Shangguan yuan asked to meet the Huan army who had rushed to kill. As soon as he met him, he released Lingluan · Feng. Dozens of Huan soldiers running in the front were beaten and fell to the ground with wails.

The commander of the regiment in the Huan army camp didn't know Shangguan yuanrang. When he saw that an enemy would rush down on his own initiative, he thought there was an opportunity to take advantage of it and immediately went forward. Before the people arrived, he released the soul chasing sting and wanted to kill the enemy.

Shangguan yuanrang did not dodge and responded with a cross cut. The skills released by them are not strong or weak, but their accomplishments are not at the same level at all. Shangguanyuan let's cross cut and twist the spirit stab shot from the front into thin pieces, then castrate and continue to fly to the soldier head.

The head of the soldier's face suddenly changed. He was in a cold sweat for a moment. He had no time to release other skills to resist, and hurried away to dodge. But now it was too late to dodge. The spirit blade of cross cutting roared past his side. There was a flutter in his ears. Half of his body jumped out, while the other half was cut off by the spirit blade and crushed into several pieces.

Plop! Half of the body fell to the ground, and the viscera, water and blood spilled all over the ground.

Huan soldiers around looked at it, and a frightened expression appeared on their numb face, and their legs retreated involuntarily. Shangguanyuan let him stop without a pause and stop drinking: "kill!" He continued to move forward and swung out the three pointed and two edged sword. A long spirit wave swept forward. More than ten Huan soldiers were cut straight by the spirit wave, their waist was broken, and they screamed and fell down.

Shangguanyuanrang's bravery stimulated the fighting spirit of the windy army. People looked at each other, then roared and jumped down from the stone pile and rushed forward with shangguanyuanrang.

Soon, the two sides came into contact and engaged in close combat. The Huan army was numb in the process of advancing, and its response was much slower than normal. On the battlefield, the response ability was very important, which often determined the life and death of both sides.

As soon as the wind army came up, it cut down a whole row of Huan soldiers. Then, people waved their swords and tried their best to kill all the enemies in front of them.

The fighting time was not long. The Huan army had fallen a large number of people, and the counterattack of the wind army did not slow down, but became more sharp. Even the wind troops who put arrows behind the stone pile put down their bows and arrows, crossed the stone pile and participated in the battle.

The soldiers of the Huan army had forgotten their fear and were numb by the falling stones and rolling logs on their heads, but now they met the fierce and cold wind army like the devil, and a sense of fear was born again in the bottom of people's hearts. The soldiers in front were hacked in groups, and the soldiers in the back turned pale and retreated involuntarily.

As a result, a fault immediately appeared in the Huan army camp. The soldiers in front were fighting with blood, while the soldiers in the rear were retreating as a whole. The vacuum zone in the middle became larger and larger. Later, a section of open space more than ten meters wide was formed.

When the last Huan soldier in front of the battle was cut to death by the wind army, the Huan army behind could no longer bear the panic in his heart and the sense of oppression caused by the enemy. He screamed and ran back. However, what followed the regiment to meet them was not strong rescue, but cold halberds and spears.

In the sound of iron weapons breaking armor, a whole row of defeated Huan soldiers were assassinated by their own robes. The advancing army array continued to move forward, and the weapons in people's hands continued to be ruthlessly used on their own deserters. With more and more deserters killed, Huan soldiers could only turn back again and meet the wind army who came to kill them.

Under this attack, the fourth regiment of the Huan army was declared dead. Then, the Feng army of the above official yuan rang Wei came into contact with the fifth regiment of the Huan army, and the two sides fought fiercely.

Tao Yu, the real commander of the Feng army, did not follow shangguanyuan to fight the enemy. Instead, he stood on the stone pile, commanded the remaining Feng soldiers and continued to shoot arrows. At this time, of course, the arrow array of the wind army is to avoid the central area of the battle between the two sides and shoot at the enemy about a hundred steps. At the same time, Tao Yu ordered all his riprap machines to shoot and smash into the enemy camp.

His intention is also very clear, to break the fault of the enemy's camp, so as to support his brothers who fight hand to hand with the enemy.

The battle continued endlessly, from dawn to noon, and the confrontation between the two armies became a fierce battle between the two armies.

At noon, the wind army on the mountain collected and cut down many stones and rolling logs. At the command of Liang Qi, the stones and stumps collected by the wind army were concentrated and thrown down. In a moment, the Huan army camp in the canyon was smashed into a big gap nearly ten meters wide. The Huan soldiers within ten meters fell to the ground. The field was covered with flesh and blood, and a lot of blood and water gurgled out from the bottom of the boulder, Huan Bing's body had been crushed by stones and could not be seen.

The Huan army in front couldn't go up, rushed to a regiment and killed one regiment, while the Huan army behind was still being attacked by the enemy. How can we fight this battle?

Up to now, there have been tens of thousands of casualties in Huan army. Finally, Xu Qing was afraid that if he charged again, his own army would be destroyed. He hastily ordered to stop the war.

This order made the soldiers on both sides of the enemy breathe a sigh of relief. For the Huan army, to stop breaking through is to get back one's life. For the Feng army, it is to kill until it is soft, and then fight, many people may have to spit it out.

The fierce battle finally ended with the withdrawal of the Huan army.

In this war, the casualties of the Fengjun army were not large. Most of the soldiers did not have direct contact with the enemy, so there were only thousands of casualties. More than half of them were caused by the enemy's arrows, while the deaths and injuries of the Huan army were too heavy. There were no soldiers left in the five regiments, the integrated ones were knocked out, and the remaining ten regiments also had casualties. Originally 150000 people, after World War I, Only more than 80000 people remained, including many soldiers who were seriously injured and unable to fight again.

The Huan army retreated at this time, which basically means that they have given up their plan to break through. When the layout of the Feng army is not completely perfect and the Huan army's strength is at its peak, they can't break through. When the next war comes, the preparation of the Feng army will be more sufficient. How can the Huan army with only more than 80000 people rush out?

In the canyon, there is nothing else to see now. In addition to corpses or corpses, even the mountain walls on both sides of the canyon are washed black and purple by blood. More than half of the canyon is basically no different from hell.

At the time of the armistice, both sides sent soldiers without weapons and armor and with white belts on their arms into the canyon to collect the bodies of their own dead.

It's OK for Feng Jun to say that thousands of bodies will be closed in a moment, but there are too many bodies of Huan Jun, and many of them are smashed and flattened, which can't be put together. Huan Jun can only take away the bodies of the commander and commander, and all the bodies of other soldiers are left in the canyon.

They don't take it away, but the Feng army can't ignore it. It doesn't know how many days it will take to fight this war. So many bodies are exposed in the wilderness and allowed to rot, which will breed plague. The trapped Huan army is not afraid of anything, but the Feng army doesn't want to have a wide range of injuries.

All the bodies of Huan's soldiers were pulled out of the canyon by the wind army and buried on the spot. So many Huan soldiers who died in the War didn't even leave their names after death. They just gathered together for burial, which made people sigh.

Although the enemy withdrew, the preparation of the wind army did not stop, and the stones and stumps were still actively preparing for the next round of breakthrough of the Huan army.

Liang Qi knew very well that the Huan army came after his own side. The army didn't carry luggage, and there was not enough food and grass. There was no food and water in the valley. If the Huan army didn't break through, it could only starve and die of thirst.

However, this time, the preparation of the wind army has become useless. After this war, the two sides have not renewed large-scale fighting.

As the army of the four countries of the wind fighting alliance, the an army was completely annihilated by the plain army of the wind country, and the Huan army was trapped in the dead valley by the Sanshui army of the wind country. The 400000 troops of the two countries were beaten by others before they even arrived at the local land of the wind country. Such a result was unexpected by the Chuanzhen coalition army.

In this crusade against Fengguo, Chuan and Zhen sent 500000 troops each, and there were millions of troops in one place. The general in charge of the general of the state of Sichuan, Hou renfang Ziyang, was in charge.

The news that the Huan army was trapped also spread to Ren Fang. He didn't intend to rescue it at all. In Ren Fang's view, the 400000 troops sent by an and Huan were embarrassed and important. From the march route of the two countries, it can be seen that the two countries didn't dare to beat the hegemonic pass guarded by the heavy troops of Feng country, but took a detour to Ningdi. Based on this, Ren Fang looked down on an and Huan army in his heart.

Ren Fang can't be compared with Li De, commander-in-chief of an army and Xu Qing, commander-in-chief of Huan army. He is a famous general of the state of Sichuan. When the state of Sichuan annexed small cities in the south, most of them were fought by him, and then Chuan Zhen joined hands to attack Shangjing. The commander of the state of Sichuan is Ren Fang.

He is not very old. He is only in his early thirties. He was born a noble man. His son inherited his father and became a marquis when he was in his twenties. However, he is not arrogant and polite as those nobles in other countries. He is also studious. He is not only proficient in military books and strategies, but also knows poetry, calligraphy and painting. His real literary and martial talents also win the trust and love of Xiao Xuan, the monarch of Sichuan.

Ren Fang is a typical aristocrat in Sichuan. From him, we can see the characteristics of many aristocrats in Sichuan. He values etiquette, knows how to love and respect ordinary people, values fame and reputation more than his own life, is infinitely loyal to the monarch and the country, and is willing to sacrifice for it at any time.

The strength of the state of Sichuan is due to the strength of the nobility of the state of Sichuan, which benefits from the tradition and cultural heritage of the state of Sichuan.

In terms of tradition and culture, the country with the greatest difference from the state of Sichuan is the state of Zhen. Compared with the state of Sichuan, the state of Zhen is more like a barbarian country. All the people are soldiers, and the people fight bravely and ruthlessly. Whoever has a hard fist has a high status and status. The fittest survive and the fittest perish.

In fact, the alliance between Sichuan and Zhen is a temporary measure of rights and interests because they have common goals and interests. It is not how good the two countries are and how deep the traditional friendship is. This is also the fatal injury of the Sichuan Zhen alliance.

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