Jin Huan and Shen Fang didn't fight each other for a long time, so they were beaten. They only had the ability to parry and had no power to fight back. Mingxiaotian also wanted to go up to help, but before he could do it, Jin Huan and Shen were forcibly cut into several pieces by the secret arrows.

It's a pity that these two middle generals of Ning Guotang didn't die in front of the two armies or among thousands of troops, but they died under the siege of hidden arrows.

Watching them die miserably, Gao Shan was anxious, angry and sad. His facial features were distorted and he howled and jumped at the hidden arrows.

Jin Huan and Shen Fang, both of whom are strong in spirit and martial arts, are dead. Will the hidden arrows pay attention to Gao Shan?

The crowd separated to the left and right, and Cheng Jin came out slowly. At this time, Gao Dan rushed right in front of him. Cheng Jin suddenly took his hand, grabbed the old man's neck, and said with a grimace: "Gao Xiang, I advise you to 'hand in' the troop Talisman, so that we can all feel better. Otherwise, you will be unlucky and your whole family will suffer!"

Gao Shan was pinched by him and his old face turned red. He broke Cheng Jin's palm. Unfortunately, the latter's big hands were like pliers and did not move. He gasped and said in a trembling voice, "I am responsible for all things alone, and it has nothing to do with my family!"

"Ha ha!" Cheng Jin smiled, both sneering and laughing. He looked left and right. Several secret archers turned and walked out of the lobby. After a short time, they returned. At the same time, dozens of wind soldiers followed. They escorted more than a dozen men and women, old and young. These people were either Gao Dan's wife and concubine or his son's children and grandchildren.

Cheng Jin pushed his arm with a slight force. Gao Shan staggered out for a few steps before he could stand firm. His eyes were shocked. He first looked at his family, and finally his eyes fell back on Cheng Jin. Cheng Jindan walked slowly in front of Gao Shan's family with a knife in his hand, and finally stopped in front of a young woman holding a baby in her arms.

Without warning, Cheng Jinmeng reached out and grabbed the baby in Shao *'fu's arms. Shao *'fu'screamed and rushed at Cheng Jin recklessly. The latter didn't even think about it. With his other hand, he saw a flash of cold light, and Shao *'fu's head bounced into the air.

"Ah --"

The left and right gaodan family screamed, and Qi Qi came forward, while Sergeant Feng hurried to hold them firmly. They were not ashamed of Cheng Jin's vicious and ferocious means, but at this time, they would only be poisoned by him. Holding gaodan's family by Feng Jun was tantamount to saving their "sexual" lives.

It was hard for people to break away from the pull of the wind army. They could only stare at the blood red eyes and yell and howl at Cheng Jin.

Adults were shouting, babies were crying, and the scene was in a mess.

For Cheng Jin, killing one person is no different from killing a pig or sheep. He held the crying baby in one hand and looked at Gao Dan with a smile. "Yin" fiercely raised the baby over his head and asked, "Gao Xiang, if I let go now, what would this child do?"

"Beast, beast!" Gao Dan has never suffered such shame in his life. The old man screamed and rushed to Cheng Jin again.

The latter leaned slightly and easily stepped aside. The high order couldn't stop. He grabbed the ground, cut a hole in his forehead, and his face was covered with blood.

Cheng Jin came forward and said softly, "why should Gao Xiang ask for hardship? If you pay the military talisman, you and your family will be all right." As he spoke, he looked at the crying baby in his hand and said with pity: "such a small child doesn't understand anything. How can Gao Xiang bear to let him die!"

His heart attack finally defeated Gao Dan's heart defense. The old man lay on the ground and couldn't help crying.

Cheng Jin and the secret arrows looked at him indifferently. No one laughed at him or pitied him. People's cold eyes are like looking at something that has nothing to do with themselves.

Mingxiaotian couldn't help it any longer. He strode to Gao Dan, reached out to help him, and whispered, "Gao Xiang, give them the talisman. Don't let the whole family suffer with us..."

Gao Shan trembled at first, then couldn't help but look up to the sky and sigh, old tears, wailed and shouted, "King..."

Cheng Jin shook the baby impatiently and said, "Gao Xiang, my patience is limited. Do you 'hand in' or not?"

Gao Shan bit his teeth, put his palm trembling into his arms, took out a red silk bag and held it in his hand for a long time. Then he threw it at Cheng Jin and shouted, "here you are!"

Cheng Jin put down the steel knife, caught the satin bag, weighed it in his hand, looked at the high order, and then handed it to his men.

The secret arrows untied the silk bag, took out half of the lying tiger shaped amulet from inside and respectfully handed it to Cheng Jin.

Yes, it is indeed a talisman. Cheng Jinyou had seen as like as two peas of a half soldier, almost exactly the same.

He nodded, took the talisman into his arms, sneered and said, "I knew the talisman was on you, so I don't have to be so troublesome." As he spoke, he turned and walked out. At the same time, he threw the baby out.


The baby fell to the ground and the cry stopped suddenly.

The scene was silent. Gao Shan is stupid, Ming Xiaotian is stupid, and everyone present is stupid.

"Wind thief, I fought with you!" Gao Shan roared fiercely and struggled to rush to Cheng Jin.

Cheng Jintao didn't turn back, and continued to walk out. At the same time, he said coldly, "the king has an order to kill all people, leaving none!"

In a word, he sentenced everyone present to death. The soldiers of the wind army couldn't bear to start, but the hidden arrows didn't care. After Cheng Jin walked out of the lobby, there was also a scream and wail.

Gao Dan, Ming Xiaotian, Jin Huan, Shen Fang and other senior military generals were killed, which was tantamount to turning the Ningguo army into a group of dragons at once. However, the supreme military talisman of the central army of Ningguo fell into the hands of Feng Jun, and the consequence was that more than 100000 Ningguo central army in Liangzhou city directly gave up resistance.

After the battle in the middle of the night, it finally stopped.

Tang Yin used the military talisman to return all the central army of the state of Ning to their respective camps. Then, the Feng army launched a sweeping campaign throughout the city to kill the officials of the court of the state of Ning.

These officials are mainly the list provided by Zhang Zhihong to Tang Yin.

Tang Yin knows very well that the people Zhang Zhihong doesn't like must be the diehards of Yan Chu. These people must be completely eradicated and never suffer from the future.

The Fengjun's action was swift and vicious. They found the official's residence, surrounded it first, and then made a strong attack. When they invaded the residence, they cut people and killed everyone, whether men or women, always less, master or servant. After killing all the people in the whole house, set off a fire and burn the body with the house.

Near dawn, the huge Liangzhou city was full of fire and smoke. The largest and most prosperous city in the north of Haotian Empire became a hell on earth for a time.

It can't be said that Feng Jun's actions were too cruel. At that time, it was very kind not to kill the city in an all-round way after conquering a city.

Zhang Zhihong used the hand of the wind army to eliminate dissidents and wanted to pave the way for his road to becoming king. As a result, he himself suffered.

After Tang Yin got the complete talisman, the first Ningguo minister who ordered the whole family to be beheaded was Zhang Zhihong.

Zhang Zhihong, who was also active in giving advice to Tang Yin, was stunned on the spot as soon as he listened to his order and doubted whether his ears had heard wrong. However, regardless of those, the left and right Fengjun "bodyguards" stepped forward with big steps, put up his arms and dragged out forcibly.

Seeing that the other party was coming for real, Zhang Zhihong was in a hurry and shouted at Tang Yin: "Your Highness, you promised me to be king Ning! And the emperor has issued a secret edict. You can't kill me. I have a secret edict from the emperor!"

No one paid any attention to him. The bodyguards on the left and right continued to pull him out. Tang Yin turned his head to one side and didn't even look at him.

Zhang Zhihong was more anxious and screamed, "Tang Yin! I help you break the city. How can you repay the enemy with kindness? Tang Yin, I have done meritorious service to the wind country. You can't kill me, you can't kill me -"

Still no one answered or paid any attention to him. The "bodyguard" dragged him outside the hall, kicked him on the knee and kicked him to the ground. Then, the executioner with a ghost knife came forward.

Now, Zhang Zhihong is really anxious. His eyes are red and his facial features are distorted. He looks back at the hall and roars angrily: "Tang Yin, you despicable villain and man, you have no faith. Even if you kill yourself, you will become the laughing stock of the whole world, Tang Yin, villain..."


Before he finished scolding, the executioner had swung a ghost head knife and hit Zhang Zhihong's neck with a heavy chop. The latter's head fell on the ground and rolled on the ground. The wheels were far away, and the blood dyed a large piece of gray square bricks on the ground.

Zhang Zhihong, who wholeheartedly dreams of a prince and secretly colludes with the wind army, eventually ends up in a different place and has no place to die.

He died, and his family was killed by the wind army.

As for his nephew Zhang Tong, his fate was not good. Tang Yin's secret book was sent to Yang Mao, who guarded the north city. At this time, Zhang Tongzheng and Yang Mao were together. After receiving the secret book, the latter opened it and saw that there were three words written on it - kill Zhang Tong.

Zhang Tong didn't know what was going on and asked Yang Mao what the letter from Wang Feng was about.

Yang Mao put away the secret letter as if nothing had happened, smiled at Zhang Tong and said, "it's all right. The king just asked us to guard the North City and can't let a traitor run away!"

Zhang Tong felt relieved when he heard the speech, patted his chest and promised: "don't worry, no one wants to go out of Beicheng with me!"

Yang Mao nodded repeatedly, but taking advantage of Zhang Tong's unprepared opportunity, he fiercely "pulled out" his sword and stabbed Zhang Tong in the back of his heart.

Poor Zhang Tong's skill, but he died in the end. He didn't even know who put the poison on him.

The whole family was persecuted by Princess Cai Liangjun, but the whole family was also persecuted by Princess Cai Liangjun.

Of course, there is a reason why Tang Yin did not move the Cai family.

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