Shao Xuan's sleeping position was not elegant. She leaned back on the bed, one leg stretched out of the quilt, sandwiched the quilt between her legs, listened carefully, and could still hear her low cry.

Tang Yin looked down at her. She couldn't sleep in the middle of the night. She slept safely. Thinking about it, he pushed Shao Xuan and said in a deep voice, "get up!"

After pushing several times, Shao Xuan didn't respond at all. Tang Yin was stuffy. He stretched out his hand and pinched the tip of Shao Xuan's nose.

The nose could not breathe. Shao Xuan opened her mouth and waved her small hand on her face. At the same time, she closed her eyes and muttered: "who? Don't bother me..."

Don't wake up! Tang Yinling stretched out his hand and covered her mouth. This time Shao Xuan couldn't sleep any more. Her small face turned red and her eyelids trembled. Finally, she opened her eyes and happened to see a handsome face close at hand.

Because the light in the room was too dark, she couldn't see Tang Yin clearly. Instead, she saw his two green eyes. Shaoxuan, who was still half asleep and half awake, stared at them fiercely. Her body was stiff and trembled involuntarily.

Tang Yin loosened the hand holding the tip of her nose, leaned forward, pasted it closer, and youyou said, "you're finally awake."

"Woo... Woo..."

His voice made Shaoxuan recover. She struggled violently with shock and fear, but she couldn't open Tang Yin's palm at all. She wanted to shout, but she could only make a low * * * sound.

From her frightened eyes, Tang Yin judged that she didn't recognize herself. She probably thought she was a ghost. Tang Yin felt funny, but at the same time, he also calculated a little evil.

"What? You know you're scared now?"

Shao Xuan stopped struggling and looked at him with big black eyes. After a long pause, she judged who he was from his voice, and the warmth of his palm proved that he was not a ghost.


At this time, the * * * sound in her throat was no longer as strong as before. Seeing this, Tang Yin slowly retracted her palm and let go of her mouth. As soon as she recovered, Shao Xuan couldn't wait to shout, "Tang Yin?"

Tang Yin did not answer, but stepped back, took out the fire twister and lit the candlesticks on both sides of the bed.

Shao Xuan looked at his face thoroughly and saw that Tang Yin was right. She obviously hissed. It's strange that she hates Tang Yin, and she can feel that Tang Yin also hates her, but her subconscious is that Tang Yin won't hurt her.

She turned over and sat up, muttering discontentedly, "I'm dying! What are you doing in my room if you don't sleep so late? Also, it's impolite for you to break into the lady's room in the middle of the night!"

Wheeze! Tang Yin couldn't help laughing. Shao Xuan has the ability to make him laugh. Lady? She doesn't have the appearance of a lady. Moreover, she is still a little doll. This is said from her mouth. It's uncomfortable to hear it.

Lazy to spend more time with her, Tang Yin took out the iron bead, handed it to Shaoxuan's eyes and said, "I found this in my bed tonight. You should feel familiar with it?"

Seeing the iron bead, Shao Xuan was stunned at first, and then a smile flashed in her big eyes. Although it disappeared quickly, Tang Yin saw it.

She said inexplicably, "what is this? I've never seen it before. How can I feel familiar?"

Tang Yin admired her ability to lie without blushing, breathless and innocent. He raised his eyebrows and said slowly and softly, "don't tell me you didn't put these things on my bed."

Shao Xuan blinked and paused for a moment. Her face suddenly showed an angry expression. She shouted angrily, "I went to see you tonight, but it can't prove that this is what I did!" Then she muttered, "who knows if you deliberately framed me and took the opportunity to peep into the princess's sleep..."

Go! Tang Yin almost fainted with blood in his head. He looked deep and slowly walked towards Shaoxuan.

Keenly smelling the danger, Shao Xuan trembled with fear, subconsciously hid in the bed and stammered, "what are you... What do you want? I... I'm a princess, if you dare to hit me..."

Tang Yin used great willpower to control his hands from pinching her slender neck. He pressed his hands on the edge of the bed and his upper body was close to Shaoxuan, who had no way out. Youyou said, "this is only one such prank. If I find it again...", "I'll hit your ass and blossom!" said the soft voice with a smile

After saying that, Shao Xuan was stunned. He couldn't help kneading her face. He felt soft, smooth and tender. It was quite comfortable to knead it. He snorted and smiled, straightened his body, ignored her and turned to walk out.

Out of Shao Xuan's bedroom, he saw that the two maidens at the door were still sleeping. He shook his head secretly. There are as many servants as there are masters. He walked through the hall, out of the main room, and closed the door tightly.

Only then did he hear the house scream like a pig: "Tang Yin -" and seemed to be accompanied by the sound of the candlestick falling to the ground.

It can be imagined that Shao Xuan, who has recovered, must be mad. Tang Yin laughed twice in his heart, but soon he stopped laughing and patted himself on the head. He felt as if he was the same age as Shao Xuan, childish and ridiculous.

The Shangguan brothers guarding the door and ah San and ah Si also heard the sound inside. They looked at Tang Yin and whispered, "Your Majesty, Princess Shaoxuan, she..."

Tang Yin said confidently, "she will be good in the future!"

He didn't know that his promises were soon smashed by Shao Xuan.

The next day.

Accompanied by Qiu Zhen, Tang Yin went to the school military field to watch the martial arts competition of Lingwu experts selected from various counties.

On the way, Tang Yin asked Qiu Zhen for a list of 16 people to check one by one. The above records are very detailed, including not only the names of 16 people, but also a brief introduction to their family background and a record of their personal cultivation realm.

Tang Yin looked through it carefully from beginning to end, then pointed to the list and asked, "Qiu Zhen, why didn't Nan ye and Lei Zhen have a record of accomplishments?"

Qiu Zhen said, "Your Majesty, the examiner failed to find out their accomplishments."

"Oh?" Tang Yinyi asked, "what is the cultivation of the person who has been examined?"

"Lingyuan realm."

"Lingyuan realm..." Tang Yin * * * said with his chin: "in this case, the cultivation of these two people is to reach the Lingtian realm."

"It is also possible that they deliberately hid and took the elixir in advance." Qiu Zhen calmly analyzed.

"Yes!" Tang Yin nodded and looked at their family background again. Nanye comes from Gaoyang County and comes from a rich family. He has cultivated Lingwu since childhood, refined calligraphy and painting, and lacked fame and wealth; Lei Zhen came from Lingdong county. He came from an ordinary Hunter family. Without too much introduction, he only said that his family had also suffered from floods.

After reading it, Tang Yin knew it well, put down the list and talked about other things with Qiu Zhen.

Without words on the road, Tang Yin left the city in a carriage and entered the Fengjun barracks outside the city.

It's rare to see the excitement of martial arts competition. Many soldiers and men in the army came to watch the war. There are wind soldiers and wind generals inside and outside the huge military field.

After Tang Yin's carriage arrived, the school military field, which was originally crowded, immediately became silent. Most of the Feng troops present are recruits. They have never seen Tang Yin. At this time, people are all padded feet and craned their necks to look around.

The carriage and the surrounding guards passed through the crowd, entered the field, and didn't stop until they went to the high platform at the inner end.

At this time, the commander of the barracks hurried forward, knelt on one knee, stepped in to salute, and said loudly, "at the end, General Xu Zimo will see the king!"

Xu Zimo was born in the plain army and belonged to Tang Yin's lineage. He was mainly responsible for the training of recruits.

Tang Yin came out of the carriage, waved to him and said, "general Zimo, please get up."

"Thank you, king!" Xu Zimo stood up, stood aside and said, "please come to the king's stage."


Tang Yin walked slowly to the high platform with his hands on his back. Qiu Zhen and Xu Zimo hurried up.

Seats have already been prepared on the high platform, and only one chair is placed on the spacious table.

Tang Yin took a seat and asked, "general Zimo, have all the 16 people to compete today?"

"Report back to the king. They are all here." As he spoke, he took out the list of 16 people from his arms and handed it to Tang Yin. At the same time, he asked, "king, which two people will compete first in the first game?"

Tang Yin smiled and said, "don't let me decide. Let them draw lots by themselves. They will compete with whoever they draw."

Xu Zimo bowed and said, "yes, king!"

Tang Yin nodded his head and asked him to compete with Gao Yin.

Sixteen people are divided into eight groups. The winner is promoted, the loser is withdrawn, and so on. Finally, the strongest one is determined.

The results of the lottery soon came out. The first group Chen Xiu vs. Yang Mao, the second group Lei Zhen vs. Zhang Tong, the third group Zhou Chang vs. Li Sheng, the fourth group Zhan Peng vs. Wei Xuan, the fifth group Zhang Cheng vs. Kong Yan, the sixth group Lu Song vs. Tian Jia, the seventh group Ye Tang vs. Gao Yu, and the eighth group Tao Yuanfeng vs. Nan Ye.

The deputy general first handed the lottery results to Xu Zimo, who then handed them to Tang Yin.

Tang Yin looked a little, then nodded and said calmly, "since the results have been achieved, let's start!"

Xu Zimo bowed his head heavily, then straightened his body, took two steps forward, looked around the school military field, took a deep breath, and raised one arm high.

With his arms held high, the war drums beat and shouted everywhere in the school military field, and a young man riding a soldier rushed out of the crowd on both sides of the East and West. Before they walked to the high platform, they both dismounted, knelt down and kowtowed. At the same time, they said, "villain Chen Xiu (Yang MAO) kowtows to the king!"

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