"I asked you to save Mo country." Tang Yin said calmly, "I'm also helping you sit on the throne of King mo."

Shao Fang was silent. In fact, he didn't have much affection for shaoting, but it was shocking for him to kill shaoting, so he didn't know what to do for a moment.

After a long silence, Shao Fangcai youyou said, "my father has the intention to make me prince."

Tang Yin is happy, Look up and say: "Your father is fickle. Even if he makes you crown prince, can you ensure that you will never be abolished? As long as you don't ascend the throne, things will be full of variables. If King Mo suddenly dies suddenly, the situation will be different. The eldest childe has eye diseases and can't inherit the throne. Your second childe is him. Take a deep breath and say in a cold face: "I regard brother Tang as my confidant. How can brother Tang persuade me to commit such treacherous and immoral acts as killing my father? I don't want to hear that again." As he spoke, he picked up the wine pot and drank two mouthfuls of wine at the mouth of the pot.

He looked angry, but Tang Yin was not nervous at all. Instead, he smiled and asked, "really? If Brother Shao just wants to be the son of a country and your prince of peace, what qualifications do you have to be brothers with the king?"

This made Shao Fang's body suddenly stiff. His eyes shot a terrible light without blinking. He stared at Tang Yin like a poisonous snake and beast.

Tang Yin completely ignored his anger and lay leisurely on the collapse. Youyou said, "if you regard me as a confidant, Brother Shao doesn't have to act in front of me. I can see that Brother Shao is a man with great ambition. How many people will be bound by morality and ethics?"

For a long time, Shao Fang's cold eyes finally took back from Tang Yin's face. He stared thoughtfully at the table. After a long time, he sighed, gulped gulp gulp several mouthfuls of wine, shook his head and said, "the palace is heavily guarded and I can't start, and once the matter is exposed, I will die."

By saying so, he undoubtedly accepted Tang Yin's opinion and killed his father to seize the throne.

Tang Yin's eyes brightened when he heard the speech, and his heart was finally relieved when he mentioned his voice. Although he seems relaxed on the surface, it seems that he doesn't care about Shao Fang's happiness and anger at all. In fact, he is also very nervous. If Shao Fang doesn't agree to kill his father, Fengmo alliance can't be achieved, and it can't be done together to destroy Ning. The situation of Fengguo is in jeopardy.

"Brother Shao doesn't have to worry about this." Tang Yin leaned forward and said, "as long as Brother Shao can create a suitable opportunity, I can send someone to fight on behalf of Brother Shao. Even if it doesn't succeed and is finally exposed, it has nothing to do with Brother Shao. All the spearheads will point at the wind country!"

Shao Fang looked at Tang Yin in disbelief. His mood fluctuated. For a long time, he asked word by word, "why did brother Tang help me so much?"

Tang Yin smiled and said, "it's very simple. Join hands and destroy Ning!" As he spoke, he stood up and put his hand in front of Shaofang.

"Miening? En!" Shao Fang pushed the maid in his arms outward, then firmly held Tang Yin's palm, his eyes shining and said, "miening!"


With his voice, a crisp sound came from under him. Shao Fang's other hand was covered with a spirit armor and fastened on the maid's neck. The crisp sound came from the maid's neck bone and was crushed by Shaofang's palm.

Tang Yin had long known that the maid would have such a fate. Tang Yin didn't even look at it. It seemed as if nothing had happened. He took the wine pot with a smile. Like Shao Fang, he drank two breaths at the mouth of the pot, then wiped the wine stains on his lips and said with a smile: "I hope that in the future, Fengmo and Mozambique can become a brotherly country like you and me!"

Shao Fang also smiled and said, "the premise is that I have to sit on the throne smoothly."

Tang Yin nodded and asked, "is there a chance?"

Knowing what he asked, Shao Fang thought for a moment and said, "at the end of next month, my father will go hunting in the countryside."

"Do you know the specific location and the accompanying bodyguard?"

"I don't know yet, but I'll find a way to find out after returning to the capital." Shao Fang paused, looked at Tang Yin and asked, "you don't want to do it yourself?"

Tang Yin said with a smile, "of course not."

"Who are you going to send?" Shao Fang said anxiously, "even if you know the hunting place and ambush in advance, there are many experts and guards around your father. It's difficult for ordinary assassins to connect nearly 50 steps, let alone close."

That's a problem. Tang Yin lowered his head, knocked on his head and said, "look."

"What are you looking at?"

"I'm thinking, too!" Tang Yin laughed back with ease.

Shaofang reluctantly rolled his eyes and muttered, "how can you joke about such a big event?"

Tang Yin leaned over and patted him on the shoulder and said, "don't worry, Brother Shao. If I want to do it, I will be safe and leave no trace."

Shao Fang looked at the bright smile on Tang Yin's face and suddenly found that when he smiled, it seemed more elusive and terrible than when he didn't smile.

As if he remembered something, he looked out and said, "the two people who protect brother Tang have good accomplishments. Brother Tang might as well send them..."

Before he finished, Tang Yin waved his hand and said, "they can't do it."

Understand that Shaofang refers to ah San and ah Si. Tang Yin didn't think about it. His first instinct denied them. It's not that he can't trust them or doubt their strength, but because they are both spiritual practitioners of the Guangming department. No matter how high their cultivation is, they are not suitable for assassination.

In his mind, the most suitable person for this operation must be the spiritual cultivator of the dark Department, and he has a preliminary plan and candidate in his mind.

Shao Fang shrugged and said, "anyway, the staff is sent by brother Tang. I'm 120 assured of brother Tang's ability. I believe brother Tang won't let people down this time."

Tang Yin said with a smile: "of course, we also need the cooperation of Brother Shao."

"That must be!" Shao fangzhengse said, "don't forget, brother Tang, there is only more than a month left."

It sounds like Shao Fang is more anxious than himself. Tang Yin didn't answer, just nodded with a smile.

Shao Fang stood up and said, "it's not easy for you and me to meet once. We should have a good drink today."

Tang Yin had no opinion. He was very tired from his recent journey. It's not impossible to relax properly.

"The guest changes with the Lord, and I will accompany myself."

"Refreshing." Shao Fang turned his head and shouted, "vowels!"

"The villain is here!" The vowel outside the attic hurried in, bowed his hand and asked, "what can I do for you, childe?" When he saw the corpse, he was surprised to see too many waitresses on his face.

"Prepare wine and vegetables, and bring some girls."

"Yes! Childe!" The vowel promised. Without Shao Fang's words, he waved to the outside, called two bodyguards, and then pointed to the body on the ground. The bodyguard came forward quickly and carried the body out of the attic to deal with it.

After the vowel retreated, Tang Yin reminded, "Brother Shao, I have to keep it a secret this time!"

Shao Fang said, "no one knows the identity of brother Tang except a few confidants."

"Well, I'm relieved."

It wasn't long. A maid came recently, put on a new table, and then sent the prepared wine and dishes one by one.

Before the wine and dishes were served, the fragrant fragrance floated in from the outside. Then, a group of gorgeous, young and beautiful Mozambican women entered the attic and knelt down to one side.

In Tang Yin's impression, Shao Fangxi likes wine and sex. At any time, he will always be accompanied by groups of beautiful women on call. Of course, this is also a way for him to relieve pressure.

As a prince of a country, on the surface, he has unlimited scenery, but in fact, he is always in the power struggle of intrigue and intrigue. He is always worried and walking on thin ice. If he doesn't vent, he may be crazy.

Tang Yin had been in contact with Shao Fang before and understood his situation very well. He even felt his distorted psychology.

Perhaps even Shao Fang didn't realize that he hated shaoting in his subconscious, but Tang Yin keenly felt it. It was because of this feeling that he dared to risk coming to encourage Shaofang to kill his own father.

As a result, Shao Fang did not disappoint him. Under the desire for power and the desire to get rid of bondage and fear, he didn't even have the least psychological struggle. He immediately stood on Tang Yin's side and decided to join hands with him to get rid of his biological father and ascend the throne by himself.

During the banquet, Shao Fang seemed very excited and made those Mozambican women dance. Tang yindao was also very involved. While watching the pleasing dance, he drank and talked with Shaofang.

When the wine was excited, Shao Fang suddenly remembered something. He restrained his smile and looked at Tang Yin up and down with a positive face.

Tang Yin was so unnatural that he looked at him and asked, "what's up?"

"I have a sister, a 'Pro' sister. Her name is Shao Xuan. Her nickname is Youqin. How about marrying brother Tang?" Shao Fang specially emphasized the pro character.

Unexpectedly, he would suddenly propose marriage. Tang Yin was stunned and then smiled.

He knows that the alliances between countries in this era are strengthened by marriage. Now Shaofang proposes to marry his sister to himself, which is also to strengthen the future Fengmo alliance. Whether he wants it or not, he can only and must accept Shaofang's proposal.

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