The map drawn by Tang Yin brought great convenience to Guan Tang. After knowing the layout of the tunnel under the town, Guan Tang used all the available means, either burning, smoking, or directly digging the tunnel from above for destruction. As for the buildings in Guxue Town, Guan Tang directly ordered to set fire to burn down, leaving none, leaving the tunnel dug by Ning Jun deliberately useless.

Under the wanton destruction of the wind army, many Ning soldiers hiding in the tunnel were disheartened, but they just showed up and met them with the wind army's broadsword and axe.

The wind army did not occupy Guxue town at last, but directly burned the town to ashes. After the wind army, the original town has disappeared, leaving only a piece of broken rubble, and Guxue town has disappeared since then.

Tang Yin's progress has been twists and turns, but the three-way men and horses previously sent out have successively sent back the victory report. Shangguan yuanrang and Li Sheng who attacked shanliu town completely annihilated the garrison in the town and easily occupied it. Nanye and Yang Mao who attacked Jingyi town and Zhan Peng and Wei Xuan who attacked Ningjun fortress also easily won. Ningjun defeated back to Ningyang without even making decent resistance.

In addition to Tang Yin's accidental injury, it can be said that the Feng army took the peripheral defense line of Ningyang lightly and attacked the city of Ningyang at one stroke.

Tang Yin did not call back Shangguan yuanrang, Nanye and Zhanpeng. Instead, he ordered them to garrison in the north, South and west of Ningyang, only to defend but not attack, as long as they strictly prevented the Ningren in the city from escaping.

He himself personally commanded the army and stationed outside the east city of Ningyang.

Ningyang is too big. Although there are more than 200000 wind troops, it is impossible to surround and trap Ningyang. We can only block the main channel from Ningyang to the outside world.

Because of his injury, Tang Yin could not go to the battlefield in person. He handed over the command of the siege to Ziying and let Ziying take full responsibility.

Ziying made an attack to test her surname on the east side of the city. As a result, she was tenaciously resisted by the defenders in the city. On the head of the city, arrows were like rain, rolling stones were like hail, and boulders were constantly ejected by the stone thrower in the city, which brought huge casualties to the attacking wind army.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Ziying did not continue the strong attack and ordered the whole army to retreat.

Ziying returns to the camp and returns to Tang Yin.

Seeing that he came back so soon, Tang Yin knew the result without asking.

Ziying said, "Your Majesty, Ningyang city defense is very strong. If our army makes a strong attack, it will not only be difficult to break through, but only increase casualties."

As Tang Yin had expected, he sat at the table and endured the sharp pain on his shoulder. He said slowly: "didn't we discuss that we should attack Ningyang mainly by fire, concentrate our broken city crossbow and broken army crossbow, oil the crossbow loosely, and burn the city with rockets."

"But... Ningyang is too big. If you want to burn the city with rockets, you should mainly prepare a large number of arrows!"

"Then go and prepare!" Tang Yin frowned and said, "Xiaoling county is full of woodlands. Are you afraid of no arrows?"

"Yes! The last general will arrange people to make crossbows and arrows."


The Fengjun troops are temporarily stationed outside Ningyang city. A large number of Fengjun soldiers go to the forest land near Ningyang to cut trees, pull the towering trees cut down back to the camp, and make them into crossbows and arrows of broken army crossbows and broken city crossbows.

The wind army did not attack the city, and the defenders in the city did not break through. It seems that Ning army has made a determination to live or die with Ningyang.

When Feng Jun was actively preparing for the crossbow and arrow and wanted to launch a fire attack on Ningyang, early that morning, a bodyguard reported to Tang Yin that three people dressed as Rangers outside the camp asked to see Tang Yin.

Tang Yin has an arrow wound caused by falling dragon scales on his shoulder, which brings him great inconvenience. Even when he goes to bed at night, he needs military doctors to guard him and apply medicine to stop bleeding at all times. Of course, the person who most often accompanies him is Su Yelei, whom he trusts most.

When the bodyguard reported recently, Su Yelei was already asleep sitting beside the collapsed bed. Tang Yin's mouth was slightly raised. Su Yelei usually spoke coldly to him, but in fact, she was still very concerned about him. During this period, she didn't say that she didn't take care of herself all night, and she never heard her say that she was tired.

He first made a silent gesture to the bodyguard, and then stretched out his hand to get his coat, but before his arm was stretched out, he pulled the arrow wound on his shoulder. The piercing pain twisted Tang Yin's facial features together, and the cold sweat soaked the clothes behind him.

Seeing this, the guard hurried forward, picked up Tang Yin's coat and handed it to him respectfully. Tang Yin didn't answer, but talked to Su Yelei Nunu. The bodyguard understood and carefully approved the coat on her.

Tang Yin asked in a low voice, "who's here? What can I do for you?"

The bodyguard quickly replied, "go back to the king..."

At the beginning of the speech, the bodyguard was stunned when he saw Tang Yin's face. Then he understood, lowered his voice and whispered, "back to the king, people only said they were Rangers wandering around, and claimed that they could help our army break the city. I just wanted to see the king."

"Oh?" Tang Yin is skeptical. Just a few Rangers can help his side break the city. Isn't it too boastful?! He snorted and smiled and confirmed, "there are only three people in each other?"

"Yes, your majesty."

"OK! Let them come to see me in the account of the Chinese army." Tang Yin said, supporting his body and slowly stood up. Since people have vowed to come to the door, they must rely on it. It doesn't hurt to see it. The bodyguard didn't leave immediately, but rushed forward to help him.

Tang Yin's heart was rather unhappy about his actions. When did he need other people to take care of him like this? He waved the guard away and said angrily, "don't help me. I'm not old enough!"

The bodyguard was startled and quickly arched back.

As soon as the bodyguard left, Tang Yin's body squatted down, holding the arrow wound on his shoulder. His body trembled with pain.

If a metal hard object stays in the human body for a long time, the wound will inevitably become inflamed and purulent. As long as it is slightly affected, the sharp pain of tearing the heart and lungs will sweep away. That is to say, Tang Yin can still bite his teeth and endure. If someone else had changed, I'm afraid he would have been lying in bed dying.

"Since you know the pain, stop pretending to be able." Su Yelei, who was originally sitting on the collapsed bed, didn't know when she had come to Tang Yin and put his coat on him.

Tang Yin didn't look up. He knew that his face must be very difficult to see at this time. He didn't want and wasn't used to facing others with a sick appearance.

He squatted on the ground, gasped for a moment and said, "are you awake? I didn't want to disturb you."

Su Yelei felt warm in her heart, but her words were still ugly. "Why? Are you complaining that I shouldn't fall asleep while taking care of you?"

Tang Yin raised her head, looked at her eyes, smiled bitterly and said, "you should understand that I didn't mean that."

His face startled Su Yelei, subconsciously stretched out his hand to hold his waist and said, "go to bed and have a rest."

Tang Yin shook her head and said, "no, there are some Rangers outside the camp who claim to help me break the city. I have to see them."

Su Yelei said positively, "can't I see you in the sleeping tent?"

Tang Yin said helplessly, "I'm the king..."

"The king is also a man. He is injured and needs rest."

Seeing Su Yelei's insistence, Tang Yin was silent for a moment, finally compromised, nodded and said, "well, go out and tell the bodyguard outside and take the three people to the sleeping tent."

"OK." This time Su Yelei agreed simply. She first helped Tang Yin to the bed and waited on him to lie down. When she was about to leave, she suddenly remembered something. She took a medicine bottle out of her arms and said, "this is a powerful painkiller. If the wound is too painful, you can take a painkiller."

Tang Yin was stunned, grinned, took the small medicine bottle and said, "if you have such a good thing, why don't you give it to me earlier?"

Su Yelei was silent for a moment and said, "painkillers don't help your injury. They lose the effect of pain. On the contrary, they will make your actions more inattentive, resulting in further deterioration of the injury."

Tang Yin was trying to pull out the cork with one hand. As soon as she heard Su Yelei's words, she put down the medicine bottle again and said, "forget it. I can't bear the pain."

This pain? Su Yelei can't understand his arrow injury better. Just looking at the deterioration of his injury, she can't imagine the pain.

Seeing her worried face, Tang Yin said with a smile: "I've suffered more serious injuries than this, and I've suffered more pain than this. Don't worry about me. I can stand it."

"Who's worried about you?!" Su Yelei's delicate body was shocked, stood up, gave Tang Yin a white eye, turned and walked outside the tent.

Looking at her back, Tang Yin giggled.

The three rangers who came to visit Tang Yin were of unknown origin. In addition, Tang Yin was injured again. Feng Jun had to be on guard carefully.

Shangguan brothers, a San, a Si, Lotte, Aijia, Cheng Jin and others gathered in Tang Yin's dormitory. Looking outward, it was a dense wind army, at least tens of thousands of people, surrounded the sleeping tent on the inner and outer floors.

When the three Rangers came over, they saw the formation of the wind army facing the great enemy.

On the surface, the three were relaxed, but they were also secretly surprised. They had seen many storms, but it was the first time that they were surrounded and watched by thousands of troops.

Under the fierce eyes of the wind Army soldiers, the three walked to the sleeping tent.

Before entering, several bodyguards in black steel armor came forward and motioned to the three to hand over their weapons.

These three people are all middle-aged people over 50. They have different looks and figures, but the same thing is that they are full of energy and energy, and their eyes are bright. Even without insight, they know that they are spiritual practitioners with exquisite cultivation.

For Rangers, weapons cannot be separated from the body, but seeing that Wang's discharge of troops is also the minimum rule of all countries, the three men pondered for a moment, but took out their weapons and handed them over to the guards of the wind army.

As soon as they received their weapons, another bodyguard came forward and began to search them. He checked them carefully twice and confirmed that there were no sharp weapons, so he withdrew.

At this time, the captain of the bodyguard said respectfully to the inside through the curtain: "the Ranger who visited the king has arrived outside the curtain."

"Let them come near!" Tang Yin's indifferent voice came from the account.

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