"What will the king want from the end?" The deputy general looked puzzled at Tang Yin.

"Your sword." Tang Yin said without expression.

What does the king want the sword for? The deputy general was stunned for a moment, then stimulated Lingling to fight a cold war and said in a hurry: "Your Majesty, the brothers have just gone through a hard siege. They are nervous and need to relax... Please forgive them!"

Tang Yin said coldly, "bring your sword. Do you want to disobey orders?"

When the deputy general heard the speech, he was so scared that he almost knelt to the ground and disobeyed the king's order. He couldn't keep ten heads! He didn't dare to say more nonsense. He hurriedly took out his sword around his waist, held it in his hands and handed it to Tang Yin respectfully.

Tang Yin took the sword, accelerated the horse speed, rushed to the sergeant Feng who was raping the girls in Ningguo, and looked down. At this time, the soldiers' attention was focused on the girl below. Where did they realize that their king was behind them?

He shook his head secretly. Tang Yin suddenly waved his arm and took off his sword. He drew a cold light in the air and shot straight into the crowd. The cold light was extremely accurate. It didn't hurt any soldiers. It just passed through the cracks of people and finally stabbed the young girl's chest in the crowd.


The young girl who was being insulted by the wind army spoke out, and was pierced through her bare chest by the sword and killed on the spot. A Feng Jun, who was lying on the girl's body to vent his desire, screamed in horror, as if he had been trampled on his tail. How high did he jump, turned back and scolded: "who the fuck..."

The curse was only half way, and suddenly stopped. Looking at the soldier, his face was green with fear. He stared at Tang Yin, who was riding a tall horse outside the crowd, and his legs trembled violently without control. Seeing his appearance, other soldiers around him also looked back one after another. They looked at Tang Yin coldly.

Time seems to have stopped. The field is quiet and terrible. I don't know how long later, the soldiers finally reacted. People fell to their knees with a plop, leaning on the ground on their heads. Their voice trembled violently and stammered, "little... Little man, knock on the king!"

"You all get up!" Tang Yin looked at the crowd for a long time before slowly opening his mouth. Then he said to the sergeant Feng who didn't mention his pants: "and you, put on your pants!"

The soldier's face was pale and trembled to lift his trousers. Just now he made rude remarks to Tang Yin. If he blames it, he will not only end himself, but also the whole family, old and young, will have to die. How can he not be afraid?

But Tang Yin didn't look at him anymore. He pointed to the naked corpse of the girl on the ground, He said: "you should remember that you are a noble wind army, not bandits and robbers. You indiscriminately kill people, rob property and spoil women. How do you make the world think of our wind army? Who will think we are the just teacher of revenge? You have lost the face of our wind army!"

Tang Yin really wanted to put all these soldiers to death, but he was reluctant to give up, so he had to step back and stab the girl ravaged by the soldiers to death.

The people were so red in the face that they couldn't even lift their heads. The soldiers who had just stood up knelt back to the ground and said with a cry: "Your Majesty, we know our mistake. Please forgive the villain outside the law!"

Tang Yin narrowed her eyes and looked around at the crowd. At last, she sighed coldly and said, "only this time, do it again, I will make you wait for your head!"

Hearing this, they couldn't believe their ears. They quickly kowtowed and shouted, "thank you for your kindness, thank you for your kindness..."

Tang Yin said no more and urged Ma to follow the crowd. It can be seen that what they have done is not an individual phenomenon. If they want to be punished, they can't punish all the soldiers who have made mistakes, can they? To solve this matter, you have to go to Liang Qi and ask him to find a way to restrain his subordinates.

At the general's house, Tang Yin threw himself into the air. He didn't see Liang Qi, but Bai Yong. Seeing Tang Yin's sudden arrival in Fengcheng, Bai Yong was surprised and quickly knelt down to salute. Tang Yin called Bai Yong up and asked, "where's Liang Qi? Isn't he in the general's house?"

The general's house was originally a residence of severe punishment. Liang Qi, who entered the city, took it as his own and used it as the temporary command post of the Sanshui army. Bai Yong nodded and replied, "back to the king, General Liang was originally in the house, but... He just went out."

"Out? What's up?" Tang Yin asked casually.

Bai Yong didn't answer immediately with a look of embarrassment. Seeing this, Tang Yin urged, "you say it!"

Bai Yong was shocked and hurriedly said, "Your Majesty, our army is frequently attacked by the mob in the city. The following soldiers spontaneously went to encircle and suppress the mob, but the situation is out of control. General Liang has personally gone to deal with it."

Liang Qi has some brains! Tang Yin nodded secretly, Then he said with a cold face: "I'm not blind. When I entered the city, I saw that the soldiers below were not encircling and suppressing the mob, but slaughtering the city and looting property! Do you know how difficult it would be for our army to attack other cities of Ningguo in the future once this matter was publicized? Then we will face not only Ningguo army, but also Ningguo hundred people who hate our army Last name! "

"Yes, yes, yes! The king taught me a great lesson!" Bai Yong nodded repeatedly and said, "that's what General Liang said, so he went out to stabilize the situation."

"Yes!" Tang Yin didn't say much about the matter. As soon as he changed the subject, he asked, "what are the casualties of our army in this war?"

"Back to your majesty, there are nearly 30000 dead brothers and more than 10000 seriously injured brothers in our army. Together, there are nearly 40000 people!" Bai Yong said that serious injuries refer to soldiers who can no longer continue to fight and need to be sent back to their country.

Although he did not personally participate in the battle, Tang Yin could feel the intensity of the battle only by listening to the number of casualties. He said faintly, "the Ning army west of Tongmen really fought bravely." After a pause, he looked at Bai Yong and asked, "is it gone?"

"Oh... During the siege, the boulders, crossbows and arrows in the army have been exhausted, and the weapons stored in the army have also been lost..."

Before Bai Yong finished speaking, Tang Yin waved and interrupted, "why don't you mention yuan and let him also be seriously injured?"

Bai Yong grinned secretly when Tang Yin mentioned Shangguan yuanrang. Tang Yin knows his love for Shangguan yuanrang. The latter was seriously injured in Sanshui army, and Liang Qihe himself can't escape the blame.

Seeing Bai Yong lowering his head, hesitating and unable to speak, Tang Yin was no longer difficult for him and asked, "where is yuan rang now? Take me to see him!"

"Yes! King!"

Bai Yong didn't dare to breathe. He answered and hurried forward to help Tang Yin lead the way. Shangguanyuanrang is a dignified general. Naturally, he will not be arranged with ordinary wounded soldiers. Liang Qi specially found a comfortable bedroom in the general's house for shangguanyuanrang to recuperate.

Entering shangguanyuanrang's room, smelling the medicine smell all over the room, and then seeing shangguanyuanrang lying in bed unconscious, breathless, pale and covered with bandages, Tang Yin's nose was sour and tears almost fell.

Who is Shangguan yuanrang? In Tang Yin's impression, Yuan asked people to fight. No matter how powerful and terrible the enemy is, he has only won but never lost. Now he is only attacking a small Fengcheng. Tang Yin wondered how Liang Qi commanded and what was his intention. He even doubted whether Liang Qi intended to kill yuanrang.

Seeing that Tang Yin was so happy and angry, his face changed rapidly at this time. At one time, he showed sadness and at the other time, he showed anger. Bai Yong trembled in his heart and shouted bad. The king may have been angry with Liang Qi because of Shangguan yuan's assignment. Of course, he must not be spared.

He took a deep breath, swallowed and spit, and walked into Tang Yin, Whispered cautiously: "Your Majesty, general yuan rang led two thousand brothers into Fengcheng and fought with ten thousand enemies and countless mobs in the city for more than four hours. Later, the main force of Ning army withdrew to the city. General yuan rang was not afraid and tore up and killed with ten thousand enemies. In the chaotic war, general yuan rang not only hurt countless enemies, but also successfully killed one blood surrounded by many enemies Liu, open the city gate so that the main force of our army can successfully attack the city, but in the end, yuan let the general run out of spirit and strength, and hurt under the arrow array of Ning Army... It can be said that the victory of our army in this war was entirely due to general yuan let alone. It was general Yuan who let the general beat Fengcheng on his own! "

Bai Yong is an old subordinate of Tang Yin. He knows Tang Yin's surname very well. At this time, his words are also very skilled. He only mentions the credit of Guan yuanrang, does not mention his fault, and does not absolve Liang Qi and himself from responsibility.

Sure enough, after listening to his words, Tang Yin was very moved. The color of anger on his face decreased a lot, replaced by comfort and pride. He went to the front of the bed, grabbed the hand of Shangguan yuanrang, and youyou said, "yuanrang is worthy of being the first fierce general of my strong wind! Among the 100000 enemy forces, one can forcibly open the city gate by himself. Who else in the world can do this?"

Bai Yong struck while the iron was hot, repeatedly responded, and said, "general yuan rang not only did it, but also succeeded in saving his last name. It is the blessing of my strong wind and the king!"

By Bai Yong's praise, Tang Yin's anger subsided a lot. He asked, "why did yuan rang lead only two thousand brothers to Fengcheng? Don't you know the danger of this war?"

Bai Yong hurriedly explained: "the king misunderstood, and this is the case..." at this time, Bai Yongfang told the story in detail from beginning to end. Finally, he fell to his knees with a plop, Shaking his head, he said: "the reason why general yuan rang was seriously injured is that the end will not be able to escape the blame. If general yuan rang had been able to remind general yuan to control the city gate after entering Fengcheng and isolate the main force of Ning army outside the city, then our army would attack inside and outside again, and the war would not be like this..."

On the surface, he said he was wrong, but in fact, he implied the fault of Shangguan yuanrang.

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