God's nagging, do you really think you will predict? Nie Ze sneered in his heart. Holding the psychology of reading jokes, he nodded repeatedly and said, "I hope Ren Shuai can break the 'trap' of the wind army!"

Ren Fang knew that Nie Ze didn't believe his words, and he didn't care. He took several bodyguards to the tower at Yuanmen to see the layout of Jinyang.

That night, the 3000 elite selected by Ren Fang sneaked out of the military camp and entered the city outside Jinyang.

The three thousand soldiers of the Chuanzhen coalition army are mainly Zhen soldiers. They are not only Orion origin and proficient in traps, but also veterans who have been in the army for many years. They are experienced and strong.

At any time, they sneaked into the city, even if they could not destroy all the traps, at least they could destroy the traps on the side of their own camp, but the progress of things was not the same at all.

Ren Fang sent someone to destroy the trap. At the same time, Tang Yin quietly left the city with more than 20 hidden arrows led by Cheng Jin and lurked in the houses outside the city wall. Tang Yin didn't expect that the other party would send troops to destroy the traps arranged by his side. Instead, he seemed to go to see the pattern of the camp of the Chuanzhen coalition army and see if his side had an opportunity.

The vast residential area outside the city wall of Jinyang has become a natural barrier for the Fengjun and Chuanzhen allied forces.

Tang Yin, Cheng Jin and others are all spiritual practitioners of the dark system. At night, there are so many houses to cover, such as fish in water. There are more than 20 people. Their bodies disappear and appear from time to time, just like ghosts.

They were walking forward. Tang Yin's eyes and ears were the sharpest. His body shape first gave a meal, and then flashed into a house with a shadow drift. The dark arrows all reacted quickly. They followed Tang Yin and followed the courtyard.

"King, what's the matter?" Cheng Jin carefully walks to Tang Yin and asks in a low voice.

Tang Yin narrowed his gleaming eyes and said, "there's someone ahead."

"Ah?" Cheng Jin was surprised, frowned and said, "is it the enemy who wants to attack the city at night?"

Tang Yin shook her head and said, "who knows, you and your brothers are waiting for me here. I'll check it first."

Cheng Jin hurriedly asked, "the king wants to go alone?"

"It's all right! I'm just asking for information, but I have to fight the enemy hard!" While talking, Tang Yin's body released a black fog. Then, his body disappeared. When he reappeared, he was outside the hospital. He sometimes drifted with shadow, sometimes sneaked with a hairy waist, and walked forward quietly.

Tang Yin has night eyes. For him, there is no difference between night and day. When he was about to approach each other, he flashed up the roof of a two-story attic, lay on the edge of the eaves and looked down.

Because the other party didn't gather together, but scattered, he couldn't confirm the number of enemies. Just when he wanted to sneak in the depths, two unarmed soldiers in black walked into the yard where he was. They raised their legs high and lowered their feet gently. They had to look around at each step.

Tang Yin raised her mouth and sneered. She secretly said that she would cut you two first! He stretched his hands to his back and pulled out two purple machetes. With the aura of his palm, the purple blade immediately turned pure black. Tang Yin didn't attack immediately. He stared at the two people below and shot the light of wild animals seeing prey.

When the two men came to a place hidden enough, Tang Yin suddenly showed a shadow drift, and appeared behind the two Zhen soldiers silently. Almost at the same time when he appeared, his double knives also fiercely pierced each other's chest. The two Zhen soldiers didn't make any sound, but opened their mouths, but the dark fire had burned in their bodies, and the two bodies fell down softly. At the same time, the white spirit fog floated out of them.

Tang Yin breathed in, and the spirit fog in the air also entered his body. He closed his eyes and sat against the wall. Soon, Tang Yin also understood each other's intention through the memory of the two Zhenbing.

Ren Fang is really powerful. Without investigation, he can judge that his side has arranged an ambush in civilian houses outside the city. His shrewdness is terrible! Tang Yin knew everything he wanted to know. Without further delay, he dragged the two bodies to the hiding place, and then drifted back in the shadow to meet Cheng Jin and others.

Tang Yin went quickly and came back quickly. Seeing that the king came back, the hidden arrows and others left in the hospital gathered around him one after another. Cheng Jin asked in a low voice, "king, what's the situation? The enemy is going to attack at night?"

"Ha ha!" Tang Yin smiled and said, "the enemy doesn't want to attack at night, but wants to destroy the mechanism traps arranged by our army outside the city at night."

"Oh!" Hearing this, Cheng Jinan was relieved. Then he asked strangely, "did the enemy find out that our army set up traps outside the city so soon?"

"No, it's Ren Fang's own speculation." Tang Yin looked around at the crowd, stretched out three fingers and said with a smile, "the enemy has dispatched 3000 people, all of whom are experienced veterans of Orion origin. Everyone, how about we let them have no return tonight?"

The dark arrows looked at each other and didn't quite understand the king's meaning. Cheng Jin asked curiously, "the king's meaning is..."

Tang Yin smiled and said, "kill them all!"

Most of the hidden arrows are cold-blooded spiritual practitioners who kill people without blinking an eye. However, after listening to Tang Yin's words, people's hearts still trembled. There are only more than 20 people on our side and 3000 people on the other side. How easy is it to kill all the other side?

Seeing that the people were silent, Tang Yin's smile deepened and asked, "what? Do you think you can't do it? Don't forget, you are all spiritual practitioners of the dark system who can kill only 3000 enemy troops?"

Hearing Tang Yin's question, everyone's fighting spirit was aroused. They were not worried that they could not beat each other, but that if they made a noise and aroused the other party's vigilance, they would provoke the enemy's brigade. The people said one after another, "we'll do what the king says."

"Yes!" Tang Yin stretched his muscles and bones a few times and said, "today, let's have a competition to see who has won the most enemy army cards. Those who have won more than 100 will be rewarded, and those who have not won will not be punished. However, if anyone makes the enemy shout and startles the other party, it will be punished severely. How about it?"

No one thinks he is weaker than others, not to mention the outstanding dark spiritual practitioners such as dark arrows? Including Cheng Jin. The crowd rubbed their fists, nodded together and said, "yes, king!"

The corner of Tang Yin's mouth raised showed the excitement before his bloodthirsty. His eyes shot a terrible light and drank softly: "go!" While talking, others have flashed out. The people of the dark arrow also followed the shadow drift. More than 20 people disappeared in the blink of an eye. The courtyard that was just full of people suddenly became empty.

Night is the world of dark spiritual practitioners. The shadow drift is completely unrestricted and moves at will, making them no different from the demons in the dark night.

Tang Yin had sucked the souls of two Zhen soldiers in advance and knew something about the deployment of the enemy. This time, he sneaked faster, one on the roof, another under the wall, and quickly approached the enemy.

When he came to a street corner, he saw with sharp eyes that several enemy soldiers came from the waist in front. He flashed into the nearby yard with shadow drift without thinking. What Tang Yin didn't expect was that there was someone in the yard. After appearing, Tang Yin just met each other.

Tang Yin was stunned by this situation, but he reacted very quickly. He just took an arrow step and rushed to the enemy soldiers.

There was one more person out of thin air in the originally uninhabited yard, which is really frightening for Sichuan soldiers who have never seen dark spiritual practitioners.

After a short pause, Chuan Bing instinctively opened his mouth and wanted to scream, but his mouth was open, but the cry didn't come out. It turned out that Tang Yin's palm had strangled his throat like a pair of pliers.


The fire of darkness came out in Tang Yin's palm. The soldier's body trembled violently. Then his pupils widened, his face became gray, and his body softened.

Tang Yin pinched the neck of the body and didn't let go immediately. Instead, he carried him to the back of the courtyard and listened to the silence outside.

It seems that Tang Yinkou's ears are moving towards each other's house. It seems that Tang Yinzi is walking towards the street. He held his breath, slowly put the body in his hand on the ground, and then drew out a pair of knives to reify it.

"Xiao Chu, have you finished checking here?"

The Sichuan soldiers went to the gate of the yard and gently called inside with their probes.

In the dark yard, several Sichuan soldiers couldn't see anything clearly. They asked twice and saw no answer. The shouting man couldn't help muttering in a low voice: "strange! Xiaochu entered this yard. How can there be no one?"

"Could he have gone first?" Another Sichuan soldier guessed wildly.

"No accident? Let's go in and have a look!" With the voice, four Sichuan soldiers came slowly from the outside. At this time, Tang Yin was close to them, only one door away, but the four people's attention was in the yard, and no one looked behind the door.

I don't know if there will be a trap in the yard. The four people walk very slowly. Two people are in front and two people are in the back, carefully moving towards the main room at the inner end.

Just as they walked inside, the door behind them was slowly pushed open. In the shadow behind the door, two green dots twinkled with strange light.

Tang Yin quietly came out from behind the door and approached the back of the two Sichuan soldiers behind the hall. He stretched and gently handed the double knives to their necks at the same time.

His knife was black and had no cold light until the dark fire on the blade was about to burn the skin of the two Sichuan soldiers. They stopped at the same time, looked down, and looked at the black knife across their neck with surprise and horror.

Before they could make any response, Tang Yin's wrist strengthened and the two knives cut off the throat of the two people mercilessly. The dark fire instantly swallowed up the essence of the two people, melting it into auras and flying up into the air.

As they fell forward, Tang Yin stepped forward again. The blade pierced through the back neck of the two Sichuan soldiers in front, and the tip of the blade poked out of their throat.

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