Wuyu and Wumei were sent back to the dance Mansion by Tang Yin. The dancers who were punished by Liang Xing were also innocent because of Tang Yin's return. The dancers can be said to have been rehabilitated from top to bottom, but Ziyang HaoChun was not so lucky. At the beginning of Liang Xing's rebellion, Ziyang HaoChun gave him strong support, which Tang Yin did not ignore, Ziyang's family continued to be under house arrest, but the guards were replaced by Tianyuan army, and Ziyang HaoChun also continued to be held in prison. At this time, Ziyang HaoChun also saw that Liang Xing was going to kill himself. Now Tang Yin didn't intend to let himself go. He didn't please himself inside and outside. I'm afraid he won't come to a good end this time. There is no medicine for regret in the world. Ziyang HaoChun is too late to repent at this time.

After Tang Yin returned to his official residence, he immediately asked Qiu Zhen and others to tell in detail what happened in Yancheng during his departure. Naturally, Qiu Zhen didn't dare to hide it. They told Tang Yin the whole story.

When Qiu Zhen and others finished talking, people were very nervous and looked at Tang Yin eagerly to see how he reacted. Tang Yin's expression did not change, that is, there was neither joy nor anger. From his face, it was impossible to see whether he agreed or opposed Qiu Zhen's actions.

Sitting on the mat, Tang Yin pondered for a moment, then looked up and said, "Yuan rang!"

"The end will come!" Shangguanyuan shocked himself, quickly stood up, walked to Tang Yin and bowed to him.

Tang Yin said, "you go outside the city, bring 10000 plain troops into the city and go to Liang Xing's house. No matter what means you use, in short, bring Liang Qi and Bai Yong back to me without any mistake!"

"I will obey!" Shangguanyuan promised and walked out with big steps.

Tang Yin added, "Qiu Zhen!"

"My subordinates are here!" Qiu Zhen hurried forward when he heard the speech.

Tang Yin said, "give orders to the plain army, send troops into the city and continue to guard the palace. By the way, tell Xiao MuQing that if there is no order from me in the future, if the plain army dares to evacuate the palace without permission, I will take his head."

"Yes, my Lord!" Qiu Zhen trembled when he heard the speech. Tang Yin said this to Xiao MuQing. In fact, he was telling himself. After all, he was the one who ordered the plain army to withdraw from the palace. Qiu Zhen couldn't see Tang Yin's true psychology at this time. He didn't dare to stay in the lobby for a long time. He arched his hand and tried to retreat.

"Wait a minute." Tang Yin added: "by the way, withdraw all the soldiers of the Sanshui army stranded in the city and order them to return to the barracks without error."


Tang Yin's repeated orders soon calmed down the chaotic situation in Yancheng. After explaining everything that should be explained, Tang Yin asked the crowd, "it's rumored that Liang Xing's claim to the king has disturbed the harem these days. Is this serious?"

Hearing the speech, all the generals laughed. Zong Yuan leaned over and said, "that's a rumor we secretly made to discredit Liang Xing. In fact, during the period when Liang Xing became king, he was too busy to go to the back palace for chaos!"

"Ha ha!" Tang Yin smiled, nodded and said with a smile, "is there twenty days for Liang Xing to become king?"

"Lord Hui, it's just twenty days today!"

Tang Yin narrowed his eyes and said, "it seems that he can only be the monarch for these twenty days!"

The people looked at each other and all looked like they wanted to talk and stop. Zhang Zhe frowned and said, "my Lord and Liang Xing agreed to re elect the monarch in a month. I'm afraid... It's not good for my Lord!"

"Oh? Why is it bad for me?"

"My Lord, now the ministers in the court are the direct lineage and confidants of Liang Xing. If they choose a new monarch, they will certainly choose Liang Xing..."

Before Zhang Zhe finished, Tang Yin laughed up and said, "don't forget, we need soldiers and generals in our hands, and what do Liang Xing and those ministers in the court have? When they are asked to elect, I'll see if they have the courage to choose Liang Xing again with a knife around their neck!"

Everyone was surprised and said in one voice: "Your Excellency is ready to take tough measures to force the minister?"

"Ha ha!" Tang Yin smiled. His smile was gloomy and cold. He stood up and paced back and forth in the lobby. After thinking for a moment, he said slowly to Zongyuan, "Zongyuan, prepare 30 large oil pans for me first. Maybe they can come in handy in a month!"

Zong Yuan was worried at first, then grinned and nodded repeatedly. "Don't worry, sir. I'll take this."

Tang Yin carried her back and said to herself with a smile, "fried living people, this should be very interesting."

Everyone in the hall was in a cold sweat. I don't know whether Tang Yin was joking or whether he really planned to do so.

During the period when Liang Xing became king, the four gates of Yancheng were in a semi closed state, and there was a curfew in the city at night. After Tang Yin came back, everything returned to normal. From the heart of the Sanshui army, Tang Yin also felt that Wu Yu was not suitable for the post of right minister. In his mind, he had already had the best candidate for the post of right minister.

As the days passed, the imperial edict of the emperor disappeared, and Qiu Zhen and others became more and more nervous.

If there is no imperial edict from the emperor in a month, our side can only use tough means according to Tang Yin's methods to force ministers to elect Tang Yin. Of course, this will also cause great damage to Tang Yin's reputation. It is the next policy.

The people were worried, but Tang Yin seemed to have nothing to worry about. He ate enough and slept soundly every day. In his spare time, he practiced boxing in the house or went out for a walk. It seemed that he didn't worry about it at all. Of course, what people see is the appearance. In fact, Tang Yin has already ordered Lotte flying pigeons to send a letter to Jiang Lu in Beijing, asking him to contact Yin Rou through Xiao Min and ask the emperor to send an imperial edict to Fengguo.

Jiang Lu's ability to do things is very general, but Tang Yin believes that Yin Rou will certainly try his best to help himself. As for the emperor Yin Zhun, he should also agree with his appointment as king of the wind.

That night, Tang Yin was walking in the courtyard in front of his bedroom after dinner. A bodyguard ran up from the outside and bowed his hand to Tang Yin and said, "Sir, General Liang Qi wants to see you!"

Liang Qizi has been imprisoned in Liang's house since he was stunned by Liang Xing. Every day, someone specially assigned to deliver good food and vegetables, but he was not allowed to go out. Later, Tang Yin returned to Yancheng and asked shangguanyuan to bring people to Liang's house. Liang Xing refused to pay them at first, but shangguanyuan asked him to ignore them. On the one hand, he surrounded Liang's house and forced people to break into the house, Liang Xing was helpless by the unreasonable shangguanyuan, so he had to put forward Liang Qi and Bai Yong and give them to shangguanyuan.

At that time, Liang Qi was thin and could not even stand. He was carried out by the servants of Liang mansion. Since he was under house arrest, he had not eaten a few mouthfuls. He had not practiced Lingwu. His body could not stand it.

He was sent back to the camp of the Sanshui army and recuperated for several days. Liang Qicai slowly recovered. Until now, he can go down to the ground, but the first thing he did was to go into the city to see Tang Yin.

Liang Qi's head is much more sober than Liang Xing's. He is also more aware of the strength of the Tianyuan army and the cohesion of the Tianyuan army's officers and men than Liang Xing. Such a powerful and almost terrible army is in the hands of Tang Yin. If others want to compete with him for the throne, it is tantamount to looking for his own death. However, Liang Xing takes advantage of Tang Yin's absence to become the king, which makes Liang Qi feel like a great disaster.

When Liang Qi saw Tang Yin, he didn't wait to speak. First, he fell on his knees with a plop, tears in his eyes, and arched his hands and said, "the sin will be Liang Qi, come to ask for the sin from adults!"

Tang Yin fixed his eyes on Liang Qi and almost couldn't recognize him. Liang Qi was thin, with only skin and bones, sunken eyes, bloodshot eyes and blisters on his lips. He looked as if the wind could blow him down.

It seems that during the period when Liang Xing became king, Liang Qi's words were not easy! Tang Yinxin felt it, stepped forward, helped Liang Qi up with both hands, and said, "General Liang Qi, what are you doing? Liang Xing became king, what are you guilty of?"

"If it weren't for the negligence of the end..." Liang Qi couldn't go on halfway. If he had been more cautious at that time, how could he have caused such a great disaster? He not only nearly hurt the Sanshui army, but also his father. How could Tang Yin let his father go in the future?

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