Tang Yin killed four Sichuan soldiers in a row with lightning speed. With the previous one, he easily won five military cards. Then he slipped out of the yard and looked for other "prey".

There were only more than 20 concealed archers led by Tang Yin, but hundreds of sadakawa soldiers had been killed in a short time, but there was no sound from beginning to end. It's the most important thing for Tang Yin to kill so many people together, because it's impossible for them to be scattered together.

There was no fighting. It was a silent killing. In the end, Tang Yin couldn't remember how many people he had killed, but he couldn't hold the military card he took off. He had to tear a large piece of cloth from the dead body and wrap the general card together.

It didn't take two hours. Tang Yin and the secret arrows couldn't find an enemy soldier in the residential area. If they observed carefully, they would find blood dripping corpses piled up in many corners. Finally, the people gathered together again and threw their military cards on the ground. After each person reported the number, they added it together, no more, no less, exactly 3000. Tang Yin alone received nearly 400 military cards.

Chengrui's dog went out of the city wall, but Chengrui's dog quietly went back to the city wall.

The next day, Ren Fang was shocked when he heard about it. He asked the informer in disbelief, "why? No one came back?"

"Yes, general."

"Then... Can you hear the sound of fighting at night?" People can't disappear out of thin air for no reason. 3000 people didn't come back. There is only one explanation. Last night, the wind army also went out of the city and surrounded, killed or captured 3000 of its own soldiers.

However, Ren Fang was surprised by the soldier's answer. The soldier said firmly, "no, the outer city area was quiet all night. There was no sound, let alone the sound of fighting!"

At this time, Nie Ze couldn't help saying, "isn't there a ghost?" Among the three thousand soldiers who disappeared, most of them were Zhenjun, and the number was small, but Nie Ze had to find out what happened to his brothers, whether they were killed or caught by the enemy?

He was originally an angry remark, but the soldier who reported the news had a cold war and stammered: "maybe... Maybe there are ghosts in the outer city of Jinyang..."

Nie Ze smelled the speech, and his seven tricks made smoke. He stepped forward with an arrow and said angrily, "shit, if you dare to talk nonsense and disturb the morale of the army, I'll kick you to death!"

The soldier fell to his knees with a splash of fear, kowtowed repeatedly, and said in a trembling voice: "villains dare not, villains dare not..."

The soldier who reported the news was a Sichuan soldier. It was up to his master to beat the dog. Nie Ze was just talking. Although he doesn't believe in the ghost theory, he has basically determined that Ren Fang's original speculation is correct. The outer city of Jinyang is indeed strange. He looked back at Ren Fang and asked, "Ren Shuai, what's going on?"

Ren Fang also wanted to know what was going on. He tapped his forehead gently, meditated for a moment, then stood up, shook his head to Nie Ze and said, "go, let's go to the Yuanmen!"

Instead of sitting in the account of the Chinese army and thinking hard, it's better to go and see the outer city of Jinyang in person.

Ren Fang and Nie Ze took the generals of the Chuanzhen allied army out of the Chinese Army account, came to the gate of the camp, boarded the observation platform and looked at the opposite urban area. If it hadn't happened that 3000 soldiers disappeared silently, people wouldn't feel anything when looking at the outer city of Jinyang, but now they see it again, they feel it's strange.

In such an open outer city area, you can't even see a ghost inside. It's empty. The streets are bare. Only the cold wind blows, which rolls up the waste paper scattered on the ground. I can't see people, livestock and any anger. The city in front of me is like a dead city. Even in broad daylight, it gives people a sense of gloom and terror.

Ren Fang and Nie Ze didn't feel like this, but many generals behind them involuntarily fought the cold war, and their faces were a little pale.

Ren Fang didn't ignore the fear of his generals. Even the generals felt afraid. It's conceivable that the soldiers below would suspect that there were ghosts in the outer city.

It's no good going on like this. We must cheer up the morale of the soldiers. At least we can't have such a fear. Thinking of this, Ren Fang sideways shouted, "Wu Rui, listen to the order!"

Wu Rui in the crowd stepped out of the line when he heard the speech, walked behind Ren Fang, stepped in and saluted, and said, "the end will be here!"

Ren Fangtou would not say: "you take 20000 soldiers into the urban area. Even if you dig three feet, you should find all the missing brothers. I want to see people alive and dead!"

"The end will be ordered!"

Wu Rui stepped in to get the order, turned down the lookout, pointed out two regiments, left the barracks and went straight to the outer city of Jinyang.

Last night, Tang Yin and the secret arrows killed all 3000 Chuanzhen soldiers, but after all, they had only more than 20 people. They were unable to take the bodies away and dragged them to every corner. However, they also moved their hands and feet on the bodies and set up many traps around them. Even if the other party wanted to take the bodies back, they had to pay a certain price.

Soon after Wu Rui took people into the outer city, he found three or four bodies piled in the corner of a yard with an open door. He narrowed his eyes, looked around, and then waved out a team of Sichuan soldiers to let them in for inspection.

As soon as the ten Sichuan soldiers entered the yard, they heard a roar. The two people in front suddenly disappeared, and there was a big pit one meter long on the ground. The Sichuan soldiers behind hurried forward and looked into the pit. All the sharp iron pliers were inserted in the bottom of the pit. The two Sichuan soldiers who fell into the pit had been pierced by several iron pliers and lay on their back with their eyes wide open. They were both dead.

After watching, several Sichuan soldiers swallowed their spits and stood in place for a long time. Then they jumped over the trap carefully and walked slowly to the body in the hospital.

Fortunately, there was no trap next. Several Sichuan soldiers came to the body in danger. One of the bravest soldiers slowly came forward and turned the body to see who the dead was.

As he moved the corpse, a fish originally tied under the corpse was pulled. In his ear wheel, he heard the click of a mechanism under the eaves of one side. Then, Pa Pa Pa, three crossbows and arrows were fired from the crossbow hanging under the eaves.

Go, go, go!

The three crossbows and arrows were not empty. They all shot at the Sichuan soldier. The arrows went to the bone and directly knocked him to the ground. The remaining Sichuan soldiers were frightened and retreated, but in the process of retreating, someone touched the lead of the crossbow and fired three arrows from the eaves of the door. The Sichuan soldier's back armor that touched the mechanism was punctured and followed in the footsteps of the companion in front.

Four of the ten Sichuan soldiers died in the blink of an eye. It can be seen that the traps originally arranged by the wind army in the outer city area are powerful.

Wu Rui saw it clearly outside. Under so many hidden mechanism traps, even he felt the cool wind on his back and didn't dare to be careless. He covered his soul armor to prevent accidents.

At the cost of the lives of four people, the Sichuan soldiers finally carried out three bodies. Although the military card of the body has been taken away by Tang Yin and others, it can be judged from the clothes on the body that they are one of the 3000 elite who entered the outer city last night.

Anyway, I finally found the body. Looking at the wounds on his body, he was not killed by ghosts, but died under a sharp blade. While Wu Rui breathed in his heart, he ordered his subordinates to disperse and search for the bodies of his own soldiers. Moreover, he repeatedly told everyone to be sure to avoid the trap of the villain wind army.

Even if Wu Rui didn't remind them, the Sichuan army would be more careful. But when they searched the body, they still couldn't completely avoid it. Everywhere in the outer city, the screams of Sichuan soldiers and soldiers came out from time to time, and hundreds of people fell into the trap by mistake.

After being busy for more than two hours, the Sichuan army found more than 2000 bodies, but also paid more than 500 casualties.

The bodies were neatly placed on the street. Looking up, there were two long rows.

Wu Rui checked one by one. He was a master of Lingwu. He could basically judge the depth of each other's cultivation through the wound of the body.

After seeing more than hundreds of corpses, he was basically sure that the person who took the shot was a spiritual practitioner of the dark Department, who was proficient in shadow drift. The wounds of each corpse are only one, and they are all vital. They are mostly behind or on both sides. This is obviously not the result of a frontal battle. It can only be achieved by a sudden appearance and sneak attack. This explains why the night watchmen did not hear any fighting.

Except for the spiritual practitioners of the dark Department, no one can silently kill 3000 experienced elite people.

Wu Rui frowned. He could infer that the other party was a dark spiritual cultivator, but he could not judge how many people there were in the other party. However, such a group of dark spiritual cultivators in the wind army was definitely a problem for his own side. He was thinking about it. At this time, a soldier hurried over and came to Wu Rui. In front of his fingers, he said in a trembling voice: "general, there are some... Conditions ahead. Please go and have a look."

Puzzled, Wu Rui looked at the soldiers who came to report. Wu Rui looked in the direction of his fingers and saw a group of his own soldiers surrounded a hundred steps ahead, as if they were looking at something. He was puzzled, picked up the flame blood soul gun and walked past with big steps.

When he came near, Wu Ruishen asked in a deep voice, "what's the matter?"

"Here comes the general!"

"General, look --"

People stepped aside one after another. Wu Rui looked up and saw that there was a tavern in front of him. It didn't matter, but on the wall of the tavern, there was a column of blood red characters: whoever invades our wind territory will be killed although he is strong! In front of the wall, there are also two long ropes, which are densely hung with the military cards of Chuanzhen soldiers.

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