Tang Yin is so clever that he can't understand Liang Qi's intention. He looked around, saw a pear tree in the yard, raised his head and said, "look."

Liang Qiyi was stunned. He looked down Tang Yin's eyes and asked, "what do you want me to see?"

Tang Yin said calmly, "the branches born from the same root are different from those born from the outside. What's more, they are human beings. I won't remember your father's actions on you. On the contrary, your actions make me have to worry about your father's head." As he spoke, he smiled and stretched out his hand, straightened the slightly loose armor on Zhengliang Qi, and said, "don't worry, I know what to do and what not to do, which won't make it difficult for my brother to do."

Although he didn't say anything directly, he understood the meaning behind his words. This time, he will not anger Liang Qi, but will let Liang Xing go again.

Tang Yin is not a kind person, especially to those who oppose him. He has always been cruel and ruthless. His attitude towards Liang Xing has even exceeded the limit he can tolerate, which moved Liang Qi. The latter's eyes turned red and his tears flowed down. He knelt down again, arched his hands and said in a trembling voice: "Your Excellency will never forget your great kindness to the last general!"

Tang Yin frowned and pulled Liang Qiqiang up, Zhengse said, "Liang Qi, what are you doing?! remember when you first took refuge in me? I said at that time that since you are willing to take refuge in me, you and I will be brothers in the future, regardless of each other. Although your father is not my father, he is my brother's father. Even if he does many wrong things, I can tolerate and give way."

Liang Qiwen's speech was even more moving. His hands holding Tang Yin's arm were trembling, choking and saying, "my lord..."

Tang Yin really loves Liang Qi. Liang Qi is one of the most reassuring people about Unifying the army to fight. With Liang Qi, the third water army of the abyss army is a fearless division of tigers and wolves. Attacking can destroy the city and pull out the stronghold, and defending can be as stable as a rock. In order to stabilize Liang Qi, Tang Yin can only make certain concessions to Liang Xing.

Thirty days passed in a flash. In these 30 days, Yancheng was calm and there were no major waves. The Tianyuan army continued to recruit troops and horses, expanded its troops on a large scale and increased its establishment. Liang Xing did not give Tang Yin any more trouble. He basically stayed at home in the government, but he was not idle. Almost every day, he found the Minister of the central court to his home and plotted to negotiate.

Thirty days later, the imperial edict of the emperor still hasn't arrived in Yancheng, and the undercurrent originally hidden under the calm surface gradually emerges.

Early in the morning, the ministers of civil and military affairs did not rush to the palace to participate in the court discussion, but all gathered in Liang Xing's house.

Ministers were in groups in the lobby of the prime minister's residence, discussing one after another. Of course, the focus of people's discussion was the election of a new monarch today.

While people were whispering and exchanging views, Liang Xing finally came near from the side door of the lobby. Seeing a roomful of civil and military ministers, Liang Xing pretended to be very surprised. He arched his hands at the people and asked, "if you don't go to the court, why do you all run to Ben Xiang's house?"

Seeing Liang Xing, everyone's eyes lit up. Then they bowed to Liang Xing and said, "Liang Xiang!"

"We are here to congratulate Liang Xiang!"

Liang Xing pretended that he didn't understand. He smiled and said, "congratulations to Ben Xiang? Why is Ben Xiang happy?"

A minister said, "the agreed period between Liang juchu and Tang Yin is 30 days, which just expires today, but the imperial edict of the son of heaven is still to the capital. According to the agreement, if we want to elect a new monarch, we will all elect Liang Xiang. In the future, Liang Xiang will be my righteous new monarch!"

"Congratulations to Liang Xiang... No, no, no! Congratulations to the king!" Some ministers who are good at flattery have begun to call Liang Xing king.

Liang Xing's heart has blossomed with joy, but his face is still full of worry. He said: "you saw the day Tang Yin returned to the capital. He has a high reputation in the army. Almost all my soldiers and soldiers are confused by him and controlled by him. Even if your adults are willing to elect me, if Tang Yin becomes the king by force, we can't stop him!"

"Liang Xiang doesn't have to worry. We've thought about that."

Zhang Xin came out from the ministers and came to the front of Liang Xing, Arched his hand and smiled: "Liang Xiang, I have secretly sent someone to summon the people inside and outside Yancheng to the palace to wait for the result of selecting a new king. It is said that it is to celebrate the birth of my new monarch, but in fact it can be used for supervision. If Tang Yin really dares to use force to become the king, the people all over the world will know about it. I think Tang Yin dare not make such a person in full view of the public The common indignation of God! "

Zhang Xin is Liang Xing's confidant and can also be regarded as his think tank. It was his idea that Liang Xing cheated the military power of Sanshui army and became king in the palace.

After listening to his words, Liang Xing was overjoyed and said in secret that he was wise. However, there was still no smile on his face. Youyou said, "if the people come too little, I'm afraid the effect will be very little!"

"Hehe! Liang Xiang, the people are also very curious and eager to know who my new monarch is, so there is no need to encourage. Just release the news, the people came spontaneously. The lower official just got the news. Now more than 200000 people have gathered outside the palace, and the number is still increasing. It is estimated that there will be more than 300000 in the end." Zhang Xin said confidently, shaking his head.

"Ha ha..." at this time, Liang Xing finally smiled. He turned his back on his hands, nodded slowly, and said with a smile: "since Lord Zhang has arranged everything properly, we don't want to stay here anymore. Gentlemen, let's go into the palace with our true colors!"

"Liang xiangplease!"

"Gentlemen, please!"

Liang Xing took a cadre of civil and military ministers out of Zuo prime minister's house and went straight to the palace in the center of Yancheng.

Zhang Xin is right. Not only the people of Fengguo are concerned about who the new monarch will be, but also businessmen and tourists from other vassal states come to join in the fun. On the way to the palace, you will find that most of the pedestrians on the road are walking in the direction of the palace, and most of the content people talk about is related to the election of a new monarch today.

When we arrived near the palace, it was difficult to move forward. Looking forward, we could see nothing but a sea of people. The scene could only be described as boundless and boundless. If the large palace was almost submerged by a sea of people, the plain army had pulled three regiments to maintain order, but it still seemed unable to do what it wanted, Even with all their strength, many soldiers were pushed and staggered by the crowd. At this time, there were no less than 300000 people gathered outside the palace.

When Liang Xinglai came, he saw such a scene. He had a calm smile on his face and was even more elated in his heart. With so many people gathered outside the palace, Tang Yin dared not use force even if he had great courage. Otherwise, he would become the second in Zhong Tian and be accused and scolded by thousands of people.

Tang Yin was smart but was mistaken by smart. It seems that the new king of the wind Kingdom has decided himself! Liang Xing couldn't sit still in the carriage. He lifted the curtain, leaned out, waved his arms to the people around him from time to time and said, "let's give way, let's give way for the time being..."

Liang Xing's carriage opened the road in front, followed by the carriages of other ministers, separated the crowd from the outside, and walked slowly to the gate of the palace.

Just a few hundred meters away, Liang Xing and others walked for more than an hour, thanks to the soldiers of the Pingyuan army who crowded over to open the way, otherwise the delay will be longer.

Finally, through the vast crowd, Liang Xing and others arrived at the gate of the palace. It has long been under martial law by the plain army. The people can't squeeze in, and the space is much more spacious.

With the creaking sound, the Palace door was slowly opened, and the carriage of Liang Xing and others drove into the palace. Just recently, the palace gate was closed again. After all, there were too many people outside. If the scene got out of control and some people crowded close to the palace, how would it be?

Go through the long corridor and come to the second palace gate. Only when you get close to the palace gate can you really enter the interior of the palace.

Here, the ministers can no longer take the carriage, which is a great disrespect to the monarch. Although the wind country is now ownerless, the rules of the Royal Palace have not been abolished.

Liang Xing and other ministers came out of the carriage one after another. The servants and bodyguards all stayed in place, and the ministers walked to the palace gate.

Creak, creak, creak!

The door of the palace was slowly opened, and the ministers were preparing to step in, but when they looked up, their bodies were stiff, their faces were stunned, and their eyes were wide and round.

Inside the palace gate is a huge square, the size of two or three football fields. Usually, it is only an open space. Now, the dark area on the square is full of wind soldiers.

I saw countless wind troops lined up in a neat square on the square, row by row, straight as a line. The dark leather armor flickered black light under the shadow of the sun, and the red tassels on the top of the head were connected into one. Looking coldly, there was red in black, black in red, black and red. The atmosphere of killing made people tremble.

So many people, at least ten regiments and 100000 soldiers! So many heavily armed soldiers stand on both sides of the corridor. Anyone walking in it will feel cold and his legs will be soft.

The ministers, who were still full of confidence, were all worried when they saw such a scene, and then their whole hearts were raised to their voices.

After all, Liang Xing was a traditional dignitary who had seen great winds and waves. He was also surprised and afraid in his heart. However, there was no expression on his face. When he saw the ministers around him with a look of fear, he crossed his heart and said nothing more. He stepped across the palace gate and walked towards the main hall of the palace at the end of the corridor.

Liang Xing was like this, and the ministers could not stand in place. They were afraid. People hardened their heads, took small steps in fear, and trotted all the way behind Liang Xing.

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