge. He is kicked by Tang Yin.

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