At this time, Ren Fang is really mad by Zhen Jun's anger. He acts arbitrarily without remembering the consequences. Once he changes, what should he do to let his own army on the Fengmo border?

I'm not afraid of fierce enemies like wolves on the opposite side, but I'm afraid of stupid partners like pigs around me.

Na Zhen was startled by Ren Fang's sudden rage and stammered, "this... This is what Mr. Guo song means, and... It is also allowed by the general..."

He's right. It's really Guo song's order. Recently, the number of troops deployed to attack the city has been reduced, and there are almost no soldiers killed in the battle. According to Guo song, there are still two or three thousand corpses to be stored in the pit. Of course, Zhenjun will not fill it with his own soldiers, and the target will naturally shift to the innocent people of Mozambique.

Ren Fang looked at Zhen Jiang, who was full of panic in his eyes, and his hand slowly loosened. No matter how much he scolded him now, even if he was killed, it wouldn't help. People can't come back from death. He said in a deep voice, "stop now! If you dare to kill and catch the people of Mozambique again, I will punish them severely, okay?"

"Yes, yes, yes! The end will know, but..." Zhen Jiang nodded again and again, showing an appearance of wanting to talk and stopping.


"Ren Shuai, our army... There is another brother sent out who hasn't come back. Look..."

A whisper of trouble! Ren Fang asked, "where did they go?"

Zhen Jiang replied, "Chaoyang Village thirty miles away in the East."

Ren Fang stared at Zhen Jiang for a moment, then without saying a word, turned his horse's head and hurried to Chaoyang village.

Seeing Ren let go, the Sichuan Army soldiers who came with him also flocked away, unwilling to stay more for a moment. The pit where the dead bodies are soaked is too disgusting and abnormal for them.

Looking at the back of the Sichuan army, Sergeant Zhen and his soldiers came back one after another and asked, "general, what about these bodies?"

Zhen Jiang was stunned and said, "put it into the pool first!"

"Ren Shuai won't blame us?"

"What are you afraid of? When the sky collapses, Guo song is on top, Guo song is not the Lord, and the general is on top!" Zhen general waved and said, "don't be stunned. Work quickly!"

Under his command, Sergeant Zhen put on their gloves and began to drag the bodies on the ground into the pit.

Let alone Ren Fang, he hurried to Chaoyang village with more than 100 personal guards.

They are a team of horses. They are very fast. When they are about to arrive at Chaoyang village, they hear people shouting horses, chickens and dogs, and chaos in the village from a distance.

Ren put down his consciousness, accelerated his speed and rushed into the village.

Come in and look again. Well, I saw groups of Zhen troops running around the village and frantically searching for the residents in the village. Some soldiers are not catching people at all, but robbing things. Some people are holding chickens, cattle and pigs. They look like a country's regular army, which is no different from bandits and robbers.

"Stop it! Stop it all -" Ren Fang yanked his neck and shouted.

At this time, in the noisy village, who can hear his cry, even if someone hears it, he won't listen to him. Seeing that Zhenjun was still going his own way, Ren Fang was more angry. He raised his eyes and just saw two soldiers tearing a village girl's clothes. He urged his horse to come forward. Then, he raised his whip, aimed it at the back of a soldier and threw it down.

PA -- the whip was solid and loud, like thunder in the clear sky, and its strength was strong. It threw the Zhen soldier forward. With a bang, he bumped his head against the wall and fell to the ground. Looking at his back, it was like a knife. His armor was torn open, his skin was torn, and blood gurgled out.

The sudden noise made Sergeant Zhen stop the action on his hands one after another. Each soldier stood stiff in his place, turned his head and looked at Ren Fang in surprise.

"Ask your leader to come out and see me!" Let the sound of vibration shout.

Ordinary soldiers of Zhenjun didn't know Ren Fang, but judging from his clothes, they could guess that he was a senior general in the Sichuan army. People looked at each other and didn't know what to do for a moment.

After a while, a man dressed as a commander came out of a civilian house, swearing and muttering, "who? Who the fuck is looking for me..."

"It's me! Ren Fang!" Ren Fang sat on the horse and looked coldly at the commander who came out.

Ren Fang? When the commander heard the speech, seven dissatisfied and eight angry expressions on his face immediately made a 180 degree turn, filled with smiles, trotted to Ren Fang's horse, knelt down and saluted, saying, "villain has seen Ren Shuai!"

"You, take your men and withdraw to the barracks immediately. There must be no mistake!" If the commander was from the Sichuan army, he would have cut down his sword and put it in the right place, but the other party was from the Zhenjun army after all, so he had to worry about the alliance relationship between the two armies.

The commander looked puzzled and said, "but..." he came under orders. How can he say to go?

Ren Fang refused to give him the chance to say more, and said coldly, "this is an order! Those who disobey the military order will be killed!"

The commander trembled with fear. He dared not say no more. He stood up from the ground, waved to his soldiers and shouted, "retreat, retreat, retreat! All retreat!"

Under Ren Fangbing's cold eyes, the commander evacuated the village with hundreds of Zhen soldiers and returned to the camp. The property and livestock originally plundered by them were also detained by Ren Fangbing's bodyguard.

As soon as Zhenjun's front foot left, many frightened villagers came out of every corner. People looked at Ren Fang with surprised and frightened eyes and didn't know what they were going to do.

Ren Fang looked around at the villagers, got off his horse, arched his hands, bowed to the ground and said, "it was a misunderstanding just now. If I offended the villagers, I apologize on behalf of them."

Seeing Ren Fang's politeness and politeness, the villagers' tension and panic eased a lot. Ren Fang continued, "these are your belongings and livestock. Take them back first. I'll visit them one by one later. If there is any damage at home, I'll double the compensation."

While talking, he saw that the clothes of the village girl sitting not far from his knees were damaged and showed a large area of skin. He didn't think about it. He turned back and took off his cloak, walked forward and put it on the village girl.

As an aristocrat of the state of Sichuan, Ren Fang was very polite and kind to people. Now he has been tossed by the barbaric Zhen army, which is in sharp contrast.

Dressed in the cloak of Ren Fang, the village girl first turned white and then red. She said thank you in a low voice, and then ran home quickly.

Ren Fang didn't just talk about it, but really visited the residents of the whole village door to door. As long as the villagers proposed a loss, he asked his men to take out the silver on the spot, double the compensation to the villagers, and apologized again and again.

Not to mention that he is a foreign dignitary, even the national dignitaries of Mozambique will not be so polite and generous to their humble villagers. Through this matter, the Chuanzhen coalition left two completely different images in the eyes of these villagers.

However, after all, the Chuan Zhen allied forces are integrated. When things spread, people tend to make more efforts to spread the bad of the Zhen army rather than exaggerate the good of the Chuan army. It was also at this time that Zhenjun buried hidden dangers in Mozambique due to his actions.

Hundreds of innocent villagers, this matter can be big or small, but for Shao Fang, who is bent on the wind country but has no excuse, this is an excellent handle to hold down the central Minister of the court. As long as a little addition, it can arouse the excitement of the people all over the country.

Of course, these are all later words. It will take some time for things to spread to the Mozambican court. Shao Fang's attitude also changes with the change of the war situation.

Ren Fang made compensation for the residents in the village. When he was about to reach the end of the village, he visited the home of a pharmaceutical farmer.

The medicine farmer is in his forties. He is a light fool. He is the only one in his family. His home was badly damaged, the windows were broken, the door panels were broken, and the furnishings in the house were smashed and scattered on the ground. After reading it, Ren Fang directly took five Liang silver from his men, handed it to the medicine farmer and said, "brother, please take the money. See if it's enough to compensate your family for the loss?"

Five Liang silver is enough to buy his hut and yard together, and there is still a surplus. Holding the silver, the farmer was moved to tears and said repeatedly, "enough, enough, too much, it's too much."

Ren Fang smiled and said, "just now I was frightened. This is our compensation!" As he spoke, he looked around and saw that there were many baskets hanging in the room, which were full of herbs. He took out one and smelled it. He felt the fragrance. He asked curiously, "brother, what kind of grass is this? Why is it so fragrant!"

The druggist hurriedly said, "Sir, this is a sweet encounter on the road. It can clear away heat and detoxify, or it can be used to treat trauma."

"Oh!" Ren Fang nodded. The supply of Chuanzhen allied army was sufficient and the army was not short of medicine. He was very worried about whether the plague caused by Zhenjun would be transmitted to the barracks. He asked suspiciously, "brother, do you know what herbs can prevent the plague?"

The medicine farmer was startled, his face changed, and looked at Ren Fang in horror.

Ren Fang said with a smile, "don't be afraid, brother. I'm just asking."

The druggist gasped, shook his head and sighed, "no herbal medicine can prevent the plague. Once infected, there is no medicine to cure, so he can only accept his life..."

Ren Fangyin sighed, then adjusted his skirt and said goodbye to the medicine farmer.

The medicine farmer got up and sent him off enthusiastically.

Walking outside, Ren Fang asked absentmindedly, "where does my brother usually collect medicine?"

"On the mountain!"

"On the mountain?" Ren Fang was stunned and asked, "is there a mountain near here?"

The medicine farmer smiled and said, "adults are really kidding. Isn't the barrier you're attacking built between the two mountains?"

Hearing this, Ren felt relieved and asked in a hurry, "are you going to pick medicine in the mountains of the wind country?"

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