Nie Ze hesitated after listening to Guo song's suggestion, but he didn't worry that doing so would be too cruel to the wind army in the tyrant pass. He was only happy when all the wind army died. He was considering whether using the corpses of the soldiers as the transmission medium of the plague would cause unrest in the morale of the army.

At that time, it was important for the dead to be big and safe. Even when collecting the dead, try to collect the whole body as much as possible. Now it is necessary to soak the bodies of the dead in the water to breed plague, and then throw them all out, so as to end up in a place without burial. What would the soldiers think? What does the coach think of himself?

Nie Ze hesitated and thought that although Guo song's idea was good, it might cause dissatisfaction among the soldiers of the whole army.

He couldn't make up his mind and asked the left and right generals, "generals, what do you think of Mr. Guo song's plan?"

"This..." none of the generals thought Guo song's idea was good, but if they opposed it, they had to put forward better ways to break the city. If so, people would have said it long ago. Why wait until now? The generals looked at each other, and no one spoke, that is, they did not agree or object.

Seeing this, Nie Ze was angry and asked in a deep voice, "why? Do all the generals have no opinion? It's time to make you become fucking dumb when you talk!"

Listening to Nie Ze's reprimand, people's heads hung lower. Finally, Gao Jun said, "plague... Is it too dangerous? What if it infects the military camp?"

Guo song had thought about this for a long time, and then said, "our army can dig a pool a little far away from the military camp and set up a fence to protect it."

Gao Jun frowned and said, "isn't it... Too cruel to spoil the bodies of our dead brothers?"

This is exactly what Nie Ze is worried about. Seeing that Gao Jun asked for himself, he immediately looked at Guo song.

Guo song pretended to sigh, Shrugging his shoulders, he said, "there's no way. If we continue to attack like this, we don't know how many days it will take to attack and how many soldiers will be killed. Our army is no better than the Sichuan army. Sichuan has a large population. They can afford to die, but we can't afford to die. How to minimize the casualties of our army is the priority that all generals should give priority to, and the rest is the second." He said this to Gao Jun, but actually to Nie Ze.

After hearing this, Nie Ze clenched his fist, smashed the palm of his hand, crossed his heart and said, "well, let's do it according to Mr. Guo song!" After a pause, he asked again, "should we inform the Sichuan army about this?"

"Of course. It would be better if the Sichuan army could provide part of the bodies."

"You're right!" Nie Ze nodded repeatedly.

Nie Ze listened to the advice of counselor Guo song and prepared to breed a plague with highly rotten corpses and use the plague to protect the wind army that guards the pass.

This method was too vicious. In the extremely backward era at that time, once the plague broke out, there was almost no medicine to cure, and 10% of the infected people would die. If the plague broke out in BAGUAN on a large scale and spread to the whole army, few of the hundreds of thousands of wind troops in the city might survive.

That night, Nie Ze ran to Ren Fang's sleeping tent and reported the matter to him. Of course, his main purpose was to ask Ren Fang for the bodies of some Sichuan army dead.

After listening to Nie Ze's idea, Ren Fang restrains his smile, frowns and stares at Nie Ze. Nie Ze himself also understood that the idea was not authentic and cruel. He said with a bitter smile: "this is the only way to defeat the wind army and win the BAGUAN as soon as possible."

Let go of silence.

Nie Ze cut to the point and said, "Ren Shuai, this strategy needs a lot of bodies. I wonder if Ren Shuai can mention..."

Before he finished, Ren Fang directly interrupted, "no! Let alone that the bodies of our army's dead have been cremated. Even if there are some left, they will never be defiled in such a cruel way!"

I didn't expect Ren Fang's rejection to be so simple and complete. Nie Ze said reluctantly, "Ren Shuai, we are a coalition army. It's not our duty to break the hegemonic barrier!"

"But your plan is not only a great humiliation to the dead, but also a chill to the living." Ren Fang said firmly, "if you want to do this, you can. I won't stop it, but I will never participate."

Ren Fang took a tough attitude. No matter what Nie Ze said, he just disagreed. Finally, Nie Ze had no choice but to get up and leave.

After he left, Ren Fang sighed softly and murmured, "how much hatred we have with Fengguo......" it can make you think of such cruel and vicious ideas. He didn't say the second half.

Since the Sichuan army did not participate, Nie Ze decided to go it alone.

He dug a pool three miles south of the camp of the Chuanzhen coalition army. The pool was ten feet square. After digging, he filled it with water. Then he pulled out thousands of bodies from the army, stripped off his clothes and threw them into it.

In order to speed up the breeding of plague, Guo song also specially asked Sergeant Zhen to wear gloves and catch mice in the wild grassland. He is not a mouse, but a mouse with a grain of fur behind his back. What's more, the rat is the easiest to catch plague. When people catch all the mice he wants, they put them into the pool and soak them with the body

Zhenjun secretly engaged in activities that could not be seen in the light. In the light, the offensive against BAGUAN has not stopped, but the number of strong attacks by sending soldiers to battle has been reduced. Most of the time, they use stone throwing machines to throw stone bombs at BAGUAN.

The siege war gradually changed from a war of consumption between the two sides to a war of harassment by the Chuanzhen coalition army.

Time flies. In a flash, three days later, there should be no progress in the siege of Chuanzhen allied forces. It seems that there is no way to bully the pass. Gradually, the nervous nerves of the wind troops in the city of bully pass gradually relax. People begin to be full of hope for this war. They believe that it is not impossible for their own side to rely on the natural danger of bully pass to resist the attack of one million enemy troops.

However, if Feng Jun noticed the secret activities of Zhen Jun, it would not be so easy.

On that day, Ren Fang was playing chess with deputy general Jin Zhuo in the camp. A Sichuan general hurried near and stepped in to salute: "general!"

"What's up?" Ren asked without raising his head

General Chuan said: "Zhenjun sent many officers and soldiers to capture hundreds of people in nearby villages of Mo country, and took them all to the poison pool. It seems... It seems that they are going to throw them all into the pool!" The Sichuan army called the big pool dug by Zhen army poison pool.

Ren Fang and Jin Zhuo stopped playing chess when they heard the speech, and their faces showed incredible expressions.

Jinzhuo asked, "are the people of Mozambique captured?"

"That's right!"

"Nonsense!" Jinzhuo was so angry that he took a heavy picture of the table and shook up the chess pieces on the chessboard. He gritted his teeth and said, "isn't this an extra branch? We fought against Fengguo in the territory of Mozambique. Such mischief annoyed Mozambique and made Mozambique an enemy with us, and our army will become an isolated army in deep danger!"

Ren Fang also couldn't sit still. He stood up with a gloomy and ugly face and didn't speak for a long time.

Jin Zhuo said, "general, you must stop those stupid pigs in Zhenguo!"

Ren Fang didn't say anything. He went to the rack, grabbed the sword on it, hung it around his waist, and then walked out with big steps.

Jinzhuo and Chuanjiang looked at each other and hurriedly followed out.

When he got outside the tent, he indulged himself, took his horse and asked, "is the poison pool in the south of the camp?" Zhenjun has dug the pool for three days, but Ren Fang hasn't been there once. He feels sick when he thinks about it.

Chuan Jiang replied, "yes, general!"

Ren Fang doesn't ask any more questions and urges his horse to go to the South Camp.

Jinzhuo and Chuanjiang hurriedly summoned the bodyguard team, got on the horse one after another, and hurried after him.

Ren Fang galloped all the way out of the Nanying gate and went straight to the poison pool. He hoped that before he arrived at the poison pool, the people of Mo country had not been poisoned by Zhen army, otherwise things would be in great trouble.

Fear what, come what. Although Ren Fang came in a hurry, he was still a step slow.

When he was far away from the poison pool, he saw in front of him a group of soldiers with white scarves and faces were chopping a group of naked men and women.

Ren magnified his anxiety and shouted, "stop --"

I don't know if the Zhenjun in front of him heard his cry. People's actions stopped at all and continued to cut and kill the people frantically.

Ren Fang is more than 100 meters away from the poison pool and is in the limelight, but even so, he can still vaguely smell a foul smell. A hundred meters in the wind, you can see the strong smell.

At this time, Jinzhuo quickly ran after him and shouted, "general, general -"

Ren Fang looked back and asked, "what's up?"

"General, take this!" Jinzhuo held a white towel in his hand and handed it to Ren Fang.

While Ren Fang took over, he also looked at Jinzhuo and the soldiers who followed him. People had covered their mouths and noses with white towels, revealing only two eyes.

Jinzhuo said carefully, "in order to prevent accidents, the general should take it first!"

Ren Fang sighed. He could only rein in the war horse and fasten the white scarf. Then he continued to rush forward.

When they rushed near, hundreds of men, women and children gathered by the poison pool had become ghosts under the sword of the Zhen army.

The bodies of the dead fell together, some with different heads, and some were directly cut in two. The blood flowed into a river and the disability could not bear to see.

Ren Fang clenched his fist and banged the reins. He shouted, "who is in charge here now?"

A Zhen general came out of the crowd, looked up at Ren Fang on the horse and asked suspiciously, "Your Excellency is..."

Ren Fang covered his face with a white towel, but Zhen Jiang didn't immediately put up with it. Maybe Zhen Jiang never thought that Ren Fang, the commander of the whole army, would come here in person. Ren Fang said in a deep voice, "I'm Ren Fang!"

Ah? The Zhen general took a breath and was stunned for a moment. He quickly knelt down on one knee, stepped in to salute and said, "Yu Hong, the last general, see Ren Shuai!"

"Tell me who these are?" Ren Fang pointed to the numerous corpses on the ground and asked coldly.

"Oh..." Zhen hesitated for a moment and said, "they... Are all Mozambicans caught by our army nearby."

right enough! Ren Fang closed his eyes and took several breaths continuously before he forced down his anger, disgust and resentment.

He bent down on the horse, grabbed the collar of Zhenjiang's clothes, then pulled it up, directly lifted him up and asked, "who made you do it? Who gave you the right to do it?"

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