"What?" Hearing the soldiers' words, Shi Tinghan and Qin Yi were surprised and hurriedly asked, "what's the matter with general Yuanhong?"

"This..." before the soldiers answered, Wei Zheng came out of the camp and saw Shi and Qin. He rushed forward, bowed his hands and said with a smile: "I don't know if you two * * * are coming. I'm sorry to meet you far away. Excuse me!" Wei Zheng's rank was much higher than that of Shi Tinghan and Qin, but they were envoys sent by the imperial court after all, and Wei Zheng was very polite to them.

They knew Wei Zheng. When they saw him, their eyes lit up and asked in a low voice, "general Wei, what's the matter with general Yuanhong?"

"Alas!" Wei Zheng pretended to sigh, waved his hand and said, "let's talk about it first!" While talking, he took Shi Tinghan and Qin into Ningjun camp. When he went to his eldest grandson Yuanhong's sleeping tent, Wei Zheng said, "I think both adults have heard about the serious injury of general Yuanhong when he fought with the wind army in Hedong?"

Shi listened to Han and Qin nodding, then shook their heads and said, "didn't they say they were only hurt?"

Wei Zheng shook his head and sighed, say: "That's just to confuse Feng Jun. in fact, general Yuanhong was seriously injured and worried about his family name and life. He should return to China and take good care of himself at that time. However, general Yuanhong was worried about the war in Hedong and refused to return to the capital. He had to take care of the major and minor affairs in the army personally. Especially two days ago, general Yuanhong calculated that Feng Jun would sneak across Zhanghe River in advance He set up an ambush on the West Bank and commanded the battle himself. As a result, our army defeated the wind thieves. However, general Yuanhong's body was also exhausted. I'm afraid... "He deliberately didn't finish his words, but shook his head.

"Ah! Lord Qin and I heard about the war two days ago on the way. General Yuanhong played well in this war. However, general Yuanhong should take good care of his body!" Shi Tinghan said anxiously that now the only one in Ningguo who can resist the western invasion of the wind army is Chang sun Yuanhong. If he can't fight because of his injury, who else in Ningguo can resist the wind army?

Wei Zheng led the way. They came to Chang sun Yuanhong's sleeping tent. Just recently, they frowned. There was a pungent smell of medicine in the sleeping tent. When they sniffed coldly, their heads hurt. Looking inward, there was a man lying on the collapsed bed in the sleeping tent. He was sallow and thin, his lips were blue, and his face was morbid. Although it was a hot day and the sleeping tent was airtight, he was still covered with a thick quilt, and his body was shaking in bursts. From his slightly open mouth, he heard intermittent * * *.

Shi Tinghan and Qin Yi couldn't believe this man's eyes. Where's the tall, majestic, energetic and invincible long sun Yuanhong? Is the dying sick man lying on the collapsed bed Sun Yuanhong? Both of them couldn't react. They were stunned for a long time before they recovered. They stretched out their trembling hands, pointed to the sick man on the collapsed bed, and then looked back at Wei Zheng behind them. It seemed that they were asking him, is this really Chang sun Yuanhong?

Wei Zheng looked sad, nodded his head slightly, then walked carefully to the front of the bed, swallowed and spit, and called in a soft voice: "general Yuanhong, general Yuanhong?"

"Oh..." Sun Yuanhong, the elder on the collapse, uttered a low voice like a mosquito, indicating that he heard it.

Wei Zheng said softly, "the two envoys sent by the imperial court to make peace with Feng state have come and specially come to the camp to visit the general."

At this time, Shi Tinghan and Qin also hurried forward, half kneeling beside the collapse, carefully identified, and finally recognized Chang sun Yuanhong. Looking back on Chang sun Yuanhong's unique demeanor at the beginning, and then looking at the haggard, dishonest and benevolent Chang sun Yuanhong, they couldn't help feeling sad, their eyes were red, and their tears fell down, They sobbed and whispered, "general Yuanhong has a good rest. There's no need to worry about the war. We're going to make peace with the wind country. There will be no war in the future."

Wei Zheng frowned when he saw this. Although he didn't have much contact with Shi Tinghan and Qin Yi, he could see that both of them had very good personalities. He felt that Chang sun Yuanhong should tell them the truth. It was too much to deceive them.

Sun Yuanhong, the elder lying on the collapse, sneered at himself and muttered in his heart, "fool! Can peace talk stop the wind country from invading the west? It will only let the wind people see the weakness of Ning country, and then bully Ning country even more. The national policy of the wind country is Wolf Road, and the wind country is also a country of tigers and wolves. Can its appetite be filled with only gold, silver, silk and satin?

He was angry and hated the stupidity and mediocrity of the imperial court, but at this time, Chang sun Yuanhong dared not show it. It was not that he did not trust Shi Tinghan and Qin Yi, but because they were both literati. They went to the Fengjun camp and were intimidated by Tang Yinyi, so they might say everything.

Chang sun Yuanhong is not only good at strategy, but also good at insight into the opponent's mind. He knows that Tang Yin has great ambitions. The smooth battle in Hedong also makes Tang Yin's ambitions expand unprecedentedly, and then wants to annex the whole country of Ning. Now it's meaningless to talk with him about peace. When his envoys arrive at Fengying, they will be asked by Tang Yin. He will take this opportunity to learn more about his defense deployment in the West Bank and the state of the army through the envoys. Long sun Yuanhong decided to make a plan this time. Surname Suo cheated his envoys, pretended to be critically ill, and led Tang Yin to attack.

He pretended to be flawless. Shi Tinghan and Qin also really thought that Chang sun Yuanhong was going to die. When they were still going to stay in the dormitory for a while, several military doctors came near and changed Chang sun Yuanhong's dressing. Long sun Yuanhong did have a wound on his body, the knife wound behind him. Looking at the shocking and blood red wound, Shi Tinghan and Qin also grinned secretly, turned their heads and dared not look again. Wei Zheng came forward and said softly, "two adults, let's go out first and don't disturb the general's rest."

"Good, good, good!" Shi and Qin nodded and followed Wei Zheng out of the big tent. Now they finally understand why the disciplined Western army is so lax and why everyone looks sad. Judging from the current condition of Chang sun Yuanhong, it is possible to die at any time!

It seems that Chao tingyehe's really made the right decision. While Chang sun Yuanhong is still there, we have to finalize the matter quickly! They didn't dare to delay any more in the Ningjun camp. They both arched their hands to Wei Zheng and said, "general Wei, we have to go to the Fengjun camp in Hedong immediately and ask for the king of the wind and make peace with the state of the wind. General Yuanhong will bother you to take care of it."

Wei Zheng was stunned and asked him to stay: "two adults have come all the way. Why do you have to leave just after arriving at the camp? You'd better take a day off and go to the wind camp tomorrow!"

"Alas, the matter of peace is related to the survival of the country. I can't afford to delay it. Besides, general Yuanhong is still... Alas!" Shi Tinghan and Qin also looked at each other, shook their heads and sighed.

Knowing what they meant, Wei Zheng no longer asked him to stay. He nodded and said, "well, it's good to finalize the negotiation earlier." After a pause, he told them anxiously: "two adults, general Yuanhong's critical illness must not be mentioned to Feng Jun. once Feng Jun knows, our army is in danger and Daning is in danger!"

"General Wei, don't worry, I understand."

Shi Tinghan and Qin also believed that Chang sun Yuanhong was critically ill. They were flustered and didn't dare to stay for a moment. They passed through Ning Jun camp and hurried straight to Fengying camp. Because it was peace rather than war, they only took less than ten attendants and didn't take a big boat. They crossed the Zhanghe River in an ordinary small fish boat.

Before they got ashore, Sergeant Feng on the east bank found that the distance was so far. Sergeant Feng shouted, "what are you doing? Come forward again, we're going to shoot an arrow!"

Shi Tinghan and Qin were also startled. The former hurried to the bow of the boat and replied loudly, "brother of Feng Jun, don't shoot arrows. We are envoys sent by the court of Ningguo and want to make peace with King Feng!"

Yo! I heard that it was the envoy of Ningguo who came to negotiate peace. Sergeant Feng looked at each other and showed a dazed look. They had not heard any news about the negotiation of peace between the two countries before. The leader of the soldiers called a subordinate and ordered him to report back to the camp as soon as possible.

After a short time, the news that the envoy of Ningguo came to negotiate peace spread to the account of the Chinese army where Tang Yin was located. These two days, Tang Yinzheng was at a loss for the war in front of him. He suddenly heard that the envoy of the state of Ning wanted to see him to discuss peace. He was very surprised. Ning Jun had just won a battle, and with the help of a disguised expert like Linglong girl, he was dominant everywhere. Why did he suddenly come to negotiate peace? Moreover, peace talks are not in line with the surname of Chang sun Yuanhong!

I don't know what medicine is sold in Ningguo gourd. However, since an envoy has been sent, it's OK to see it yourself. But on second thought, Tang Yin feels that Ningguo's envoy's peace talk is false and explores the truth of his own military camp. His eyes turned and he immediately summoned all his generals. When all the personnel arrived, he told them about it. The generals also felt very surprised. It's good. What peace does Ningguo discuss?!

Tang Yin raised her mouth, sneered and said, "I think it's false to talk about peace in Ningguo. It's true to explore the reality of our army. Our army must not be underestimated by Ningren. Send orders to cheer up the soldiers of all armies and let Ningren see the power of our soldiers!"

"Yes! King!"

At the same time, Shi Tinghan and Qin, who came to negotiate peace, were also connected to the Fengjun camp by the soldiers.

As soon as they entered the Fengjun camp, their hearts were cold, and they seemed to have been cut in half at once.

On both sides of the camp, there were numerous armour and guards. Countless numbers were in a straight line, whether horizontally, vertically or obliquely. The soldiers stood motionless like wooden stakes. All their helmets were bright, and the guns and halberds in their hands flashed a dark light under the reflection of the sun.

Whether it was the general or the soldiers below, they were full of vitality and murderous spirit. They were not angry and powerful. A pair of shining eyes stared at Shi Tinghan and Qin Yi. Their eyes were like wolves seeing their prey. They seemed to rush up and tear them to pieces at any time.

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