Wei Xuan's Lingwu is not weak, but he has just joined the army and has no reputation. Ning Jun has never heard of him.

Thinking he was just an ordinary wind general, a rather general greeted his companions around him, urged his horse to rush out of the array, came to Wei Xuan's near front and stood still, looked at him up and down, raised his head, turned his mouth, and said proudly: "Ben will not die under the gun. Go back and fight me with a stronger one!"

Hearing this, Wei Xuan almost laughed angrily. Instead of talking nonsense with the other party, he raised his hand and shot Ning Jiang in the chest.

"Yo!" Ning Jiang was surprised. The other party's gun was so fast! He didn't have time to think about it. He didn't have time to wave his gun again. He instinctively flashed aside. Shua! Wei Xuan's shot passed close to his chest and narrowly stabbed him at the key, but before Ning would return to his mind, Wei Xuan had shouted: "go down!"

While he was talking, his hands trembled, the spirit gun trembled left and right, and the head of the gun swept across Ning Jiang's chest. With a crisp sound, Ning Jiang's spirit armor broke in response to the sound. His body fell sideways. After falling to the ground, he felt stuffy in his chest and sweet in his throat. With a sound of wow, he sprayed a blood arrow.

He struggled and wanted to get up from the ground. Wei Xuan didn't give him a chance to get up. He hurried his horse forward, picked up the gun and fell. He only heard a puff. The gun was stabbed out of Ning Jiang's back heart, poked out of his chest and nailed it to the ground.

Only one face-to-face, Wei Xuan picked a Ning general with a gun, which not only deterred the Ning army opposite, but also startled the Feng army, including Nan ye and Zhan Peng.

They have competed with each other in martial arts and have seen the scenes of each other's martial arts competition. However, the martial arts competition is a martial arts competition after all, not a fight of life and death. They will have some reservations when shooting, which is not the embodiment of real strength.

Now when Wei Xuan went to the battlefield, he was facing the enemy general. Naturally, he had to do his best. The speed of shooting was like lightning, and the change of moves was strange, which was impossible to prevent.

Wei Xuan was more confident when he won the victory. He urged Ma to walk back and forth in front of the two armies and shouted, "who else is not afraid of death? Fight with me again! Why? Is there no one in Ning army? Are they all shrinking turtles?"

Wei Xuan's clamor made Zhongning angry. Ning Jun, the leader, suddenly roared and rushed out with a knife. Before the battle, without saying a word, he swung the knife and split it. The spirit knife flashed brilliantly when it fell. A trace of spirit came out, turned into a series of spirit blades, and shot at Wei Xuan all over the sky.

What a move! Spirit chaos · wind! Wei Xuan secretly praised him, and then released Lingluan · Feng to fight with each other.

On the court, the crackling sound of the collision between the spirit blade and the spirit blade can be heard all the time. The two people's spirit chaos and wind collide with each other and offset each other, regardless of strength. On the surface, they fought half a kilo against eight Liang, but in fact, Wei Xuan's strength is stronger than each other. Ning Jiang was prepared to take the lead, while Wei Xuan responded passively. In this case, we should make a match, which shows that Wei Xuan's cultivation is better than his opponent.

As soon as an expert makes a move, he knows whether there is one. With only one move, they have found out the strength of each other. With a long smile, Wei Xuan stabbed in front of the spirit gun and shouted, "you can take me, too!" Before the voice fell, the soul chasing sting was released, and hundreds of spirit spikes were like an arrow array coming out of the string, stabbing the vital points of the whole body to Ning quickly.

Release Lingwu skills continuously. This wind will be so powerful! Ning Jiangna dares to be careless and uses cross cutting to deal with it. The spirit stab made a series of crisp noises to the upper spirit blade. Although most of the spirit stabs were cut and dissolved by cross cutting, several of them still passed through the spirit blade and continued to shoot at Ning Jiang.

oh dear! It's not good to scream. Rather, he leaned back in a hurry to make the iron bridge. His whole body was almost flat on the horse's back. Several spirit spikes roared over his eyes. He just got up from the horse. He saw that Wei Xuan had urged the horse to rush towards him and the spirit gun stabbed him in the neck and throat.

Ah -- in an instant, Ning Jiang was already in a cold sweat and lowered himself again. Kan Kan let Wei Xuan's killing move pass again. Seeing that the enemy general is powerful and it is difficult to hurt him with ordinary skills, he would rather cross his heart and turn his horse head to return to his own defeat. Wei Xuan was hitting Xing's head. Seeing that he was going to kill the other party under the gun, he made great achievements. He was not willing to let him go and urged the horse to chase him.

Hearing the sound of the horse's hooves coming closer and closer behind him, the defeated Ning threw his eyes out, suddenly turned back and stabbed Wei Xuan's head with a backhand. Wei Xuan had been on guard for a long time. When he waved his gun to block, he clattered, and the spirit knife cut back by the other party was easily bounced away by him.

"I dare to show off the small skill of Huima Dao..."

Wei Xuan was making a mockery, but the voice had not yet fallen. Naning's other hand waved back fiercely, and a green electricity stabbed Wei Xuan.

It was so fast that even Wei Xuan didn't have time to respond. It was so sudden that Wei Xuan didn't see what was flying. He just turned sideways subconsciously.


The green light was piercing his shoulder, and he didn't see it until this time. It was a dark green whip as thin as a cane. Injured by the other party's concealed weapon, Wei Xuan flew into a rage. He didn't even look at the wound on his shoulder. The spirit gun was waved and the light suddenly appeared, releasing the top spirit weapon skill - Soul chasing stab · pole.

Naning was overjoyed to see his killing move hurt the other party, but his joy lasted less than a second, and Wei Xuan's soul chasing stab · Ji came close.

It's too late to dodge. I'd rather cast Lingluan · wind in a hurry, but where can Lingluan · wind stop soul chasing sting · pole?

In an instant, the spirit blade of Lingluan · Feng was turned into invisible by the overwhelming spirit stab. The spirit stab was castrated and made Ning Jiang and his horse stab right.


There was a blood mist in the battlefield of flying sand and stones. When the dust dispersed, looking at the battlefield, Ning Jiang and his horses had disappeared, but there was a large pool of blood on the ground.

Wei Xuan's move, soul chasing stab · Ji, stabbed the other party directly.

However, after releasing his skills, Wei xuantu felt a whirl of heaven and earth. He shook his body to the left and right, turned his eyes up and fell off the horse head-on.

No! After watching the battle, Nan ye and Zhan Peng both changed their faces. They waved forward and shouted, "brothers! Kill -"

With that, they rushed out and went straight to Wei Xuan, who was unconscious and fell off his horse.

When they got close to Wei Xuan, they looked down and saw that Wei Xuan was lying on the ground, motionless, his spirit armor had dispersed, and his face was iron blue. Especially at the wound on his left shoulder, black blood was flowing outward and smelling rotten.

Nanye exclaimed, "is the other party's weapon poisonous?!" As he spoke, he turned over and dismounted, reaching out to help Wei Xuan.

Zhan Peng shouted in a deep voice, "don't move, it's wood poison! The Ning thief must be a spiritual cultivator surnamed wood just now."

Nanye takes a breath.

Among the five generic surnames of gold, wood, water, fire and earth, wood poison is the most difficult and domineering. Its poison surname is much stronger than the cold poison of the water system and the fire poison of the fire system. Once poisoned by wood poison, even those who touch the injured may be involved.

Nan Ye's outstretched hand immediately retracted, looked at Zhan Peng and asked suspiciously, "then... What should I do?"

"When the military doctor arrives, he has his own detoxification method." Zhan Peng's eyes don't stay on Wei Xuan who is in a coma. It's the basic knowledge of military medicine to solve the poison of five surnames. It's useless for those who don't know medical skills to be anxious. He said to Nanye, "brother Nan, you and I will go after Ning Jun first and attack Ning camp..."

"Where's Wei Xuan? Can we just leave him here?"

"The military doctor will save him naturally! Now Ning Jiang is dead, Ning Jun is in chaos, the opportunity is not lost, go quickly!" Having said that, Zhan Peng ignored Nanye's reaction and rushed out with his feet clamped on his horse's belly.

Leaving Wei Xuan here, Nan Ye was not at ease. He could see Zhan Peng rush into the Ning army camp alone. He was even more worried. Nan Ye stamped his feet and flew on his horse. However, he turned around and shouted to his own soldiers running over: "general Wei has been poisoned by wood poison. You don't want to touch it at will. Come to the military doctor quickly!" With that, he shook the reins and chased Zhan Peng.

Let's say Zhan Peng, he ran the fastest and took the lead in rushing to the front of the Ning army camp. He just came here and rushed out three Ning generals to block his way and fight with him. The strength of these three Ning generals is not strong, but they are not weak. It is not easy for Zhan Peng to defeat them in a short time.

When he was distressed and dragged down by Ning Jiang, Nan Ye arrived.

Nanye doesn't have much experience against the enemy, but his strength is too strong. He has deep cultivation, proficient skills and superb skills. As soon as he arrived, Tenglong feifeng knife chopped down one Ning general. The other two Ning generals are not expected to win and want to run. Nanye and Zhanpeng chase one and chop down the two Ning generals together.

As soon as the three Ning generals died, the five thousand Ning army without a leader completely messed up. Some soldiers rushed to attack, and some soldiers turned and ran to the camp. There was no formation at all.

Seeing this, Zhan Peng was overjoyed. At this time, if he didn't take the opportunity to enter Ningying and open the gap, when would he wait?

With a wild laugh, he took the gun and killed the Ning army. It was just a * * *. The chests of the three Ning soldiers were pierced by the spirit gun, and the three bodies were hung on the gun. Zhan Peng swung the gun with one arm and threw the body away. Then, he picked the left and stabbed the right. A long gun flew up and down. The surrounding Ning soldiers would die if they hit it or stick it. In an instant, more than 100 Ning soldiers fell under his gun.

Zhan Peng was frantically picking and killing Ning Jun, and Nan Ye was not idle. The spirit knife flew around and the spirit wave blasted down all the way. A long blood path was paved behind, with broken limbs and arms, broken armor and weapons scattered all over the ground.

Facing these two fierce wind generals, the soldiers of Ning army could not resist and had no intention to fight again. People turned around one after another and shouted for defeat to their camp.

How can they run better than a four legged horse with two legs? Nanye and Zhanpeng then hid, and countless Ning troops were hacked and stabbed to death.

Soon, the 6000 wind army death squads also chased forward and joined the battle. Now Ning army was more powerless to resist and lost faster. I saw that a large number of Ning army fled back to Ning army camp on the battlefield, and Ning army was chopped to the ground from time to time and died

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