The next day, in the morning, Tang Yin looked refreshed and energetic. He sat in the king's chair, looked around the ministers below and said, "play early if you have something, and leave the court if you have nothing."

"I have something to play!" Shangguan Yuanji walked out of the train and saluted Tang Yin deeply.

"Yuanji, what do you want to play?" Tang Yin asked.

Shangguan Yuanji said, "Your Majesty, the flood in Lingdong county is getting worse and worse, and now it has spread to Lingnan county."

Tang Yin frowned. In his impression, hasn't the matter been solved? He asked, "are there any memorials asking the imperial court for disaster relief silver?"

"Yes, your majesty!"

"Doesn't it mean that the affected counties should find a solution by themselves?"

Shangguan Yuanji smiled bitterly. Tang Yin meant to collect money from the big families in the affected counties to help the refugees, but those big families were also affected by the disaster. Even if they had some savings, they could not take them all out. Shangguan Yuanji said: "the money collected by Lingdong and Lingnan counties is not much. A drop in the bucket is far from enough to help the refugees. In addition, the food supply of the two counties has been cut off. If it goes on like this, I'm afraid there will be great trouble."

Tang Yin sighed, pondered for a moment and said, "Zhang Zhe!"

"I'm here!" Zhang Zhe hurried out.

Tang Yin asked, "how much silver is still available in the Treasury?"

Zhang Zhe spat, shook his head and said, "there's not much left."

Tang Yin rolled her eyes and asked, "not much, but how much?"

Zhang Zhe whispered, "less than a million Liang."

"What? Less than a million?" Tang Yin almost couldn't believe his ears when he heard the speech. Even when he was the head of the county, there were millions of liang of silver in the County Treasury. The grand Treasury didn't even have one million liang? He stood in his figure and wandered around the table for a while. He asked, "where's the money? Where's the silver in the Treasury?"

Tang Yin usually doesn't care about anything, especially government affairs. He has less contact. Generally, if Shangguan Yuanji can handle it, he will deal with it directly and won't push it to Tang Yin. He hasn't paid much attention to the Treasury. Now he heard that there is not even one million liang of silver in the Treasury. Tang Yin is really in a hurry.

"Your Majesty, in the past two years, the imperial court has changed frequently, the monarchs have changed frequently, and the war has continued. The silver in the Treasury has long been exhausted. Where can there be more money to use? When the minister served as the censor doctor, the silver in the Treasury didn't even have 100000 Liang..." at this point, Zhang Zhe paused and stopped.

Tang Yin said distraught, "just finish what you have to say. Don't hesitate."

Zhang Zhe no longer hesitated and continued: "the king needs money to increase troops. He needs money to buy and manufacture armaments, military funds and war horses. In addition, all adults and generals have just been granted by the king. Everyone has to build official residences and courtyards, and the king approves them all. These required silver can come from the Treasury." As he spoke, he took a deep breath, glanced at Shangguan Yuanji with the rest of his eyes, and continued: "just building the right prime minister's house of Shangguan prime minister will cost no less than 300000 liang of money."

Hearing this, Tang Yin was surprised. Yes, what Zhang Zhe said is true. However, these adults and generals under his command can be called founding fathers. They are all people who have made great contributions. It is normal for them to become ministers of the central court and build official residences. They can't refuse!

In fact, if it was the founding era, it wouldn't be a big deal for the founding fathers to wantonly build official residences, and the Fengguo taken over by Tang Yin was a riddled mess. At this time, they had to increase troops and spend a lot of money to build residences, which the Treasury could not afford.

Zhang Zhe has never mentioned this for a long time. In his opinion, Tang Yin's doing so is understandable, and it is still a performance of valuing emotion and righteousness. Only a monarch who can treat his subjects kindly can be called a good monarch. If he can bear it, he should try his best to help Tang Yin bear it. But now there are floods in the two counties of Fengguo, countless refugees and displaced people, Moreover, judging from the form, the flood is likely to evolve into a large-scale famine. The situation is serious. He was so worried that he simply spoke out what he had always wanted to say in front of all the civil and military officials in the court.

Zhang Zhe said, the hall was silent, and many people slowly lowered their heads. At this time, shangguanyuan asked to quit. He walked out and shouted angrily at Zhang Zhe: "Zhang Zhe, there are so many people building the official residence. Why do you blame my eldest brother? What's your heart?"

Zhang Zhe looked at him and said, "I'm just talking about things. I don't mean to target anyone!"

Shangguan yuanrang still had to speak. Shangguan Yuanji had coughed up, interrupted him, and said in a deep voice, "yuanrang must not be rude to Lord Zhang!" As he spoke, he turned to Tang Yin and gave a deep salute and said, "Your Majesty, now the national strength is empty. It's really not the time for large-scale construction. Weichen's family also has a lot of savings. It's still no problem to buy a house in the capital. Please take back your order and discuss the matter of building the right prime minister's house later!"

Even Yuanji, the right minister, took the initiative to push away the official residence under construction. Where did other civil servants and military generals dare to hesitate? People lined up one after another, knelt down to Tang Yin and said in unison: "please take back your orders and discuss the construction of the official residence later!"

Tang Yin looked at Shangguan Yuanji and the others, and couldn't help sighing.

He went down the king's steps, came to the courtiers, lifted the people up one by one, and youyou said, "you have been fighting with me all the time. I don't know how much blood and sweat you have shed. Now we are not easy to gather in the court. As the king of a country, I still want you to live a miserable life. This is my incompetence!"

This sentence almost made everyone present cry. The ministers who were helped up by Tang Yin knelt down one after another with tears in their eyes and said in unison: "it's the incompetence of Ministers! Ministers are unable to solve the worries of the king!"

Among the voices, only one sentence is out of tune, Zhang Zhe. Zhang Zhe knelt on the ground, kowtowed and shouted at the same time, "I'm wang Shengming!"

No matter whether Tang Yin's words were sincere or sincere, the ministers were indeed moved and willingly stopped building houses and were willing to return the money originally allocated by the national treasury to the national treasury. However, this does not mean that there is no resentment in everyone's heart. Of course, people don't blame Tang Yin. Almost all the unhappiness in his heart poured onto Zhang Zhe's head.

Zhang Zhe doesn't care what his colleagues think of him. He just wants to live in peace of mind and do what he thinks is right.

Zhang Zhe's opinion restored the calm of Yancheng, which was under construction. Whether civil servants or military generals in the court, those who have money buy their own houses and those who have no money rent them. Anyway, it is impossible to get more money from Zhang Zhe.

On the surface, Tang Yin looked sad and angry, but in his heart, he nodded secretly, saving the ministers the cost of building official residences, which should make the National Treasury more abundant. He looked around the crowd and saw that everyone seemed a little depressed. Tang Yin smiled and said, "there are many mountains and rivers in our country, and there are not many good fields. Although we are poor, our neighbors are very rich!" With these words, Tang Yin turned back, looked at the map of Hedong still hanging on the wall, stretched out his hand and said, "there is a huge treasure basin. As long as Hedong is laid down, all the food and treasure there will be ours. At that time, let alone build a right prime minister's house, even ten or 100 will be more than enough!"

People raised their heads and looked at the map one after another.

Tang Yin said slowly, "what Zhong Tian left us is a poor and white court. Therefore, what we want, we have to rely on our own hands to plunder, wealth and wealth, and we have to rely on our own hands to create!"

"King, hit Hedong!"

Seeing the excitement of the crowd, Qiu Zhen and Shangguan Yuanji would not waste this great opportunity. They both knelt down and shouted.

"King! Hit Hedong --"

"King! Hit Hedong --"

The prime minister took the lead, and the following civil and military officials drank with one voice.

Tang Yin has a flexible mind and quick thinking. As long as he has the opportunity, he can firmly grasp it and turn the unfavorable factors into favorable factors. Taking back the money for the ministers' official residence not only did not cause the ministers' dissatisfaction and rejection, but also completely stimulated the enthusiasm of people to seize Hedong area.

This is Tang Yin's skill.

After leaving the dynasty, Tang Yin returned to his study. Before his ass was hot, a bodyguard recently reported to Lotte for an interview.

Hearing that Lotte was coming, Tang Yin looked happy. He didn't even think about it. He said, "let Lotte come near!"

"Yes, king!"

The bodyguard promised and hurried out.

After a short time, Lotte came near from the outside. Before he spoke, Tang Yin couldn't wait to ask, "but Wang Fang sent back the news?"

Lotte was stunned. He almost doubted whether Tang Yin would make a prediction. He nodded, stepped in and said, "the last general has just received a letter from Lord Wang."

"Bring it to me." Wang Fang is a historian sent to Duji by Tang Yin. His reply is very important because it is related to the joint battle between Feng state and Duji.

Lotte did not dare to delay. He quickly took out a folded paper from his arms and handed it to Tang Yin. The letter sent back by Wang Fang is a letter sent by a flying pigeon. Of course, it will not be so large. The content of the letter is written by Lotte according to the letter sent by a flying pigeon. First, the letter is too small and looks laborious. Second, many of the contents are the internal language of Tianyan, which Tang Yin can't understand.

Unfolding the letter, Tang Yin read it from beginning to end. Then he laughed, patted the letter on the table and said, "the big deal has been done!"

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