Late at night, Tang Yin sat alone in the account thinking about whether to continue the war. Now, his confidence has begun to waver. At this time, a bodyguard recently reported that Yuan Fang asked for an interview. Tang Yin Oh, raised his head and said, "let him come near!"


The bodyguard turned and went out. After a short time, Yuan Fang walked slowly into the account. Seeing Yuan Fang, Tang Yin smiled and asked with ease, "Mr. Yuan Fang, haven't you slept so late?!"

"Wei Chen came to visit the king specially." Yuan Fang came forward, saluted deeply and said in a low voice.

"I'm fine. I can afford a small defeat." Tang Yin said with a smile. After a pause, he waved his hand and said, "Mr. Yuan Fang, please sit down!"

Yuan Fang answered and sat down beside Tang Yin. The latter asked, "Mr. Yuan Fang, can you tell us whether our army can win this war?"

"This..." Yuan Fang gave a deep thought, shook his head and said, "the major event of the army is related to the life and death of the country. Wei ministers dare not speculate."

"Hey?" Tang Yin smiled up and said, "it's harmless to talk about your opinions in private. Mr. Yuan Fang can talk about it."

Yuan Fang thought thoughtfully for a moment, and Fang zhengse said, "our army has occupied the whole Hedong county since entering Hedong. The morale of the upper and lower soldiers is high. On the contrary, Ning army, the main general is seriously injured and there is a shortage of short-term generals in the army. In terms of frontal battle, our army has an absolute advantage. I think this is the reason why the king is unwilling to give up this battle!"

This is right in Tang Yin's heart. If it is a frontal confrontation on land, Tang Yin is confident that he will wipe out more than 100000 troops in the western part of Ningguo. The huge Ningguo and a huge piece of fat are in front of him, but Tang Yin is really unwilling to be obstructed by a Zhanghe River. He smiled quietly and said, "go on."

"No matter how strong our army is and how unwilling the king is, Weichen feels that this war can't be fought again." Yuan Fang said: "In fact, for the state of Ning, Zhanghe River, like Tongmen, is a natural danger. Relying on Tongmen, the state of Feng can attack, retreat and defend, and stand invincible. The same is true for the state of Ning. As early as the time when the two countries just had an evil relationship, Zhanghe River was regarded as the bottom line of the state of Ning by the monarch of the state of Ning. It was from that time that the state of Ning had built warships and trained naval forces in Zhanghe River. For more than a hundred years, it did not dare One day, although the troops of Ning army are small, there are countless warships, and the water army is also extremely elite and good at water warfare. This is precisely the weakness of our wind army. If the king wants to forcibly cross the Zhanghe River, he will treat the strength of Ning army with the weakness of our army, and finally... I'm afraid the whole army will be destroyed! "

"Oh..." Tang Yin said faintly, raised her head and was silent. It turned out that Ningguo was also farsighted and did a good job in relevant prevention. No wonder Ningjun gathered up so many large warships in such a short time. He meditated for a while, stood up and paced back and forth in the tent. His mind was also turning sharply when he walked around. He murmured, "what Mr. Yuan Fang said is also reasonable."

Looking at Tang Yin struggling in his heart, Yuan Fang sighed secretly. He suddenly remembered something and asked, "by the way, Weichen also wants to ask the king how to bury the soldiers killed today?"

"The dust returns to the dust, and the earth returns to the earth. Naturally, the heroes of the wind country should also be sent back to the wind country for burial."

"What about... Ning people in the army?"

Tang Yin raised her eyebrows, shook her head and said, "I haven't thought about it yet. What advice does Mr. Yuan Fang have?"

Yuan Fang said: "the king should not only treat the dead soldiers equally, but also bury the soldiers of Ning nationality."

Tang Yin looked puzzled, Yuan Fang explained: "As a Ningren, it requires not only great determination but also great courage to join the Fengjun army and help the Fengguo and fight their own country. If the king wants to have long-term stability in Hedong and win the support of the Ningren in Hedong, he should treat the Ningren and Ningji soldiers with kindness, so that people can feel that there is no difference between Fengren and Ningren in the king's mind."

Yo! This is something Tang Yin didn't expect. He thought carefully and thought that what Yuan Fang said was very reasonable. As the saying goes, those who win the hearts of the people win the world. Even if they pretend, they have to pretend. His face finally showed a heartfelt smile, walked to Yuan Fang * * *, and bowed to him.

Yuan Fang was startled. It was always the courtiers who gave gifts to the king. How can the king give gifts to the courtiers?! He sat on the collapse and stayed for a long time before he came back to his senses. Without standing up, he knelt directly from the collapse to the ground and kowtowed his head: "what's your majesty doing? Killing a small minister..."

Tang Yin reached out to help Yuan Fang up and said with a smile: "Mr. Yuan Fang's lesson is that since Hedong has returned to the wind country, the people in Hedong are the people of the wind country. I should treat them equally, and there should be no distinction between high and low."

Looking at Tang Yin with an open-minded face, Yuan Fang's eyes revealed a trace of confusion. He had to admit that he couldn't see through Tang Yin and didn't know what he was thinking. Tang Yin's surname changed too much, sometimes cruel and cunning, sometimes generous and benevolent, sometimes ruthless, sometimes elegant and kind. It's hard to imagine that so many different or even completely opposite surnames can be reflected in a person, And this man is only a young man in his twenties.

Tang Yin adopted Yuan Fang's opinion, and sent an order early the next morning to bury those Ningji soldiers who were unfortunately killed in the battle of crossing the river, pay double the pension to their families, and exempt 40% of their taxes. This kind of treatment is absolutely generous enough. Tang Yin's practice has also been reflected, which has won a lot of public praise from the people of hedongning and made the people of Ning settle down completely.

People are most worried about whether they will be squeezed by the wind and become servants after the change of ownership in Hedong. However, according to Tang Yin's performance of Ning Ji soldiers who died in battle, such concerns seem to be superfluous. The monarch of the wind state not only did not bully them, but also treated them very well. In this way, The belief that people will continue to settle down in Hedong is also much stronger than before.

When it comes to governing the country, Tang Yin is a complete layman, and he may not have much talent in this aspect. However, he has a great advantage, that is, he has the openness of modern people, which enables him to distinguish which opinions will be good for him and which opinions will be bad for him. In the eyes of those who do not know the inside story, Tang Yin has become a rare Ming Lord in the world who has insight and can distinguish right from wrong.

Tang Yin adopted Yuan Fang's opinion of being kind to Ningji soldiers, but he was still hesitant about whether to withdraw the troops for a truce. Now Tang Yin is in a dilemma. The slogan of Anning has been shouted out by him. Such a silent truce will damage his prestige. But if he continues to fight, he is also afraid that Yuan Fang will unfortunately say that his army will eventually be destroyed.

When he felt embarrassed, an unexpected opportunity came. The peace envoy sent by the Ningguo court crossed the Zhanghe River and came to Fengying to discuss the peace between the two countries with Tang Yin.

President sun Yuanhong is strongly opposed to Xiangfeng's peace negotiation. What is his purpose in fighting hard in the front? It's to expel the wind thieves and recover the lost land in Hedong. Now, the imperial court, far from the battlefield and in the rear, even waved a big pen and ceded the huge Hedong county directly to the wind country, admitting that Hedong is the territory of the wind country. Not only that, but also compensate the wind country for a large amount of gold, silver, silk and satin. This is not peace. It's just kowtowing to the wind country.

Chang sun Yuanhong could not understand why the court made such a self humiliating decision. It was clear that the war had not been lost, and there was still hope of returning to Hedong, but now the court's peace made all his efforts useless.

It was hard for him to understand the decision of the imperial court, and Wei Zheng was not. Hearing the news that the peace envoy had left the capital, Wei Zheng couldn't help but look up to the sky and sigh: "ease! I'd rather lose in the word ease!" The long years of comfort made the court of Ningguo think highly of itself both inside and outside. In case of a slight setback, people panic up and down, and don't worry about themselves.

At this time, the two seemingly divorced marshals, commander sun Yuanhong and Wei Zheng, returned to the same front and resolutely opposed peace talks. According to Wei Zheng's intention, if the envoy wants to cross the Zhanghe River, he must pass by his own camp. At that time, his own side will forcibly detain him and prevent him from crossing the river. In this way, there will be no peace.

At the critical moment, Wei Zheng was so stubborn that he even dared to violate the wishes of the imperial court and risk the felony of beheading to detain the negotiator and envoy, which surprised and admired sun Yuanhong. However, he did not agree with Wei Zheng's idea and forced to detain the envoys sent by the imperial court. There was really no way to do it. Now it is not at the end of the mountain and water, Naturally, there is no need to take such a big risk.

President sun Yuanhong decided to make good use of this peace envoy.

There are two peace envoys sent by the state of Ning. The official position is Honglu Cheng, a subordinate official of Da Honglu, and the official rank is the third grade. Hong Lu Cheng's main function is foreign affairs. These two people are called Shi Tinghan and Qin Yi respectively. This negotiation is mainly based on Shi Tinghan and supplemented by Qin.

As Wei Zheng predicted, Shi Tinghan and Qin were indeed the first Ningjun camp.

As soon as they arrived outside Ning Jun's camp, they felt that there was something wrong with the atmosphere. Sergeant Ning standing guard and patrolling were listless. They looked at each other with a sad face. Their helmets were crooked and their weapons were not carried, but powerlessly carried. Even if Shi Tinghan and Qin were civil servants, they could see that their military discipline was too loose.

They looked at each other and walked towards the camp with big steps.

As soon as they reached the Yuanmen gate, the surrounding Ning soldiers rushed up, stopped them and more than 100 followers behind them, and shouted, "what are you doing? Do you know where this is? Just break into it!"

"Blind your dog's eyes, see clearly, these two are the peace envoys sent by the imperial court, Lord Shi and Lord Qin. Get out of the way and call your commander out to meet you!" Shi Tinghan and Qin's entourage also scolded in a bad tone.

As soon as they heard that they were envoys sent by the imperial court, the soldiers were shocked and looked in awe. They put away their weapons one after another. One of them hung his head and said in a trembling voice, "I'm afraid my Marshal... I'm afraid he can't come out to meet the two adults."

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