Sitting on the high platform, Tang Yin looked at Chen Xiu and Yang Fei. He didn't speak, but waved his hand with a smile.

Chen Xiu and Yang Mao both got up, got on their horses again, and fought in the middle of the school military field.

Their accomplishments were roughly on the spot, and their Lingwu skills also had their own strengths. They were inseparable in fighting and couldn't compete for a while.

Chen and Yang's Lingwu are good, and Tang Yin is also very excited.

If you don't catch up with the enemy in more than 50 rounds, you will take the lead in chasing him. If you don't catch up with him in more than 50 rounds, you will take the lead.

Seeing that he was about to catch up with Chen Xiu's horse tail, at this time, the latter suddenly used a horse returning gun, and the spirit gun stabbed back. The castration was as fast as stone fire and lightning.

Yang Mao didn't expect that he was a feint of defeat, and didn't expect that he could use a return shot. He was unprepared and caught off guard. He couldn't escape. Chen Xiu stabbed him right in the chest.

Fortunately, the two of them were just fighting, not killing the enemy and ourselves on the battlefield. Chen Xiu was merciful. When the spirit gun was about to hit Yang Mao, he took back his aura and turned the spirit gun into an ordinary steel gun.

Even so, the back stabbing force of his shot still took Yang Mao off the horse.

Wow - there was a burst of cheers from the wind soldiers watching the battle around. Those who compete in martial arts are their own people. The soldiers of the wind army have no tendency to stand. Anyway, they cheer for whoever wins.

After Yang Mao fell off his horse, he stood up for a while and looked at Chen Xiu, who was riding on his horse and raising his gun around. He scattered his Lingkai and said with a red face: "I lost." With that, he was like a defeated rooster, dragging his long knife, walked back to the war horse, and walked down the battlefield with the reins.

The loser walked out, and the winner naturally enjoyed glory, cheers and applause.

Chen Xiu and Yang Mao's martial arts competition ended in Chen Xiu's victory. Next, the second group of martial arts competition was held. Lei Zhen played against Zhang Tong.

Like Chen and Yang, Lei Zhen and Zhang Tong also went to the high platform before the martial arts competition and dismounted to salute Tang Yin.

Lei Zhen's accomplishments were not recorded on the list. Tang Yin couldn't help looking at him more.

He is not tall, but extremely stocky and strong. He uses a sky opening halberd. The halberd is dark and made of meteorite iron. It is thick and long. It must weigh at least more than 100 kilograms. Ordinary people can't lift it at all. They have to work together to lift it. Lei Zhen is carrying it alone. The heavy halberd is as light as nothing in his palm. With this alone, Tang Yin dared to assert that this man was born with divine power.

He sat on the chair and leaned forward slightly. While waving to get them up, he also asked curiously, "Lei Zhen, what level of cultivation have you reached?"

Lei Zhen did not answer, but bowed his hand and said, "king, villain wants to impeach Cai GUI."

Tang Yin was stunned by his inexplicable remark. After a while, he suddenly remembered who Cai GUI was. Cai GUI was the head of Gaoyang County and promoted by Shangguan Yuanji. Strange, how did Cai GUI offend Lei Zhen?

With an indifferent smile, Tang Yin asked, "Lei Zhen, why did you impeach Lord Cai?"

Lei Zhen frowned and said, "back to the king, the villain is not interested in joining the army and doesn't want to go to war. This time, the king issued a martial law order, and the villain didn't sign up to participate, but Cai GUI secretly signed up for the villain in in order to fight for face. This is the crime of bullying the king. I hope the king will find out!"

oh There should be such a thing

The smile on Tang Yin's face froze. At this time, Qiu Zhen hurriedly bent down, Lying in Tang Yin's ear, he whispered: "Your Majesty, I do know this, but Lord CAI has said hello to me in advance. Maybe Lord Cai did use Lei Zhen to fight for the face of Gaoyang County, but Lei Zhen is also a master of Lingwu. It's a pity that such talents can't be used by the country if they are buried in the people. Therefore, although I know this, I didn't stop it. I still let Lord Cai take him away* Here we are. "

"Well?" After Tang Yin heard this, he raised a voice of dissatisfaction. He whispered, "Qiu Zhen, why are you so confused? No matter how strong Lei Zhen's Lingwu is, since he doesn't want to join the army, he can't force him. Otherwise, if he publicizes it, who dares to practice Lingwu in the future?"

"This... What the king said is also reasonable." Qiu Zhen naturally understood what he said, but for the wind country with constant war, there was a shortage of Lingwu talents. It was not easy to dig up an expert in Gaoyang County. He didn't want to put it back in his heart.

Tang Yin sighed darkly, glanced at Qiu Zhen, then stood up, walked to the front of the high platform and looked at Lei Zhen below, The positive color said: "Lei Zhen, I know this. I also mean that Lord Cai forced you to come to Yancheng. As the saying goes, if you learn the art of literature and martial arts, you will sell the imperial family. Now the emperor is in trouble and the princes make trouble. I, Fengfeng, on my own, can protect the emperor from being harmed by the rebellious officials, but also put the Fengguo in danger. I hope you can use your good skills to serve and be loyal to the country Of course, if you refuse, the king will never force you. All the expenses you come to Yancheng will be paid by the king. In addition, the king will send someone to take you home. "

I didn't expect Tang Yin to say such a thing.

Lei Zhen is not a simple Wufu. He has been smart and resourceful since childhood. He has read many books and experienced people. Just now, seeing Tang Yin's stunned reaction, he can be 100% sure that Tang Yin didn't know about it, but when he spoke, he took all the things to himself. It is obvious that he is defending the people below.

Generally speaking, monarchs attach great importance to reputation. It is too late for people below to make mistakes and push them out. Few monarchs will take their mistakes to themselves. Tang Yin's reaction surprised him. Second, Tang Yin's easygoing also quite exceeded his expectations. He has heard many rumors about Tang Yin. He feels that he is a tough, fierce and ruthless man. Such a man may be a good monarch for the current wind country, but it doesn't mean he is a good man himself. Lei Zhen doesn't want to work for such a person himself. However, seeing Tang Yin today, I feel that he is completely different from Tang Yin in my impression.

Seeing him standing there speechless for a long time, Tang Yin smiled again and said faintly, "Lei Zhen, if you want to go home now, you can go immediately. The king won't stop you. If you want to compete with Wu, you can go naturally. Everything is up to you." With that, he returned to his chair and sat down slowly.

Lei Zhen regained his consciousness and took a deep look at Tang Yin on the stage. He was silent for a moment. He arched his hand and said, "king, villains are willing to continue the competition!"

"Good!" Tang Yin smiled happily. If Lei Zhen left without a martial arts contest, the scene would be really embarrassing and could not explain to the soldiers of the new army around him. He nodded with a smile and said, "whether you want to work for the country or stay in the army, the king hopes you can show your true skills and let the soldiers present see the style of my strong wind warrior!"

Lei Zhen worked hard. Without saying a word, he bowed and saluted deeply. Then he took the halberd and mounted the horse. He hugged Zhang Tong, who was still standing in place and didn't understand the situation, and said, "brother Zhang, please mount the horse and fight!"

Zhang Tong suddenly regained his mind. He looked at Tang Yin and then at Lei Zhen. He left his mouth, took a knife and mounted the horse. He and Lei Zhen both walked to the center of the school military field.

He was not satisfied. Lei Zhen had the ability to get such courtesy from the king. He came and left whenever he wanted. He was simply arrogant.

Holding his breath, he went to the battlefield without saying a word of greeting. He urged his horse to swing a knife and rushed straight to Lei Zhen.

Before the man moved, his body was free of white fog. The Reiki and the Reiki of soldiers were completed at the same time, and the steel knife in his hand became a dark gray Reiki knife.

"Roar -"

With the new competition on the battlefield, the soldiers and soldiers of the surrounding wind army shouted in unison, especially when they saw that Zhang Tong was clean and low and completed the spirit armor and spirit soldiers at the same time. The cheers were shaking, and the war drums sounded like exploding beans.

Suddenly, the light came out, and the spirit rushed up and down.

Releasing the spirit chaos and wind from such a close distance is extremely difficult for the opponent to resist, which is also an almost desperate play.

The soldiers who watched the battle around inhaled one after another, stopped shouting, and looked at the two men on the battlefield without blinking.

Lei Zhen was not in a hurry. He didn't see him cover the spirit armor, nor did he complete the Linghua of the soldiers, nor did he shout before the killing move. He just picked the long halberd in his hand from bottom to top, and saw a sharp light flash from the halberd tip, and then the spirit chaos · wind came out.

The two released spirit chaos and wind together. Countless spirit blades collided in the air, offset each other and bounced away. For a time, the spirit spirit surrounded the field and shot everywhere. The ground around them was hit by the spirit blade flying out, which marked a crack in the road.


Most of the soldiers present were recruits. It was the first time that they saw such a fierce competition between practitioners. Their eyes were wide and their eyes were flying out.

The spirit of the two men was confused and the wind fought. No one was hurt. Just when the two horses crossed, Lei Zhen suddenly said, "brother Zhang, be careful, look at the halberd!" Before his voice fell, the halberd of the sky war had split at Zhang Tong's head.

His halberd released the Lingwu skill without reification, but the halberd body was not damaged at all. It can be seen that it was a treasure. Zhang Tong didn't dare to be careless. He quickly parried with a horizontal knife and shouted, "open!"

Clang - plop!

Zhang Tong thought that his Linghua long knife would surely take over the other party's non Linghua long halberd. As a result, he was wrong. Lei Zhen's strength was beyond imagination. The non Linghua Kaitian battle halberd unexpectedly bent the Linghua long knife in Zhang Tong's palm. Zhang Tong, who was wearing a spiritual armor, could barely resist the powerful power, but the war horse he stepped off couldn't stand it. His hooves were broken and his waist was broken, Lying on the ground like a stall of rotten meat, Zhang Tong was also thrown out for a long time. The deformed spirit knife spun in the air and ejected more than ten meters away.

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