As Tang Yin expected, when he went south, he really didn't meet many Shenchi children along the way. Without words, he and Xia Yao walked through the mountains for two days and two nights, and finally reached the south of Shenchi.

But at this time, the situation here is chaotic. The Sichuan army invading Shenchi is fighting with the Shenchi people led by Dongfang yehuai.

In fact, because of the death of singing, Dongfang yehuai has long been discouraged. He has no intention of working hard for Guanghan and doesn't want to compete with the Sichuan army, but the Sichuan army doesn't think so. Since he decides to attack on a large scale, he can't be soft. Hundreds of thousands of troops move forward in batches and times.

At the beginning, Dongfang yehuai only focused on harassment and tried to contain the speed of the Sichuan army's promotion as much as possible, but gradually, the Sichuan army also felt that the counterattack of Shenchi was not strong and seemed to show weakness.

Xiao Xuan gathered all the generals under his command and guessed that Shenchi must have used his main energy to resist the wind army, so he mainly restrained himself.

To understand this, Xiao Xuan ordered the whole army to advance at full speed and attack Shenchi city in front of the wind army anyway.

At this time, Xiao Xuan is also selfish. Whoever can lead the wind army or Sichuan army to attack Shenchi city first will have the opportunity to firmly control Shenchi in his own hands.

If the two countries are hostile in the future, who controls the Shenchi lake will take the absolute initiative. It was precisely out of this consideration that after he learned that the wind army had attacked Shenchi, he quickly mobilized the Sichuan army to invade Shenchi.

The main force of the Sichuan army, commanded by Xiao Xuan himself, was not restrained by Dongfang yehuai at all. It drove straight into the core of Shenchi - Shenchi city.

Dongfang yehuai is discouraged by Guanghan's listening, but it does not mean that he can tolerate the trampling of Shenchi city by the armies of other countries. In Dongfang yehuai's heart, Guanghan's listening is Guanghan's listening, and Shenchi is Shenchi. The two cannot be confused, let alone destroyed by Guanghan's listening.

In addition, the elders and his disciples who came with him began to complain. If we just give in and contain blindly, we can't stop the advance of the Sichuan army at all. If we continue, the Sichuan army will come to the city in a few days. At that time, Shenchi will be in danger.

For these reasons, Dongfang yehuai can only change his tactics, give up the tactics of harassment and containment, and decide to block the Sichuan army.

Of course, the manpower of Dongfang yehuai is completely out of proportion to the strength of the Sichuan army. The Sichuan army dispatched three legions, with more than 300000 people up and down, while Dongfang yehuai has only 3000 people, and the gap between the two sides has reached a hundred times.

If it was a positive confrontation, Dongfang yehuai had no chance of winning. However, the dangerous terrain of Shenchi helped him.

From the south to Shenchi City, you must pass through Hukou stream. This is a narrow and deep valley, with towering dangerous mountains on both sides and rugged mountain roads in the middle. The ground is full of boulders, which is difficult for people and animals to walk. If the Sichuan army wants to pass through from here, even the luggage in the army must be disassembled and transported in batches.

More importantly, the whole Hukou stream is in the shape of '8'. It is wide on both sides and narrow in the middle. At the narrowest place in the center, the three people walk side by side and look crowded. If the mountaintops on both sides here are guarded, and the people below want to pass, it's too difficult.

Dongfang yehuai took a fancy to such a dangerous place, and the Sichuan army also noticed it.

When the main force of the Sichuan army was still far away from Hukou stream, it sent a leading force of 20000 people to reach Hukou stream first. The soldiers climbed to the top of the mountain on both sides of Hukou stream and camped in order to prevent Shenchi people from occupying this place and obstructing their own advance.

It can be said that the Sichuan army has taken preventive measures. As a result, they still underestimated the strength of Dongfang yehuai. The garrison of 20000 troops retreated back to the Sichuan army early the next morning. Xiao Xuan asked the general who led the army to know that last night, the Sichuan army stationed at the top of the mountain was suddenly attacked by Shenchi people. Due to insufficient preparation and the enemy's spiritual strength, the Sichuan army couldn't resist. It was beaten dizzy, and finally died, fled and fell.

Fortunately, the Shenchi side did not act recklessly and released all the surrendered Sichuan soldiers. Otherwise, so many people could not escape back.

After hearing this, Xiao Xuan's face turned white. The elite army of 20000 people was defeated by thousands of Shenchi people, and he was still occupying the right place.

He severely punished the general who led the army. Then, he ordered the Chinese General Zhang Song and the partial General Hu Ning to unify 50000 troops and take down hukoujian anyway to clear the obstacles for his army's northward advance.

Zhang Song and Hu Ning took command and ordered troops to fight. As a result, they went quickly and came back quickly. When they went, they were full of confidence, but when they came back, they were disheartened.

Although there are only about 3000 Shenchi people on the top of Hukou stream, the 50000 troops led by them can't attack at all. Instead of fighting fiercely for a whole day, the soldiers of Sichuan army didn't attack halfway up the mountain. On the contrary, they suffered heavy losses.

This can make Xiao Xuan very angry. It's reasonable to say that the 20000 troops in the first wave of our side were taken by surprise and unprepared by others, and they retreated back, but the 50000 troops in the second wave can't attack Hukou stream.

Xiao Xuan ordered the whole army to set off and go straight to Hukou stream. No matter how strong the enemy occupying Hukou stream is, his own side must go through it today.

When the main force of the Sichuan army arrived at Hukou stream, Xiao Xuan personally came to the front of the army and looked forward.

I haven't seen Hukou stream. It's just an ordinary mountain stream for Xiao Xuan. Now I see it with my own eyes. Xiao Xuan can't help but take a breath and say in secret: what a steep place!

The high mountains on both sides of the mountain stream must be more than ten feet high, and the mountain is steep. Even on the side with the most gentle slope, it looks almost straight up and down. Such a dangerous terrain can be said to be blocked by one man.

At this time, he finally understood why the two generals Zhang Song and Hu Ning could not defeat hukoujian.

General Yang Zhao came to Xiao Xuan and whispered, "Your Majesty, this place is very steep. If we can't wipe out the enemies on the top of the mountains on both sides, it's really difficult for our army to pass. However, if we want to attack hard, I'm afraid it's not easy!"

"No matter how hard it is, you have to fight!" Xiao Xuan said in a deep voice, "if our army wants to break Shenchi City, it must pass through Hukou stream and there is no other way; if our army wants to reach Shenchi city before the wind army, it must make a quick decision and there is no other way!"

Yang Zhao looked positive, nodded and said, "the last general knows. King, the last general is willing to lead our soldiers to the front!"

Xiao Xuan turned to look at Yang Zhao, pondered for a moment, and whispered, "Yang Zhao, you must not be careless. Although there are not many people in the Shenchi pool, they are all smart and powerful. When attacking, if you see that the situation is wrong, withdraw immediately, and never be greedy for war or love war!"

"At the end of the day, I will understand. Don't worry, king!" Yang Zhao stepped in and took orders.

Yang Zhao is one of Xiao Xuan's confidants and well-known generals of the state of Sichuan.

He personally led the 80000 strong Sichuan army to launch a fierce attack on the peak on the left side of Hukou stream. Although Yang Zhao is a civilian, he is also a veteran who has been on the battlefield for a long time. He has rich experience and is good at arranging troops.

He first selected the soldiers who were born with vigorous and flexible hands in the army, and asked them to take the rope to lead the array. They don't have to rush to the top of the mountain in an all-out manner, but just advance in sections. At every place, they should fix the rope for their own soldiers to climb.

According to Yang Zhao's arrangement, the Sichuan army launched an attack on the left peak of Hukou stream. More than a thousand Sichuan sergeants and soldiers went to the battle light and unarmed. They took the lead in climbing the mountain with large bundles of hemp rope on their backs.

They only climbed about five meters, then stopped one after another, then took off the hemp rope, fixed one end on the rock, threw the other end down the mountain, and then continued to climb up the mountain.

Seeing that a rope was thrown down, the soldiers of the Sichuan army swarmed up, holding the rope in hand and launching an impact on the mountain.

At first, they went well, but when those vigorous Sichuan soldiers were about to approach the hillside, there was a sudden sound of shouting and drinking on the top of the mountain, and then hundreds of spirit arrows flew down.

Just for a moment, dozens of Sichuan soldiers were shot by spirit arrows, screaming and rolling down the hillside.

Some Sichuan soldiers who responded quickly took refuge and hid behind the rocks. They thought that with rocks as a barrier, they could prevent the spirit arrow shot from their head, but they were wrong.

Some of the following spirit arrows didn't walk in a straight line at all. They flew down in an arc in the air, bypassed the rocks and directly nailed them to the Sichuan soldiers behind the rocks. Some spirit arrows walked in a straight line, but their strength was too large. When they were nailed to the rocks, they made a brittle sound of clicking. The slightly smaller rocks were directly penetrated by the spirit arrows, and together with them, they also shot and killed the Sichuan soldiers hiding behind them.

Only a few rounds of spiritual arrows were shot, and there were not many people left of the more than 1000 Sichuan soldiers who took the lead. Seeing that the other party's arrow array was too scary and overbearing, people lost the courage to continue climbing, threw away their ropes and ran back with their heads.

Many people were knocked to the ground by the spirit arrow they were tracking after running a few steps.

These Sichuan soldiers were shot one by one, which did not stop the advance of the Sichuan army behind. Looking around, the dense Sichuan army is climbing up along the rope.

Soon, the arrows on the mountain stopped. Before the attacking Sichuan soldiers could catch their breath, they heard bursts of roar from the top of the mountain. At the same time, even the mountain was shaking slightly.

People subconsciously looked up, and then their faces didn't change much.

I saw countless boulders tumbling down from the top of the mountain. Some boulders were even more than one person high, tumbling down with the potential of ten thousand. Where they passed, they were pressed so hard that the rubble burst out and the earth debris flew sideways, with an extremely frightening momentum.

Sichuan soldiers were on the hillside and didn't even have room to escape. When the boulder rolled forward, many people watched the boulder run over them. Facing the boulder weighing up to 100 kg and 1000 kg, even the spiritual practitioners covered with spiritual armor couldn't resist it.

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