When Qiu Zhen finished, Tang Yin laughed up and praised, "good plan, really good plan. What do you think, everyone?"

All the generals had no objection and said in unison, "Qiu Xiang's plan is wonderful."

"OK, then follow Qiu Zhen's instructions!" Tang Yin said, "send two armies South... Who wants to go?"

Before anyone else spoke, Xiao MuQing stood up and said, "Your Majesty, the last general is willing to pursue the remnant of Wei Zheng and vow to catch all the thieves and wipe out the roots." When attacking Ningying, the plain army suffered heavy losses. Of course, Xiao MuQing wanted to revenge. He raised Wei Zheng's head to pay tribute to the souls of his dead brothers.

Tang Yin thought for a moment and felt that the pursuit of Wei Zheng by the plain army would reassure him most. He then nodded and replied, "well, MuQing, the task of annihilating Wei Zheng No. 1 will be left to you. However, do you have enough troops in the plain army?"

Before Xiao MuQing spoke, Qiu Zhen said, "the reinforcements dispatched from China are on the way. They will arrive in three days. It's not too late to go south to annihilate the enemy after the plain army fills up some troops."

Xiao MuQing had no opinion, and after the battle of Zhanghe River, the strength of the plain army was indeed seriously reduced. He nodded and said, "OK, let's meet Qiu Xiang."

"Yes!" Tang Yin nodded and asked, "then who is willing to help Mo Jun?"

People are willing to fight with Tang Yin and are reluctant to help Mo Guo fight. After Tang Yin asked, the four commanders were silent. Finally, Ziying broke the silence and said, "king, let the last general lead the eagle army!"

From Hexi to Jiashang County, all the places are Ningguo territory. There are many crises and need a responsive commander. Ziying is certainly one of the best candidates. After muyinzi arrived, Tang Yuanzi said, "there was no opinion."

"Yes! King!" Xiao MuQing and Ziying bow their hands and take orders.

Tang Yin and his generals finalized the general strategic direction in the future. Then Qiu Zhen proposed to Tang Yin that Wang Kai, the head of Hedong County, be transferred to Hexi to temporarily serve as the head of Hedong and Hexi counties, so as to stabilize the situation in Hexi.

Wang Kai is a native of Ning. When he was the head of Hedong County, he promulgated many benevolent policies in favor of Ning people. He has a high reputation among Ning people and his ability is also very strong. He managed Hedong in an orderly manner. It is very beneficial for him to serve as the head of the two counties and counties to stabilize the situation.

However, because of the last assassination, Tang Yin didn't want to reuse Wang Kai, but wanted to execute this person secretly. Tang Yin didn't immediately agree to Qiu Zhen's proposal, but said: "I need to think about it again..."

Hearing what he said, Qiu Zhen understood what Tang Yin thought, He said positively, "Your Majesty, Wang Kai may not really take refuge in our country, and even secretly did something against your majesty. However, please pay attention to the overall situation. Hedong and Hexi counties are the foundation of China's westward advance. There is chaos in these two places, and there is no guarantee for our army's logistics. How can the soldiers fight at ease?"

Tang Yin gazed at Qiu Zhen and said nothing for a long time. He asked a man who was always thinking about how to kill himself to be the head of the two counties. Tang Yin's mind was not so broad-minded.

Qiu Zhen certainly understood Tang Yin's mood. He sighed gently and continued to persuade: "king, it's just a false name to let Wang Kai be the head of the two counties. On the contrary, you can take this opportunity to let Lord Zhang Renzhang, the head of Hedong deputy county, take over Hedong government affairs in an all-round way. Even if the king wants to get rid of Wang Kai in the future, Hedong will not cause great chaos."

After he repeatedly admonished, Tang Yin smiled bitterly and said, "it seems that if you don't convince me today, you won't stop!"

Qiu Zhen quickly bowed his hands and said, "I dare not..."

"Come on, don't do this. What else do you dare not do?" Tang Yin scolded angrily, then lingered on his back for a while, stopped and raised his head to him: "well, in your opinion, let Wang Kai be the head of the two counties and report to Jianzhong (Hexi county city) immediately!"

"Your Majesty is wise!" Qiu Zhen's heart was filled with joy, but there was no sign on his face. He was terrified and gave a deep salute.

Qiu Zhen's words promoted Wang Kai, who was in a high position in the wind country, from the head of one county to the head of two counties. Of course, he didn't have much real power, but he had a name.

With Wang Kai taking office in Hexi County, the situation in Hexi county began to get on track.

The next day, early in the morning.

Tang Yin was sleeping in his sleeping tent when he heard someone outside the tent calling hurriedly, "king? King?"

In the continuous call, Tang Yin woke up. He cursed in his heart and asked, "what's the matter?"

"Your Majesty, general Gu and general Wu ask to see you!" The bodyguard outside the tent heard Tang Yin's tone was not good, and replied in a trembling whisper.

Guyue and Wuying? What are they doing so early? Tang Yin turned over and sat up from the bed. After a while, he cleared his mind and said, "let them come near!"

"Yes! King!"

After a short time, Guyue and Wuying both came near from outside the tent. When he got to the account, he looked up and saw that Wu Ying's jade face was red. Sitting on the bed, Tang Yin was wearing only trousers and shirtless, revealing a strong and aesthetic muscle.

At this time, Tang Yin was still half asleep and half awake. He scratched his hair carelessly, looked at them and asked, "what's the matter? Has Ning called?"

"No..." Guyue and Wuying said at the same time. They looked at each other. Guyue said with a bitter smile: "general Wu, you'd better say it!"

Wu Ying did not give in. She stepped forward two steps and said angrily, "Your Majesty, our soldiers have been arrested by the other three armies. Now they are all going to be executed. General Gu and I went to stop them, but we can't stop them at all. Isn't Xiao MuQing, Liang Qi and Ziying bullying people together?"

"Ah?" Tang Yin was stunned by her thoughtless words. Her head was full of inexplicability. She even couldn't respond. Who caught who? Who wants to execute who?

Wu Ying continued: "the direct army is the close army of the king, and it is inevitable to be hated by others. However, Xiao MuQing, Liang Qi and Ziying brazenly want to execute the officers and men of the direct army, and they simply don't pay attention to the king. Even, they just want to rebel..."

The ancient Yue on one side suddenly felt his head big when he heard this. Can the word rebellion be nonsense? A woman is a woman. He coughed heavily, implying Wu Ying to stop talking nonsense.

Tang Yin frowned, looked at Wu Ying and asked suspiciously, "Xiao Ying, what's going on? Tell me more."

Wu Ying said angrily: "in the middle of the night, Xiao MuQing, Liang Qi and Ziying suddenly spot checked the private belongings of the soldiers of the whole army. They found gold and silver in the private belongings of some soldiers of our army. The three of them wanted to kill all these soldiers for the reason that they had not reported the seized booty. Now they are in the school military field and are ready to be executed. Go and have a look, king!"

"Is there such a thing?" Tang Yin was sleepless. He was stunned in bed for a moment. He waved to lift the quilt and walked out of bed. He didn't even wear Wang's clothes. He just put on a middle coat and went to the school military field with Guyue and Wuying.

It's only dawn now. The school military field in the wind army camp is very lively. Looking up, there are a sea of people. The wind Army soldiers gathered around the school military field, and there are more than 100000 people.

The bodyguards took the lead to open the way for Tang Yin. Under the escort of Guyue, Wuying, Yuanwu, yuanbiao, a San, a Si and others, Tang Yin entered the school military field.

When the king arrived, the soldiers and soldiers of the wind army around him knelt down and saluted one after another.

Tang Yin ignored the people around him and looked forward. Well, there were more than 500 people kneeling in the middle of the school military field, and there were about 1000 soldiers and 100 executioners holding ghost knives around. Looking forward, not only are Xiao MuQing, Liang Qi and Ziying here, but also Qiu Zhen, Wu Guang, Zhan Hu, Jiang Fan, Cheng Jin, Lotte and AI Jia, and even Shangguan yuanrang, who has not fully recovered from his injury, was present.

It's rare for people to get together so completely, but ironically, it's to kill their own soldiers. Tang Yin was angry and walked forward with a cold face.


The generals knelt on one knee to greet Tang Yin.

The soldiers of the wind army who were about to be executed turned around one after another, knelt facing Tang Yin, cried and shouted, "spare your life, king, spare your life -"

Seeing that his soldiers were crying, Tang Yin was angry and funny. He shouted coldly, "I don't cry when I bleed and sweat on the battlefield. What are you crying for now?" With that, he looked around Qiu Zhen, Xiao MuQing and others and asked, "who can tell me what's going on?"

Ziying said loudly, "back to the king, these soldiers will hide the booty and cut it according to the law!"

Tang Yin's eyebrows twisted into a pimple and youyou said, "it's just a few Booties hidden. Why do you fight so much?"

Ziying replied, "the king will not forget what was discussed yesterday? The ministers have vowed to severely punish those who violate military discipline, and Da Wangye has agreed. Today, the soldiers who find these private belongings and refuse to report should naturally be punished according to the army."

Unexpectedly, Ziying turned his words against himself. Tang Yin subconsciously clenched his fist. He looked around at the other people and found that they were looking at him. Tang Yin was so angry that he went close to Ziying, approached his ear and whispered, "Ziying, how dare you!"

"Weichen is strict in military law and discipline. If the king thinks it is inappropriate, he can be punished!" Ziying said humbly.

"You..." Tang Yin took a deep breath and pondered for a moment. He smiled and said, "I remember I said before that soldiers can leave four as their own when they capture booty..."

Before he finished, Ziying interrupted: "at that time, the king was only the head of the county. The soldiers below were all county troops, and the requirements can be relaxed naturally. But now the king is a county of a country, and the soldiers are all regular central troops. How can we standardize according to the original requirements?"

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