Now Tang Yin is more and more able to understand why ancient kings were in groups of wives and concubines. In addition to their supreme status, political marriage is also one of the important factors.

For example, now he doesn't know what Shao Xuan looks like, how old he is, and what his surname is like, so he has to promise the marriage.

He said with a smile, "since I'm Brother Shao's sister, can I refuse?"

Shao Fang was very happy and said with a smile, "so brother Tang agreed?"

"Of course!"

"Well, when... The big deal has been decided, I'll send Youqin to brother Tang."

Tang Yin smiled and nodded without saying anything more.

Knowing that Shao fang had the intention of marriage, he might as well recognize a dry sister and marry him. He murmured in silence.

Tang Yin lived in Shaofang's house for only one day. The next day, he said goodbye to Shaofang and returned to Feng country. When he left, he specially told Shaofang that his assassins would contact him within 20 days. Tang Yin's identity is special and involves the sensitive incident of stabbing the king. Shaofang is also inconvenient to keep him. He is reluctant to part with Tang Yin.

Returning to the territory of Fengguo, Tang Yin did not return to Yancheng, but temporarily stayed in Ba Guan. At the same time, he ordered Lotte to send letters to Hedong and Yancheng flying pigeons respectively, and urgently summoned Jiang Fan, Jiaxi and other hidden arrows to Ba Guan.

Hedong is far away from BAGUAN road. Even if Jiang Fan travels faster and travels day and night, it will take nearly 20 days. It took only ten days for the concealed arrows led by Jiaxi to arrive at BAGUAN and meet Tang Yin.

During this time, Tang Yin has been living in the inn to hide people's eyes and ears. Jiaxi and others came secretly in civilian clothes according to his wishes.

"If you have any extra tasks to do this time, Tang Jiaxi said," I'll see you all my life. "

Hearing this, Jiaxi was shocked. He was nervous and excited. He arched his hand and said, "if the king has anything to do, just give it to his subordinates."

Tang Yin pondered for a moment and said, "go and assassinate someone."


"Mo Wang shaoting."

Ah? Jiaxi's body stiffened and stared at Tang Yin in surprise. The latter said: "the assassination of Shao Ting can only succeed, not fail, but the assassin is probably doomed to death. I need you to select 20 dead men from the hidden arrow brothers you brought to complete this task. If you are afraid or unwilling to shoulder this heavy task, now say it, and I can change people to do it."


Jiaxi knelt on one knee, arched his hand and said movingly, "the king will never forget his subordinates' kindness to meet their needs. Even if they die a hundred times, their subordinates are willing to live a greedy life."

"Good!" Tang Yin came forward, reached out and helped Jiaxi up, sighed, "I'm very reluctant to let you do it, but I'm really worried about letting others do it."

"Your Majesty..."

Tang Yin bit her lips and said, "I'll do what I told you right away, and then leave for Mo country immediately. After entering Mo country, someone will pick you up and take you to Zhenjiang, the capital of Mo country. When you get to Zhenjiang, you go to Shaofang, the second son of Mo country, and he will tell you the details."

Shao Fang? Isn't Shao Ting Shaofang's father? Why is he still involved in this? Jiaxi looked puzzled at Tang Yin.

He smiled and said, "the purpose of this assassination of shaoting is to help Shaofang ascend the throne."

"Oh, I see!" For the darkness of competing for the throne, Jiaxi has heard of some things. It is not surprising that the son kills the father, the father kills the son, brothers and brothers kill each other, and so on. Under the temptation of the throne, family affection has become insignificant. He asked curiously, "Your Majesty, why do you want to help Shaofang?"

Tang Yin carried his back and youyou said, "to help him is to help ourselves." He said, "it depends on your success this time."

Jiaxi looked positive and said, "don't worry, your majesty. Your subordinates will do their best and don't hesitate to break to pieces."

Tang Yin nodded, waved his hand slightly and said, "go!"

"Take care of your majesty, subordinates... Leave!" Jiaxi understood that even if he could succeed in assassinating the prince, there was basically no hope of escaping alive. This time, ten times * * was farewell. He took a deep look at Tang Yin, stepped back two steps and gave a deep salute. Then he turned and walked out with big steps.

Tang Yin was really reluctant to sacrifice Jiaxi and his brother, but he had to choose this way, because only the spiritual practitioners of the dark system could approach shaoting and kill him unexpectedly.

Looking at the back of Jiaxi leaving, Tang Yin sighed faintly.

Jiaxi brought a total of more than 50 people. When he proposed to elect 20 dead men, none of the more than 50 people flinched and stood up. A large number of people may not be a good thing. It may even backfire and expose the target prematurely. Jiaxi selected 20 elite from more than 50 people, and then left the city overnight and entered the state of mo.

As Tang Yin said, as soon as he got out of BAGUAN, people from Tianyan came to meet him not far away. Tianyan personnel had already obtained the pass document from Shao Fang. When they passed the Mozambican checkpoint with Jiaxi and others, they were very smooth without too much inventory. Then they went straight to Zhenjiang, the capital of Mozambican.

There was nothing to say along the way. Ten days later, the secret arrow personnel led by Jiaxi entered Zhenjiang. Guided by Tianyan personnel, he secretly went to Shaofang's residence to meet him.

In order to narrow the target and be safe, Jiaxi didn't take other brothers with him and went alone.

It was the vowel that connected him to the house through the back door. There was no polite and superfluous nonsense between them. The vowel directly led Jiaxi to the secret room of the house.

Shao fang had been waiting in the secret room for a long time. When he saw Jiaxi, he looked at him brilliantly.

It turned out to be a dark spiritual cultivator. After observing with the skill of insight, Shao Fang knew it well. He asked, "did brother Tang send you?"

After the introduction of vowels, Jiaxi knew that the young man in front of him was Shao Fang, the second prince of mo. he arched his hand and said, "yes, childe!"

"How many people have you come?"

"There are 21 people in total."

Shao Fang raised his eyebrows and only 21 people came? Is that enough? He asked expressionless, "do you know the purpose of your trip?"

"Before I leave, the king has made it clear." Jiaxi heard Shaofang's contempt. He said, "please rest assured, childe, the 20 brothers who came with me are not under me."

"Oh!" Shao Fang nodded. If so, there may be a possibility of success. He asked no more questions and raised his head to the vowel. The latter immediately took out two maps from under the table and spread them on the table. He first spread out one and said, "this is the map of the capital city. The king's route out of the city has been marked. General Jia will see if there is a chance to start."

Jiaxi stepped forward and looked down carefully. From time to time, he pointed out both sides of the route and asked about the terrain there. Answer the vowels in detail one by one, so that Jiaxi can know as much as possible about the situation there.

After some inquiry, Jiaxi fell into meditation. Finally, he shook his head and said, "there are many people in the city, many eyes and many obstacles. I'm afraid it's difficult to succeed."

This is what Shao Fang thought. He raised his head to the vowel again. The latter tiled the second map and said, "this is the sketch of the king's hunting place."

This time Jiaxi looked more seriously, bent down and looked at it carefully.

Shao Fang said, "there are two thousand palace guards around my father. In addition, there are the first corps of the central army as guards. Apart from these, you must be careful about the two generals around my father."

"Two generals?" Jiaxi looked at Shaofang suspiciously.

"One called Lian Ge and the other called Xiang Hui." Shao fangyouyou said: "these two men are the two most powerful generals recognized by Mozambique. As far as I know, their cultivation is in the spiritual realm."

After hearing this, Jiaxi's eyebrows twisted into a knot. The cultivation that can reach the spirit realm is almost equivalent to the body of a half god. A top-level expert in the spirit realm is no longer what they can deal with. Besides, there are still two. With more than 10000 Mo troops as guards, shaoting's defense can be called a copper wall and iron wall, impervious to wind and rain.

He asked solemnly, "can't you take Liange and Xianghui away? Even one!"

Shao Fang smiled bitterly. He was not unable to mobilize the two men. The key problem was that once he took them away, the biggest suspicion would fall on him after his father was assassinated. He dared not and could not do so.

He shook his head, Youyou said, "I've thought about this problem. There's no possibility of success for Liange and Xiang huizai. But you can do this. When I'm going to be the last one on purpose, you'll give me a few hands to assassinate me first. It doesn't matter if you stab me. It's mainly to lead Liange and Xiang huizai. As long as you lead them away, you can attack my father."

Jiaxi's heart moved, which is a good way. At the same time, it can also rule out Shaofang's suspicion. He nodded and said, "childe, this plan is wonderful. Let's do it according to childe's plan!"

Shao Fang said, "where are you going to ambush? Lian Ge and Xiang Hui's cultivation is too high and their insight is too far."

Jiaxi's eyes turned and he had some countermeasures in his heart. He said: "childe, we hide in the dense forest, take the sanlingdan in advance, avoid the insight of Liange and Xianghui, and condense the aura when we want to do it."

Shao Fang said with a smile, "just as I thought." As he spoke, he rolled up the map, handed it to Jiaxi and said, "use this map to understand the terrain first. Be sure not to lose it."

"I understand."

"Father, the hunting date is set at the 30th of this month. You still have more than ten days to prepare."


Shao Jinxi takes out the sleeve and throws it to the latter.

The latter took it curiously, opened it and found that it was full of pills.

He looked at Shaofang puzzled and didn't understand what these pills were for.

Shao Fang smiled faintly and said with deep eyes: "you also know the danger of this action. Being captured is inevitable. These pills can protect you from torture after being captured."

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