At the critical moment, it was the dark spiritual cultivator and the staff of the dark arrow who saved Wu Mei. Wu Mei is Tang Yin's fiancee, and the hidden arrow also has a part of manpower to secretly protect Wu Mei, but there are not many people. At this time, only three people are responsible for protecting Wu Mei, and their strength is limited. If they want to save people, they can only save Wu Mei.

As the outside has been surrounded and trapped by Sanshui army, the secret arrow personnel just climbed over the courtyard wall of the prime minister's residence with Wu Mei in their arms and were immediately surrounded by Sanshui soldiers outside. One of the secret arrow personnel immediately reached into his arms, took out the token of the secret arrow, waved to the surrounding soldiers and shouted, "we are secret arrows and are handling a case. If anyone stops, cut first and then play!" The reputation of the hidden arrow is not boasted. Let alone ordinary soldiers, even if the commander of the whole army makes a big mistake, the hidden arrow personnel also have the right to review and then report. Seeing that the other party was a hidden arrow, Sanshui soldiers instinctively retreated one after another and voluntarily gave up a passage. The three hidden arrows didn't dare to delay. Holding Wumei, they ran out with big steps.

As soon as they left the front foot, Liu Gang, who came after them, also arrived. He watched the soldiers below release each other. He was angry and angry. He fought three battles and shouted at the soldiers around him: "who told you not to let them run? What are you doing here? Chase! " However, it was too late to catch up at this time. The dark arrow personnel had already run away with Wu Mei.

Wumei was rescued by the hidden arrows. Wuyu, his wives and Wuying were not so lucky. All these people were captured by the Sanshui army and temporarily detained in a big house in the prime minister's residence. At the same time, outside the prime minister's residence, almost all the people in Yancheng were in disorder, with chickens flying and dogs jumping and people shouting and horses neighing.

Liang Xingxiang, who got the military power, was like a wild horse leaving Xinjiang. He vented all his depression and anger after he lost power, and even couldn't control his emotions. At the same time, Ziyang HaoChun on the other side was not idle. He summoned himself, Liang Xing and the servants and guests of their confidants to form an army of thousands and went to Tang Yin's house, Besiege the backbone of Tianyuan army headed by Qiu Zhen.

Liang Xing's idea is very comprehensive. Even if he has the military symbols and general orders of the Sanshui army, it is not possible for the Sanshui army to go to kill Qiu Zhen and others. The Sanshui army certainly does not dare to do so. The elimination of Qiu Zhen and others can only rely on their own strength. Fortunately, they also nourish their essence and store their sharp talents in peacetime. Everyone has a lot of servants and disciples in their family, which can finally be used now.

As one of the four dignitaries of the wind country, Liang Xing's mind and on-the-spot command are not ordinary. His style is also vigorous and resolute, and his means are vicious. Moreover, Ziyang HaoChun, who is good at leading the war, is helping him.

Although Liang Xing's order was only to arrest ministers loyal to Wu Yu, the situation soon got out of control. Those ministers were not willing to be captured. Their servants and disciples soon fought with Sanshui soldiers. Once they started, death and injury were inevitable. Seeing that their brothers died in each other's hands, Sanshui soldiers were no longer polite. At this time, they didn't care whether they were alive or not, People will be beheaded when they see people and killed when they meet people. For a moment, people's shrill screams and painful wails are heard one after another in Yancheng.

Liang Xing was not surprised that the capture of the Sanshui army turned into a massacre. Those ministers thought they were in danger of being a backer. They looked above the top and did whatever they wanted. If the Sanshui Army wanted to arrest them, they would not be willing to arrest them. As soon as there was a fight and death or injury, the situation would be intensified immediately. In fact, it's exactly what he expected.

Liang Xing laughed in his heart, kill! It's better to kill all the running dogs and minions of Wuyu and save trouble in the future! Soon, another news came that Wuyu and his family were captured alive by their own side, and now they are all detained in the prime minister's house. The news made Liang Xing jump so high that he didn't expect to catch the old fox Wuyu so smoothly! Unable to suppress his excitement, he immediately sent someone to the right prime minister's house to ask him to bring Wuyu to the palace.

Now, the Sanshui army under the command of Liang Xing is close to the main gate of the palace, and the 10000 plain army is in charge of guarding the palace.

Seeing the many Sanshui armies coming ahead, the soldiers of the plain army still don't know what happened.

Liang Xing, protected by many of his disciples, hurried forward and directly asked the generals of the plain army to speak. In charge of these 10000 people is a military commander named Cai Yuhu, a native of Pingyuan county. He is tall, brave and good at fighting. He is also a famous general in the Pingyuan army.

He knew Liang Xing, but it was because of this that he felt more strange. How could Liang Xing come with his brothers in the Sanshui army? He arched his hand at Liang Xing on the horse and said, "it's Liang Xiang. I'll be polite at the end." He said so, but he didn't even bow, let alone kneel down to salute.

Liang Xing was angry, but his expression remained the same. He said with a straight face, "you can go back. Now the guard of the palace is replaced by the Sanshui army." Cai Yuhu frowned. The palace has always been protected by the plain army. When did it change to the Sanshui army? Why haven't you heard any news? He was full of doubts and asked, "does Liang Xiang have an adult's general order or written instruction?" Liang Xing has only the general order of the Sanshui army in his hand. There is no general order of the Tianyuan army, and Tang Yin did not do the general order and talisman of the Tianyuan army at all. Liang Xing was ready. He reached into his arms, took out a broken Oracle and handed it to the doorman around him to pass it to Cai Yuhu.

Cai Yuhu took it suspiciously and began to write a written instruction. It was not written by Tang Yin at all. The seal of the general was stamped on it, and the signature below was Ziyang HaoChun. After reading it, Cai Yuhu didn't even think about it. He waved away the oracle and said to Liang Xing, "this is not an adult's Oracle at all. Without an adult's order, I'm sorry. I wouldn't go anywhere!" Seeing this, Liang Xing's old face suddenly sank down. He stretched out his hand fiercely, lit Cai Yuhu's nose, and shouted angrily, "how dare you be rude to the instructions of the general and disobey the orders of the general?" Others may be afraid of Liang Xing's three points, but Cai Yuhu didn't care and didn't pay attention to him. He said coldly, "what is a general?! I will only obey your orders and only recognize your general orders and instructions. If Liang Xiang can't take them out, please come back as soon as possible! " With that, he waved impatiently and turned to return to the palace.

Liang Xing couldn't stand being humiliated in public by a mere military commander. He turned back and screamed, "this man doesn't obey the general's orders and intends to rebel. Take this man down!" With his words, the soldiers of Sanshui army moved until the disciples under Liang Xing came forward together and made an posture to catch Cai Yuhu.

The other party came to catch their own army head. How could the plain soldiers sit and ignore it? Hundreds of plain soldiers at the gate of the palace rushed forward to stop Liang Xing's disciples. At the same time, they heard a creaking sound of bowstring tension above the palace gate. On the palace wall, thousands of plain soldiers had twisted their bows and arrows and aimed at Liang Xing and others outside the palace.

Liang Xing was startled, stared at the people of the plain army in front of him, gritted his teeth and said, "all of you are against!" As he spoke, he turned back and shouted to the generals of the Sanshui army and the commanders of the Corps: "do you see that all these people have turned against me? You all go up and kill all these rebels!" It's OK to let the Sanshui army catch the ministers in the court, but let them fight with the original army and fight their own people. No one in the Sanshui army dares to do so and doesn't want to do so in his heart. After listening to Liang Xing's words, the generals looked at each other and all bowed their heads. None of them spoke and none of them took orders to fight.

Seeing this, Liang Xing's eyebrows stood up, took out the Amulet of the Sanshui army, flashed in front of the generals and shouted, "do you dare to resist the order?" "The last general dare not..." seeing the talisman, the generals looked ugly and knelt on one knee.

"Since you don't want to resist the order, fight me now and wipe out all the rebels occupying the palace!" Liang Xing snapped.

The generals of Sanshui army looked at each other and said nothing again.

If he could not control the palace, he could not claim the king. The plan was a complete failure. Liang Xing was so anxious and angry that his eyes were about to burst out fire. He turned back, took out a steel sword from a doorman nearby, pointed to the generals of the Sanshui army and shouted, "who dares to disobey the military order, I want his head now!" Seeing that Liang Xing was like a madman, the generals were cold in their hearts. Under the authority of Liang Xing, they stood up one after another, looked at each other and shook their heads and sighed. How to fight this war? He and the original army are all one family. Besides, the combat effectiveness of the plain army is the strongest among the Tianyuan army. Now he relies on the palace wall to defend. Even if there are many people on his side, he can't get in!

They winked at each other, nodded tacitly, and then arched their hands to Liang Xing and said, "yes! The end will obey! " Seeing that the generals were finally willing to obey their orders, Liang Xing's face slowed slightly. His eyes turned and said, "there are many people on our side and few rebels. Don't attack a little. Spread out and attack me on all sides!" The prime minister is not a mediocre soldier. He has read the book of mediocrity and used it well.

This time, without hesitation, the general of Sanshui army repeatedly promised that according to Liang Xing's intention, the whole army was divided into four parts to attack the palace from four directions of southeast and northwest.

With the launching of the Sanshui army's attack, the inside and outside of the palace suddenly fell into a sea of shouting and killing. Only people shouted fiercely, but none of them really came forward to do it. Looking from a distance, I saw the plain army shouting on the palace wall and the Sanshui army shouting outside the palace wall. The two sides neither fought nor shot arrows at each other. Many soldiers were shouting to kill with a grin.

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