The Sanshui army's attack on the palace was dry thunder and no rain. People shouted happily, but they refused to attack. Liang Xing couldn't see the attack of the Sanshui army, but he couldn't do it in a hurry. He was also afraid that it would backfire and would no longer be under his own command and control.

While Liang Xing was scratching his ears and cheeks around the palace, Wu Yu was escorted by people. When he saw Wu Yu, Liang Xing's eyes were shining. He walked forward with big steps, stood in front of Wu Yu, looked at him up and down, provoked the corners of his mouth, and said leisurely, "Wu Yu, I didn't expect that you will have today!" Wuyu's face was very ugly. He stared at Liang Xing with both eyes. He was angry and hated. His body was sudden and trembling. It was a pity that his hands and feet were constrained and he had nothing to do with Liang Xing. He gritted his teeth and said, "Liang Xing, you don't have to be proud. Your end will be worse than me sooner or later! Zhong Tian is your lesson! " "Ha ha?" Hearing the speech, Liang Xing couldn't help smiling at the sky and said, "what is Zhong Tian? How can he be compared with me! Wu Yu, you still dare to make rude remarks now. Believe it or not, I can make you head different immediately! " Wu Yu knew that the hatred between himself and Liang Xing was not the slightest. If he fell into his hands, he would come to no good end. He stretched out his head and shrunk his head. At this time, Wu Yu also broke out and shouted in a reckless voice: "old Liang Xing thief, if you want to kill or cut, you'll have a good time, but sooner or later, you'll pay for what you've done today!" The surrounding Liang Xing disciples frowned. Several of them took out their swords, walked to the left and right of Wu Yu, and then looked at Liang Xing. As long as Liang Xing gave an order, they could immediately cut Wu Yu into several pieces. Liang Xing hates Wu Yu and regards him as his biggest enemy and competitor, but he also has to consider the consequences of killing Wu Yu. After all, Wu Yu is a right-wing prime minister with high prestige. To kill him, you must find convincing evidence and charges, or you won't end well. Thinking of this, he suppressed the anger in his heart and said kindly, "Wu Yu, you are born or dead. You have your own conclusion. It's not your turn! Just sit here and watch a good play and see how I enter the palace! " Speaking of this, he looked left and right and said, "but there's no chair for you here. Let me see. You'd better kneel and see!" As he said this, he raised his head to his disciples. Knowing this, the crowd rushed up and pressed Wu Yu on his head and shoulders, forcing him to kneel on the ground. Wu Yu has never suffered such injustice in his life. At this time, he even has the heart of death and yells at Liang Xing. Liang Xingfei was not angry, but he felt much more comfortable watching Wu Yu laugh at the extreme humiliation.

Liang Xing's attempt to occupy the Royal Palace was temporarily blocked by the plain army. On the other side, thousands of people composed of Liang Xing, Ziyang HaoChun and the servants and guests of the ministers in the court have been killed to Tang Yin's residence. Since Qiu Zhen and others have no residence in Yancheng, they usually live either in the military camp outside the city or in Tang Yin's house. Tang Yin's official residence has naturally become a gathering place for the high-level of Tianyuan army.

Now, Qiu Zhen, Zhang Zhe, Zongyuan, Shangguan yuanrang, Wu Guang, Zhan Hu and other civil servants and military generals gather in the lobby. The news of Tianyan and Diwang is well-informed. It can be said that when Liang Xinggang confused Liang Qi and Bai Yong, Aijia got the news and passed it on to Qiu Zhen and others.

Hearing the news, Qiu Zhen and others were surprised at first. Their first reaction was to quickly summon the plain, Chifeng, Tianying and the Fourth Army directly under them to recapture the talisman and general order of the Sanshui army. However, Zongyuan stopped the people again before the order was conveyed. His eyes turned and youyou said, "don't you think this is a good opportunity?" His sudden remark stunned everyone present. It was clear that something big had happened and the military power of the Sanshui army had fallen into Liang Xing's hands. How could this still be an opportunity for his own side? Seeing the outstanding people's puzzlement, Zong Yuan smiled. He first looked at counselors such as Qiu Zhen and Zhang Zhe and asked, "Lord Qiu, Lord Zhang and gentlemen, do you really want to be a counselor who can't be on the table all your life?" As he spoke, he looked up at the generals such as Yuan rang and continued: "general yuan rang, general Wu Guang and general Zhan Hu, do you also want to be an ordinary general with real but unknown all your life?" Seeing that everyone was surprised, Zong Yuan said with a smile: "I know everyone doesn't want to, and adults don't want to, but one day, if adults become king, it's impossible to replace all the ministers in the court at once. It's a little bit. You have to find reasons to find their handle, and then kick them out of the court one by one, but how long will it take? decade? Twenty years? But now, Liang Xingshi's trick has won the military power of the Sanshui army. His primary goal must be Wu Yu and those confidants of Wu Yu. We just need to sit back and watch the change and let them kill each other. If one dies, we will have more places left for us and less resistance for adults to claim the king. When the two sides fight together at the end, we will come out to clean up the mess, By the way, Liang Xing and Ziyang HaoChun's forces will be removed openly on the charge of blatant rebellion. In this way, if adults have no competitors, we can also refer to Gao Sheng and take charge of the imperial court. " Yo! When Zong Yuan finished his words, the spirits of all present cheered up. Yes, Zong Yuan's words are not unreasonable. Now is really a good time to clear up the old forces of the original court. Shangguan yuan rang grinned and couldn't help laughing. He stretched out his thumb at Zongyuan and said with admiration, "Mr. Gao Jian!" Then he turned around again, waved to Aijia and said, "Aijia, don't send the urgent documents to the Fourth Army First, but let the Fourth Army stand still first!" Aijia nodded and looked at Qiu Zhen again. In the absence of Tang Yin, Qiu Zhen is the supreme commander of Tianyuan army. What to do depends on Qiu Zhen's meaning.

Qiu Zhen pondered Zong Yuan's opinion carefully and nodded secretly. He felt that Zong Yuan's opinion was indeed feasible. It was far better to hold still than to intervene forcibly. However, as the commander-in-chief, you can't say that. Once it was spread, wouldn't the Tianyuan army become the target of public criticism?

He blinked and thought for a long time before slowly opening his mouth and said, "the Sanshui army is our own brother, and there must be no hand and foot mutilation. Therefore, let the Fourth Army stand still for the time being, and we will think of other ways to recapture the talisman and general order of the Sanshui army." Shangguan yuan asked him to turn his eyes when listening. That's how literati say everything in a roundabout way. If they want to sit and watch Liang Xing and Wu Yu kill each other, they just say it. Why do they talk so much nonsense?!

At this time, Zhang Zhe took a breath and said anxiously, "what if Liang Xing led the Sanshui army into the right prime minister's house? If not, Wu Yu and even Miss Wu Mei are worried about their last name! " Cheng Jin said, "Mr. Zhang Zhe, please rest assured that I have sent competent subordinates to protect Miss Wu Mei. As for Wu Yu, he is not within the scope of my hidden arrow." Zhang Zhe youyou said, "Wu Yu is Miss Wu Mei's father and has always been close to adults. If he is killed by Liang Xing, I'm afraid adults will blame us for our inaction after they come back!" This is a trouble! Everyone frowned and was silent.

Zong Yuan smiled calmly and said, "I think Mr. Zhang Zhe and you are worried too much. What adults care about is Miss Wumei, not miss Wuyu. Because of Miss Wumei's relationship, I think Wuyu is more like a heart disease of adults. It can't be touched or touched. It's hard to keep it. If Liang Xingzhen kills Wuyu, adults will be sad and angry, but they will never blame us." When it comes to the ability of insight into people's hearts, no one can compare with Zong Yuan. After hearing this, people think it is true. Tang Yin is usually very polite to Wu Yu, but people with his surname can see that it is a false surface. In fact, no one knows what he thinks in his heart.

Finally, Qiu Zhen had to make the final decision, and everyone's eyes focused on Qiu Zhen. Qiu Zhen smiled bitterly and knocked on his forehead. After pondering for a long time, he finally nodded and replied, "well, it's also in Mr. Zongyuan's opinion!" After some discussion, they basically finalized the matter, agreed, stood still and ignored it. In fact, their decision is more selfish than public. The country of wind has no owner, and Tang Yin has military power in his hand. No matter how the ministers block it, it is impossible to block Tang Yin's road to becoming king.

Sitting and watching the ministers kill each other, he said it was false to clear the obstacles to Tang Yin's becoming king, and it was mainly to seek personal gain for himself. Qiu Zhen, Zhang Zhe, Zong Yuan, Shangguan yuanrang and so on are Tang Yin's confidants. Yes, they are also sincerely loyal to Tang Yin, but what are people willing to follow Tang Yin through life and death? In the end, it is to be able to throw people into the ground.

Take Qiu Zhen as an example. He has been spying on Liang Xing's position for a long time. He dreams that he will become the Prime Minister of the wind country one day and honor his ancestors. But Liang Xing can't go on. How can he climb up? Now it's hard to wait for such a great opportunity to let him give up. It's too difficult.

Due to various selfish considerations, the top level of the Tianyuan army did not mobilize the army stationed outside the city, leaving Liang Xing and the Sanshui army to toss around in the capital. Because of this, when the Sanshui army rebelled, the other four armies of the Tianyuan army seemed surprisingly slow. They did not go out, nor did they make corresponding countermeasures, nor did they attack the capital. Otherwise, it would be impossible for the 40000 Sanshui army to block the four gates of Yancheng.

It can be said that the chaos in Yancheng was the act of Liang Xing and others being jumped over the wall by Wu Yu, and it was also caused by the deliberate connivance of the high-level of Tianyuan army.

Qiu Zhen and others indulge Liang Xing, but Liang Xing doesn't intend to let them go. If Qiu Zhen doesn't die, the Tianyuan army will still be in the hands of Tang Yin, which will pose a great threat to himself. If you want to seize all the military power of Tianyuan army while Tang Yin is away, you must kill Qiu Zhen and others.

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