Ziying's words made Tang Yin speechless.

He looked at Ziying in disbelief. He didn't understand how the docile person in front of him suddenly became so tough. Was it because he was so kind to him that his courage gradually increased?

Tang Yin was stuffy and said coldly, "these soldiers can't be killed!"

Ziying said without flinching: "those who violate military discipline should be punished by the army. This is the promise made by the King yesterday."

Tang Yin didn't promise any promise, but it's true to have a default. Ziying held on to this point. He really had no way to take Ziying. Tang Yin's anger was held in his chest and there was no place to vent, and his face was uncertain.

After a long time, he sighed gently and said in a low voice, "there are special cases in everything. Ziying, this time you will sell me face and let them go. If you find someone who violates military discipline next time, whether you want to kill or cut, I will never have the cheek to plead for mercy."

As a monarch, it's extreme to say this. Even Qiu Zhen wavered and secretly considered whether to spare these soldiers first.

But Ziying is ready to be tough to the end. He looked straight and said, "the laws of the state, the rules of the family, and the laws are not obeyed. Why should we obey the people? If the king is confused, the ministers have nothing to say, but the king is the Wise Lord with great ambition. How can he tolerate the surnames of hundreds of soldiers and destroy the military rules and military laws of our army, and how can he lose his power because of his small size?"

"This..." Tang Yin is red by his old face, again speechless.

For fear of Tang Yin's entanglement, Ziying shouted in a deep voice, "where is the knife and axe hand?"

"The villain is here!"

A hundred swordsmen in red responded.

Ziying took a deep breath and said, "the king has personally come to supervise and behead these lawless soldiers and generals. Execute them immediately!"

"Order!" The executioners set off together, walked behind the wind soldiers who knelt on the ground, raised the ghost head knife in their arms, and made a gesture to cut it down.

Tang Yinhu stared round and shouted, "stop!"

He is the king. He won't let him be executed, and the executioners don't dare to cut at will. People stand in place and look at Tang Yin and Ziying. They don't know what to do.

At this time, several soldiers in the crowd cried out, trembled and wailed: "spare your life, king! The villain has followed the king since Pingyuan County, driving away the barbarians, killing the thieves and fighting in the north and south. There is no credit or hard work. Please forgive the villain's life without mercy..."

Listening to the cries of the soldiers below, Tang Yin felt uncomfortable. Indeed, many officers and soldiers directly under the army were born in Pingyuan county and were the first to follow him. If they died in a fierce battle, Tang Yin had nothing to say, but if they were killed in such a cowardly way, how could he bear it?

Tang Yin turned to look directly at Ziying and said, "the king has said that these soldiers can't be killed! This is not a request, it's an order!"

Ziying bowed his hand and said, "please forgive me, your majesty. It's difficult for me to obey my orders!"

Tang Yin's lungs were almost angry. Without thinking about it, he reached out and grabbed Ziying's collar, gritted his teeth and asked, "Ziying, how dare you disobey orders?"

"Minister, wholeheartedly for the country and the king, I am confident that I have done nothing wrong. If the king thinks that he is wrong, he can now be sentenced to death!"

"You dare not kill you when you are king?" Tang Yin held on to Ziying's collar and drew his sword from the waist of Shangguan Yuanwu behind him. He raised his arm and the blade of the sword reached Ziying's neck.

Everyone trembled and scared around. Qiu Zhen reacted the fastest, taking three steps into two, rushed to Tang Yin and grabbed his sword arm.

Xiao MuQing and Liang Qi both came forward and said in unison, "calm down, king. General Ziying didn't mean to disobey orders..." at this time, they didn't dare to be a shrinking turtle. Although they have been using Ziying as a gun driver, it doesn't mean they don't care about Ziying's life or death. If Ziying dies, who will say what they want to say for them in the future?

Not only Qiu Zhen, Xiao MuQing and Liang Qiqiu, but also other generals knelt down and said in unison, "please calm down!"

All the generals present, without exception, pleaded for Ziying. Ziying was resolute and would rather die than kill the directly subordinate soldiers who violated military discipline. At this time, the situation on the field became deadlocked.

The king won't let you kill him, but Ziying has to kill him. What should I do? Then the resourceful Qiu Zhen had no idea at this time, and he didn't expect things to develop to this point. After thinking about it, he flashed in his eyes, turned his head and winked at Cheng Jin secretly, and made a killing gesture at the same time.

Cheng Jin's surname is Ge rigid, but his mind is unusually smart. Seeing Qiu Zhen's actions, he immediately understood what he meant. Cheng Jin grinned secretly. It seems that today's black pot must be carried by a hidden arrow. Otherwise, the king will not be able to get off the stage, and Ziying's life will not be guaranteed. Thinking of this, he sent a signal to his men.

Silently, more than a hundred dark arrows wearing black brocade clothes and black cloak walked out of the onlookers. When they arrived at the venue, they took out their sabres and killed those directly under the army who fell to the ground.

In the earrings, there was a dull sound of fluttering and fluttering. Hundreds of soldiers directly under the army were spared, and their heads fell to the ground.

Wow - this sudden change caused an uproar inside and outside the field. Not only the generals and the soldiers below were shocked, but even Tang Yin was shocked. He looked at the corpses and broken heads all over the ground. For a moment, Tang Yin's eyes were red. He pulled back his tassel, glared at Cheng Jin, and asked fiercely, "Cheng Jin, what are you doing?"

Before his voice fell, Cheng Jin fell on his knees, kowtowed forward, and said bravely, "the king has a life. Hidden arrows can catch illegal ministers and soldiers first and then play. If the criminal evidence is confirmed, they can be executed first and then play. These directly subordinate soldiers hide money and money and violate military regulations. Therefore, the minister dared to order his subordinates to behead them!"

Unexpectedly, even Cheng Jin, who he trusted most, stood on Ziying's side. He was even more straightforward and determined than Ziying, and directly killed him! Tang Yinqi's head was buzzing, and Venus appeared in front of him. He stretched out his hand and pointed to Cheng Jin, who was kneeling on the ground, and said in a condensed voice: "you... You..."

He was too angry to speak.

Of course, Cheng Jin knew that Tang Yin had always loved the soldiers below. This time, he killed hundreds of people at once, which was tantamount to touching the king's heart and flesh. He was afraid of a good end. He didn't dare to get up and knock his head on the ground. He whispered, "I have to bear the king's great hope and ask the king to punish my ministers."

Tang Yin's body trembled and his fierce arm trembled. He took off his sword and spun in the air. With a bang, he stabbed the ground in front of Cheng Jin. He said angrily, "don't you want to plead guilty? Then you can cut yourself!"

To let Cheng Jin, who is so trusted and loved by Ping Rili, decide by himself, we can see how angry Tang Yin is at this time.

Cheng Jin was stunned for a moment, then without saying a word, took out the sword stabbed in front of him and wiped it back to his neck.

He was fast, Tang Yin was faster, and the latter came close to him. He lifted his leg and kicked the sword in his hand. Before Cheng Jin came back, he immediately kicked Cheng Jin on the stomach. The latter's body almost flew out sideways.

Without looking at Cheng Jin, who was kicked out for a long time, Tang Yin looked around the people and said word by word: "don't think that if the king reuses you and trusts you, he can't live without you, so he can bully me over my head. I can tell you that without you, everyone is the same. Even if I'm the only one left, I can still destroy Ning!" Having said that, Tang Yin, who was about to go crazy with anger, turned and walked out. Without taking a few steps, he called again, "Qiu Zhen!"

I always thought that the king was used to his happiness and anger. It was rare to see the king have such a big temper. Qiu Zhen was frightened when Tang Yin called his name. He shrunk his neck and trotted after Tang Yin. He bowed his hand and said, "what do you want from the king?"

"Bury these soldiers and reward their families according to their deaths. In addition..." Tang Yin clenched his fists tightly, and his shoulders trembled because of excessive force, He almost squeezed out a sentence from his teeth: "reward Ziying and Cheng Jin, and post notices to warn the officers and men of the whole army. If anyone violates military discipline in the future, he will be punished by the army and will not tolerate the annihilation!"

Tang Yin was angry and hated. He wanted to put Ziying and Cheng Jin to death, but people had been killed. What else could he do? We can only make the most of this result and prevent similar things from happening in the future. Ziying and Chengjin are highly rewarded. They are for the soldiers of the whole army.

He's angry now, but he hasn't lost his mind.

After hearing his words, Qiu Zhen hissed and said, "Your Majesty Shengming!"

Tang Yin continued: "the Tianying army is not suitable for going south. Change to the Sanshui army. Ziying is not suitable to be the commander of the Tianying army again. Let him go home and have a rest. By the way, think about how to be a man."

The joy Qiu Zhen had just given birth to swept away in an instant, and his chin almost fell off. Your majesty, is this... To remove Ziying? Qiu Zhen was stunned for a moment before he suddenly regained his mind. He stimulated Lingling to fight a cold war and hurriedly advised: "king, never..."

Tang Yin didn't give Qiu Zhen a chance to speak. Without any ups and downs in his tone, he said calmly, "the king's mind has been determined. You don't need to persuade him any more."

Alas! Looking at Tang Yin, whose face was gloomy and frightening, Qiu Zhen swallowed the words that had reached his mouth again. It seems that Ziying was really hurt by these people this time

It is the intention of Qiu Zhen and all other generals to severely punish the soldiers who violate military discipline. It is the idea of all of them to spot check the directly subordinate military barracks overnight. It is also the decision of all of them to kill the directly subordinate soldiers who have violated the military law, but they need someone to take the lead and think about it. They all agree that the loyal and upright Ziying is the most appropriate.

Now it's better for Tang Yin to vent his anger and resentment on Ziying alone, which makes Qiu Zhen feel better?

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