Tang Yin let go of the Cai family. First, the Cai family is weak and typical of a wall, which is more easily controlled. Second, the Cai family has a high reputation and belongs to a famous "family" in the state of Ning. Recovering the Cai family can make a large number of rich and noble people in the state of Ning return to the country of wind.

After the Fengjun army captured Liangzhou, they not only blindly used force to kill, but also adopted a Huairou policy to "lure" the powerful people of Ningguo who are greedy for life and afraid of death.

Feng Jun also surrounded the Cai family's house, but he didn't attack directly.

Tang Yin still attached great importance to the Cai family and came in person.

When Tang Yin arrived, Feng Jun had surrounded Cai's house for three floors, with lamp balls, torches and Liangzi Chinese pine. The outside of the house was as bright as day. Cai's house, on the other hand, has a closed door. The servants and guests in the house have climbed to the wall of the courtyard, twisting their bows and arrows as if they were facing a great enemy.

The atmosphere on the court was dignified and tense, and the "excitement" war was immediately triggered.

Seeing the king coming, Ziying, who commanded here in person, hurried forward, bowed his hands and said, "king, Cai's house has been surrounded by our army, and the Cai family are inside."

"Yes!" Tang Yin nodded and walked out of the crowd slowly with Ziying.

When he got to the front door of CAI's house, he stopped and shouted, "ask Cai song to come out and talk to the king!"

The servants and "door" guests in the house were shocked when they heard that the other party claimed to be the king. There would be no second one except Tang Yin, the king of the wind, who could call himself so in the wind army.

How dare people delay? One of them hurriedly turned and ran to the lobby, shouting: "Sir, the king of the wind is coming! Sir, the king of the wind is outside the house..."

At this time, the lobby was already full of people. In the middle was the abbot Cai song, and around him were the family members of the Cai family. Princess Cai Youlian and Cai Youling, who had a deep relationship with Tang Yin, were among them.

Hearing that Tang Yin, the king of the wind, had arrived outside the house, everyone present was surprised. Her face changed suddenly, especially Cai Youling. She had watched Tang Yin fall off the cliff with her own eyes and thought Tang Yin would have died early. Later, she heard that Tang Yin was nothing at all in the Fengjun camp. She always believed and doubted this. Now she heard that Tang Yin came in person, and her mood is much more complicated than others, They are both surprised and curious. On the contrary, their fear is reduced a lot.

"I'll tell you, Tang Yin killed the king, how can he easily enlarge his sister back?" Cai Peng, the eldest son of CAI song, stood up, holding a sword and said angrily, "it's all death anyway. It's better to fight with Tang Yin!"

Cai GUI, the second son, frowned and said, "don't be impulsive first, brother. If Tang Yin wants to kill my Cai family, he doesn't have to come in person at all. Since he's here, he must have a plan. Father, it's better to go out and meet, maybe..." he didn't finish. He didn't want everyone to have too much hope. He couldn't figure out what Tang Yin was thinking\

Cai song nodded and felt that what Erzi said was reasonable. The old man stood up, looked around at the crowd and sighed, "well, I can't hide. I'll see Tang Yin in person. If you want to kill or cut him, let him!"

"Father, I'll go with you!" Cai Youling then stood up.

Cai song didn't refuse either. He took a deep breath, straightened his clothes and walked out with big steps. Cai Peng, Cai GUI, Cai Youling and other "women" of the Cai family also followed out one after another.

Bang - the big "door" of CAI's house was slowly opened, and the Cai family with CAI Songwei came out one after another.

Cai Yuling, who was "mixed" in the crowd, looked up and saw that there was a horse in front of the Fengjun camp. The young man on the horse was handsome, with a rising corner of his mouth and a naturally smiling face. Who was it, Tang Yin or?

He's not dead! Seeing Tang Yin living well with her own eyes, Cai Youling secretly hissed. She was more surprised than surprised. Even she didn't know why she had such a reaction.

Tsai song didn't know what she was thinking, but when she came out, she saw the wind army with a sea of people outside, and the red tassels pressed tightly, the old man's heart immediately tightened into a ball, and his "legs" and stomach also turned.

Cai Peng, who was impulsive in his "sexual" style, was full of confidence when he didn't see the Feng army and wanted to fight. Now that he saw the Feng army, people can't stand up trembling. On the contrary, the gentle Cai GUI is calm and calm, has no fear of "color", and doesn't squint, turning a blind eye to the surrounding Feng army.

Don't ask. You can guess Tang Yin's identity just by looking at his clothes and style.

The Cai family, led by Cai song, knelt down one after another and kowtowed forward to give a big gift. No matter whether the two sides are hostile or not, Tang Yin, as a prince, should be so in front of others.

Tang Yin immediately smiled and glanced at the people one by one. When he saw Cai Youling, the latter was just looking up at him. Their eyes met in the air.

Cai Youling's mood towards Tang Yin is very complex, and Tang Yin is the same. It is reasonable to say that Cai Youling nearly killed him. He should hate her, but Tang Yin can't find a trace of resentment in his heart.

A little stunned, Tang Yin's smile deepened and nodded slightly to Cai Youling.

Cai Youling saw that the face of "jade" was red. It was rare to have a sense of shyness, and immediately hung his head again.

Tang Yin picked at the corners of her mouth and smiled in her eyes.

At this time, Ziying tried to clear his throat. He didn't know what the king was thinking, but everyone else had come out and knelt in front of him to say hello, but he didn't even say a word, which seemed too impolite.

Tang Yin regained consciousness, waved his hand and said, "get up, everyone!" As he spoke, he turned over and dismounted, took a few steps forward, and stood still in front of CAI song.

The old man trembled in his heart and said, "I don't know your Highness the king of the wind is coming. It's far from welcome. I hope the king of the wind will understand more."

"Ha ha!" Tang Yin chuckled and said, "Lord CAI must want to swallow the king alive now?"

Cai song trembled and hurriedly said, "what did your Highness the wind say?"

"The king executed Yan Chu, a courtier who was disrespectful to the emperor. Don't lord Cai hate the king?"

Tang Yin's questioning is very skillful. He deliberately moved out of the emperor and added a title of courtier to Yan Chu. If Cai song is still loyal to Yan Chu, it is tantamount to admitting that he is also a courtier. He asked this, and gave Cai song the meaning of stepping down the steps to make him take the initiative to draw a clear line with Yan Chu.

Who is Cai song? He was born in a noble family, and he has been an official for most of his life. When Tang Yin asked, he immediately understood that the other party meant to win over him, and the old man immediately climbed up the pole, Zhengse said, "no, no, no, your Highness the king of wind misunderstood. Yan Chu is disrespectful to the emperor and should be punished. The old minister is in the state of Ning. He has always been under the authority of Yan Chu and dare not blame him even if he is dissatisfied. Now his highness the king of wind hoes' traitors' for the country, which is a great pleasure. How can the old minister hate his Highness the king of wind?"

The old man said that his face was not red and he was out of breath, as if he really thought so.

Tang Yin was stunned at first. Then he laughed on his back and said, "as the saying goes, those who know affairs are heroes. Lord Cai is a smart man. Unlike those foolish and loyal courtiers like Zhang Zhihong and Gao Dan, I like to work with smart people."

Hoo! Listening to Tang Yin's hearty laughter and praise for himself, Cai Songfei didn't feel ashamed and blushed. Instead, he still breathed a sigh in his heart. It seems that there is hope to protect the "sexual" life of himself and his family.

Tang Yin's eyes turned, and his eyes fell directly on Cai song's face. He said slowly, "don't you think Lord Cai blames me for making my love a widowed 'woman'?"

Cai song breathes in. This is where he hates Tang Yin most.

When Yan Chu did not die, his "daughter" was still a high-ranking Princess and he was still a powerful ruler. Now that Yan Chu died, Lian suddenly changed from a noble princess to a widowed "woman", and his power disappeared.

However, power is more important than sex. The old man pressed down his anger and said with a compensatory smile, "the old minister has said that the minister is only 'excited' to his highness and has no resentment."

"Well! Lord Cai said so, I'm relieved." Tang Yin said with a smile, "I can't stay at governor Liang's time. I need a trusted minister to stay here and manage Ningdi on behalf of me. I think Lord Cai is the best candidate."

Cai song and the Cai family all couldn't believe their ears. Tang Yin let the Cai family manage Ningdi, which was too surprising. In this way, the Cai family is not only harmless, but also blessed?

The old man was tongue tied. Some could not believe that such a good thing would fall on his head. He stammered: "Your Highness the wind... Don't you make fun of the old minister?"

"Ha ha!" Tang Yin laughed, looked up and said, "you have no jokes. How can you joke about such a big event?"

"Old minister, thank you, your highness longen!" With Tang Yin's confirmation, Cai Songxiang fell to his knees with a plop and kowtowed three times to Tang Yin.

The children of the Cai family were also surprised and happy. They knelt down and knocked again and again.

Among the crowd, only Cai GUI was taking a breath, frowning secretly, shaking her head and sighing that Tang Yin was "Yin" dangerous and cunning.

Tang Yin asked the Cai family to help him manage Ningdi. That's just nice. In fact, Tang Yin is looking for a puppet for himself. Tang Yin won't give the Cai family real power.

Once accepting his request, the Cai family will replace Tang Yin and become the target of all Ning people. They will be shamed and hated by Ning people. But the fatal thing is that they know that there will be such a result, and they can't refuse him, otherwise all the children of the Cai family will be poisoned by the wind army.

Looking for a puppet is a sure business for Tang Yin, but for the Cai family, there are hundreds of harm but no profit, but they can only accept it.

Cai GUI had 120 objections to the matter, but he was silent and did not dare to say a word of No.

Cai song didn't think as much as he did. He was still secretly glad that his power was still there, even more powerful than when Yan Chu was alive.

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