Qiu Zhen asked people to find two female generals, Aijia and Wuying, and search Xia Yufu. As a result, no concealed weapon was found on Xia Yufu. Qiu Zhen felt relieved and immediately asked someone to untie all the ropes on her body.

Xia Yufu finally recovered * * *, sat in the carriage and didn't come out. She looked at Qiu Zhen and others coldly.

"Is it miss Yufu?" Qiu Zhen, with a kind smile on his face, stood outside the car and asked softly.

"...." Xia Yufu didn't answer, and her eyes stared at him.

Qiu Zhen was not angry about her hostility. She continued to ask, "Miss Yufu must have heard of the unique concealed weapon dragon scale falling of Qingyun hall?"

"..." there was still no reply.

Qiu Zhen sighed gently and said, "I'm not afraid to tell Miss Yufu the truth. The dragon scale in my king's body falls and the arrow can't be taken off. This time, Miss Yufu is invited to come in the hope that Miss Yufu can help and take the arrow for the king."


"Of course, as long as Miss Yufu is willing to take off the Dragon scales smoothly, the king will have a lot of rewards. Miss Yufu doesn't hesitate to ask how much gold and silver she wants."


From the beginning to the end, Qiu Zhen was talking alone. Xia Yufu didn't reply. She didn't even say a word. Qiu Zhen frowned and wondered if the woman was mute. He looked suspiciously at the three of Fu Tao.

Fu Tao swallowed and spit, turned his eyes and said to Xia Yufu in the car, "Miss Yufu knows where this is? I think Miss Yufu should cooperate a little, if you don't want to destroy Qiqiao villa."

The words had an effect. Xia Yufu's originally calm expression was immediately replaced by anger. She stared at Fu Tao fiercely, and her teeth were itching.

Fu Tao completely ignored her anger, Said coldly: "The Fengjun camp is only one day away from Jiqiao villa. Once miss Yufu annoys the Fengjun and the army kills the * * mountain, think about it. Even if the mechanism ambush of Jiqiao villa is fierce, can you stand the attack of tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of troops? Then the Fengjun will be able to step on the ground as soon as it passes by, and miss Yufu's parents, brothers and sisters, as well as in the villa All of us will eventually die in the chaos... "

Before he finished speaking, Xia Yufu, whose face was ugly, finally couldn't help but yell, "shut up!"

Fu Tao shrugged carelessly and said, "since Miss Yufu is an expert in mechanism technology, she is naturally a smart man. You should know how to save Jiqiao mountain villa and how to do it will lead to the destruction and death of Jiqiao mountain villa."


Xia Yufu fell silent again, but the light and fire in her eyes became more and more prosperous.

Qiu Zhen secretly laughed beside him. Xia Yufu could understand his anger at this time. Even if he stood in the position of an outsider and listened to Fu Tao's words, he would rush forward to cut him twice.

Xia Yufu sat quietly in the car for a long time. When everyone outside the car was impatient, her body suddenly moved, and then moved out of the carriage a little bit.

When I got outside the car, I didn't even see Fu Tao. I directly said to Qiu Zhen, "take me to see your king!"

Qiu Zhen was overjoyed, but he didn't show it on his face. Half confessing and half warning, he said, "Miss Yufu should know how to be measured in front of the king and abide by the rules. If my king has good or bad, I believe many people will die because of it."

Xia Yufu took a deep look at him, didn't answer, and didn't make any guarantee. She simply said, "lead the way."

What a calm woman. In the wind army camp, but without fear, even men who have experienced great storms may not be able to do this. While Qiu Zhen nodded secretly, he was more careful. While taking Xia Yufu to Tang Yin's sleeping tent, he said to Fu Tao: "wait here first."


After Qiu Zhen finished, he didn't say much and led the people away. Fu Tao and his three men still wanted to catch up, but Sergeant Feng and his soldiers around him crowded up and surrounded them.

In front of the sleeping tent, Qiu Zhen asked the bodyguard outside, "did the king wake up?"

"The king is awake." The bodyguard looked at Xia Yufu behind Qiu Zhen and asked, "this is..."

"The man who draws the arrow for the king!"

The bodyguard is full of doubt. Is a woman able to crack the dragon scale? But Qiu Zhen said so. He didn't dare to say any more. He stepped forward and tried to search himself.

Xia Yufu's face changed slightly and subconsciously took a step backward. At this time, Qiu Zhen turned back and said, "there's no need to search. General AI and general Wu have already done the search."

"Yes! Qiu Xiang!"

The bodyguard bowed back, opened the curtain and let Qiu Zhen and Xia Yufu enter. Then Ziying, Aijia, Wuying and others followed in.

In the account. Tang Yin was half lying on the collapsed bed with a thick cushion behind him. Compared with two days ago, his face was paler and his body looked weaker.

Seeing Qiu Zhen leading a woman recently, he was also stunned and looked at Qiu Zhen with inquiring eyes.

Qiu Zhen first saluted and then introduced Tang Yin: "Your Majesty, this is Xia Yufu, the eldest lady of Qiaoqiao villa. She is proficient in mechanism skills and is here to take arrows for your majesty..."

Before he finished, Xia Yufu interrupted, "I haven't agreed to help your king take down the dragon scale!"

Qiu Zhen grinned. This woman is really bold. She ignored what she had just told her.

Tang Yin raises her eyes and looks at Xia Yufu, who is also looking at him. Their eyes meet in the air.

Of course Xia Yufu hasn't seen Tang Yin, but she has heard a lot of rumors about him. In her impression, Tang Yin should be a villain with big arms and round waist, with a face full of flesh and killing people like hemp, but in fact, it's not the case at all. You can see it even when lying in bed. He is tall and slim. Yun said that although his face is pale and ugly, he should be bright and handsome, with sword eyebrows and tiger eyes and a tall nose, The corners of the mouth are curved, without the slightest ferocity. On the contrary, it can make people feel pleasing to the eyes.

be good to hear or see? Xia Yufu secretly bah in her heart. What if she has a good skin bag? What Tang Yin did was abhorrent to everyone.

She did not shy away from Tang Yin's eyes. She looked into his eyes and said, "let me take off the dragon scale for you. You have to promise me three conditions first."

What Tang Yin hates most is that others negotiate terms with him, not to mention being a woman. He looked at Xia Yufu for a long time and said blandly, "speak."

"First, do not infringe on every plant and plant in Jiqiao villa."

Tang Yin closed her eyes and said indifferently, "continue."

"Second, kill all three people who kidnapped me."

kidnap? It turned out that the three of Fu Tao tied her up.

"Go on to the third point."

"Third, no more killing Ning people!"

Tang Yin was stunned at first. Then he couldn't help laughing. His eyes slowly opened and said, "I can accept the first two conditions, but I can't do the third condition. There's no truth in the war between the two countries?"

"As long as you withdraw and there is no battlefield, there will be no more dead!"

"Girl, you are too naive and think of things too simply. I am Wang faning, but I am ordered by the son of heaven to devote myself to the whole country. This is not what I can do if I want to withdraw."

One sentence, ordered by the emperor, immediately blocked Xia Yufu's mouth.

She bit her lips and remained silent for a long time. Fang Nan said, "at least... You have the ability to let go of the people in Ningyang city..."

Tang Yin looked at her with a smile and asked, "haven't you considered your last name? Why don't you ask me to let you go?"

Xia Yufu took a deep breath and said, "if I save you, I will be the sinner of Ningguo. Whether you kill me or not, the result will be the same."

Tang Yin was moved by this. He looked directly at Xia Yufu for a moment, nodded and said, "if your third condition is to let the king let go of the people in Ningyang City, the king can promise you."

"You won't lie to me?"

"The king did what he said." The premise is to look at the mood. Tang Yin added in his heart.

Xia Yufu stopped talking. She took back her eyes, inspected the left and right sides, and saw that there was a table next to her. She walked forward and said, "please prepare paper and pen for me."

Not knowing what she was going to do, Tang Yin asked curiously, "why use paper and pen?" Do you still need this to pull an arrow?

Xia Yufu explained without raising her head: "I need to draw first. It was six years ago that I came into contact with the dragon scale. I'm not sure if I can remember the structure clearly. I need to draw a picture first to see if there are any omissions."

i see! Whether Xia Yufu is really proficient in mechanism or not, at least she has this posture. Tang yinchong waved to the bodyguards around and asked them to prepare paper and pens.

Then he smiled and asked, "does the girl look less than twenty?"

I don't understand why he asked. Xia Yufu didn't hide it and said frankly, "today is eighteen."

"Oh! If so, you were only twelve six years ago."


"When did you touch the dragon scale?"

"I've seen it."

"I only saw it once, and after six years, can you remember its structure?"

Xia Yufu was looking down and thinking. She was impatient with Tang Yin's repeated questions. She said angrily: "although the mechanism concealed weapons have different styles and structures, they have the same principle. As long as they are proficient in the mechanism, they can know the internal structure even if they have only seen it once. Are you finished? How can you ask endlessly?"

Hearing Xia Yufu's reprimand, everyone around could not help but pinch a cold sweat for her. She is so presumptuous that once she annoys the king, she can't keep ten heads.

Tang Yin was not angry, but felt very innocent. It was related to his surname and life. How could he be more careful without asking?

Soon, the bodyguard took paper and pen and put them on the table. Xia Yufu didn't look at the people around her. She picked up her pen, dipped it in ink and drew it quickly on the paper.

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