Before all the Ning troops who went to war fled back to the camp, the camp gate of the Ning army camp was closed first. A large number of Ning troops were trapped outside the camp gate. People beat the gate and shouted for help.

It was none other than Wei Zheng who hurried back to close the camp door. He could see clearly from the tower that if all his soldiers were put into the camp, they would not be able to close the camp door at that time. The wind army was bound to take the opportunity to kill recently. Once the camp door fell, his camp would be in danger.

Even if he couldn't bear it, he could only order to close the camp door in advance and completely isolate the enemy outside the camp. Later, Wei Zheng made a quick decision and issued a general order. All the archers went up to the walled wall and launched an arrow array outside. Whether it was the enemy or his own people, they shot and killed everyone within 30 feet.

This order was a nightmare for the Feng and Ning armies outside the camp. Thousands of defeated troops of the state of Ning and 6000 death squads of the plain army were the first to be attacked by the arrow array of the Ning army.

The defeated troops of the state of Ning are too close to the camp and receive the most fierce arrows. Even if there are shields, they can't stop such a dense array of arrows. Just a round of arrow rain fell, and hundreds of the defeated troops of the state of Ning became hedgehogs. After several rounds of arrow rain, more than a thousand defeated troops have no survivors.

The death squads of the plain army are not much better. Since they are death squads, they are all light loaded. Most people are light, that is, without shields and armor. Under the arrow array of the Ning army, the soldiers have fallen not one by one, but in pieces.

Nanye and Zhanpeng, the leaders, were also not spared. They each received several arrows. Fortunately, they were protected by spirit armor and didn't hurt their bodies. For the first time, they tried to attack the arrow array of Ning army. They were shocked and hastily ordered the whole army to retreat and give up attacking the camp.

Six thousand plain troops threw down thousands of corpses and retreated back to their own formation in a panic.

Nan ye and Zhan Peng are like defeated cocks, bowing their heads to commander Xiao MuQing.

"General, the last general was incompetent and failed to lead his brothers into the enemy camp!" They knelt on one knee.

Xiao MuQing smiled and asked, "do you know who the commander-in-chief of the enemy camp is?"

Zhan Peng replied, "isn't it Wei Zheng?"

"Yes!" Xiao MuQing stared at the Ningjun camp in front of him and said, "if you can break the camp so easily, what kind of famous general is Wei Zheng?"

Nan ye and Zhan Peng looked at each other and said nothing. After a while, Nanye suddenly remembered the injured Wei Xuan and asked, "general Shang, how is general Wei injured? Can you worry about his family name and life?"

Xiao MuQing quite appreciates Nanye's personality and feels that he is affectionate and righteous. He shook his head, smiled and said, "it's just a small injury. It's OK to rest for a few days."

"Oh! That's good, that's good!" After hearing this, Nanye gasped.

Xiao MuQing smiled with a straight face and said in a deep voice, "Nanye listens to the order!"

"The end will come!" Nanye's body was shocked and hurriedly stepped in to salute.

"I'll give you five thousand elite soldiers. Go around to the North Camp of the enemy and attack at noon. There must be no mistake!"

"I will obey!"

"Zhan Peng listens to orders!"

"The end will come!"

"I also give you 5000 elite soldiers. Go around to the enemy's West camp and attack at noon. There must be no mistake!"


Xiao MuQing issued orders continuously, sending Nan ye and Zhan Peng away respectively. Then he rode on his horse and walked back and forth in front of his own army.

He looked around at the soldiers and soldiers of the crowded plain in front of him, Shouted: "Our plain army was founded the earliest, followed the king for the longest time, and made the most achievements in war. A man is a man who stands tall and upright, or he doesn't do it. If he wants to do it, he must do his best. Since he joined the army, he must strive for the greatest achievements and the greatest glory. This time, our army was the first to successfully cross the river and hit the enemy camp. We have to break the enemy camp The army must also be the first and make the greatest contribution! " While talking, he pulled out his sword with his back hand, grabbed the blade with his other hand and rowed slowly. Then, he held his fist high, and the blood trickled down the gap between his fingers. He didn't even frown, He shouted: "if this war is not successful, you will become benevolent. You can only enter, not retreat, even if there is one soldier left in the war! If the first war is successful, I will drink and have a good time with my brothers in the enemy camp. If it is not successful, I will meet my brothers in Jiuquan!"

After saying that, he waved his sword in his hand, pointed to the camp of Ning army and shouted, "God bless our army and strengthen my strong wind! Kill -"

"Kill -"

There will be a sense of death. Do scholars have the desire to live? Xiao MuQing swore to live and die with the soldiers of the whole army. People's blood was boiling and shouted in unison. Their eyes were red before the war. Nearly 100000 troops in a neat square array, without the help of siege equipment, began to approach the Ningjun camp.

"Wind! Wind! Wind -"

The plain army kept shouting as it moved forward, and the sound of weapons hitting the shield had overwhelmed the sound of war drums. The roar of that sound shocked the fear of its own side and the fear of the enemy.

Ningjun camp. Wei Zheng stood on the tower and looked at the wind army coming from outside the camp. His eyebrows wrinkled deeper and deeper. In the wind army camp, the plain army flags everywhere also made Wei Zheng feel unusually dazzling, and even his back spine began to cool.

The so-called man's name is the shadow of the tree. The plain army, as the strongest army in the wind country, has long been known by Ning army. The opponent that Ning army is most reluctant to meet is the plain army, which is just fierce and doesn't want to fight.

On the battlefield, fearing the enemy can only increase the probability of defeat. Wei Zheng knows this. He took a long breath, cheered up, and announced, "the whole army is ready, the enemy is nearly thirty feet, shoot an arrow!"

The herald promised and immediately conveyed Wei Zheng's general.

Beyond the enemy's range, the plain army's Communist Party is not urgent or slow. It mainly oppresses the enemy with momentum and causes psychological pressure to the enemy.

Xiao MuQing is not a commander who is good at intrigue, nor does he agree with the practice of stealing opportunities on the battlefield. His style is steady. His criterion is to first ensure that he does not make mistakes, and then force his opponent to make mistakes with a strong and tough play, so as to make himself seize the opportunity and kill the enemy at one stroke.

It is precisely because of his style that the plain army is good at hard war.

As the plain army got closer and closer, the atmosphere on the battlefield became more and more tense. The condensation on the eve of the war weighed heavily on everyone's heart. Driven by Xiao MuQing, the plain army had abandoned its fear, but the soldiers of Ning army were nervous, and many soldiers were shaking their hands holding weapons.

"Shoot an arrow -"

"Shoot an arrow -"

Seeing that the wind army has entered 30 feet, there is a continuous cry of arrows in the Ning army camp.

Buzzing - a black cloud composed of arrows soars into the sky in Ningying camp, and the shrieks combine to turn into a dull roar. Tens of thousands of arrows and rain draw perfect arcs in the air and fall into the camp of the wind army.

Jingle - rush, rush, rush - the sound of arrows hitting the shield and breaking armor into the flesh sounded at the same time. The sergeant and soldiers of the plain seemed to be invisible to the arrow rain all over the sky, holding the shield and staring, continued to move forward. The brothers in front were shot down by the streamer, and the taxi soldiers behind didn't even blink. They seemed to have no emotional machinery. There was only one idea in their consciousness, that is to move forward! It seems that there is only one way to stop them from moving forward, ending their lives.

The arrow array of Ning army went round after round, and the soldiers of the plain army fell one after another, but the overall camp not only did not slow down, but also accelerated. People stepped on the corpses of their colleagues. There was no fear in their hearts, but filled with anger, and their bloodshot eyes became scarlet.

Less than 100000 attackers attacked nearly 200000 defenders. No matter which army, it was like a suicide attack. However, on the battlefield at this time, the morale of the plain army completely overwhelmed its opponents. The square array of the plain army was like a moving iron fortress, which might open a gap, but it could not stop it.

Under the arrow rain of Ning army, the soldiers of the plain army stepped on the bodies of their companions all the way to the front of Ning camp.

Under the walled wall, the ladder was set up, and the soldiers of the plain army began to rush up with steel knives in their mouths.

Due to the limited ladder, most people couldn't get close to the ladder. The plain Sergeant immediately set up the ladder and asked his companions to step on their own bodies and rush to the Ning camp.

The battle between the two sides was officially launched.

On the wall of the stronghold, the Ning army fired arrows downward. Outside the stronghold wall, the wind army fired arrows upward. The arrows of both sides shuttle constantly in the air, swallowing the lives of the double alchemists and soldiers.

At this time, no one is absolutely safe. A living life can be hit by a streamer in the blink of an eye and turn into a cold body.

At this time, no one is lucky. In the bloody killing of exterminating people's surnames, war death may also be a relief.

Wei Zheng has experienced countless wars and skirmishes for a long time. But in the face of such a crazy plain army, he suddenly felt powerless, 200000 to 100000. Even if he fought head-on on on the flat ground, he should win the battle. But now, under the cover of the camp, he still felt guilty.

It seems that the soldiers in the plain have become a beast, climbing up the wall of the stronghold in every way they can, but when they climb up, they are killed, and the corpses outside the stronghold wall are covered all over the ground. At this time, the corpses of the soldiers were piled up on the mountain, and the corpses were collected by the soldiers.

As the battle continued, the corpses piled up by the plain army had accumulated to the same level as the walled wall of the Ningjun camp. The soldiers below did not need to climb. As long as they stepped on the corpses of their companions, they could run up the walled wall. By this time, both sides entered the most difficult stage. No matter which side relaxed first, they would be followed by a disastrous defeat.

The plain army fell into a state of complete madness. No matter how many soldiers died in battle, wave after wave of strong attacks showed no sign of abating. On the contrary, Ning army, which had a favorable geographical advantage and a large number of people, was afraid first. Facing the wind army that killed red eyes, people were afraid from the bottom of their hearts. Ning army on the walled wall was gradually retreating, and more and more plain army came up.

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