Listening to Wang Yi's saying that he was willing to stay and die together with the severe punishment, other Ning generals were infected by it and said one after another: "general, we are also willing to stay with the general!"

At this time, the Ning army led by severe punishment showed a rather inflexible side. People would rather die on the battlefield than be the defeated general who fled.

Looking at the crowd, he was deeply moved, nodded repeatedly and said, "I thank you, generals, but you are different from me. You still have a chance to live..."

Before he finished, Wang Yi turned back and took out her sword, looked left and right, and shouted, "brother who is not afraid of death, go out with me to resist the wind thief!"

"Kill" -- Wang Yi echoed. All Ning generals were angry, each armed, rushed out of the general's house with Wang Yi, organized the defeated Ning army and launched a final fight with the Feng army.

Their spirit is commendable, but if they really start, they can't resist the wind army. The close combat of the wind army is brave. In addition, the soldiers have the crossbow developed by xuanwang in their hands. The power of the close combat is great. In this way, it undoubtedly makes the wind army more powerful. Wang Yizhu will gather 20000 scattered Ning troops and have a fierce confrontation with the main force of the wind army outside the general's house. Because the war is on the streets in the city, the battle lines of both sides can not be unfolded, and the victory or defeat can only be determined by the single soldier combat ability of the two soldiers. The two sides fight together to form a situation in which you are one of us and you are one of us. At this time, no matter which side is defeated, it can't withdraw if it wants to withdraw. It has to fight to the bottom.

The Ning army had no way out, and the Feng army had no way out. The battle was extremely fierce. Countless soldiers were killed and wounded on both sides. There were corpses everywhere in the streets, with broken limbs and arms scattered all over the ground. The blood gathered into a river, and the thick smell of blood filled the whole audience.

The battle lasted for more than half an hour. Under the almost crazy attack of the wind army, Ning army, which was at a disadvantage in number, gradually lost the enemy, and there were fewer and fewer fighters. Finally, it was blocked in the central section of the main road of Fengcheng by countless wind troops.

"Brother Ning Jun, surrender quickly. If you fight hard, none of you will survive!" There was a cry of persuasion from the wind army camp.

Wang Yi and other Ning generals were also among the crowd. They looked around. There were less than 3000 brothers under their command who could still stand around. Looking forward and back, there were countless wind troops at the end of the street. The number of them was so large that they quickly covered both ends of the street.

After reading it, Wang Yi couldn't help but look up at the sky and lament. Her voice trembled and said, "we are not defeated by Liang Qi's hand. It's Shangguan yuan's letting me be doomed!" As he spoke, he rushed to the left and right and shouted, "today, we will repay the national grace with our own blood! Kill!"

"Kill --"

None of the 3000 Ning troops led by Wang Yi surrendered and rushed to the Fengjun camp at the end of the street. But they were greeted by an overwhelming array of crossbows and arrows. Sergeant Feng fired all the crossbows and arrows in the crossbow machine in one breath and fought at close range. The steel helmets and armor on Ning army couldn't stop the fierce shooting of crossbows and arrows. For a time, there were screams in Ning army camp one after another. From time to time, someone was full of arrows and fell forward. The soldiers died under the crossbows and arrows. Ning generals continued to charge with the protection of spirit armor, When they rushed to the wind army camp, they didn't know how many arrows they had received. Some Ning with weak cultivation died on the spot. Some Ning with deep cultivation rushed to the wind army camp in a cracked spirit armor, which had become the end of a powerful crossbow. They were knocked to the ground by the chaos spears of the wind army, and finally surrounded by people, cut and stabbed, In the blink of an eye, he was not sincere and benevolent, leaving only a bloody mass.

Almost none of the 20000 Ning troops organized by Wang Yi and others were spared in the end. All of them, including Wang Yi himself, fought and died. On the streets of Fengcheng, the bodies of Ning army piled up like mountains.

Hearing that all his own soldiers led by Wang Yi were killed in the war, the last glimmer of hope in the general's house was also dashed. He looked up at the sky with a cold heart and shouted, "heaven wants to kill me! Heaven wants to kill me..." while talking, he put his sword on his neck and killed himself with a horizontal sword.

The battle of Fengcheng ended with the tragic loss of 100000 soldiers in Ningguo, but it was not easy for the Sanshui army to win. About 40% of the 100000 Sanshui army lost in the battle of Fengcheng, and nearly 40000 soldiers were killed and injured. More importantly, shangguanyuan, the first fierce general of the stroke Army, was seriously injured, Although he saved his life after the first aid of the military doctor, he was too seriously injured to recover in a short time, let alone participate in the battle.

Hearing the news that shangguanyuanrang was seriously injured, he had already passed through Fengcheng and Xiaoxia. Tang Yindu, who followed the Tianying army to the hinterland of Hedong, rushed back to Fengcheng overnight and specially came to visit shangguanyuanrang.

Tang Yin didn't lead the troops directly under him to retreat. Only the Shangguan brothers and more than 20 secret arrows led by Cheng Jin were responsible for protecting his safety.

They hurried to Fengcheng on fast horses.

At this time, the battle in Fengcheng had already ended. The Ning flag on the head of the city was burned and replaced with a uniform wind flag. The camp of the Sanshui army was also moved from outside the city to inside the city. A large number of soldiers were busy cleaning up the mess in the city.

The Ningjun was wiped out, but the people of Ningguo in Fengcheng didn't give up resistance. Of course, they couldn't fight the Fengjun head-on, but as long as they saw a single Fengjun in the back, they would rush up and knock it down with random sticks. Under the random sticks of the people of Ningguo, the beaten Fengjun was seriously injured if they didn't die.

At first, Feng Jun didn't notice this, but as more and more soldiers were killed, the commander and captains always found that their brothers were unknowingly decreasing. After careful investigation, they found that it was the people of Ningguo who were behind their backs.

The wind people had no good impression of Ning people. In addition, their fellow brothers were killed by the other party. The wind army immediately took revenge and killed the people of Ning country who were secretly poisoned. Where can the people be the opponents of the regular army? Before the two sides came into contact, the people of Ningguo were scared to flee, or find a hiding place to hide, or hide at home.

Sergeant Feng was determined to avenge his brothers for their tragic death. How could he give up so willingly? People searched door-to-door. At first, people's emotions could be controlled, but after some tracing, even a common people who secretly attacked his own soldiers could not be found. At this time, the wind army gradually made a sudden noise, and their emotions began to get out of control. Everyone looked like a mob. Later, As long as you see the men in Ningguo, you don't ask for anything. You go up and kill them. The action of encircling and suppressing the mob has evolved into a bloody and cruel slaughtering city.

When Tang Yin, Shangguan brothers, Cheng Jin and others rushed to Fengcheng, they saw such a scene.

Tang Yin is a monarch. The soldiers of the Sanshui army naturally know him. When they see Tang Yin coming, Feng, a member of the guard of the city gate, quickly orders to open the city gate and welcome Tang Yin into the city. Surrounded by many soldiers, Tang Yin rode a war horse into the city.

Tang Yin frowned and asked the wind general, "why? The battle with Ning army is not over yet?"

The general hurriedly stepped in to salute and replied, "Your Majesty, the enemy in the city has long been wiped out by our soldiers, and now the brothers are exterminating the mob in the city."

"Mob?" Tang Yin raised her eyebrows puzzled.

Feng Jiang explained: "Your Majesty, the people of Ningguo are very hostile to our army. Since our army entered the city, many brothers have died miserably at the hands of the mob. The brothers can't bear it, so they went to encircle and suppress the mob together."

Oh, so it is! Tang Yin nodded, shook the reins of the war horse, sneered and said, "you must not be soft on such mobs." Then he asked, "is Liang Qike in the city?"

"Yes, your majesty! The general is in the city and will show you the way." The wind was about to show Tang Yin the way. The latter waved his hand and said, "your duty is to guard the city gate, not to show me the way. You can find a brother under your command to lead the way."

"Yes, yes, yes! I will obey!" Feng Jiang nodded repeatedly and called his deputy general to lead Tang Yin to the general's house where Liang Qi was located.

On the way to the general's house, Tang Yin found that the situation in the city was not like what Feng would say. The Sanshui army was not encircling and suppressing the mob, but chasing and killing the people in the city.

From time to time, the people of Fengcheng can be seen shouting and running away. Behind them are a large number of Sanshui soldiers with sharp blades. After catching up with the people, they can't help but cut and stab indiscriminately. After killing all the people, they began to rob the wealth on the body.

Tang Yinyue frowned and scolded Liang Qi in his heart. How can the soldiers below kill the people in the city like this? When they attacked Hedong area, they didn't pack up and leave after a war. Instead, they wanted to force Ningguo to give up Hedong and re plan the whole Hedong area into the territory of Fengguo. They wanted to occupy it for a long time or forever. Now they have killed all the people. What's the use of having an empty Hedong area? Who will work for himself in the future? Who will grow and receive food for himself?

"This Liang Qi almost killed yuan. Let's not say, but also connived at the soldiers to slaughter the people in the city. I will not spare him lightly!" Tang Yin sat on the horse, his face heavy as water, and muttered in a cold voice.

The Shangguan brothers and Cheng Jin didn't say anything. The deputy general who led the way shivered and quickly explained: "big... King, it's true... It was the mob who assassinated our army brothers before the brothers fought back. General Liang didn't order the city to be slaughtered..."

"Hum!" Tang Yin sneered and said, "if he dares to give such an order, he won't have to do the post of commander of the third water army."

The deputy general wanted to say a few good words for his general, but the gloom on Tang Yin's face not only didn't decrease, but increased a bit. He shrunk his neck and dared not say more.

Walking forward, I saw a young girl in her twenties running out of an alley in front of her. Her beautiful face was full of panic at this time, and there was a large group of wind troops chasing after her. No matter how fast the girl ran, she couldn't compare with sergeant Feng. Soon, the girl was caught up by the soldiers. People rushed up and threw the girl to the ground. They only heard the hiss of clothes cracking and the desperate "Shen Yin" of the girl from time to time, and the broken cloth flew out of the gap of the crowd from time to time.

Although the distance is far, Tang Yin can see clearly, and his eyebrows are subconsciously raised. The deputy's old face was red, and he cried so badly that he could not die. How did the following brothers do such a thing?

Tang Yin quietly continued to urge the horse to move forward. At the same time, he reached out to the deputy general around him and said, "bring it!"

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