The second wave of attack of Ning army was much more ferocious than the first wave, and the soldiers rushed forward even more desperately, almost regardless of life and death. At this time, Tang Yin can only fight again and wield a sickle to chop down the endless Ning army around him, so as to reduce the burden of his own soldiers.

The spirit Qi of Tang Ning's soldiers can't be replenished by his sickle. Even if he can't keep the spirit Qi in his body for such a long time, why can't he use his sickle to restore his spirit Qi?

He couldn't remember how many Ning soldiers he had killed. The bodies around him were stacked one layer after another. In the end, Tang Yin's mind and body had been numb. He just waved a sickle.

The battle on the battlefield became white hot, and the soldiers on both sides fought to the death. At this time, the heavy Armored Cavalry of the wind Army played a strong fighting force again.

The heavy Armored Cavalry stood on the stone wall like an iron wall. No matter how Ning Bing rushed, he couldn't break through a little gap. Moreover, Ning Bing rushed up and was stabbed down one by one. However, knowing that it was dead, Ning Jun still rushed like a moth to the fire without fear. The ground in front of the stone wall was full of Ning Jun's bodies, Broken limbs and arms, weapons and armor were scattered all over the ground. Blood gathered into a river on the ground and gurgled. The whole canyon was full of the smell of death and strong smell of blood type.

When the battle reaches this level, both sides are holding their teeth. Now the competition is no longer fighting strength, but fighting spirit. No matter which side is slightly lax, it will be failure and death to meet him.

The two thousand Fengjun troops were divided into three waves and took turns to fight. As time went on, the three waves of personnel had replaced three rounds, but the Ning army still showed no sign of retreat. At this time, the stone wall built by the Fengjun army was in vain, because the body of the Ning army was as high as the stone wall, and the Ning army behind rushed forward. It only needed to step on the body of his companion to go directly to the stone wall, but even so, Ning army was still unable to cross the minefield half a step, and was held out by heavy Armored Cavalry.

The battle continued until the evening. The exhausted and heavily injured Ning army finally couldn't hold on. The whole army withdrew from the canyon, leaving a mountain of corpses.

After the Ning army retreated, the soldiers of the wind army led by Tang Yin were like angry leather balls, paralyzed on the ground and couldn't stand up. The bones all over seemed to be scattered, and every muscle was sour and painful. Tang Yin rested for a moment, then stood up and looked around at his soldiers. At the same time, he was counting the number of people.

After a battle, there were more than 500 casualties among the original more than 2000 soldiers, leaving only more than 1000 people. Looking outward, the corpses of the Ning army have leveled the stone wall. If the Ning army launches another fierce attack, it may be difficult for its own side to adhere to it.

Tang Yin could not give his brothers too much rest time. Not long after the battle, he immediately organized manpower to build another stone wall about 10 meters behind the stone wall. Due to the abundant time this time, the soldiers could carry more huge stones and build the stone wall higher and stronger.

It was not easy to deal with all the preparations before the war. Tang Yin issued an order and all the soldiers could rest. Hearing Tang Yin's words, most of the taxi soldiers couldn't hold on any longer and fell to the ground one after another. They didn't even have the strength to take off their armor and slept in peace.

Soldiers can sleep, but Tang Yinyue dare not. Although it is not suitable for attack at night, who knows if Ning Jun will make a sneak attack. Sitting on the stone wall outside, he looked at the mountains of Ning Jun's corpses in front of him and silently wondered what Chang sun Yuanhong was doing now.

With such a proud surname as Chang sun Yuanhong, he must be furious now. There are so many ningyue allied troops under his command that he can't beat more than a thousand people on his own side. How can he stand it? I'm afraid that Chang sun Yuanhong may not delay the battle until the next day. Thinking of this, Tang Yin's eyes flashed a faint green light.

With thousands of people to resist enemies several times or dozens of times their own, even if they have the advantage of favorable location and fight all day, the personnel must be exhausted. If they are long sun Yuanhong, they will never give the other party a whole night's rest. Even if they don't sneak attacks at night, they should make continuous harassment to make the opponent restless.

If he can think of this, will chang sun Yuanhong not think of it? Tang Yin took a deep breath, his eyes turned, and he had a plan in his heart. At this time, Wu Ying quietly walked up to him and saw the corpses outside the stone wall. Her dead gray faces and round eyes staring at her dead eyes could not help but excite Lingling to fight a cold war.

Of course Tang Yin didn't ignore her approach. He also saw her shiver obviously. He pulled off the cloak behind him, handed it to Wu Ying and said, "it's very cold in the canyon at night. Put on this!"

Wuying returns to her senses and looks at the cloak handed over by Tang Yin. Her heart is warm. She subconsciously wants to refuse, but her words haven't been exported yet. She has stretched out her hand first and took Tang Yin's cloak. Putting on his cloak, she could smell the faint smell of blood and the unique smell of hay on him. She subconsciously wrapped herself tightly and said softly, "thank you."

Tang Yin smiled indifferently, looked at the entrance of the canyon and asked, "why don't you go to bed?"

"The king didn't go to sleep..." Wu Ying whispered.

Tang Yin shrugged and said, "I want to keep watch. No accident, Ning Jun will launch a night attack tonight."

Wu Ying was surprised when she heard the speech and asked, "how does the king know?"

Tang Yin grinned at her and said, "I guess."

Wu Ying couldn't help turning her eyes when she heard the speech. She whispered, "the canyon is dark at night, which is not suitable for attack. Ning Jun didn't attack recently during the day, and won't attack at night. I think Ning Jun won't attack again until tomorrow morning."

Tang Yin youyou said, "if you want to delay the attack until the Ming Dynasty, long sun Yuanhong will not be worthy of being called a famous general of Ningguo."

Wu yingyu's face was red, but she immediately asked nervously, "do you think the other party will sneak attack tonight?"

"Yes." Tang Yin answered calmly.

"In that case, I told my brothers to get up and prepare for the battle." As she spoke, Wu Ying wanted to go back. Tang Yin reached out and took her arm, gently shook her head and said, "my brothers have been tired all day. Let them rest first. Even if Ning Jun will attack at night, it can't be now."

"Oh." Wu Ying was a little relieved, and her steps came back. Her eyes naturally fell on Tang Yin's face and didn't move away for a long time.

"Do I have flowers on my face?" Although Tang Yin looked out of the valley, he seemed to have eyes behind him and asked with a smile.

His joking words made Wu Ying blush from her face to her neck, quickly took back her eyes, and then thought it was something she suddenly remembered. She stretched out her hand into her arms, took out a delicate small porcelain vase from her armor and handed it to Tang Yin. The latter was stunned and asked, "what is this?"

"It's Jinchuang medicine." Wu Ying said in a low voice, "when you were fighting in Ningying during the day, I saw that you were injured..."

Tang Yin didn't pick up her medicine bottle, but smiled gratefully, patted her chest and said, "it's just a skin injury. It's already good. These drugs are still for the injured soldiers!" Then he asked, "how is yuanrang now?"

"Yuan let nothing happen."

This is not what Wu Ying said. Shangguanyuan asked him to climb over the newly built stone wall and come slowly. Seeing him, Tang Yin was stunned at first, and then said half jokingly, "I didn't know that you still have the habit of eavesdropping on people." After a pause, he asked, "Yuan rang, how's your injury?"

Shangguan yuanrang said indifferently, "I've already applied the medicine, but the old wound burst again. It's a little troublesome, but it's no big deal."

Tang Yin frowned secretly. He was born as a killer and his injuries were common, so he knew very well that the wound that had healed almost collapsed again, which was more painful than when he was just injured, and it was more difficult to recover. He said: "you don't need to participate in the next battle. You just need to recover."

For Tang Yin's consideration and care, shangguanyuan was very kind, but just because of this, he was more worried about letting Tang Yin fight alone. He said with a smile, "the king doesn't have to worry about me. I have my own discretion."

Tang Yin is most worried about him, because among the generals under his command, Shangguan yuanrang is the least measured. Tang Yin blinked, but shook her head and smiled bitterly.

His estimation is not wrong. Chang sun Yuanhong did have a plan to sneak attack late at night, but his plan was disrupted by the sudden arrival of the wind army.

The first to arrive were the plain army and the Sanshui army. More than 100000 people came with great momentum and directly blocked the South Road of Ning army. Before the Ning army made corresponding countermeasures, another Fengguo army with more than 100000 people came to the north, which was composed of Tianying army and directly subordinate army.

Tang Yin failed to get to his own ambush site and was driven into a death valley by the Yue cavalry. The spies of Tianyan and Diwang immediately transmitted the news to the Fourth Army. When the commander of the Fourth Army Xiao MuQing, Liang Qi, Ziying and Guyue heard about it, their faces suddenly changed. They dared not delay and urged their soldiers to rush all the way from the north and south to the ningyue allied army, And form a potential of attack.

If it were someone else, he would be flustered and at a loss in the face of these many enemy troops who were killed suddenly. However, Chang sun Yuanhong was very calm and calmly assigned troops to strictly guard his own camp. At the same time, he sent several spies to bypass the wind army and return to his own camp to ask Wei Zheng to send troops for help.

In Chang sun Yuanhong's view, the wind army can attack his own side, and he can also attack the wind army. As long as Wei Zheng leads his own army to arrive, he can attack the wind army in the south from north to south, first cross the wave of wind army, and then turn the spearhead to concentrate on the enemy in the north.

But he designed it well, but Wei Zheng didn't act according to his military order.

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