Wu Yu knows that the directly subordinate army is no better than the other four armies, which can be regarded as Tang Yin's close army. Naturally, Wu Ying's status is much higher than that of the other four armies. If Wu Ying can become the deputy commander of the directly subordinate army, she will become the people around Tang Yin. After spending a long time together, she will inevitably grow in love for a long time. If Wu Ying can also enter the palace, the status of the dancer will really be unshakable.

Tang Yin didn't expect that Wuyu had so many ghost thoughts. He pondered for a while, turned his eyes to Guyue and asked, "Guyue, you are directly under the military commander. What do you think of Wuying as the deputy commander?"

Gu Yue looked at Tang Yin to see if he had hinted at himself. If Tang Yin opposed the matter, he would certainly give a hint. But now Tang Yin has no superfluous expression at all. Gu Yue only thought that Tang Yin tacitly accepted the matter and asked his own opinion in a form. He quickly leaned over and said, "back to the king, the last general also felt that Miss Wu Ying had outstanding ability, and was familiar with military books and strategies. It was perfect to serve as the deputy commander of the directly subordinate army."

Even Gu Yue said so. Tang Yin couldn't refuse any more. He smiled at Wu Yu and said, "since it's the candidate recommended by the abbot, it's certainly not wrong. Wu Ying will be the deputy commander of the army directly under him!"

"Thank you, king!" Wu Yu smiled happily and tried to kneel down to thank him. Tang Yin quickly reached out to help him and said, "the abbot is too polite."

Wu Yu was just pretending. He didn't really want to kneel down to Tang Yin. When he stopped him, he stood up. Then he turned his head to Wu Ying below, waved and said, "Ying'er, don't you come and thank the king?"

When Wu Ying heard the speech, she immediately left her seat and came forward. Because she didn't wear military uniform today, Wu Ying saluted Tang Yin with a woman's blessing.

Tang Yin smiled at her and said, "Xiaoying, you should get along well with general Guyue in the future and try your best to assist and cooperate with him!"

"Yes! King!"

Although Tang Yin was Wu Ying's brother-in-law, she didn't dare to neglect Tang Yin's attitude and responded respectfully.

Among the five armies, Wu Ying is the first and only female commander. Guyue is very happy about it. With such a beautiful deputy, even if he can't do anything, it can be pleasing to the eyes in the military camp.

After the banquet, the people left one after another. Tang Yin also drank a lot of wine and was slightly drunk. The female officer waited outside the hall early. As soon as Tang Yin came out, the female officer greeted him and asked, "which lady will the king spend the night with tonight?"

Tang Yin was stunned and looked puzzled at the female official. Where are you going to spend the night? Do you still need to report to her?

Knowing that Tang Yin didn't understand the rules of the palace, the female official hurriedly explained, "where is the king going to spend the night? The slave and maid have to inform in advance in order to be ready."

"Oh!" Tang Yin answered slowly, smiled at the female officer and said, "you can go and have a rest. I'll deal with it myself."

The female official looked at Tang Yin strangely, but she didn't dare to resist the order. She nodded and walked away from Tang Yin.

Who and where to spend the night? That's a problem. Tang Yin shook her head and smiled. Turning back, she asked Shangguan Yuanwu and Shangguan yuanbiao: "Yuanwu and yuanbiao, who do you think I should go to tonight?"

Brother Shangguan didn't dare to say more about it. They said in unison: "wherever the king wants to go, go!"

Oh! This is tantamount to not saying. Tang Yin shrugged, turned her eyes and said, "follow me to the Huaying hall first."

"Yes! King!" The Shangguan brothers both responded and whispered in their hearts. It seems that Wumei has the highest position in the king's heart!

Accompanied by Shangguan brothers, Tang Yin goes to Huaying hall to find Wu Mei. At this time, Wu Mei had already ordered the servant girl around her to take off her heavy clothes and wash off the heavy makeup on her face. When Tang Yin arrived, the eldest lady was lying in bed in a big shape without the image of a lady.

Tang Yin couldn't help laughing when she saw this beautiful dance. The surrounding servant girls hurried forward and explained to Tang Yin after seeing the ceremony: "Your Majesty, madam is too tired." "Yes, my wife didn't sleep much last night..."

These servant girls are the servant girls of the dance house. They followed Wu Mei into the palace. Now they have changed into the clothes of palace maids.

Listening to the explanation of the servant girls, Tang Yin nodded understandably, walked to the bed, looked down at Wu Mei, who was sleeping soundly, and gradually showed a gentle smile on her face.

Seeing that the servant girls on the left and right were going to come forward and wake Wu Mei up, Tang Yin reached out to stop them, picked up the quilt, covered Wu Mei, and then whispered, "let her have a good sleep!"

Tang Yin was so considerate that the little servant girls below were also very happy and nodded again and again. Tang Yin sat a little less in the hall and got up and left.

Then he went to the Tai'an hall where fan min was located. To Tang Yin's great surprise, he didn't see fan min after he arrived at the Tai'an palace. After asking the maids below, he knew that fan min had already gone to the treasure Pavilion in the palace and hadn't come back until now. Fan min is the most interested in the treasures in the palace. She is also willing to evaluate the value of the treasures and record them one by one. If there is an urgent need one day, these treasures can be immediately converted into equivalent gold and silver.

It's really easy to change the country, but it's hard to change my surname! Tang Yin smiled bitterly. Fan min had become the king's wife, but the girl still seemed to get into the eyes of money.

Before leaving, Tang Yin told the maid in waiting for fan min to come back and tell her that he had been here. The palace maid repeatedly promised and carefully sent Tang Yin away.

Both Wu Mei and fan min threw themselves into the air, and Tang Yin finally had to go to the Jinning Hall of Yuan Qianyi.

When he came to Jinning hall, Tang Yin felt that it was particularly quiet here, as if there was no popularity in it.

Not even yuan Qianyi?! Tang Yin shook her head and burst out laughing. He walked slowly into the courtyard with his hands on his back. In such a large courtyard, he couldn't even see a person's shadow. It was very different from Huaying hall and Tai'an hall, where people came and went and palace maids walked continuously.

by the way! Tang Yin finally understood why he felt that the Jinning hall was lifeless. It was lack of popularity. The three ladies should have the same number of maids. Why can't you see one here? Tang Yin couldn't understand. He walked through the courtyard to the door of Jinning hall.

Only here did he see two palace maids, who were also acquaintances, two of the four palace maids around yuan Qianyi.


Seeing Tang Yin, the two maidens were slightly surprised. The two maidens seemed surprised that Tang Yin could come to Jinning Hall tonight.

Tang Yin nodded and asked, "Qian Yi can be in the hall?"

"Yes! Please come inside!" The two maids returned to their senses and, flattered, let Tang Yin into the hall.

Calm outside the hospital, not much better inside the hall. In such a large hall, only two palace maids are packing things.

Tang Yin frowned and asked, "didn't the female official assign the palace maids?"

"No, no, no!" A maid of honor shook her head and nervously explained, "the female officials have assigned many maids, but the lady is quiet and doesn't like to be disturbed by the maids, so the maids who sent them were pushed away by the lady."

"Oh! So it is!" Tang Yin nodded, stopped asking, and turned to the inner room.

Just entering the main room, Tang Yin looked up and just saw yuan Qianyi sitting beside the bed in Chinese clothes. His clothes had not been changed and the makeup color on his face had not been removed. Even the bead curtain hanging from the Phoenix crown had not been lifted. She was what she was when she entered the palace in the morning and what she is now, as if she had been sitting by the bed all day.

Tang Yin came forward and asked in surprise, "Qian Yi, you... Why didn't you change your clothes?"

"My concubine is waiting for the king!" Yuan Qianyi hung his head and said softly.

"Sitting like this all day?" Tang Yin asked incredulously.


"What if I don't come at night?"

"That concubine will wait for the king one night."

Her tone was not urgent or slow, as if everything was so ordinary, but Tang Yin was greatly moved and even felt pity. He stretched out his hand, slowly lifted the jade curtain in front of Yuan Qianyi's cheek, and looked at her, who was gorgeous, noble and elegant. Tang Yin couldn't help being distracted.

He gently took off the Phoenix crown on Yuan Qianyi's head and tried not to hurt her hair. His originally flexible fingers were not easy to use at this time. After a long time, he took off the Phoenix crown. At this time, Yuan Qianyi raised his head and looked at Tang Yin with bright eyes. The latter was shocked, didn't speak and hung his head, Print your lips on Yuan Qianyi's red lips.

At first, he just kissed gently, but soon, his tenderness turned into wild demand. Yuan Qianyi kissed "Jiao Chuan" repeatedly and said intermittently: "my... My lips haven't been washed off..."

Tang Yin picked at the corners of her mouth, smiled evil and said, "I'll help you eat it!"

Hearing the speech, Yuan Qianyi's jade face suddenly turned red, and her eyes also showed the shy state of a little woman. Tang Yin has never seen her like this, which also makes the * * in his body more vigorous. Before long, Yuan Qianyi's clothes were stripped off by Tang Yin. Looking at her plump and white jade body, her lust almost gushed out of Tang Yin's eyes.

He knew that Yuan Qianyi was very beautiful, but he didn't expect that even her body was so beautiful. Her body was symmetrical and slender. Her skin like lanolin could be broken, and there was no superfluous fat all over her. In Tang Yin's view, even people who had been exercising for many years might not have such a perfect body shape.

It's incredible that the wife who has been pampered in the palace for many years can maintain so well... The doubt just born in Tang Yin's heart was soon replaced by * *. He no longer suppressed his primitive instinct. When he entered her body, Yuan Qianyi frowned tightly and couldn't help but make a painful sound in his mouth.

Yuan Qianyi's closeness and astringency, as well as her reaction, make Tang Yin feel like she is a virgin, but there is no red drop. Tang Yin just thinks he is too impatient, and Yuan Qianyi hasn't adapted yet.

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