Boom! The man was like an unloaded shell, kicked out by Tang Yin. His body drew a long arc in the air and fell straight under the house.

But his body hasn't landed yet. Suddenly, a spiritual wave suddenly flashed in the shadow in front. This spiritual wave came too fast and too suddenly. Not to mention that the man in black had been kicked out of his mind by Tang Yin at this time. Even in his heyday, he might not be able to escape.

The man in black was swept firmly on his chest by this spiritual wave. With the muffled sound, his body was separated by all the two parts, the upper body and the lower body, and each fell out for a long time, with blood and water and his internal organs scattered on the ground.

When Tang Yin caught up with him, the man in black had already died. Then he looked around. There was no one on the dark and quiet path. The spirit wave that killed the man in black seemed to emerge out of thin air.

Tang Yin watched for a long time and didn't feel the existence of the enemy nearby. Then he lowered his head, looked at the corpse on the ground and frowned secretly. The man in black was not bad in cultivation, but he could be split in two by the other party's spirit wave. Moreover, when he was relatively far away, his cultivation might be higher, but why kill him? Are you afraid that he will fall into his own hands and kill people?

This is a very vicious means! Tang Yin narrowed her eyes, but could not block the bright green light in her eyes. As the man in black was dead, his soul burning was useless. Tang Yin squatted down and carefully turned over the bloody body, hoping to find some clues. To his disappointment, he didn't find anything, not even a piece of silver or copper coin.

Tang Yin took out his handkerchief, reluctantly wiped his hands and stood up. At this time, it was impossible for him to catch up with the other three people in black. Just as he was thinking, he suddenly heard messy footsteps at the end of the alley, as if a large number of people were running here.

He reacted very quickly, immediately cast shadow drift, flashed to the room, and then climbed in a dark corner and watched silently who was coming.

After a short time, more than 100 officers and soldiers came from the end of the alley. When they arrived at the scene, they saw the bodies on the ground and shouted.

Seeing that the visitor was an officer and soldier, not an assassin who assassinated himself, Tang Yin was not interested in watching any more. He rubbed back a few times, cast a shadow drift and flashed out.

Tang Yin is not stupid. On the contrary, he is smarter than most people. A little analysis in his heart makes things clear. No one knows that he came to Beijing. Even if he has an enemy, he can't catch up with him. Since some people are willing to take risks to assassinate themselves and are all dark spiritual practitioners, Shiyou * * has something to do with the thieves in Anguo town. It can be seen that the identity of the thief is certainly not simple. He dared to kill at the foot of the emperor, and his courage is also great. In addition, the iron card he picked up must be an important clue.

Maybe Lotte guessed it. Shenchi is secretly cultivating spiritual practitioners of the dark Department to do some dark activities for Shenchi.

If so, things will be in trouble. Tang Yin sighed secretly. He didn't want to make trouble and publicize it, but would people in Shenchi believe it? If the other party believes it, he will not be in a hurry to kill himself. It seems that he will have more trouble in the future! Thinking of this, instead of being afraid, he sneered. Since the trouble had been caused, he came to the door again. He could not hide, but there was nothing to be afraid of. He also wanted to see what skills the people of Shenchi had.

The horse has been stabbed to death by the assassin, and the officers and soldiers are present. Tang Yin can only ignore it and return to the inn on foot.

This time there was no accident on the way. When he returned to the inn, it was already dark. Lotte, Jiang Fan and Jiang Lu were waiting anxiously in the room, scratching their ears and cheeks and walking around.

Finally Tang Yin and others came back. Their eyes were the same, and their heart finally fell back when they mentioned their voice. At the same time, they gathered around and asked, "Sir, how did you come back?" Tang Yin smiled and said lightly, "something happened on the road and delayed for a while." Then he saw that Lotte, Jiang Fan and Jiang Lu looked a little abnormal and asked, "what's the matter?"? What happened when I wasn't at the inn? " "This..." Jiang Lu grinned and didn't answer immediately. Lotte bit her teeth, took two steps forward, came to Tang Yin, hardened her head and whispered, "Sir, I just received the news that there was an accident in Yancheng." "What?" Tang Yin flashed a cold light in his eyes and asked in a frozen voice, "what's the matter with Yancheng?" "Sir, please see, this is just passed from Yancheng by my brother." Lotte said something and handed Tang Yin a piece of stationery. The stationery was not big, but it was full of words, and there were omitted words commonly used by Tianyan personnel. When he looked coldly, the sentence could not be a sentence, and the word could not be a sentence.

Tang Yin couldn't understand this. He threw the letter back to Lotte and said expressionless, "read it to me." "Yes, my Lord!" Lotte took the letter and read it in detail.

Tang Yin is the commander of the Tianyuan army and controls the military power of the wind country. His departure cannot be concealed. Soon, the story of Tang Yin's closed door cultivation spread. The happiest person to learn about this is Wu Yu. He wants to take the opportunity of interrogating Zhong Tian to eliminate dissidents and weaken the party members of Liang Xing and Ziyang HaoChun in the court. With Tang Yin, he still has concerns and dare not do too much. But now Tang Yin is no longer closed, so Wu Yu has no worries and can do whatever he wants.

On the night when she learned that Tang Yin had been closed, Wu Yu went to interrogate Zhong Tian all night and forced Zhong Tianxia to make two confessions. The spearheads of the two confessions were directed at "Taicang" Peng Cheng and "Dounei" Luo Hua, saying that they often had secret contacts and colluded with Zhong Tian.

Taicang and Dounei are both subordinate officials of the internal history of controlling millet. Wuyu aims at Peng Cheng and Luo Hua, who also want to involve Zhang Xin in the internal history of controlling millet recently. However, the internal history of controlling millet is not a small official. It is in charge of agriculture, agricultural tax, agricultural materials and so on in the country, and its official position is second only to the prime minister. Therefore, Wuyu took Peng Cheng and Luo Hua first. First, he tried to test them. Second, it was convenient to pull Zhang Xin off his horse later.

Zhang Xin is the confidant of Liang Xing and the one with the highest position and the most real power around Liang Xing. Wu Yu has long regarded him as a thorn in the eye and a thorn in the flesh. He just can't grasp Zhang Xin's handle. Now, he can make a big fuss with Zhong Tian's trump card.

After obtaining the criminal evidence from Zhong Tian, Wu Yu immediately went to Qiu Zhen, gave Qiu Zhen two confessions, and asked him to mobilize the army to catch Peng Cheng and Luo Hua.

Now that Tang Yin is away, Qiu Zhen doesn't want to make trouble. He thinks it's best to spend this period quietly. When Tang Yin comes back, everything will be easy to say, but he can't stand Wu Yu's repeated persuasion. It seems that Wu Yu is determined to catch Peng Cheng and Luo Hua.

Qiu Zhen and Wu Yu have very different official positions. The most important thing is that there is a relationship between Wu Mei. Finally, Qiu Zhen has no choice but to nod and agree to catch Napeng and Luo. In his opinion, these two people are small officials and have the testimony provided by Zhong Tian. It's no big deal to catch them.

But this time Qiu Zhen was careless and thought things too simple.

That night, Qiu Zhen transferred a regiment from the plain army to Wuyu to help Wuyu catch Peng and Luo. Wu Yu was very happy. He divided the 10000 plain army into two waves. One wave was led by himself, and the other wave was handed over to his cousin Wu Bin. He went to Peng Cheng's and Luo Hua's homes separately, captured them and pressed them back to prison.

In Qiu Zhen's view, Peng Cheng and Luo Hua were just insignificant officials, but the news of their arrest immediately caused panic among the ministers in the court. Of course, Wuyu's confidants are not afraid. Instead, they are happier and happier one by one. They feel that it is time for them to come out, while other ministers are all frightened. Wuyu can catch Peng and Luo with a piece of paper today. Will he catch himself with the same means tomorrow? Ministers have no bottom in their hearts.

Peng Cheng and Luo Hua were also arrested. Their immediate boss, Zhisu NEISHI Zhang Xin, went to Zuo prime minister's house overnight to complain to Liang Xing. Hearing this, Liang Xing was also very angry, but there was nothing he could do. Wu Yu had Tianyuan army as his backer. He wanted power, power and people. What did he have? There are only some servants and generals in the mansion. How can they compete with Wuyu.

Seeing that Liang Xing didn't speak for a long time, his face turned red and white for a while, Zhang Xin shook his head and sighed again and again. Zhang Xin was worried and said in a trembling voice, "Liang Xiang, haven't you seen the intention of the old man Wuyu? On the surface, he is arresting Peng Cheng and Luo Hua, but in fact, he is dealing with me! If you let it go, I will be caught by Wuyu soon. When Wuyu cleans up the people around Liang Xiang, next... He will clean up Liang Xiang! " "Pa!" Hearing this, Liang Xing's anger could no longer be restrained. He slapped on the table, stood up and shouted, "how dare he?" "Liang Xiang, do you think there's anything Wu Yu doesn't dare to do now? Zhong Tian is in his hands, and the Tianyuan army is his backer. Now Wu Yu can convict the minister if he writes a crime casually! Don't you know Peng Cheng and Luo Hua? Give him ten courage and don't dare to talk to Zhong Tian privately. Wu Yu's so-called crime is out of thin air! Today he framed Peng Cheng and Luo Hua, and it's clear You will frame me if you say so, and you will be framed by Liang Xiang the day after tomorrow. Liang Xiang can't take it lightly. You should make arrangements as soon as possible... "Liang Xing and Wu Yu have been courtiers in the same hall for so long, don't you know what Wu Yu is? Although Wu Yu is usually gentle and kind, he didn't catch the chance. Once he had the chance, he would be more vicious than anyone. Zhang Xin's words are not alarmist, but may happen.

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