"Your Majesty, please!" The bodyguard stepped aside and stretched out his hand to open the curtain.

Before entering, the three felt the oppression in the tent, which was the spiritual pressure naturally released by the spiritual cultivator when he was on high alert.

The three looked at each other, took a deep breath and walked into the sleeping tent.

The sleeping tent was filled with a faint smell of medicine. Looking inside, there were more than a dozen wind generals standing on both sides. These people were not old, but they felt that their cultivation was not weak. Their faces were full of the spirit of killing. Looking inside again, there was a man sitting on the collapsed bed. He was in his twenties, shirtless and simply dressed in a well-made black coat. Looking into his face, he had deep facial features, He was handsome, but his face was a little pale. Next to him, a beautiful girl knelt down to comb his hair.

Just look at his style and the audience's posture of stars holding the moon. Needless to ask, this person must be Tang Yin, the king of the wind.

However, it seems that Tang Yin is hurt. Is it true that the rumor is that he was really hurt by the dragon scale falling of Qingyun hall?

The three Rangers looked at each other, then bowed to their knees respectfully, kowtowed forward and said, "villain, see your Highness the wind king."

While they are looking at Tang Yin, Tang Yin is also looking at them. One thing is certain that he has never seen these three people before.

He tilted his head and looked at Su Yelei, who combed his hair around him. Naturally, he picked up a strand of her silky Satin Embroidered hair and played with it in his hand. He said with a smile, "give me your name."

"Villain Fu Tao (Lin Chao, Yu Zijing)." The three held their names one by one.

Tang Yin handed her hair under her nose and sniffed the smell. At the same time, she also saw Su Yelei's face red and staring at him. It is conceivable that if there were no outsiders at this time, she would speak evil again. Thinking of this, the smile on his face deepened and said absently, "I haven't heard of it. Tell me what you came for!"

Peeping at Tang Yin's "maid" around him, perfect didn't pay attention to them. The three frowned. The middle-aged man named Fu Tao said, "I can help the king break Ningyang!"

"Oh?" Tang Yin raised her eyebrows and asked with a smile, "there are only three of you. How can you help me break the city?"

"Many of our friends are in the city. They suddenly get into trouble and disrupt the city defense on one side. If the king's wind army happens to attack the city on the other side, it should be easy to break the city defense there." Fu Tao had already figured out his words and spoke without hesitation.

Tang Yin looked at him straightly for a while, then continued to play with Su Yelei's hair and said, "friends? Who are they? How many are there?"

"They are all Rangers, and the number is no less than 100."

When the two sides start the offensive and defensive war, a hundred Rangers suddenly attack in the city, which will be a terrible nightmare for the defenders. Tang Yin certainly understood the benefits of having a hundred Rangers as his own insiders in Ningyang city. However, there was no pie in the sky, and the other party could not help him for no reason. He never believed that good things would fall on his head for no reason.

"Tell me, what will you get from the king if you do so?"

I didn't expect Tang Yin to be so straightforward and insightful. Fu Tao pondered for a moment and asked, "have you ever heard of Tianxiang cardamom?"

oh Tang Yin was stunned by this. The last time he came to Ningyang, he caught up with Qingyun hall to obtain Tianxiang cardamom. All the Rangers in the world were gathering in Ningyang, and Qingyun hall also found guipiao hall and Shengzun hall as helpers to resist the competition of Rangers. Is Fu Tao, Lin Chao and Yu Zijing one of the rangers who want to compete for Tianxiang cardamom?

He smiled and said, "I've heard of it. It's said that it can bring the dead back to life."

"Yes, your majesty."

"Is this what you came here for?"

"Your Majesty is wise!"

"Ha ha -" Tang Yin couldn't help laughing up. He was another group of fools who believed in bringing the dead back to life and immortality! However, it doesn't matter whether the other party is a fool or not. The important thing is to capture Ningyang with the least cost and the fastest speed, and then occupy the whole Xiaoling county.

He raised his head, pretended not to care, smiled and said, "even if you don't help the king, the king can still capture Ningyang. When you enter the camp, you should have seen that our army is making crossbows and arrows. In a few days, when the crossbows and arrows are completed, our army will attack the city with fire. At that time, Ningyang will disappear in the world like Guxue town!"

Hearing this, the faces of Fu Tao, Lin Chao and Yu Zijing changed at the same time. Tang Yin wanted to turn Ningyang into ashes with a fire attack. Didn't the cardamom disappear that day?

"Your Highness, Tianxiang Cardamom is the most precious thing in the world..." Lin Chao and Yu Zijing spoke in unison, hoping Tang Yin could change his attention.

At this time, Fu Tao's eyes turned and suddenly said, "it's said that the king has fallen in the dragon scale of Qingyun hall." As he spoke, his eyes fell on Tang Yin's left shoulder. Although he wore a coat to block the steel arrow inserted in his shoulder, he could still see the high bulge.

Tang Yin restrained her smile, narrowed her eyes dangerously, and stared coldly at Fu Tao.

For a moment, Fu Tao felt that the temperature around him had dropped several degrees at once, and couldn't help but excite Lingling to fight a cold war. I have never met a young man in his twenties who can bring such a strong sense of oppression to himself.

He endured the discomfort in his heart and continued: "if I can help the king remove the dragon scale, I wonder if the king can help me get Tianxiang cardamom?"

This sentence made everyone present take a breath. Can he remove the Dragon scales of Qingyun hall? Is that possible?

Cheng Jin stepped forward and shouted in a deep voice, "Fu Tao, you should know what happens when you speak wildly in front of the king."

Even Lin Chao and Yu Zijing, who came with Fu Tao, frowned darkly. They can't understand Fu Tao's ability. If Lingwu is said to be a first-class expert, but when it comes to secret devices and concealed weapons, does he know shit? What's more, it's the treasure of Qingyun Hall - dragon scale falling!

Fu Tao turned a blind eye to the suspicious eyes of the people around him, looked at Tang Yin and said positively, "king, within three days, the villain will bring someone to remove the Dragon scales for the king. However, Tianxiang cardamom..."

Tang Yin then said, "if you can find someone to draw arrows for the king and unite with the Rangers in the city to help the king break the city, Tianxiang cardamom will be yours."

Fu Tao was overjoyed and asked brightly, "is your majesty serious?"

"You have no jokes!"

"OK! I'll find someone to draw an arrow for the king." As he spoke, he stood up and saluted Tang Yin deeply.

Tang Yin nodded quietly, stretched out three fingers and said, "remember, you only have three days. After three days, Ningyang will fall into a sea of fire. I don't know what will happen to Tianxiang cardamom."

"Don't worry, your majesty. Three days is enough."

"Well, you can go." Tang Yin casually waved her hand and leaned into Su Yelei's arms as she sat on the collapsed bed. In the eyes of outsiders, Tang Yin seems to be a greedy woman. As soon as he finished talking about business, he got into the arms of a woman. In fact, after sitting for such a while, the arrow injury on his shoulder made him unable to sit still.

Su Yelei clearly felt that the clothes behind Tang Yin seemed to have just been washed with water. Those were his cold sweat.

After the three of Fu Tao left, the people in the account couldn't help but come forward together and ask, "king, can this person's words be taken seriously?"

"Yes, it feels like he's talking nonsense."

"Perhaps the annihilation sent by Ning people deliberately delayed time!"

"Yes, the king should not let these three people go easily."


Everyone said everything. Tang Yin listened and didn't get close to his ears. The arrow wound on his shoulder hurt so much that he couldn't think. He just felt the buzzing sound in his ear.

Before Tang Yin spoke, Su Yelei, who was almost half holding Tang Yin, couldn't help it anymore. She screamed, "what are you doing? Can't you let your king rest for a while?"

The people suddenly shouted, "Tang yinlei's face turned pale as if she were the king of the night."

"Get out! Get out of here!"

Su Yelei angrily stretched out her hand and pointed outside the account.

People look at me and I look at you. They want to be angry with Su Yelei, but they don't dare. Finally, they pull down their heads and carefully withdraw from the sleeping tent. When the king's life and death are at stake, the military doctor is the biggest. If he is dissatisfied with Su Yelei, he can only bear it at this time.

After everyone left, Tang Yin said weakly, "you shout very loudly." She was deafened.

Su Yelei repressed her anger, gently helped Tang Yin lie flat on the bed and said, "lie down first."

Looking at her flushed cheeks due to anger, Tang Yin couldn't help teasing her and muttered, "I still feel more comfortable lying in your arms..."

"You..." Su Yelei was angry and glared at him.

If Tang Yin hadn't been hurt, she might have been tempted to slap him, but now that Tang Yin is so weak, she's really afraid of slapping him to death.

Let's say that Fu Tao, Lin Chao and Yu Zijing left the Fengjun camp.

After they came out, Lin Chao and Yu Zijing grabbed Fu Tao by one sleeve, grabbed him, and asked in unison, "brother Fu, where are you going to find someone who can remove the Dragon scales?"

Fu Tao smiled with confidence and said: "* * at the foot of the mountain, smart villa!"

Lin Chao and Yu Zijing inhaled, glanced at each other, and asked suspiciously, "do you mean that Xia Jie, the villa leader of Qiaoqiao villa, can remove the Dragon scales?"


"Then you..."

"Xia Jie doesn't have such ability, but it's said that Xia Yufu, Xia Jie's eldest daughter, is a mechanism genius. The recent vicious concealed weapons in Qiqiao villa are made by Xia Yufu."

"Then... Will she help us?"


"Then you..."

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