Wu Ruiqi's seven tricks smoke. He rushes into the tavern, uses the spirit gun as a stick and smashes it down against the wall with blood characters.

The walls of the tavern are made of civil engineering. Where can they withstand the heavy blow of spiritual soldiers.

Roar - with this shot, the wall with blood words fell down, but then the whole tavern was shaking. Before Wu Rui could react, the tavern collapsed, crushing Wu Rui and several Sichuan soldiers inside.

The soldiers standing outside first instinctively took a few steps back, and then shouted, "save the general quickly."

People rushed up, carrying wooden beams and digging tiles. When the crowd tried hard to save Wu Rui from the ruins, there was a dull sound in their ears. Wu Rui, covered with dust and ashen face, stood up straight from under the ruins.

He has a spirit armor. Of course, the wooden tavern can't kill him, but he has never been so embarrassed since he joined the army. Obviously, the tavern was tampered with by Feng Jun, otherwise it could not have been smashed by him. The other party's words on the tavern wall were premeditated to lead him to smash. In Wu Rui's view, the other party was obviously teasing and fooling himself.

Mud Bodhisattva still has three earth surnames! No matter how good Wu Rui's temper is, he can't stand it at this time. He suddenly moves his body and comes out of the ruins step by step. The soil foam and wood chips on his body also fall down. At this time, Wu Rui's eyes turn red, looks around the soldiers around and roars: "assemble the whole army and attack the city with me!"

When they heard the speech, their hearts trembled. They were only 20000 people and didn't bring any siege weapons. How can they attack the city? The two soldiers quickly walked up to Wu Rui and whispered, "general Wu, the general didn't ask us to attack the city, and now we don't have weapons to attack the city..."

"What? Are you afraid of the wind army? If you don't have siege weapons, go back to the camp and get them!" Wu Rui was so angry at this time that he didn't care. He just wanted to fight with Feng Jun.

Seeing him like this, the two army commanders dared not persuade him any more. They quickly nodded and replied, "yes, yes, yes! General Wu, we'll send someone back to operate the siege weapons."

That's what they said, but the two military commanders didn't do so. They specially told the people returning to the camp to inform the general of the matter and let the general decide.

After hearing this, Ren Fang frowned. Wu Rui has always been steady. Why is he so * * * this time? I think he must be confused by Feng Jun's Qi.

Thinking of this, he said to the generals of the two armies of Chuanzhen: "last night, the 3000 brothers sent by our army have been found. However, they have been killed by the ambush of the wind army, and there are no ghosts in the outer city of Jinyang. Today, we must avenge the blood and hatred for the killed brothers. Which general is willing to take the lead to explore the reality of the wind army?"

If Wu Rui is still cool headed, Ren Fang may send him to attack the city, but now he is red eyed by the wind army. Ren Fang can't rest assured to let him fight again.

As soon as his voice fell, Liao Sheng, general of the Zhenjun army, stepped out and saluted, saying, "commander Ren, I'd like to take the lead!"

Liao Sheng is a great general as famous as Gao Jun in the state of Zhen. He is also one of the outstanding generals. He uses a nine turn heaven and earth gun. He has profound cultivation and exquisite spiritual skills. He has the force of taking the head of the enemy general among the ten thousand armies.

Looking at his beloved general volunteering to fight, Nie Ze smiled and didn't say much, but his pride had appeared on his face. The powerful generals of the state of Zhen are like clouds. This alone can compare the state of Sichuan.

This is not Nie Ze's conceit, but a fact. There are many generals in the state of Sichuan, and there are countless talents who are good at unifying the army. The state of Zhen lacks handsome talents, but there are many powerful generals and talents. If there is a frontal battle, no principality can compete with the state of Zhen.

When Liao Sheng asked for war, Ren Fang only thought a little and said, "general Liao led 50000 soldiers to the front, and general Dou Kui led 100000 soldiers to the front!"

"The last general (I) obey!" Dou Kui and Liao Sheng both stepped in and took orders.

Dou Kui is a general of the state of Sichuan. He has the rank of lieutenant general and count. In front of Ren Fang, he claims to be the last general, while Liao Sheng is a Zhen general. He also doesn't admit that he is Ren Fang's subordinate, so he claims to be the next.

The two men led the order, ordered 150000 soldiers, marched out of the barracks and went straight to the inner city of Jinyang.

Wu Rui, who was in the outer city, was heartened when he saw that his brigade had left the camp and was carrying large siege equipment. When the two sides met and saw Dou Kui and Liao Sheng, Wu Rui asked excitedly, "general Dou and general Liao, did general Shang send you to help me attack the city?"

Without waiting for Dou Kui to speak, Liao * * * turned his mouth and said proudly, "Ren Shuai sent us to attack the city, which has nothing to do with general Wu."

When Wu Rui heard the speech, he immediately twisted his eyebrows into a pimple and turned his eyes to Dou Kui. The two of them are colleagues in the army. They have a good relationship in private. Dou Kui turns over and dismounts, walks to Wu Rui and whispers, "general Wu, general Shang asks you to take the body of your dead brother back to the camp quickly. As for the siege, general Liao and I will fight!"

"Why is this?" Wu Ruixin didn't believe what Zhen Jiang said, but Dou Kui couldn't help believing it. He clenched his fist and stared at Dou Kui.

Dou Kui didn't know why Ren Fang didn't let Wu Rui go to war. He shrugged and shook his head and said, "this is the order of the general. I'm afraid only the general himself knows the reason. General Wu, it's not too late for you to go back to the camp and resume your order, and then ask the general's name face to face."

The Sichuan army has strict military discipline and military orders. Even a general like Wu Rui, who is deeply loved by the king, dare not disobey the military orders. He stamped his foot hard, sighed helplessly, nodded and said, "OK! I'll go back to the camp and recover my life first!"

Dou Kui smiled and comforted: "I don't know when this war will be fought. I'll wait for general Wu in front of the two armies!"

Wu Rui looked around, close to Dou Kui's ear, and whispered, "brother Dou, don't fight too hard this war. Be sure to wait for me to come back!"

Dou Kui laughed and just nodded. Without saying anything more, he turned over and mounted his horse, arched his hand at Wu Rui, and then led the army with Liao Sheng to the inner city of Jinyang.

When they passed through the outer city more than half, they were close to the range of the wind army. Dou Kui ordered the whole army to stop moving, then turned to Liao Sheng next to them and asked, "general Liao, there are many houses in the outer city. Although it is suitable for our army to avoid flying arrows in the city, it is not suitable for our army to launch an assault. How do you think we should fight this war?"

Liao Sheng snorted coldly and said, "I'll go and get some wind generals' heads back first!" While talking, he rushed out of the array alone and begged the enemy and scolded the array in the city hundreds of steps away from the inner city: "Feng Jun, listen, I'm Liao Sheng of Zhenguo. Who wants to go out of the city and die?"

His tone was so crazy that he didn't pay attention to the generals in the wind army at all.

At this time, the wall of Jinyang was full of wind soldiers and generals, and Tang Yin was also among them. Tang Yin didn't know much about the general of Zhenguo. He asked the people around him, "who is Liao Sheng?"

Lotte said, "back to the king, Liao Sheng is one of the great generals of Zhen country. In fact, his strength is not under Gao Jun. the king should not take this person lightly!"

"Oh?" Tang Yin raised her eyebrows. It seems that this man really has some arrogant capital. He was thinking about it. The commander of the new army, Nan ye, stepped in and said, "king, the last general is willing to go out of the city and fight the enemy!"

Tang Yin didn't answer immediately, but asked, "Nanye, how many people did the enemy send to attack the city this time?"

Nanye was stunned and turned to look outside the city. He was not sure. If the enemy's formation is a square array, it's easy to judge. Just count the number of square arrays, and you can calculate the approximate strength. However, now the enemy is crowded on the main road in the outer urban area, and it's far away, so it's not easy to judge.

After pondering for a while, Nanye said uncertainly, "it should be more than 100000, but less than 200000."

Tang Yin nodded and asked, "the enemy is less than 200000 and has not moved the main force. This battle is mostly a test of throwing stones and asking for directions. As the commander of the first army, how can you be so depressed?"

Nan Ye was one of Tang Yinwen's old faces. He did not dare to say more than half a word. He bowed back to this column.

Tang Yin said in a deep voice, "no one is allowed to go to war! If the enemy general is willing to shout and scold outside the city, let him shout and scold. Our army only needs to strictly guard the city."

"Yes! King!" The generals stepped in one after another.

Tang Yin went to the arrow pile, put his hand on the edge of the wall and leaned out to look at it. Sometimes his eyes glittered and sometimes became deep. He didn't know what he was thinking.

He can turn a blind eye to Liao Sheng's shouting and scolding outside the city, but others can't. As Liao Sheng's scolding became more and more ugly, people's faces became more and more ugly.

At this time, Lotte secretly bit his teeth and silently waved to the sky behind him. People understood and immediately someone came forward and handed his bow and arrow.

Lotte's bow is a strong bow, which is more difficult to pull than the ordinary hard bow and has greater power. The arrow he uses is a steel arrow. Lotte took the first two steps, grasping the bow in one hand and holding the arrow in the other, shaking his hand, the steel arrow became spiritual, then twisted the bow and took an arrow, aimed at Liao Sheng outside the city, and shot a spiritual arrow.

Zhi -- the spirit arrow pierced the sky and sent out a harsh scream, like a meteor flying past, straight to Liao Sheng's eyebrows outside the city.

In fact, Liao Sheng is not within the range of Jinyang City, but the bow used by Lotte is too powerful. This arrow is still powerful even when it flies close to Liao Sheng.

Liao Sheng didn't expect that the wind army would suddenly release a cold arrow, and he could still shoot a cold arrow so far. His heart trembled. He quickly lifted the nine turn heaven and earth gun in his hand. He only heard a clang. The tip of the spirit gun collided with the flying spirit arrow. With a crisp sound, the spirit arrow swirled in the air and fell to the ground.

After a while, Liao Sheng, who was still in shock, came back to his senses. He roared angrily at the head of Jinyang City: "Jiang Fan, if you have seed, you will go out of the city and fight with me. What skill is it to steal cold arrows? Jiang Fan, children, go out of the city and die!"

Liao Sheng has seen Jiang Fan's archery. He also saw the last battle between Jiang Fan and Gao Jun. Gao Jun was defeated. He was already holding a breath in his heart. Now he mistook Lotte's arrow for Jiang Fan, and hated Jiang Fan to the bone.

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