In the valley, the Huan army sounded the horn of attack.

Nearly 150000 troops marched into the canyon in a neat square array and pressed against the wind.

At this time, the wind army standing on the stone pile was a little frightened. People over 10000, boundless; More than 100000 people pull the earth to the sky. It is conceivable that the 150000 Huan troops are advancing together, and the lineup is large. Looking around, you can't see the ground. All you see are people. There's no need to fight. Just such a scene is shocking enough.

However, the Sanshui army is also a seasoned army. No matter how big the lineup is, people are nervous, but they don't feel afraid. Moreover, among them, there is shangguanyuan rang, who is brave and invincible. Shangguanyuan asked Li Dao to stand on the stone pile and looked at the enemy approaching step by step. Instead of blinking, he raised his mouth and showed contempt.

"Kill -"

On the wind army side, the first to attack is the wind army on the top of the mountain on both sides of the canyon. With Liang Qi's order, the arrow above the canyon fell like rain and shot down at the top of Huan Jun's head. For a moment, there was a scream from the Huan army camp. Many soldiers were still walking forward. They were hit by arrows on their heads and fell straight to the ground.

I saw the original neat lineup, and there were countless empty gears in an instant.

However, the Huan army reacted quickly, and the whole army immediately put up shields and set up a shield array. More than 100000 people raised their shields together to form a huge steel shield. The silver shield reflected the sun and pierced people's eyes. The arrows jingle on the shield array. Although they can pass through the gap between the shields from time to time and kill the enemy soldiers below, their power has been greatly reduced.

Liang Qi on the mountain calmly raised the flag and shook it in the air.

While Feng Jun understood, changed tactics and reduced arrow shooting, a large number of taxis lifted the prepared stones and stumps, walked to the edge of the cliff and threw them down with all their strength.

A shield can stop arrows, but it can't stop falling stones and stumps.

When the stone hit the shield, the shield didn't break, but there was a brittle sound of broken bones under the shield. Affected by its hitting force, people's arms holding the shield broke instantly, and the shield held high above the top fell on Huan Bing's head with the stone. Its strength was so great that people fell to the ground in an instant; The weight of the stump is less than that of the stone, but it has a wide range of attack. After falling, it can knock down a piece of people. Even if someone is lucky not to die or be injured, the shield will also be knocked down. Without the protection of the shield, it will be shot into a hedgehog by a steady stream of falling arrows in the blink of an eye.

Under the attack of this intensity, Huan soldiers fell down one after another. In the canyon, the bodies were stacked and the blood flowed into a river. For Huan army, the charge at this time was more like walking on the road of death. No place was safe. No matter where they stood, boulders, stakes and arrows might fall from the sky and fall on their heads at the next moment.

The charge of the Huan army was to go all the way and die all the way. This short Canyon of more than 100 feet has become a distance that countless Huan soldiers will never go out. By now, the Huan army has been completely employing people, and the advancing soldiers have been numb. Even if someone is smashed into meat cakes by a suddenly falling Boulder, the fellow robes next to him won't take a more look, but just walk forward numbly.

The wind troops on the mountain were also numb. At first, people also aimed at throwing stones and arrows downward, but gradually, people no longer aimed at them. When they lifted the stones, they smashed them downward, and when they pulled out the arrows, they shot them downward. People didn't even want to look into the canyon. The scene there can only be described as flesh and blood. Broken limbs and broken arms are everywhere, and the blood dyed the ground blood red, If Huan Jun falls, even if he is not hurt, he can become a bloody man when he gets up again.

When the Huanjun regiment, which was at the front, was only a hundred steps away from the stone pile, 10000 soldiers were less than a thousand, which showed the tragic progress.

However, their doom was not over. Seeing that the enemy entered their own range, shangguanyuan fiercely pulled up the three pointed and two edged knife, waved it forward and shouted, "a hundred steps away! Release the arrow!"

Tao Yu smiled bitterly and shook his head. He was the leader here. As a result, when shangguanyuan asked him to come, he became an idle man.

Shangguan yuanrang is not the main general, but the soldiers of the wind army are willing to obey his orders. He drinks and releases arrows. 30000 wind troops behind the stone pile shoot out their arrows together.

This round of arrow array once again dealt a fatal blow to the Huan army regiment with less than 1000 people. After only one round of arrow shooting, there were only about 100 Huan soldiers who could still stand. Fortunately, the disabled soldiers of the second regiment of the Huan army have followed up and joined the few remaining disabled soldiers of the first regiment to continue to move forward.

Within a hundred steps of the stone pile, it is even more difficult to travel here. There is an arrow array of the wind army in front, and there are rolling logs, beating stones and sporadic arrows on the top of the head. The soldiers can't defend up and down, and can't defend down and up. No one in the whole two regiments of the Huan army has been close to the stone pile for 50 steps. They all died on the way of propulsion. If they are lucky, the soldiers can shoot two or three arrows back, But the vast majority of Huan troops died miserably in the canyon without firing an arrow.

The two regiments were completely annihilated, and no one left the battlefield alive, but the Huan army did not stop. The rest of the army continued to move forward, and people walked numbly on the fragmented bodies of their colleagues.

Liang Qi expected the other party to take such a large-scale suicide breakthrough. With the continuation of the battle, the rolling logs and stones prepared in advance by the wind army began to be insufficient. Liang Qi made a quick decision and assigned some troops to cut wood or collect stones. In addition, he ordered the whole army not to throw and shoot arrows blindly, but to aim at the enemy.

The strength of the rolling logs and stones falling from the mountains on both sides of the canyon was weakened, which gave the Huan army a rare opportunity to charge. Xu Qing saw an opportunity to speed up the progress of the whole army and was sure to cross the stone pile and rush out.

Against the rolling logs and stones falling from time to time, the third regiment of the Huan army still had more than half of its troops when entering the stone pile for a hundred steps, and its commander was not injured. The hundred steps were within range. The regiment grew up and shouted, "put the arrow, archers put the arrow!"

At his command, the archers in the crowd raised their bows and arrows one after another and launched a volley of fire at the wind army above and below the stone pile. While they were shooting arrows, the wind army's arrow array also arrived. For a time, the scream of arrows came from both camps. However, the archers of the wind army are much more than those of the Huan army. When they shoot at each other, the death and injury of the Huan army are much greater than those of the wind army.

The commander of the third Corps kept commanding in the crowd, let the infantry raise their shields in front and charge, and the archers then put their arrows. His command was not wrong, but with only a few thousand people, how could he beat the arrows of 30000 wind troops?

In each round of arrow formation, a large number of Huan troops fell to the ground. After the five rounds of arrow formation of the wind army, there were only a few hundred of the original more than 5000 Huan troops left.

The commander of the army watched his brothers fall to the ground one by one, rushed to the head of the army, cried and shouted, "general, withdraw. The wind army arrow array is too fierce, and we can't rush out!"

"Don't be fucking wordy. If you can't rush out, you have to rush for me. You'll die in front of the battle!" The regiment commander grabbed the commander's collar, pulled his neck and roared.

During the attack, Xu Qing had given an order. The former regiment was exhausted, and the latter regiment was on the top. The heroes who died in the battle were the ones who fled. All the regiments that followed in the rear were killed without mercy.

Xu Qing gave such an order. How dare the regimental commander retreat? He would rather die in front of the two armies than in his own hands.

"Continue to rush! If you are greedy for life and afraid of death, I will chop you first!" The regimental commander raised his sword and wanted to frighten the commander. As a result, a tributary arrow flew over and hit the back neck of the commander. He only heard a flutter, and the bloody arrow poked out of the commander's throat.

The regiment commander also grabbed the armor at his collar, but his body had softened, his pupils were dilated, and his face turned gray. The regiment commander was shocked and frightened. He subconsciously took two steps backward, raised his eyes and looked around. From time to time, some soldiers around him were hit by arrows. Some were hit by critical arrows and killed on the spot. Some were wounded by arrows and fell to the ground, screaming repeatedly. He stretched out his hand to ask his companions for help, but before waiting for the brothers around to come forward for rescue, he counted arrows and was nailed to the ground alive.

This is the power and terror of the wind army arrow array. When the rain of arrows poured down, even the most experienced veterans had nowhere to hide. Even if they hid behind the corpse, the arrows could still penetrate the corpse and shoot it.

Hundreds of taxi soldiers were shot into hedgehogs in the blink of an eye. The head of the army had a spirit armor, but he couldn't withstand continuous strong shots. He was hit by arrows in several places. He didn't fall down. He roared and ran forward with his sword as if he were crazy.

Sergeants and soldiers of the wind above the stone pile raised their arrows one after another, saw the enemy general coming in the face, and shot arrows together.

Pounce, pounce, pounce - hundreds of carved feathers hit the body of the regiment commander. The soul armor on the latter was broken, and the whole person could not see the original appearance, and his body was full of feathers.

The body hit by the arrow ran forward a few steps, then stumbled to the ground and couldn't get up again.

The third regiment of the Huan army also ended with the annihilation of the whole army and no survival.

The battle was far from over. Next, the fourth and fifth regiments of the Huan army rushed up one after another. At this time, the Huan army had completely ignored the arrow array of the wind army and rushed forward regardless. It seemed that people had become wood that didn't know how to think and had forgotten what fear was.

As the enemy rushed closer and closer, from 100 to 50 steps, to 20 and then to 10 steps, the wind army on the stone pile could clearly hear the wheezing sound of the other party.

At such a close distance, the wind army can no longer shoot arrows. People carry bows and arrows, pick up shields and steel knives, and are ready to launch a close battle with the enemy.

The Fengjun army is on the stone pile. It is located at a high place and has the advantage of geographical advantage. It does not intend to rush down, but Shangguan yuanrang suddenly roared, swung his knife and jumped off the stone pile to kill the enemy.

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