Tang Yin thought thoughtfully for a moment, nodded and said, "the first thing to do is to control the gate of the enemy city if the sneak attack is successful. Yuan rang is also at fault!"

When Bai Yong heard the speech, his heart finally fell down when he mentioned his voice. He hissed in the dark. He said in a straight face: "although general yuanrang has been on the battlefield for a long time, he has insufficient experience in attacking the city and failed to control the city gate in time. It can't be blamed on general yuanrang."

The more he spoke for Shangguan yuanrang, the less resentment Tang Yin felt. Finally, he sighed and looked around. He saw that the tray on the table was covered with blood arrows. Obviously, it was all from Shangguan yuanrang.

When being shot by an arrow, you can't pull it out hard. If you pull it out hard, the barb on the arrow can bring down a large piece of meat. When dealing with it, you need to cut off the arrow first, leaving only the arrow, and then cut off the skin and flesh of the middle arrow. At this time, you can take out the arrow.

Tang Yin counted carefully. There were as many as 18 arrows on the tray. His eyes gradually became deep, and his fist was subconsciously clenched. Just then, shangguanyuan, lying on the collapsed bed, shook his body and made a hoarse "Shen Yin" sound in his throat.

Hearing the sound, Tang Yin was shocked and immediately recovered. He hurried to the front of the bed, bent down, looked at Shangguan yuanrang and whispered, "yuanrang? Yuanrang?"

Shangguanyuan let his eyelids move. After a while, he slowly opened a gap. He looked at Tang Yin, but his eyes had no focus. He asked intermittently, "yes... Is it the king?"

Tang Yin knew that Shangguan yuanrang must have lost too much blood and his eyes could not see things. He would be fine after a while of cultivation. He forced a smile and asked casually, "it's me! Yuanrang, how are you feeling now?"

"Drink, does the king have... Water..." as soon as shangguanyuan let his voice fall, Bai Yong immediately came forward and poured a glass of water and handed it to shangguanyuan rang's lips. The latter seemed to have not drunk water for several days. He drank a full glass of water, then licked his dry lips and breathed comfortably.

After a few days, Guan Yin said, "I'll send you back to cheer up and let you recover after a few yuan."

Shangguan yuanrang frowned and said in a weak voice, "king, I won't return home..."

Tang Yin said, "but there are too few famous doctors in Hedong. Only when you return to the capital can you get perfect treatment."

"Ha ha..." Shangguan yuan asked to laugh, saying it was just a few times provoked by the corners of his mouth. He said positively: "this little injury is nothing to me. Don't say I can't die. Even if I will die, I will stay and watch the king fight Hedong with my own eyes, create great achievements, and create my prosperous age..."

Tang Yin was very moved by Shangguan yuanrang's words. He bowed his head heavily, patted the back of Shangguan yuanrang's hand and said, "OK, yuanrang, you stay and fight side by side with me. I can't live without you to create a prosperous era of strong wind."

"Cough..." shangguanyuan was very happy. His face turned unnaturally ruddy, and he coughed violently. Tang Yin was startled. He gently helped Guan yuanrang's chest and hurriedly said, "yuanrang, your injury is still very serious and you need more rest."

"Since joining the army, Shangguan yuanrang has never failed. This time, Liang Qi hurt me... Cough..." at this time, Tang Yin was there. Shangguan yuanrang finally found someone to accuse. He immediately accused Liang Qi of not being right. However, he only talked about it halfway. His eyes turned white and fainted.

Tang Yin has never studied medicine, but he also knows some common sense of medicine. Seeing that Bai Yong was scared to go out to find a military doctor, he waved and stopped him, shook his head and said, "Yuan rang just fell asleep. It's nothing. There's no need to call a military doctor."

"Ah, that's right!" Bai Yongchang breathed a sigh of relief, raised his head and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead.

Tang Yin sat by the bed and quietly watched Shangguan yuanrang until the red tide on his face receded and his original pallor returned. Tang Yin stood up and motioned to the people around him to leave temporarily. Out of Shangguan yuanrang's bedroom, Tang Yin looked up and took a deep breath.

At this time, several famous Feng, led by Liang Qi, hurried over. Before and after Tang Yinjin, Liang Qi and others knelt down on one knee, stepped in and saluted, saying, "I will see the king at the end!"

Looking down at Liang Qi and others, Tang Yin didn't say anything or signal them to get up, so he stood in place and looked at him directly.

Liang Qi is not a fool. Naturally, he knows that Tang Yin must be complaining about shangguanyuan's injury. He is not in a hurry to explain. Since Tang Yin didn't let himself get up, just kneel down!

I don't know how long it took. The generals couldn't help but wonder if the king didn't see his group. At this time, Tang Yin slowly said, "just now, I saw yuanrang."

Liang Qi knelt on the ground, lowered his head and said, "yes!"

Tang Yin continued: "Yuan rang said that you hurt him this time."

Although it was expected that Shangguan yuanrang would have such a misunderstanding, Tang Yin said it himself. Liang Qi's body shook and his head dropped lower. The other generals of Sanshui army felt chilly behind them, and the temperature seemed to drop below zero all of a sudden.

Before Liang Qi spoke, Tang Yin said, "I think yuan rang misunderstood General Liang Qi." As he spoke, he bent down and helped Liang Qi up with his own hands. At the same time, he waved to the other generals and said, "all generals, please be flat!"

"Thank you, king!" Hearing this, the generals were better than relieved of their heavy burden and stood up shakily.

Unexpectedly, Tang Yin not only didn't blame himself for this, but also took the initiative to say that there was a misunderstanding. Liang Qi was deeply moved. After being helped up by Tang Yin, he stepped back two steps and gave a deep salute to Tang Yin.

Tang Yin said positively, "General Liang Qi is the commander I trust most, and Yuan rang is the strong general I rely on most. How can General Liang Qi deliberately harm yuan rang? How can General Liang Qi do such fratricidal things?"

His words are knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger, but also warning Liang Qi. The latter can't hear it. He bowed his body, cold sweat flowed out, and carefully said, "see you, king!"

Narrowing her eyes and looking at Liang Qi deeply, Tang Yin laughed on her back and praised: "Liang Qi, you played a beautiful game in this war. You and Yuan rang both remember the first merit, and the following soldiers should also be rewarded according to the merit."

"Thank you, king!" Liang Qi and Bai Yong will kneel on one knee again and bow their hands to thank you.

Tang Yin nodded. When the crowd got up, he asked, "Liang Qi, I heard you just went out to deal with the indiscriminate killing of the people in the city. What's the result?"

Liang Qi hurriedly replied, "Your Majesty, the situation has been controlled. In addition, several generals who privately ordered the slaughter of the city have been caught by me. Please deal with it!" While talking, Liang Qi turned back and waved to the back. After a short time, seven three water army generals were pushed over.

Some of these generals Tang Yin knew and some did not know, but their official ranks were not low. They were either partial generals or military commanders. They were all core generals of the Sanshui army. At this time, the captured generals saw Tang Yin more close than Liang Qi. Liang Qi's military law is extremely strict, and he is selfless and does not recognize his six relatives. If he gets angry, he can really kill all of them according to the military law, but Tang Yin is different. The reason why Feng Jun dares to kill the city and do whatever he wants in the city is the tradition or bad habit left by Tang Yin when he ran the army.

Without being pushed and pushed by others, several tied generals rushed to Tang Yin, fell on their knees with a plop, kowtowed like garlic, and said in a trembling voice: "please be kind to the king, please be kind to the king!" While talking, several people's snot and tears flowed out together, and said one after another: "we would rather die on the battlefield than in front of the two armies..."

When Tang Yin saw this, his eyebrows immediately twisted into a pimple. With their pathetic appearance, they didn't have the dignity and courage they should have as a general. He lifted his leg, kicked the nearest general to him to the ground and shouted, "stand up and cry. What does it look like?"

After listening to Tang Yin's words, the seven generals of the Sanshui army were honest. As soon as they got up, they stood up in a row in good order, hung their heads and dared not breathe.

Tang Yin looked at Liang Qi and asked, "Liang Qi, these are your subordinates. What do you decide to do with them?"

Liang Qi said, "it's against the military order to kill the people in the city without receiving my military order. It should be beheaded according to the law!"

"It's heavy." Tang Yin held her chin, looked at the seven generals of the Sanshui army whose faces were scared white, shook her head and said, "the war between our army and the enemy has just begun. It will kill so many generals, which will be detrimental to our army's morale."

"Oh..." Liang Qishen sighed for a moment and said again, "in view of their love for repeatedly making war achievements, the death penalty can be exempted, but the living crime is hard to forgive. Each person is heavily responsible for a hundred military sticks!"

Hoo! His words made all seven generals breathe. Of course, the taste of a hundred army sticks is not good, but it's always thousands of times better than losing your head. Before they could say thanks, Tang Yin shook his head again and said, "it's heavy, too." After a pause, he said, "a hundred army sticks are afraid to hurt muscles and bones. It is difficult to go to the battlefield in a short time. In terms of the current war, what is the difference between this and cutting them?"

Liang Qi also began to frown. Tang Yin opposed the execution of these generals. What he said is reasonable and he can understand it. But if even the punishment of 100 military sticks is too heavy, what else should he do? This time, Liang Qi stopped saying his position and asked, "what about the king's opinion?"

Tang Yin shrugged and said lightly, "each person has 20 Military whips, and another month's salary can be fined."

Liang Qi almost laughed and laughed angrily. The 20 army whip and salary in January are still called punishment? Is there any military law and discipline to govern the army in this way? He nodded and said, "the end will understand." As he spoke, he said to the following military master's book: "each person shall record a major demerit once, heavily blame the fifty military staff, and punish the salary for half a year without error!"

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