Xia Yufu painted the picture as if she had suddenly entered the realm of selflessness, ignored everything around her, and just kept sketching on the drawing.

As time passed, Xia Yufu didn't have any intention to stop. Qiu Zhen, Ziying and others were anxious and curious. First, they looked at Tang Yin. The latter had closed their eyes and were closing their eyes. They looked at each other. Then they leaned over to Xia Yufu and stood behind her to see what she was painting.

On the drawings, there are all mechanism layouts, and various parts, large and small, are closely combined. If we didn't know the inside story in advance, people would never believe that the seemingly ordinary crossbow and arrow contained many of these things.

I don't know how long later, when people were stunned, Xia Yufu finally stopped her pen, then bowed her head to inspect the drawing, chanted words in her mouth, and didn't know what she was muttering. After a while, she raised her pen again to supplement the mechanism layout on the drawing. Later, she looked at the drawing again, found something wrong, and corrected and filled it, After repeating this several times, she finally breathed out. It seemed that she had finished the drawing.

Just when people thought she could draw an arrow for Tang Yin, Xia Yufu began to draw little circles on the drawing again, but this time the drawing completely spent a good drawing. Sometimes she drew circles and sometimes forks. After a short time, one side of the drawing became a "ghost symbol" that no one could understand.

They didn't understand the mechanism, let alone what she was doing. They could only stare at her and couldn't get into it.

After a long time, Xia Yufu put down her pen, picked up the messy drawings that had been drawn and read them from beginning to end. She closed her eyes and meditated for a moment to know what was right. Then she huddled the drawings, stood up and said, "now you can take the arrow."

Having said that, seeing that the people in the sleeping tent gathered around their back at some time, she stared at herself like a monster. In a bad tone, she said again, "I said, you can take an arrow now!"

People wake up like a dream. Just draw a ghost on the papyrus? People still distrust Xia Yufu. Qiu Zhen smiled and asked, "Miss Yufu, do you want us to prepare something for you?"

"All the tools needed are on the three people who kidnapped me." Xia Yufu said expressionless, "prepare another basin of water. I want to calm my hands."

"OK, I'll prepare someone now!" Qiu Zhen asked someone to go out to find Fu Tao and ask for the tools Xia Yufu needed. A bodyguard brought a basin full of warm water from the outside.

Xia Yufu took the leather bag handed over by the bodyguard, opened it and looked at it. She confirmed that the tools in it were correct, and washed her hands carefully. Then she came close to Tang Yin and said calmly, "is the king of the wind ready? I'm going to pull out the arrow for you. It may hurt a little, but since you've endured for so many days, this pain must be nothing."

Yu Yin asked, "are you sure you are standing in front of the bed?"

"What do you mean?"

"If I'm not sure, I think I should write the suicide note now."

Listening to his gentle tone, it was like saying something completely irrelevant to him. If in the eyes of others, Tang Yin's boldness of vision is admirable, but in Xia Yufu's view, it is not. Tang Yin doesn't even care about his family name and life. It can be imagined about the life and death of others.

If he is an ordinary person, it doesn't matter if he is so crazy, but he is the king of a country. With his surname, I don't know how many people will be killed!

Xia Yufu frowned and stared at Tang Yin for a long time. Fang slowly said, "you may not care about your own life or death, but I don't want to harm hundreds of people in Qiqiao villa as your burial objects. If you can't trust me, please let me go home immediately or just execute me!"

Tang Yin's eyes twinkled with a deep light and looked straight at Xia Yufu, as if he could always see her heart. For a long time, he suddenly laughed, threw off his coat, then lay flat on the bed, closed his eyes and said, "you can start."

He decisively handed his surname to Xia Yufu, who was speechless. He bent down and looked carefully at the Dragon scales on Tang Yin's shoulder.

The wound on Tang Yin's shoulder is much heavier than she expected. The skin and meat around the arrow branch have begun to rot. the rotten smell combined with the strong medicine smell makes people feel pungent.

It's hard to imagine how he survived these days. Xia Yufu estimated that even if he succeeded in removing the dragon scale, it would be difficult to save him from such a serious injury.

But these things have nothing to do with her. She is only responsible for removing the Dragon scales.

Restrain her mind, Xia Yufu forced herself to focus all her energy on the falling of dragon scales.

She stared for a moment, then stretched out her hands, pinched the arrow body with one hand and the tail with the other, and then the hand pinching the tail began to twist slowly.

It was not until this time that people found that the Dragon scales were not integrated, and there was still a connection between the arrow tail and the arrow body.

People gathered around the collapsed bed and held their breath. The atmosphere didn't dare to breathe for fear of affecting Xia Yufu's distraction.

But even so, Xia Yufu, who twisted the tail of the arrow, said without turning her head: "leave at most two people, and everyone else will quit!"

The crowd was stunned at first, then looked at each other, but no one left.

At this time, Qiu Zhen said, "general Cheng and I are here to accompany the king. All generals should wait outside the tent!"

When Qiu Zhen spoke, people dared not refuse, and withdrew from their sleeping accounts one after another.

Xia Yufu's movements are light and soft, very slow. It can be seen that she is also careful.

She pinched the tail of the arrow by turning it half a circle and then back half a circle. There was an outward pull on her hand. After two columns of incense, the tail of the arrow with the dragon scale fell off completely.

Qiu Zhen and Cheng Jin looked surprised and craned their necks. They didn't see it very clearly, but one thing is certain: the steel arrow is not solid, but it is empty.

Xia Yufu took out a thin and long steel needle from her leather bag and slowly probed into the inside of the steel arrow. She didn't see much movement on her fingers, but there was a continuous light sound in the steel arrow.

At this time, her movements became more cautious. She knew that this was one of the most critical steps. An carelessness could lead to the arrow core touching the mechanism and ejecting a deadly steel needle in Tang Yin's body.

As time went by, Xia Yufu's face became more and more ruddy, and thin beads of sweat seeped out on her forehead.

After a long time, she slowly pulled the steel needle out of the arrow, and then hissed for a long time. No matter whether there was a towel around, she picked up the quilt covered by Tang Yin, wiped it on her face, wiped away the sweat, and took out a long and narrow tweezers from the leather bag. She moved equally slowly, carefully probed into the arrow body, clamped the arrow core inside and pulled it out slowly.

With the existence of the arrow core, the falling dragon scale is the fatal hidden arrow. Without the arrow core, the threat is greatly reduced.

After removing the arrow core, Xia Yufu started the most critical second step again, taking the steel needle from the arrow.

Because the steel needle is located in the arrow part, and the arrow is inside Tang Yin's body, to take the steel needle, you can only open the muscle near Tang Yin's arrow injury.

Xia Yufu takes out the knife, asks Qiu Zhen and Cheng Jin to prepare a bowl of wind wine, ignites it, and puts the knife into it for disinfection. Then she picked up the knife and said to Tang Yin, "the time of pain is coming. Don't move. If you touch the mechanism of the dragon scale falling, you can't blame me."

Tang Yin didn't speak, but the corners of his mouth turned upward for a moment as an answer.

Seeing this, Xia Yufu was no longer polite. She picked up the knife and inserted it along the flesh near Tang Yin's wound.

The skin and flesh around the wound have been necrotic, but the necrotic part is only the upper part, and the lower part is still good.

She inserted the knife mercilessly. Tang Yin's body just trembled a little, and then there was no other reaction.

No matter how deeply she disliked him, Xia Yufu admired Tang Yin's endurance.

At first, black blood flowed out. As the knife was inserted deeper and deeper, scarlet blood also flowed out.

Her action was almost rude. She cut a deep and long hole in the arrow wound, picked up the tweezers again, probed into the skin and meat, reversed it for a long time, and then took the tweezers out of Tang Yin's body. At the same time, there was a silver needle as thin as ox hair on the tweezers.

Next, she did the same thing, cut the same long cut on the left side of the wound, put the tweezers into it, and after a while, she took out a silver needle of the same size and thickness.

She cut the flesh on three sides of the arrow wound one after another and took out three silver needles. When she wanted to cut the last side, she suddenly found that Tang Yin was surprisingly calm. From beginning to end, she didn't even say a word and lay on the collapsed bed.

She sneered and muttered, "you'll pass out. I thought you were great!"

With that, she cut the flesh on the last side of the arrow with a knife.

Tang Yin, who thought she had already passed out, suddenly said, "although I'm not very great, I hope you can focus all your energy on the arrow on my shoulder."

His sudden voice made Xia Yufu tremble. The knife almost immediately pulled away from Tang Yin's body. Then he stared at him with a pair of Phoenix eyes that were about to * * * and said angrily: "I'm going to die! Do you know that I was frightened when I helped you pull out the arrow. The first death was not me, but you!"

Tang Yin smiled innocently and said, "I'm just taking your words."

Xia Yufu knew that she was wrong. She uttered a heavy voice and muttered, "if you don't want to die, just shut up... I've never seen anyone hurt so badly and talk so much like you..."

Listening to Xia Yufu's broken thoughts, Tang Yin had no choice but to smile bitterly.

Clip out the fourth and last silver needle, and it's finally a success. It's reasonable to say that there's no Xia Yufu at this time. Next, she needs to inform the medical officer to pull out the arrow and deal with the wound. But when she put down her tweezers, she grabbed the arrow body of the dragon scale with a bad heart, and didn't say hello to Tang Yin in advance. She pulled it out without warning.

Hearing the sound of fluttering, long Lingluo was forcibly pulled out by her. Tang Yin almost jumped out of the bed. Qiu Zhen and Cheng Jin were scared to death. They shouted in unison, "God, what are you doing?"

Xia Yufu was shaking on the ground, and the dragon scale fell in his hand and said, "didn't you ask me to pull out the arrow? Now I pull out the arrow!"

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