Five thousand Yue cavalry soldiers were unable to play in the canyon. They were defeated by the arrows of the wind army, leaving hundreds of corpses and dead horses. Even the leader of the army was captured alive by Tang Yin.

Seeing that his cavalry had just entered the canyon and soon let the wind army fight out, Hamel's face was a little lost, so he was ready to send more troops to continue to kill. At this time, long sun Yuanhong stopped him, smiled leisurely and said, "the canyon is narrow, it is uneven inside, and there are many rocks, which is difficult for cavalry to display."

"The general means..."

"Use the infantry to kill." Long sun Yuanhong said confidently.

"But... We are all cavalry, and we are used to fighting on horses. If we get off the horse, I'm afraid..." Hamel said in embarrassment.

Long sun Yuanhong smiled, patted Hamel on the arm and said, "Hamel, this time you helped me put Tang Yin * to death here. It's a great help to me. Next, it's my turn to fight in Daning!"

Hamel heard the speech, although he felt a little uncomfortable, but it was not good to continue to say more, and bowed his hand.

Long sun Yuanhong and Hamel set up camp at the entrance of the valley. The camp of 100000 cavalry blocked the entrance of the valley. Let alone people, even mice couldn't get out. After setting up the camp, the Vietnamese army did not continue to attack, but waited for the Ning army from the rear to come.

Taking advantage of this rare gap, the wind army happened to take a short rest in the valley to refresh themselves for the next battle.

Tang Yin did not rest, but walked slowly into the depths of the valley. After passing this long and narrow canyon, you suddenly see a big round valley. The valley is several miles around and covers a huge area, but there is no grass in such a large space. The ground is all bare stones. Around the valley are towering cliffs like clouds. The mountain walls are steep and smooth, and there is no focus, Unless they are spiritual practitioners with advanced cultivation, ordinary people want to climb up, which is as powerful as heaven. As Tang Yin said, this is a dead place. There is no way to enter it.

Walking in the valley, Tang Yin unconsciously recalled the scene when he was trapped here. It was at that time that he was deeply impressed by the arrow array of Ningguo. He stretched out his hand and touched the stone wall of the cliff. At this time, the scene is so similar to that at the beginning.

The last time he was trapped here, he was a newcomer to a strange world. He was unfamiliar with his life and didn't have Lingwu cultivation. But at that time, he was carefree and had no worries. Now he is the king of a country and has excellent Lingwu, but he still can't get out of trouble. Although the bare cliff in front of him can't stop him, he can't walk away, Because he can't leave shangguanyuan and Wuying behind.

"Alas!" Tang Yin sighed gently. The higher the status, the greater the power, and the more things to worry about.

The people behind him heard his sigh and looked at each other. Wu Ying came forward and comforted him softly: "don't worry, the canyon is narrow, and the Yue cavalry can't rush near at all. Not to mention that it won't be long before all the armies will get the news and come to rescue the king."

Tang Yin shook her head with a smile and said, "Chang sun Yuanhong won't let us get out of trouble easily, and he won't give up this great opportunity to kill me easily." Tang Yin is not as optimistic as Wu Ying. Chang sun Yuanhong is not only intelligent and unpredictable, but also a wizard who is good at unifying troops and fighting. His own army has a positive confrontation with him. Who wins and who loses is not sure!

As soon as his voice fell, a bodyguard hurried over from gukou. When Tang Yin approached, he stepped in and saluted. With an anxious face, he said, "Your Majesty, the enemy has begun to attack again, but... It's Ning Jun who attacked this time!"

"Oh?" Tang Yin whispered quickly. Ning Jun, dressed in steel armor and walking, arrived in such a short time. It seems that the Western army under Chang sun Yuanhong is really different from the central army of Ning. He nodded and said, "I see." As he spoke, he looked left and right, smiled easily, and said, "the enemy is coming to the door again. Follow me!"


Wu Ying and others followed Tang Yin and quickly left for gukou.

When Tang Yin returned to his camp, the Ning army outside the canyon had begun to attack. I saw countless Ning troops lined up in a neat square array, pressing against the wind army step by step. Tang Yin narrowed her eyes and said, "save the arrows. Wait until the enemy gets close to you!"

Tang Yin was trapped in death and had no backup. Everything had to be calculated carefully. Ning Jun had sufficient backup without any worries. When Ning Jun's leading soldiers were a hundred steps away from the stone wall, Ning Jun's arrow array came. With the sound of a bow string bouncing, countless arrows flew out of the Ning army camp.

The wind troops all fell down at the first time and used stone walls to avoid the arrow array of Ning army.

Jingle! The arrows hit the stone wall, crackling and sparks splashing. The arrow array of Ning army seemed to have no rest. It continued round after round. Under the continuous impact of arrows, the solid stones that had been built began to loosen, and many boulders had rolled down.

Just when Ning Jun had advanced to less than 50 steps, Tang Yin suddenly shouted, "shoot an arrow!"

With his words, Sergeant Feng, lying on the ground, stood up one after another, raised his bow and shot back.

The distance of fifty steps is too close. Even if the steel armor of Ning army is hard, it can't resist such a close shot. The wind army only fired one round of arrows. Sergeant Ning, who came to the front, became a hedgehog, covered with carved feathers, screamed and fell to the ground. Ning Jun responded quickly. The soldiers put down their bows and arrows, set up shields and used the shield array to resist the arrow array of the wind army.

In the process of the whole army marching, of course, the shield array cannot be monolithic. From time to time, arrows pass through the gap between the shields and shoot at Ning army. However, Ning army hit by arrows is a minority after all, and its overall camp is still advancing. The distance of fifty steps was just a matter of blinking an eye. Soon, Ning Jun had reached the stone wall.

This stone wall is the only barrier for the wind army. If it is pushed down or turned over by the Ning army, the wind army can only retreat to the valley. In such an open area, I'm afraid that the wind army with only more than 2000 people can be swallowed up by the hundreds of thousands of Ning army in the blink of an eye.

Seeing that the Ning army was approaching, more than a dozen soldiers jumped onto the stone wall, held a war knife and stabbed the Ning army below. The cutting and killing from a commanding position was powerful and heavy. Dozens of Ning soldiers were cut open by the war knife and fell to the ground. However, there were more Ning soldiers shouting and coming forward and stabbing at the wind army on the stone wall.

At this time, the two sides launched a close combat. Ning Jun's head surged out of the stone wall, like ants. One row died and another row was filled immediately. While the wind army on the stone wall was killing the enemy, it was stabbed and wounded by Ning Jun from time to time, screaming and falling down. What's more, there were many sharpshooters in Ning Jun, who posed too great a threat to the wind army, Many soldiers were killed on the spot by cold arrows suddenly flying from the crowd.

Seeing this, Tang Yin immediately asked his soldiers to put on heavy armor again, which was held up by the people and put on the stone wall. The heavy armored cavalry was originally intended to fight on horseback. Now it is flexibly used by Tang Yin and placed on the stone wall. In this way, it can prevent the enemy's cold arrow and short-range assassination.

This move worked as expected. With the heavy Armored Cavalry on the stone wall, the sharpshooters in the Ning army immediately lost their threat. The arrows they shot were nailed to the three-layer thick armor of the heavy Armored Cavalry, which could not even shoot through the first layer. With the crisp sound of jingle, the arrows broke and fell to the ground.

The heavy Armored Cavalry are all strong men with long guns. With a fierce stab from top to bottom, they can often pierce two Ning soldiers with one shot. For a time, the screams of Ning soldiers in front of the stone wall continued, and people fell to the ground one by one.

Seeing that the morale of his own side had risen and the morale of the enemy sergeant was weakening, Tang Yin whispered a good opportunity. He showed his shadow drift, flashed directly from the stone wall to the outside of the wall, dragged a black sickle and rushed into the Ning army camp. Just between waving the knife, three Ning soldiers fell to the ground. At the same time, he shouted: "brothers, kill with me --"

Your own monarchs have been rushed out. Where will the soldiers be afraid? Wu Ying, Shangguan brothers, Cheng Jin and other generals led Sergeant Feng over the stone wall and rushed to the camp of Ning army.

Ning Jun never thought that Feng Jun, who only had so many people, dared to fight back. Ning Jun was caught off guard. The soldiers in front couldn't resist. Batches and patches of soldiers were cut down by Feng Jun. Ning Jun in the back saw it clearly and felt cold. He didn't dare to fight again. He turned and ran back one after another.

They wanted to retreat, but the Ning army behind could not see the situation in front at all and continued to press forward. As a result, the retreat and advance collided with each other, making the camp of the Ning army more chaotic. In the narrow canyon, nearly 20000 Ning troops are in it. At this time, they are disjointed, conflict with each other, crowded and trampled, and have become a mess.

In this way, it creates convenient conditions for the wind army to rush and kill. People all use their milk strength to kill the enemy bravely and frantically chop down the enemy in front of them. Two thousand people fought against twenty thousand people, but a one-sided situation was formed on the scene. Twenty thousand people were beaten by two thousand people, and there was no ability to fight back. Even there was no battle on the battlefield, leaving only one-sided slaughter.

By this time, sun Yuanhong, who was in the appearance war of the canyon, could no longer see it. He ordered his subordinates to withdraw their troops. When the Ning army finally retreated from the canyon, Chang sun Yuanhong immediately ordered the leader to bind up and wait for the fall. Then he chose another general and ordered him to take another 20000 soldiers into the canyon to wipe out the wind army and capture Tang Yin.

There was no break in the attack of the Ning army. The troops of the previous wave had just retreated, and the attack of the latter wave began again.

The wind army is still repeating the old trick, and put the heavy armor cavalry on the stone wall, with the heavy armor cavalry as the main force to resist the enemy, and others cooperate with the attack behind the stone wall.

But this time, Tang Yin also kept an eye on it and divided his two thousand soldiers into three waves. One wave went to battle and two waves rested behind. When the soldiers were tired, he chose another wave to replace them.

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