Ren Fang didn't plan to rescue the trapped Huan army, but the envoys of Huan rushed day and night to the camp of the Chuanzhen coalition army and asked Ren Fang to send troops for rescue.

Anyway, Huan was an ally after all. Since others came to the door, Ren Fang couldn't refuse. He promised. In fact, he didn't report much hope whether he could save Huan army.

He didn't go to the battlefield in person, but he had carefully read the war report. Feng Jun's plan was not clever. If there was no Shangguan yuanrang, anyone could detect the flaw in the plan to lead the enemy into the urn. Because the Huan army is chasing and killing the enemy and pays attention to the degree, it is impossible for the army to carry luggage. The most food and grass is rations for one or two days. Now it is good to be trapped in Jedi and can support for four or five days. Now the Chuan Zhen coalition Army has just arrived in Anguo. Even if the troops rush through, it will take nearly a month. Can the trapped Huan army survive for such a long time? I'm afraid I'm starving.

Moreover, the Feng army has entered the country of Mo to fight. Millions of troops on their own side go to the rescue regardless. What if they are trapped by the Feng army?

Out of all kinds of concerns, Ren Fang promised happily. In fact, the march of the Chuanzhen coalition army did not accelerate, but remained the same.

Nie Ze, commander of Zhenguo, was very dissatisfied with his decision. It's not that Nie Ze hopes to rescue Huan army. He just feels that Ren Fang's progress is too slow. In the past, he didn't have a problem with such a degree when the two armies were there. He also wants to use the two armies as a pathfinder, but now both armies are finished and need their own side to fight. Isn't it a delay to the fighter plane?

Nie Ze, like Ren Fang, is a general and is more than ten years older than the latter, but Ren Fang is the commander of the coalition army. He doesn't agree with the whole March. Nie Ze has no choice but to secretly report to his own monarch that Ren Fang's unification of the army is disadvantageous, has the suspicion of fear of war, and needs to replace the commander of the coalition army.

In fact, Ren Fang's concern is very reasonable. The Huan army trapped in the death valley really lasted less than a month. Only three days later, the Huan army began to be difficult to support.

Not only the food and water sources were in urgent need, but the key was that the wounded could not get sufficient medical treatment. Huan Jun's medicine was used up on the first day. In the next two days, the wounded didn't have medicine to apply to the wound. The wound began to be inflamed and suppurative, and people began to have a high fever. In this way, the water in the army was used faster.

Under such conditions, minor injuries become serious injuries, and the seriously injured often close their eyes and never open them again. In such a large Canyon, whether day or night, there are intermittent groans of the wounded. The wind army on the mountain was tortured by the endless pain and couldn't sleep. It can be imagined that Huan army in the canyon was going crazy, and even had the impulse to take up arms and kill all the injured.

Three days later, the Huan army had no water left and no grain left. The hungry Huan Army soldiers' eyes glowed blue. At night, the situation of stealing and killing military horses began to explode on a large scale.

The infantry had no feelings for the horses, but the cavalry could see their horses as their lives. When groups of soldiers rushed to their horses, the cavalry rushed to stop them. As a result, in front of the hungry and irrational soldiers, they were either knocked over to the ground or stabbed to death.

By this time, the situation of the Huan army had begun to get out of control.

But where are the few war horses in the Huan army enough to feed 80000 people? When all the horses that could be killed in the army were eaten up, people began to eat the grass on the ground. Some people didn't grab the grass stem, and even took a knife to scrape the moss on the stone wall.

Five days later, there was nothing to eat in the valley. At this time, the cruelest scene was that people ate people!

Up to now, the valley is not only like the human world, but also the hungry ghost world in the six samsara.

Xu Qing didn't control his soldiers, but he couldn't control them at all. In front of the most basic needs of mankind, his orders seemed insignificant, and no one listened to him at all.

In this case, Xu Qing survived for seven days. Seven days later, even he was thirsty and hungry and had the impulse to eat human flesh and drink human blood. He could not survive any longer, and he could not wait for the arrival of reinforcements. At this time, Xu Qing finally issued the most difficult order in his life, and the whole army surrendered.

At the end of the first World War, there were more than 80000 Huan troops. Seven days later, when all surrendered, there were 10000 fewer. Some died, some were killed, and some were eaten alive. When the wind army received more than 70000 troops, people couldn't tell what kind of mood it was.

Huan soldiers, all yellow and skinny, with sunken eyes, looked like starving ghosts. Seeing that the wind army had brought food, countless Huan soldiers rushed up, grabbed it and stuffed it into their mouth. After a few bites, many people covered their throats and fell to the ground with a dry cough. As for the wounded in Huan army, many people don't know how to save them. The wounds are rotten and maggots in a wide range. People are already dying and half dead

Liang Qi specially asked people to invite Xu Qing, commander of the Huan army, into his camp. In fact, it's just an invitation. In recent days, no water or particles have been fed, and Xu Qing's weak even can't stand stably.

Liang Qi was very polite to his defeated general. After inviting Xu Qing to his seat, he specially asked him to send wine and meat.

Xu Qing wanted to be polite, but he couldn't be polite. He grabbed the meat on the plate and swallowed it, but he only ate a few mouthfuls. He bent down and vomited. Liang Qi looked at the left and right generals with a wry smile. People were shaking their heads. Now no one sees Xu Qing's joke, but he felt very poor.

Tao Yu stepped forward, kindly held Xu Qing and said, "General Xu may not have eaten for many days. Now he shouldn't eat too fast. Drink some wine first."

Xu Qing was obedient. He picked up the wine glass, gulped and drank it clean.

After drinking a glass of wine, his pale face finally recovered a touch of blood, and he sat on the mat and hissed for a long time.

After waiting for him to slow down for a while, Liang Qifang said with a light smile, "General Xu, you have suffered these days."

Xu Qing spits in his throat and looks up at Liang Qi. After a while, he suddenly realizes that the young man sitting in the middle should be the commander of the wind army.

He got up quickly, fell on his knees with a plop, and said, "the defeated general, see the general!"

Now he is a prisoner. People hold the power of life and death for him and tens of thousands of soldiers under his command. How dare he not be careful and respectful?!

Liang Qi smiled, waved his hand and said, "General Xu, you're welcome. Please get up quickly."

"Thank you, general."

"My name is Liang Qi. I'm the commander-in-chief of the Sanshui army of the wind country."

"I know." Of course, Xu Qing knows that his opponent is the Sanshui army, and of course, the commander of the Sanshui army is general Liang Qi of the wind country.

Liang Qi nodded and said with a smile, "if you offend General Xu on the battlefield, I hope General Xu won't be surprised."

I didn't expect Liang Qi to be so polite to himself. Xu qingpo felt flattered. He quickly leaned over and bowed his hands and said, "the general is so polite. I should thank the general for his mercy."

Liang Qi said, "there is no old grudge between the two countries. On the contrary, businessmen of the two countries often have contacts. I don't know why your country suddenly sent troops to invade our country this time?"

This sentence stopped Xu Qing. I don't know how to answer it. If it is said that the wind state kidnapped the emperor and Huan sent troops to fight, it is his own death. If it is said that Huan dare not offend Chuanzhen and respond to the call of the two countries and send troops, it is too humiliating. Xu Qing hesitated for a long time and didn't say anything. He saw beads of sweat on his anxious forehead.

Liang Qi didn't embarrass him either. Youyou said, "it's reasonable to say that the two countries are at war and the two armies are fighting. They regard each other as their mortal enemy. Today, General Xu was forced to lead the army to surrender. I should kill them all..."

Xu Qing heard the speech, his head hummed and nearly collapsed to the ground on the spot. "General... Don't even shake his hand..."

Liang Qi raised his hand to interrupt him, Continue: "However, as I said just now, there is no old grudge between our two countries. The battle in Mozambique is inexplicable. I decided not to kill you and let you go home. I just hope that General Xu will see his highness King Huan after returning home, which shows that I have no intention of being an enemy with Huan. I also hope that Huan will not start fighting against me again. Today's war can be a misunderstanding , I will not be held accountable for gale, but if your country makes another attack next time, my Gale's tiger and wolf Division will kill them all, and my Gale's iron cavalry will set foot on the territory of Huan country and return blood with blood and tooth for tooth! "

This time, Liang Qi, who looked like a scholar, spoke loudly and forcefully, and his eyes shone with terrible light. The sense of oppression and momentum scattered made Feng Jun's generals look at him with some admiration.

In the eyes of the generals, Liang Qi is a treacherous and cunning battlefield fox. He is a genius who is good at strategy and planning. He rarely shows the style of a great general.

Xu Qing was sweating and couldn't answer at all. He just nodded vigorously.

The coldness on Liang Qi's face soon disappeared and returned to the softness of the past. He smiled and said, "well, that's all I want to say. If General Xu wants to, he can stay in my barracks for a few more days."

"No, no, no, I don't dare, i... I want to leave for home immediately..." Xu Qing dares to stay more in the wind camp. Liang Qi is happy now and decides to release all his people, but who knows when he will be unhappy and execute all his people again?

The land of right and wrong, go early!

Liang Qi looked at Xu Qing with a smile and asked, "Mo country is also thousands of miles away from Huan country. General Xu confirmed that his soldiers have the strength to go home now?"

"This..." not to mention the soldiers under his command, Xu Qing himself doesn't have the strength to travel long distances now.

Liang Qiyi smiled and said, "although General Xu can stay at ease, our army will leave tomorrow. We will leave tents and sufficient food and grass. Your army will not live in wild mountains and suffer from cold and hunger."

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