During the period when Tang Yin left the camp, the war in the South changed again.

Wei Zheng led the Western army of Ningguo to the South under the order of Yan Chu and went to fight with the Mozambican army. However, the Pingyuan army led by Xiao MuQing pursued it and went deep into the hinterland of Ningguo regardless. It was very likely that it would not stop until Wei Zheng was annihilated.

Knowing the ferocity of the plain army, Wei Zheng dared not fight with it. He said he was ordered to go south, but in fact he was forced to flee south.

Wei Zhengxian led his troops south from Hexi county to Wuqu county. It was not a day before the rest. The rear explored horses and returned. Pingyuan army had chased them up. Wei Zheng had no choice but to order the whole army to start the camp, pull out the stronghold and continue to go south.

Maybe in the battle of Hexi camp, Wei Zhengzhen was frightened by the plain army. Every time he fled into a city, as long as he heard that the plain army killed him and didn't even resist, he abandoned the city and ran away. Together, the local army in the city also ran with Wei Zheng.

When Wei Zheng entered one city, the plain army attacked one city.

Led by Wei Zheng, the Western army, like a lost dog, first went south into Wuqu County, then fled West into Huaiyin County, and finally continued south to Jiashang county.

Along the way, the Western army of Ningguo even entered seven cities and even abandoned seven cities.

Although the plain army succeeded in breaking through the seven cities, it did not divide its troops to occupy them. After breaking the city, it was at best to search for supplies in the city, and then directly passed through the city, chasing after the Western army.

Xiao MuQing had already made up his mind. He didn't want any sweets that Wei Zheng threw to himself. This time, he wanted to work hard to kill one of Wei Zheng's films.

The form of Jiashang county is too complicated. The main forces of the local army of Ningguo, the main force of the Mozambican army and the Sanshui army of Fengguo are all gathered here. The fighting between the three parties has already entered a stalemate state. Now, with the recent arrival of the Wei Zheng army and the plain army, the form of Jiashang county is even more chaotic.

Throughout the county, there are troops everywhere. Sometimes even if they meet head-on, they can't tell whether it's an enemy or a friend.

According to the meaning of Wei Zheng, we can't stop in Jiashang county. Because the South has been occupied by the Mozambican army, we can't continue to go south. We should change our direction, go west and return to the hometown of the Western army.

But at this time, his subordinates disagreed with him.

The Western army was chased and killed by the plain army. It didn't dare to fight and fled all the way south. It can also be said that it was ordered by the king to go south for reinforcements. But now it has arrived at Jiashang county. If it doesn't fight, it will be crowned with the crime of fleeing. Wei Zheng may not care, but the generals of the Western army may care. Wei Zheng may not have face, but the officers and soldiers of the Western army still need face.

When Wei Zheng sent orders to the west, all the generals of the whole army came to the door. People's opinions were roughly divided into two kinds. One was to join the local army of Jiashang county and fight to the death with the Allied forces of Feng and Mo; The second opinion is not to join the local army in Jiashang County, but to fight a decisive battle with the plain army coming after.

Anyway, no matter what kind of opinion, the essence is the same, that is, we can't escape to the West and stay in Jiashang county to fight to the end.

It was not that the generals of the Western army did not know the greatness of heaven and earth, but fled all the way. Their hearts were full of resentment. They would rather die than escape again.

In addition, the Western army gathered a large number of local scattered troops in the escape. Only seven cities were abandoned, and more than 70000 local city troops fled with them. Now the whole army is close to 25 people, while the plain army pursued and killed only 100000 people, 250000 to 100000. Even if the other side fought fiercely, its own side may not be defeated.

Wei Zheng didn't want to join the local army of Jiashang County, but if he joined the army, he would face the three-sided siege of Mo army, Sanshui army and plain army. The form is not optimistic. If he fought a decisive battle with plain army alone, even if there are 250000 people on his side, he still has no bottom in his heart.

He also wanted to defy public opinion and insist on escaping to the west, but the generals of the Western army quit, and finally even evolved to the point of palace. Either Wei Zheng fled to the West or stayed in Jiashang county to fight. In short, if he wanted to run, the Western army would not go with him and would fight, and the whole army of the Western army still obeyed his command.

At this point, Wei Zheng had no choice. He was not afraid of death. The reason why he fled West was to leave a new force for Ningguo, but now all the officers and men of the army are unwilling to escape with him. How can Wei Zheng run on his own? Weighing the pros and cons, he had no choice but to stay and decided to have a showdown with the plain army.

The decisive battle site of the two sides was selected in Chunxiao plain in the northwest of Jiashang Prefecture.

This battle is also the most famous battle of Chunxiao in the battle of Fengning.

In terms of the Ning army, the Western army led by Wei Zheng and the local scattered army have reached more than 230000 troops.

In terms of the wind army, it is the plain army led by Xiao MuQing, with a force of nearly 100000.

With a total of more than 300000 troops from both sides, a big battle was launched in Chunxiao plain.

The arrangement of Ning army is to put the most elite Western army in the center, Wei Zheng personally takes command, and the two wings are local scattered troops to cooperate with the Chinese army.

On the contrary, Xiao MuQing put all the elite of the plain army on both wings, and the rest formed the middle army.

The military formations of both sides are lined up on the Chunxiao plain. Looking around, the camps of both sides are clearly divided.

One side is black, with red in black, and the other side is silver, which is as bright as a mirror. However, the strength of Ning army is more than twice that of Feng army after all, and the military array looks extremely huge, covering the sky and earth, as if it were covering the grassland with a layer of silver.

Before the battle, Xiao MuQing specially called all his generals and military commanders close to him, looked around the crowd, and asked with a smile, "generals, are you afraid of this decisive battle with the enemy?"

"The end will not be afraid!" All the people answered with one voice and cut gold and iron.

Xiao MuQing smiled. The subordinates said well. In fact, their slightly pale faces have explained everything.

He snorted with a smile and said proudly: "there are few enemies, and it is also a local battle. Ning army seems to have the advantage, but it is not enough to be afraid. Although there are more than 200000 Ning army, more than half of them are local scattered troops with a mob. They have no combat power and can only be a facade. If they meet my strong wind tiger and wolf division, they will collapse in a moment."

Words are happy locks. As commander-in-chief of the first army, Xiao MuQing was so confident and unhurried that the following generals were naturally 100 times more confident, their fear decreased sharply, and they all looked murderous and rubbed their hands.

Xiao MuQing continued: "in the eyes of my commander, Ning Jun is like a grass mustard. What stands in front of our army is not 200000 enemies, but 200000 military achievements. All generals, today's war is your chance to make great achievements and become famous in World War I. if you miss it, you will never find it again."

"The end will understand!" The easier Xiao MuQing said, the more confident the generals will be and the more vigorous their fighting spirit will be.

"Hey, hey! Wei Zheng, a lost dog, has taken our army across less than half of Ningguo. Today, I will take off his dog head. It depends on your luck, generals. Don't forget that the post of deputy commander of our army has always been empty!" Xiao MuQing's meaning is obvious. As long as he can take off Wei Zheng's head, he will have a chance to become the deputy commander of the plain army.

This temptation is too great. The plain army ranks first among the armies of the Feng country. Even if the deputy commander meets the commanders of other armies, people will have to be polite.

When Xiao MuQing finished speaking, people's eyes showed not only fighting spirit, but also strong * *.

Xiao MuQing's arousing the fighting spirit of the heads of the troops is tantamount to pushing the fighting spirit of the whole army to the top.

As the war drums of both sides beat, the military formations of the two armies of Fengning began to press forward against each other.

The two armies have not yet contacted, and the arrow array is the first to launch.

The arrows of the two sides met and passed in the air, and the broken wind from countless carved feathers formed a death symphony. Rows and groups of taxis fell to the ground with arrows, and then more taxis and soldiers stepped relentlessly on their bodies.

After the arrow formation, the battle formations of both sides have come into contact.

This is a direct confrontation between the tip of a needle and the wheat awn. In the battle, there is no chance to steal the machine. It all depends on their real strength.

In the early stage of the war, the two sides fought with equal strength and equal strength with a strong momentum. With the continuation of the battle, Xiao MuQing's troop arrangement showed its power.

When the elite of the two wings of the plain army met the local scattered army in Ningguo, the combat effectiveness of the two sides was not at the same level. Moreover, the closer the battle was, the more the number of casualties was. At this time, it was not only the combat effectiveness, but also the experience and psychological quality.

Many local scattered troops have never fought a battle in their life. Now they are pushed to the battlefield, and they still fight against the fiercest plain army. How can they stand it?

Looking at the ferocious facial features, bloodthirsty face and beast like roar of the enemy in front, he frantically waved his weapons and cut down and stabbed his brothers one after another. The scarlet blood, broken limbs and arms all over the ground, as well as the continuous screams and wails constantly stimulated their senses.

Here is still a human world, but a living hell on earth. The scattered troops in many places can't stand such blood and cruelty. They break down and run away with strange cries.

The frightened and irrational soldiers ran headlong and did not run to the opposite wind army, but smashed their own battle array into pieces and chaos.

On the battlefield, the psychology of panic is more terrible than the plague, and it spreads much faster than the plague.

At the beginning, only a small group of Ning soldiers were afraid to fight, and then quickly evolved into formation and regiment. Ning soldiers retreated without fighting, and the neat camp of Ning army began to deform.

The two wings of the plain army, like two sharp lancets, were cut on Ning Jun, directly separating Ning Jun's two wings from the Chinese army.

By this time, the situation on the battlefield had undergone earth shaking changes.

The two wings of the Ning army retreated step by step, while the Chinese Army rushed forward. On the side of the Feng army, the Chinese Army resisted the enemy, surrounded by the two wings on both sides and surrounded the Chinese Legion led by Wei Zheng.

Wei Zheng, who commanded himself, naturally saw that the war situation was out of control. He ordered him to go on, beat the drum quickly, and urged the two winged soldiers who were afraid to advance and reinforce immediately.

The Western army pounded the war drum, and several pieces of cowhide drum face were broken, but the local scattered army ignored it and still did not dare to go forward.

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