The local scattered troops in Ningguo didn't listen to the command. First, they didn't receive formal battle training. If the war drums of your middle army sounded again, they didn't know that the commander was telling them to move forward; Second, the local scattered army is really afraid of being beaten by the plain army. Usually, they are at most to suppress bandits. Where have they met such a fierce enemy as the plain army?

Now they have only one thought in their mind, run! No matter where you run, in short, the farther you run, the better. Stay away from these enemies like beasts and demons.

As Xiao MuQing had expected, nearly 100000 local scattered troops were all mobs and vulnerable. Instead of helping the Western army on the battlefield, they became a scourge affecting the morale of the whole army.

For this, Xiao MuQing, who climbed up from the bottom, did not expect it, but Wei Zheng, who was a hereditary dignitary.

More than 100000 Western troops were surrounded by the plains regiment and fell into a bitter battle under siege.

At this point, Wei Zheng saw that his side had no chance of winning, and then decided to break out.

However, it is not easy to break through at this time. The heavy shield hand of the plain army is at the front, blocking the Ning army, and the long halberd hand behind is frantically stabbing forward. The Ning soldiers who broke through are stabbed down row after row. Instead of breaking through the encirclement circle of the original army, the encirclement circle is gradually shrinking, and 100000 Western armies are overstocked into a regiment, which has no battle line to speak of.

The battle was fought from dawn to dusk, but there was not much left of the Western army in the siege. A large number of soldiers died miserably under the chaotic blades of the plain army. Even Ning Bing, who was in the middle of the crowd, was not safe. We should always beware of cold arrows falling from the sky.

When it was dark and the plain army's attack did not stop, the soldiers held high torches and fired rockets to continue the high-pressure attack.

The Western army in the encirclement has been exhausted. People can't help but wonder again whether the soldiers of the plain army are human or monsters. Aren't they tired after such a fierce battle for a whole day?

How can the plain army not be tired? On the one hand, the plain army was the first to receive Tang Yin's devil training, and has been used to this day. The officers and soldiers of the whole army have strong explosive power and sufficient endurance. In addition, the plain army is deep into the enemy's territory and has no retreat. It either wins or dies. Under the belief that the enemy is dead or I am dead, even if it is hard and tired, as long as it can stand, If you can swing the weapon in hand, people will not retreat to the battlefield.

After another whole night of fighting, it was close to dawn. At this time, the struggle between the two sides lasted for 12 hours.

For such a long time, both sides haven't drunk a drop of water and a grain of rice. They don't even have time to stop and take a breath. Their nerves remain highly nervous from beginning to end. In this case, even the iron man can't stand it.

The Western army was the first to adhere to the deficiency.

Surrender! This war is really not going on! People's hearts are constantly echoing such sounds.

Soon, people turned their aspirations into practical actions, and a large number of Western troops who had reached the end of the crossbow threw down their weapons and surrendered to the plain army. At the moment of surrender, they couldn't hold on any longer. Their shaky bodies fell directly to the ground, or lay or lie down, breathing heavily, and people couldn't stand up.

Once you start, it's hard to stop.

Seeing that the surrendered brothers were peacefully accepted by the plain army and not killed, more Western armies immediately surrendered.

The surrender of soldiers to the enemy spread throughout the army.

Wei Zheng didn't want to stop it, but he couldn't stop it at all. He couldn't stop the front, the left and the right. When all the Western army generals around him surrendered to the wind army, he gave up completely.

He made his last effort to gather those soldiers who insisted on staying together and launch the last breakthrough.

Xiao MuQing had already calculated that the Ning army would make the last fight, and the plain army was ready to give a head-on blow to the breakout Wei Zheng.

This time, the Ning army fought fiercely. The soldiers rushed to the plain army camp like crazy. They just went up and died. Many people broke their arms and legs, and even their intestines flowed out, but they still howled and fought.

If the Ning army showed such ruthlessness when the strength of both sides was equal, the plain army may have been defeated by them, but now the strength of both sides has been greatly different. It is too late for the Ning army to know its shame and then be brave. They caused some casualties and chaos to the plain army, but soon the chaos of the plain army stabilized and launched a fierce counterattack.

After the fierce fighting in World War I, the last breakthrough of Ning army ended in a disastrous defeat. After the first World War, none of the officers and men of the Western army were injured. Even Wei Zheng himself was shot with arrows.

As soon as the breakthrough was defeated, the siege of the plain army began immediately.

Looking at the wind army with a sea of people around, Wei Zheng lamented that more than 100000 Western troops had been wiped out in his own hands. He was not only ashamed of Chang sun Yuanhong, but also ashamed of the trust of the king. Even if he could escape by luck, how could he face returning to Liangzhou again?

At the thought of this, Wei Zheng was so frustrated that he lost even the most basic survival * *. Now he was only unwilling to lose. He was unwilling to lose so much. He ended up with the destruction of the whole army when he took advantage of the enemy. Was it all his own improper command?

When the wind army was close, regardless of the arrow injury on his body, he screamed fiercely, and Tipei sword rushed to the wind army group.

At this time, Wei's spear fell into the front of the March, but he couldn't see the pain of another pair of small spears in the back of the March.

Among the enemies, Wei Zheng wielded his sword, slashed and stabbed and killed more than ten people in one breath. However, there were more than 20 wounds on his body, including knife wounds and stab wounds.

At this time, when we look at Wei Zheng, his helmet has fallen off, his hair is scattered, and his whole body is dripping with blood. He drips to the ground along the armor.

I don't know whether he has exhausted his strength or lost too much blood. His shaking body flopped and knelt down on the ground, and the sword in his hand was deep on the ground to support his body.

The surrounding wind troops looked at each other and didn't know whether he was dead or alive. People slowly came forward. Someone stabbed him in the back with the tip of a spear. Seeing that he had no response, they were relieved. The surrounding wind troops quickly stepped forward and raised their spears to stab Wei Zheng.

Pounce, pounce, pounce - just for a moment, more than ten blood holes appeared in Wei Zheng's body. Wei Zheng, who had been kneeling on the ground, suddenly howled, grabbed his sword and swung it blindly to the left and right. Finally, he leaned on the ground with his sword, his head drooped, and the blood trickled down his lower jaw and the tip of his nose.

The surrounding wind army was scared away by his sudden voice and counterattack. Looking at Wei Zheng who was still motionless, he swallowed and spit. What's the matter with this man? Is he dead or not? How can he still bring a fake corpse?

Just as people hesitated whether to come forward or not, a * * * shouted, "the former general is coming, the former general is coming -"

Xiao MuQing is a former general granted by Tang Yin. Most of the soldiers below call him that.

As people shouted, the wind army automatically and consciously gave way to a passage.

Accompanied by many generals and bodyguards, Xiao MuQing walked slowly and steadily.

Passing through the crowd and approaching Wei Zheng, Xiao MuQing deliberately bent down, looked at the drooping Wei Zheng and asked the people around him, "are you dead?"

"Back to the former general, it seems... It seems that he is dead..."

Xiao MuQing almost laughed angrily. Death is death. How can it be like that? He turned and asked the general beside him, "is this Wei Zheng?"

"Yes, general, look at its armor. It should be Wei Zheng. That's right!" The general replied respectfully.

"Ha ha!" Xiao MuQing smiled leisurely and lingered in front of Wei Zheng for a few times. He raised his fingers to one side and said with a sneer: "run! You'll run again! If you hurt tens of thousands of my brothers, I can find you even if you run to the ends of the earth!"

Xiao MuQing lifted his foot and kicked Wei Zheng's body kneeling on the ground. When he saw him lying down, his hands were still holding the hilt of the sword.

He ordered the people around him to take the sword in Wei Zheng's hand and look through it for a few times. They thought it was good. They took it for themselves and got the sword of the enemy commander. It was the supreme booty and a proof of their great military achievements.

He shouted sideways, "cut off Wei Zheng's head, send it back to Hexi and submit it to the king. As for Wei Zheng's body, give me a random blade to divide the body. In addition, the Ning army who surrendered will not leave one and kill them all. The heads of the captives can also be rewarded according to military merit."

Hearing this, the soldiers in the surrounding plains were happy. If Xiao MuQing hadn't been there, people would have run to kill the prisoners.

In the wind army, soldiers can obtain the Baron rank after taking the enemy's head for hundreds of hours. If they become barons, they can be further promoted. At the same time, they can receive the Baron's salary every year. Even if they retire from the army, they can also use the Baron's salary to offset the taxes of the whole family and live a carefree life.

Therefore, the soldiers below are most happy to kill the prisoners.

In fact, although the surrender of these Ning soldiers is a burden for the plain army, they will not be killed completely. They can be transferred to the Mo army nearby. However, Xiao MuQing does not want to cheapen the Mo army, so that the Mo army can use these captives to exchange benefits or be good people, and simply kill them all. After a hundred, it will save both worry and trouble.

As the commander-in-chief of the army, his thought difference is directly related to the life and death of tens of thousands of people.

Nearly 50000 Ning troops who surrendered were sentenced to death by Xiao MuQing. Pity these Ning troops who have no resistance. They didn't die on the battlefield with vigour and vitality, but they all became ghosts under the knife and dead losers of the plain army.

In the first war of Chunxiao plain, the plain army completely annihilated the Western army of Ningguo.

There are many cases of defeating more with less, but there are few cases of defeating 200000 with 100000 on the battlefield of frontal warfare where strategies and strategies are useless. This is a miracle created by the plain army, which also makes this legendary Legion leave a strong mark in the book of war and strategy.

The plain army, the division of tiger and wolf, has been imitated and respected by later generations, but it has never been surpassed.

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